Chapter 4
It seemed like the time would never arrive. I watched the clock limp around the dial for the last hour between 5 and 6, but finally the time came…the time to go home. I still felt the pressure, not unpleasantly, of the plug installed by my wife yesterday, and still had the memories of the sensations that I felt each time she activated it…again, not unpleasant. Finally, I had the last words from her…
“That was only level three… two more…when you get home…next steps…”
I finished my event log for the night’s events in record time, and I was headed to my car when a thought entered my mind: Given me, and what I do…why is it that this part of me that was long forgotten until days ago has seemingly taken control of any free space in my mind? I didn’t care what the answer was, because right now I had the best of everything; a loving wife, a great job, and my alter ego was finally being freed from captivity—who was I to begrudge “her” some fun after such a long dry spell? I unlocked my car, with a slight smile and absolutely no sense of fatigue...I was ready to face the new day.
I got home, too slowly in my opinion, and found a note on the door.
“Everything my Andrea needs for today is in the bathroom. Leave your new friend in, as he is waterproof. Take a hot shower and remove the twelve hours of alpha-male that have been building up in my newest plaything, and then come to our bedroom, Andrea. –Me.
I headed into the bathroom, and noticed that my usual accoutrements had been removed, and replaced with products that were more feminine in nature….mostly in scent. Old Spice body wash replaced with a Gardenia scented one, the addition of hair removal products, my usual after shave replaced with several intoxicating smelling perfumes.
I was in the process of undressing when “my little friend” went off again, and from upstairs I heard, “Don’t dawdle, Andrea.” The feeling about dropped me to my knees in ecstasy, while wondering if that was still level 3 or was that 4? It would have been tempting to smell everything available to me; I thought on the subtle command I had gotten, and that my friend would keep me on my toes if I did dawdle. I also wondered what might be in the box on the bathroom sink, so I got in the shower and sped along to find out.
A cold shower should have been near the top of my thought processes, but I opted for a hot, steaming one as I definitely needed to separate myself from the man I had been since yesterday. He had no place in today’s affairs…this was Andrea’s time. I stepped out of the shower, drying myself carefully and assuring that I was still sufficiently smooth from my last hair removal session. Seeing that I was still very smooth, I applied some of a perfume that would accent the gardenia smell of my shower gel, and began to set my sights on the box…
I felt cheated. I was set to let Andrea run rampant for the next twenty four hours at least! After the initial upset passed I noticed a small card at the bottom of the box. It read: Tell me what you found, Andrea. I shouted up to the ceiling, “Nothing, Ma’am!” A split second later the plug started vibrating and pulsing inside of me with an intensity I hadn’t experienced yet…this had to be level 4 or 5.
The feeling inside of me made me instantly hard, and in what seemed like no time at all, I was about to cum! How was this possible? It didn’t matter, I was wracked by one of the most intense orgasms I remember having. No sooner that it was over I heard a voice from just outside the door:
You have just had your first orgasm as a “girl,” Andrea. That was a baby step towards your goal. Now clean yourself up, and begin your literal journey. Your first article of clothing sits right outside the door—don’t worry the blinds are closed so no one can see—there is an article with a card attached to it, you will do what the card says and then follow the clothes to me at which point you will be completely dressed and ready to be Andrea for me…and to answer your question…level four, but there may be a few teases along your journey to me. Hurry along.
I cleaned myself off and opened the door. On the floor just outside the door was a pair of black lace panties, they weren’t quite a thong, but nor were they boyleg..but I slid them on, and picked up the card that sat next to them.
Do you promise to obey me, and trust me no matter what? Answer aloud.
“Yes, ma’am…I will and I trust you completely.”
I was rewarded with a slight buzz from my “friend” and assumed that meant to proceed. To my right I saw a beautiful matching black lace camisole, and I moved toward it. I slid it on…it felt wonderful against my skin, so much nicer than the clothes I had changed out of less than 30 minutes ago.
It seemed like the time would never arrive. I watched the clock limp around the dial for the last hour between 5 and 6, but finally the time came…the time to go home. I still felt the pressure, not unpleasantly, of the plug installed by my wife yesterday, and still had the memories of the sensations that I felt each time she activated it…again, not unpleasant. Finally, I had the last words from her…
“That was only level three… two more…when you get home…next steps…”
I finished my event log for the night’s events in record time, and I was headed to my car when a thought entered my mind: Given me, and what I do…why is it that this part of me that was long forgotten until days ago has seemingly taken control of any free space in my mind? I didn’t care what the answer was, because right now I had the best of everything; a loving wife, a great job, and my alter ego was finally being freed from captivity—who was I to begrudge “her” some fun after such a long dry spell? I unlocked my car, with a slight smile and absolutely no sense of fatigue...I was ready to face the new day.
I got home, too slowly in my opinion, and found a note on the door.
“Everything my Andrea needs for today is in the bathroom. Leave your new friend in, as he is waterproof. Take a hot shower and remove the twelve hours of alpha-male that have been building up in my newest plaything, and then come to our bedroom, Andrea. –Me.
I headed into the bathroom, and noticed that my usual accoutrements had been removed, and replaced with products that were more feminine in nature….mostly in scent. Old Spice body wash replaced with a Gardenia scented one, the addition of hair removal products, my usual after shave replaced with several intoxicating smelling perfumes.
I was in the process of undressing when “my little friend” went off again, and from upstairs I heard, “Don’t dawdle, Andrea.” The feeling about dropped me to my knees in ecstasy, while wondering if that was still level 3 or was that 4? It would have been tempting to smell everything available to me; I thought on the subtle command I had gotten, and that my friend would keep me on my toes if I did dawdle. I also wondered what might be in the box on the bathroom sink, so I got in the shower and sped along to find out.
A cold shower should have been near the top of my thought processes, but I opted for a hot, steaming one as I definitely needed to separate myself from the man I had been since yesterday. He had no place in today’s affairs…this was Andrea’s time. I stepped out of the shower, drying myself carefully and assuring that I was still sufficiently smooth from my last hair removal session. Seeing that I was still very smooth, I applied some of a perfume that would accent the gardenia smell of my shower gel, and began to set my sights on the box…
I felt cheated. I was set to let Andrea run rampant for the next twenty four hours at least! After the initial upset passed I noticed a small card at the bottom of the box. It read: Tell me what you found, Andrea. I shouted up to the ceiling, “Nothing, Ma’am!” A split second later the plug started vibrating and pulsing inside of me with an intensity I hadn’t experienced yet…this had to be level 4 or 5.
The feeling inside of me made me instantly hard, and in what seemed like no time at all, I was about to cum! How was this possible? It didn’t matter, I was wracked by one of the most intense orgasms I remember having. No sooner that it was over I heard a voice from just outside the door:
You have just had your first orgasm as a “girl,” Andrea. That was a baby step towards your goal. Now clean yourself up, and begin your literal journey. Your first article of clothing sits right outside the door—don’t worry the blinds are closed so no one can see—there is an article with a card attached to it, you will do what the card says and then follow the clothes to me at which point you will be completely dressed and ready to be Andrea for me…and to answer your question…level four, but there may be a few teases along your journey to me. Hurry along.
I cleaned myself off and opened the door. On the floor just outside the door was a pair of black lace panties, they weren’t quite a thong, but nor were they boyleg..but I slid them on, and picked up the card that sat next to them.
Do you promise to obey me, and trust me no matter what? Answer aloud.
“Yes, ma’am…I will and I trust you completely.”
I was rewarded with a slight buzz from my “friend” and assumed that meant to proceed. To my right I saw a beautiful matching black lace camisole, and I moved toward it. I slid it on…it felt wonderful against my skin, so much nicer than the clothes I had changed out of less than 30 minutes ago.

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I was cut to about the center of my sternum…had I had breasts it would have been very revealing…and still was. It came to about half-way down by butt, so that the panties peeked out from underneath…this was definitely a teasing outfit. I found the second card.
Do you like your attire so far, Andrea? Answer aloud.
“Oh, yes ma’am!”
Another buzz, a little bit longer, and I set off for something that appeared to be hanging over the couch. It was a pair of black lace stockings and underneath them a pair of black heels that had to be at least 4” high. I greedily put the stockings on, thankful that they did not need a garter as my growing antsy-ness was not going to grant the me the dexterity to work with them.
I made sure the seams were aligned and I felt the other me slipping further away, like that person was just a dream and I was just now waking. I slid my feet into the heels, and wobbled unsteadily. They made me appear at least 2-3” taller (and I am already over 6 feet), but they made me tighten my legs to keep my balance, and made my legs look amazing. I found the card:
Trivia question: What is the commonly known Asian symbol for balance or harmony? Answer aloud.
“Yin-Yang,” I said aloud, but this time there was no buzz. I was immediately apprehensive. I heard the sound of heels leaving the area where I knew our bedroom was, and at first blush this made me even more nervous.
There is a box on the end table near you open it and put on what it contains.
I went over to the box and found a jet black wig cut in a pageboy style, and a mirror. I used the mirror to make sure it was on properly, and then looked back in the box. At the bottom was a blindfold. I put it on as well. I heard heels clicking down the stairs and approaching me, then I heard my wife’s voice:
Stand perfectly still Andrea…if you truly believe what you answered when you left the bathroom, then there is nothing to fear, is there?
“No, ma’am.” I smelled her perfume as she passed within inches of me, and I stirred in my panties. I swear I heard her smile. There were a few clicks and then she began applying make up to my eyes, and eyelashes, and then my lips. What seemed like an eternity in my mind, was only a few minutes.
I have a small mirror…I want you to look at yourself before you look at me, Andrea. Understand?
I nodded and was given permission to remove my blindfold. In the mirror was something that used to be me, but had now had black eyeliner, eye-shadow, and well as a very dark lip-stain. Andrew was nowhere in this reflection. Then I turned to look at my wife.
She was dressed in a tight white lace corset and matching thong, with a white garter belt and stockings. White heels were on her feet and her makeup was juxtaposed to mine. She looked amazing and I was immediately hard again.
Now we are yin-and-yang…opposites yet the same in one. Now, Andrea come to me.
I walked towards my wife, and when I reached her, she placed me on my knees. She pulled her panties aside and by implication I knew what I needed to do. She tasted like heaven, and I hungrily allowed my tongue to explore her pussy, taking her clit in my mouth and gently applying suction to it while twirling my tongue around it. She pushed my head away and pointed toward the couch. I lay down and she placed her pussy on my face while her hand began uncovering me from my lace prison. She took me into her mouth while I continued to eat her.
Then it happened…I was nearly seized when the plug inside me was activated. The intensity of its pulsation and vibration had me nearly locked up in pleasure…I think I moaned softly, but I can’t remember. While this was going on my wife too began to tense up in preparation for her orgasm. As I clenched myself around the plug it had the effect of pushing my tongue that much harder against her clit, and pushing my cock that much further into her mouth. We came simultaneously, covering both of each other with our juices, and then collapsing. I heard her say…yin and yang…synchronicity..harmony.
She stood up and walked to the hall closet, removing something.
I will be right back.
She walked into the bathroom and was only in there a few minutes before emerging. She was wearing something else, and I caught just the faintest glimpse of it as she headed back upstairs. It was a strap-on.
It is only fitting that I take Andrea’s virginity in my bed, isn’t it? She has already said that she trusts me, and the demonstration of mental harmony was a smashing success if I do say so. So come to bed with me my love, and let’s take the final steps to making Andrea mine.
To be continued…
Do you like your attire so far, Andrea? Answer aloud.
“Oh, yes ma’am!”
Another buzz, a little bit longer, and I set off for something that appeared to be hanging over the couch. It was a pair of black lace stockings and underneath them a pair of black heels that had to be at least 4” high. I greedily put the stockings on, thankful that they did not need a garter as my growing antsy-ness was not going to grant the me the dexterity to work with them.
I made sure the seams were aligned and I felt the other me slipping further away, like that person was just a dream and I was just now waking. I slid my feet into the heels, and wobbled unsteadily. They made me appear at least 2-3” taller (and I am already over 6 feet), but they made me tighten my legs to keep my balance, and made my legs look amazing. I found the card:
Trivia question: What is the commonly known Asian symbol for balance or harmony? Answer aloud.
“Yin-Yang,” I said aloud, but this time there was no buzz. I was immediately apprehensive. I heard the sound of heels leaving the area where I knew our bedroom was, and at first blush this made me even more nervous.
There is a box on the end table near you open it and put on what it contains.
I went over to the box and found a jet black wig cut in a pageboy style, and a mirror. I used the mirror to make sure it was on properly, and then looked back in the box. At the bottom was a blindfold. I put it on as well. I heard heels clicking down the stairs and approaching me, then I heard my wife’s voice:
Stand perfectly still Andrea…if you truly believe what you answered when you left the bathroom, then there is nothing to fear, is there?
“No, ma’am.” I smelled her perfume as she passed within inches of me, and I stirred in my panties. I swear I heard her smile. There were a few clicks and then she began applying make up to my eyes, and eyelashes, and then my lips. What seemed like an eternity in my mind, was only a few minutes.
I have a small mirror…I want you to look at yourself before you look at me, Andrea. Understand?
I nodded and was given permission to remove my blindfold. In the mirror was something that used to be me, but had now had black eyeliner, eye-shadow, and well as a very dark lip-stain. Andrew was nowhere in this reflection. Then I turned to look at my wife.
She was dressed in a tight white lace corset and matching thong, with a white garter belt and stockings. White heels were on her feet and her makeup was juxtaposed to mine. She looked amazing and I was immediately hard again.
Now we are yin-and-yang…opposites yet the same in one. Now, Andrea come to me.
I walked towards my wife, and when I reached her, she placed me on my knees. She pulled her panties aside and by implication I knew what I needed to do. She tasted like heaven, and I hungrily allowed my tongue to explore her pussy, taking her clit in my mouth and gently applying suction to it while twirling my tongue around it. She pushed my head away and pointed toward the couch. I lay down and she placed her pussy on my face while her hand began uncovering me from my lace prison. She took me into her mouth while I continued to eat her.
Then it happened…I was nearly seized when the plug inside me was activated. The intensity of its pulsation and vibration had me nearly locked up in pleasure…I think I moaned softly, but I can’t remember. While this was going on my wife too began to tense up in preparation for her orgasm. As I clenched myself around the plug it had the effect of pushing my tongue that much harder against her clit, and pushing my cock that much further into her mouth. We came simultaneously, covering both of each other with our juices, and then collapsing. I heard her say…yin and yang…synchronicity..harmony.
She stood up and walked to the hall closet, removing something.
I will be right back.
She walked into the bathroom and was only in there a few minutes before emerging. She was wearing something else, and I caught just the faintest glimpse of it as she headed back upstairs. It was a strap-on.
It is only fitting that I take Andrea’s virginity in my bed, isn’t it? She has already said that she trusts me, and the demonstration of mental harmony was a smashing success if I do say so. So come to bed with me my love, and let’s take the final steps to making Andrea mine.
To be continued…