"Turn Up The Heat - My College Days - Senior Year."
Summer break was over, and once again, I was returning to the campus grind at USC for my senior year. It was the Fall of 1995, and I was now twenty-two years old. With the end of my college experience approaching, I wanted more than ever to further expand my sexual horizons. I felt a sense of urgency, knowing I would be graduating soon. During my time at college, I had really spread my erotic man-pleasuring wings, so to speak. From my first time as the party entertainment for the Fraternity brothers in my Freshman year to now, a lot had transpired.
With what I had experienced and learned about myself, sex, and men over the past eight years, and especially since my college experience began, I was no longer insecure about my sexual prowess. I had matured considerably and felt extremely confident in my man-pleasuring abilities. My addictive passion for sexually pleasuring men in the most outrageous ways was stronger than ever before.
Besides the fact that I was born with unique physical attributes purposely made for pleasuring men and a benevolent sexual mindset, I was also a product of my environment. The nineties were a time when sexual freedom was flourishing. If you were a young adult in the nineties and did not recognize this, you must have been living under a rock or led a very sheltered life.
This was the age when sexual promiscuity was at a peak. In Atlanta, GA., only a couple hours' drive from Greenville, SC, where I live, the notorious high-profile adult entertainment establishment named the "Gold Club" was in its heyday during the nineties. My boyfriend and I went there with a small group of friends during the summer break that had just ended. While there, I had the opportunity to speak with one of the premier showgirls. We had a brief but interesting conversation.
Based on what I told her about myself, she said I should come to work there. I shook my head and told her I could never do what she did. She was due up on the stage, so our conversation ended there. Years later, I realized that you should never say never. That, however, is a topic for another one of my tell-all memoir stories.
At the end of our conversation, she made an inadvertent comment that struck a chord with me. It was a short yet powerful statement that made an indelible impression on me, and I have never forgotten it.
She said, "Girl… If you got it, flaunt it."
The Gold Club attracted a full spectrum of famous celebrities and athletes who regularly spent a lot of money in the Champagne Rooms. And when I say a lot of money, I mean to the tune of thousands of dollars a night. The girls who worked there were making a fortune.
The internet was still in its infancy and had not yet evolved into the go-to place for porn, so the porn video industry was booming. There were porn stars like Jenna Jameson that were at the top of their pornographic careers. One of my college roommates was Jenna's cousin. It was the decade when the "Girls Gone Wild" adult entertainment franchise became a huge success overnight. Every girl on spring break wanted to show off her titties on a Girls Gone Wild video. New York City had a strip club on every corner.
It was like the Roaring Twenties all over again, except instead of booze and Speakeasies being the focus of the day, it was hot, tantalizing women and sex taking center stage. For me, as a young adult female predisposed to having an aggressive sexual mindset, there could not have been a more perfect time like the nineties to come of age.
The sexual vibe that started in the 1970s with my parent's generation had reached a pinnacle in the decade of the nineties, and it felt like it would never end. Heck, even the president of the United States was caught up in his own scandalous sexual improprieties. In the seventies, they called it the "Sexual Revolution." Now, here in the nineties, this insatiable sexual attitude that had persisted in our society for nearly three decades created the perfect environment for a sexual siren such as myself to not only exist but thrive. As I indicated, the evidence of this sexually entangled attitude was commonplace in our modern-day society. With the advent of more ways than ever to quench their need for sexual gratification, young men were finding it easier than ever to fulfill their lustful desires.
And due to this three-decade generational shift in society's acceptance of sex, my generation treated this as the norm. It was natural for young men to feel they were sexually entitled. And girls my age either accepted this chauvinistic attitude or not. Some, such as the showgirl I met at the "Gold Club," took full advantage of this male-dominant attitude. On the other hand, there were those women who chose to fight this blatant objectification of women. With the way my brain was wired regarding sex and men, there was no question about which side of the fence I was on. If anything, my time as a BOD (Body On Demand) for the Fraternity and all the sexual antics I participated in over the past several years proved where I stood regarding this controversy.
I am who I am, and proud of my sexually giving nature and the crazy lifestyle I live. I knew with every fiber in my body from those early days on that I was meant for this. It was my destiny. It just felt right! My purpose in life was and still is providing men with a sexually euphoric high they have never even dreamed of, much less ever experienced!
As my senior year of college got underway, I was anxious to see where this last year on campus would lead me. School was going exceptionally well. I held a 3.9 GPA, and several professors over the past few years praised me for my academic prowess. One professor even went as far as to insist I take an IQ test and evaluation. He had spoken to a few of my other professors, and they all concluded that there was more going on intellectually with me than was readily known. So, he took it upon himself to arrange for me to be tested on campus. When he got the results, he called me into his office. With a huge smile, he informed me that I had scored an IQ of 146. He told me I should seek membership in Mensa. He seemed proud for recognizing and bringing to light my intellectual status. I had always been a bookworm and done well in school, so discovering I had an exceptionally high IQ was not a big deal to me. As far as I was concerned, it was just a number on a piece of paper.
And since I am already discussing my mental acuity, I might as well divulge the other notable psychological quality I possess. I have what is technically referred to as an eidetic memory or, in layman's terms, a photographic memory. It is the primary reason I have such a strong inclination for detail, as you may have noticed. This heightened sense of recall, accompanied by my propensity for detail, has been both a blessing and a curse throughout my life. Some people find my inherent cognitive attributes annoying; however, I must say, in most cases, these personal qualities have served me well.
I was no longer living in a dorm on campus. I was sharing a rented apartment with two other girls. The school year started like any other, and I devoted a lot of time to my studies. It was important to me to maintain my GPA. However, I also devoted a lot of time to my erotic passions, which were just as important to me. I picked right back up where I left off from the previous school year with the sexual antics I had become so well known for.
I was also keenly aware that, at the end of November, just before the Thanksgiving holiday break, I would once again be performing my BOD duties for the Fraternity at the first of their two big annual parties of the school year. I was really looking forward to performing for the frat brothers again. Over the previous three years I had become an iconic feature of the Fraternity's annual parties. Needless to say, I had gained quite a reputation on campus and the bar scene in town. Being known as the girl who held the record as the longest-running BOD for the most prestigious Fraternity on campus put me in the spotlight.
Whenever I was out with my college girlfriends partying at the bars in town, I was constantly approached by guys looking for a quick sexual fix. This was a common occurrence for me, considering one of the impromptu sexual treats that I was known for providing guys in the parking lots of bars was my special deep-throat blow job. My DTBJ skills were well-known among the male population on campus. With the influx of new male students every year, there was never a lack of newbies who were informed about my man-pleasuring bravado.
On any given night when I was in town partying, I would deep-throat fifteen to twenty guys in the parking lots. The one drawback to this was having all the loads I swallowed, causing me to have cum breath. However, the guys didn't mind my breath smelling this way. It actually seemed to turn them on…lol. Guys I had never met before would approach me in the bars and ask if I was the girl they had heard about. A lot of times, it was guys I had deep-throated before introducing me to new friends of theirs and requesting a DTBJ not only for themselves but for their friends as well.
With all that said, you may think I had a lot on my plate academically and with my time spent fulfilling my erotic man-pleasing addiction. But, truth be known, I wanted more. When I say that sexually pleasuring men in the most unique and extraordinary ways is a hardline addiction of mine, I am not just throwing words out to see where they splatter. I truly was and still am addicted to providing men with the ultimate sexual experience! There is not a waking moment of my day where my imagination isn't contemplating what I can do next to fulfill this overwhelming desire to take men to a higher sexual plateau than they have ever achieved before. I know that sounds crazy, but that's how my brain is wired.
My imagination is constantly engaged, seeking new and masterful ways to fulfill my addiction. This does not mean I put aside what is already working. It simply means I am always looking for new, exciting ways to enhance my man-pleasuring skills or develop new ones. I am also always on the lookout for new erotic adventures to participate in, where I have the opportunity to sexually interact with small or large groups of men so they can experience my one-of-a-kind innovative pleasuring techniques.
As I previously mentioned, my first couple of months back on campus were going well. Still, as November approached, I began to feel like I was falling into a rut. I did very much enjoy all the fun times I was having with the guys at the bars in town, and yes, I was very much looking forward to once again performing as a BOD for the frat brothers and their friends at the end of the month. However, those were repeated actions that I had been doing for several years on a regular basis.
I longed for something new and exciting. I had not participated in a new wild sexual escapade in more than a year. I hungered for the excitement of a fresh new sexual experience. Something that I had never done before to break the monotony. I kept racking my brain, trying to come up with ideas, but I was drawing a blank. It was frustrating. I had never had such a dry spell like this before where my imagination couldn't dream up some erotic new way of showing men how much it meant to me to show them the pleasures they sought. And do it in some wild and crazy way. I have always been upbeat, but this funk I was in really had me at my wit's end, and it was depressing to feel this way.
Then, out of nowhere, on November 8th, I got a phone call and a request that was just the boost I needed. That request resulted in me taking part in a very memorable sexual adventure. The call I received was from a girl I barely knew. When she called me out of the blue, I didn't recognize who she was initially, but after she told me her name and reminded me about a mutual friend introducing us at a party in my Freshman year, I remembered who she was. Her name was Molly. She was two years older than me. She asked me if I was living near campus. To which I replied, I was. She told me she heard through the grapevine that I was still up to my old ways of providing sexual favors for the guys around campus.
I chuckled and responded by saying I wasn't aware my reputation had become so widespread. I asked what she had been doing since graduating the previous year. She was a local girl living there in Columbia, SC. She told me she had gotten a job working at a Biotech company as a lab technician the previous September. She had obtained a degree in Biotechnology, so her chosen field was working in the Biotech Industry. She said her job was just what she wanted, except the pay wasn't that great with just getting started in her career. She told me she was doing a bit of moonlighting to help pay her monthly bills and pay down her student loans.
I asked what she was doing on the side.
She said, "I am glad you asked because that's what I am calling about."
Molly proceeded to tell me she was working for a Madam who ran a call girl service. Not having any knowledge whatsoever about the sex-for-money service industry, I did not catch on right away, but as she continued to explain, it became clear to me just exactly what she was talking about. Molly told me her parents and family didn't know anything about her moonlighting, and this was the only way she could make ends meet, so she didn't have to sponge off her parents.
Molly explained that what she did for her Madam was strictly by appointment only, and the men were all existing clients, so they were well-known, not strangers.
She said, "One of my Madam's longest-running clients is a local VFW Post, which has a closed-door party every year for just the local vets on Veteran's Day. The guys at these parties are Vietnam War and Gulf War vets, plus maybe a few older gentlemen. The VFW post commander depends on my Madam to provide the entertainment for these closed-door parties."
Molly went on to say, "My first gig working for this Madam was this same party last year while I was still in school, and this year's Veteran's Day party is this Saturday night. My Madam had everything set up, but then a big problem arose that I'm hoping you can help resolve."
It was already Wednesday and I sensed the urgency in her voice. I said, "How can I help?"
Molly informed me that one of the regular girls had been in a car accident just that morning. She had gotten pretty banged up and would not be available for the VFW party. So, her Madam was desperate to find an attractive girl to fill in. She needed a girl who knew the ropes when it came to taking care of men's sexual needs and wasn't shy about it.
Molly told me that when her Madam brought this up with her and the other girls, no one knew anyone who could fill the open spot, especially on such short notice. However, my name came up in a recent conversation she had with someone else who knew me. She said that brought back memories of what she knew about me and the notion that I might be a good fit for this situation.
She told me her Madam was in such desperate need of finding a girl who knew what she was doing that she had informed Molly and the other girls who worked for her that whoever found a girl would receive a bonus. Plus, the girl filling in would get an extra two hundred on top of the regular rate, making the total payout one thousand dollars for six hours of work. Molly said, I know this is a lot to spring on you, Kim, and it's such short notice, but would you be interested in doing just this one gig? If you are, my Madam wants to meet you right away.
I have to say, listening to the desperation in Molly's voice and hearing the need she was asking me to fulfill sounded like it would be a fantastic time. Just the kind of thing I had been hoping for. She was making a pretty convincing case. The only thing that didn't sit well with me was doing something like this for money. I never envisioned myself as a prostitute. What I did for guys had always been because of my passion for providing pleasure, and the idea of receiving payment for what I freely provided for men had never entered my mind.
Molly was waiting for a response. I paused so long that she asked, "Are you still there, Kim?"
I replied, "Yes, yes, I'm still here, just trying to wrap my head around this whole idea."
Molly said, "I've seen you in action, Kim. For you, this would be a cakewalk. You are the perfect girl for this gig, plus just think about how happy you'll be making a bunch of vets that deserve this kind of party once a year."
When she said that, I just couldn't resist. Thinking about providing that kind of pleasure to a group of vets tugged at my heartstrings. I knew it was a worthy cause that I couldn't refuse. Of course, some of them would be the oldest guys I had ever done anything sexual with, but what the heck, that didn't matter.
So, I asked Molly, "When do you want me to meet your Madam?"
She was thrilled to hear me agree to fill in for the injured girl.
She said, "Are you available tonight? I can swing by and pick you up and take you to meet her."
I gave Molly my address and told her I could be ready in an hour.
She said, "Be sure to wear one of your hot outfits, Kim. Madam Vicky will want to see what her client will be getting."
I got myself ready, and while I was waiting for Molly, I called my boyfriend and told him what was going on and that I wouldn't be home that coming weekend.
He said, "You really are a one in a million, Bit. The vets are going to love you!"
We talked for a few minutes, and then I heard Molly knocking. I told him, "I miss and love you."
He replied, "I miss and love you too, and I hope you have a great time Saturday night."
On our way, Molly filled me in on more details and told me about her Madam.
She said, "Madam Vicky is an older lady who is somewhat strict but still very nice. She's a bit eccentric, too, so try not to judge her based on your first impression. She's really a good person and takes excellent care of us girls."
We arrived at a lovely home about fifteen minutes outside of town. The house had an old-style Southern vibe about it. As we walked to the door, Molly said, "Just address her as Madam Vicky." I nodded that I understood.
An older gentleman answered the door, and as we made our way in, Molly said, "Hey Lewis, this is Kim."
We exchanged pleasantries, and he told Molly to take me into the studio. I didn't know what they meant by the studio, but Molly led me into what appeared to be a Victorian-style room with a lot of artwork hanging on the walls. We waited about five minutes, and then a very distinguished-looking older woman entered the room. Molly immediately introduced me to Madam Vicky.
I said, It's nice to meet you, Madam Vicky. I understand you are looking for a girl…
She cut me off and, without batting an eye, said, "Please slowly turn all the way around, dear."
I was somewhat taken aback by the quick interruption, but I did as I was told. I just figured I was getting a taste of the overbearing demeanor Molly had warned me about. As I completed one full rotation, I saw a tight-lipped smile appear on her face.
"You are a little one, aren't you, dear?"
I thought to myself, why is it whenever I meet someone, the first thing they seem to notice is my stature? I nodded in agreement with her comment.
Then she said, "Young lady, do you know how to give a proper blow job?"
Before I could respond, Molly chimed in and said, "Madam Vicky, Kim has the reputation of providing the best blow jobs on campus."
"Oh really, is that a fact," Madam Vicky replied.
Then, in a commanding voice, she hollered out, "Lewis, get in here." As Lewis entered the room, Madam Vicky said, "Get down on your knees, dear." Then she said, "Lewis, get over here in front of this young lady and get that dick of yours out, she's going to give you a blow job, and I want you to critique her talent."
Raising his eyebrows, Lewis said in an almost giddy voice, "Yes, Madam." He proceeded to stand directly in front of me, unzip, and drop his trousers to his ankles.
Lewis was very well endowed. My first thought was this would be the oldest cock I had ever had, as Lewis looked to be no less than in his mid-sixties. My next thought was, I bet he's had hundreds of blow jobs in his life. I knew my deep-throat blow job technique always made the young guys happy, but would I be able to impress a man of Lewis's age and experience. That was the question. His cock was completely flaccid, but my plan was to ensure it didn't stay that way for long! I took Lewis's cock head in my mouth and gently placed the edge of my front teeth just behind the very large flared rim on the backside of his perfectly shaped cock head. Then I began to tease the underneath side of his cock head with just the tip of my tongue. I could feel it starting to swell. Next, I closed my mouth around his head and started sucking really hard to draw the blood forward. I heard him groan under his breath and felt a surge of pre-cum ooze from the tip of his cock. I'm sure I wasn't the first girl that Madam Vicky had ordered to suck Lewis off. I assumed he was probably used to doing this kind of thing all the time.
I then proceeded to slowly take Lewis's cock further back into my mouth. I clamped down tight on it once again to suck the blood forward. I felt his cock swelling. It was getting stiffer by the second. I did several long quick mouth strokes up and back to get his cock well-lubed. After that, it was time to take this old cock all the way down. I pushed forward and swallowed his cock head, and continued to push forward until I had my lips pinned tight against Lewis's body and balls at the base of his shaft. I could tell he was getting pretty turned on. Staying pressed in tight to his body, I stuck my tongue out as far as it would go and gave his balls a real good tonguing! I felt his cock twitch and grow deeper into my throat. The sensation of a man's cock growing in girth and elongating as deep as possible into my throat was always such a turn-on for me! He was fully erect now.
He whispered, "Good girl."
I reached around Lewis's body and locked my forearms tightly against his firm man cheeks. With there being no verbal communication, I wanted to prevent Lewis from doing what comes natural for a man to do, which is to thrust in and out of a girl's mouth and throat. I knew what I was doing might feel odd to him, but that was my intention. I wanted to invoke a sense of pleasure that he had never experienced before. This was more or less easy to do with younger guys, but I was concerned that my deep-throat blowjob talents would not be as impressive to a man of Lewis's age and experience. To accomplish having him give Madam Vicky a good review of my pleasuring skills, I needed to keep his cock tightly suspended down deep in my throat with no thrusting motion.
After tongue teasing his balls for a couple of minutes, I started phase one of my two-part deep-throat pleasuring technique that I had perfected several years back. Phase one of my technique starts with me slowly and repeatedly swallowing extremely hard while a guy's cock is suspended deep in my throat. Many times, I have been told that my continuous hard gripping throat contractions produce a sensation that feels like a thousand tiny fingers, all massaging a guy's cock at the same time. To my delight, Lewis's reaction was the same as that of the less experienced, younger guys. Treating this older, mature gentleman to my special deep-throat blow job and witnessing his aroused reactions was highly gratifying.
It may not have been obvious to Madam Vicky what was going on, but I could tell Lewis was acutely aware of the pleasurable sensation his cock was experiencing. He was highly aroused! As the minutes clicked by, I kept slowly increasing the intensity and speed of my tight swallowing technique. When I felt Lewis's cock begin to uncontrollably flex and bang against the inside of my throat, it was time to add the second pleasuring technique into the mix. This would be the icing on my special deep-throat blow job.

Usually, the addition of my second technique in conjunction with the first takes men over the top in fairly short order. It creates a euphoric sensation so intense that they can't take anymore. And, even though Lewis was a much older, experienced man, to my delight, he was no exception. My second technique is a simple one but oh-so-rewarding. I started humming very lightly on top of my intense rapid swallowing technique. Lewis groaned as he felt the vibrations of the humming encapsulate his entire member. A couple of moments later, I felt his cock begin to pulsate. It was time.
I increased the intensity of my swallowing and humming techniques to the maximum I could do. Lewis began to squirm, and his breathing got labored. With one hand, I grabbed his balls and gently gave them a tight squeeze. A moment later, Lewis hit his breaking point, and he unloaded a huge creamy cum load straight down to my stomach! He was groaning like crazy, and no matter how he moved, I stayed right with him, never allowing his cock to move out of my throat. I continued both unique phases of my special deep-throat blow job well past the time when his orgasm had subsided. When the orgasmic spasms ended, and there was no more cum oozing from the tip of his cock head, I slowly backed his member out of my throat and mouth. Of course, I did my customary tight-lipped cock cleaning ritual, so Lewis would not have any mess to contend with when it came to putting his pants back on.
As Lewis's cock head fell away from my mouth, I licked my lips. Madam Vicky said, "Stand up, dear." Lewis redid his pants, and Madam Vick said, "Well, Lewis, it looked like you enjoyed that unusual blow job she gave you. What do you say?"
With a big grin on his face, Lewis, without hesitation, replied, "That was the best blow job I've had in forty years, Madam! This young lady's talent goes far beyond her years."
"Well, dear," said Madam Vicky, "It seems you do know what you're doing. Raise the bottom of your dress, please."
I did as I was told.
She looked at my pussy and said, "Very good, no panties and neatly trimmed. That shows me you are well acquainted with the art of seduction." Then she said, "Spread your legs apart, dear. Lewis, stick a finger in that pussy and tell me if it's a tight one and feels pleasurable."
Lewis did as he was ordered and stuck his finger all the way inside my pussy. As his finger bottomed out in me, I gave it a tight squeeze.
He said, oh, Madam, "It's very tight, and I might add very wet! It's also got one hell of a grip!"
She then said, "Wet and tight. Well, dear, it seems your talents match your attractive little body; I think you will make an excellent addition to our little family here."
That's when I spoke up and firmly said. "Only for this one-time, Madam Vicky. Only for the VFW party."
She said, "Are you sure about that, my dear?"
I shook my head yes. I wanted to be certain she knew I wasn't interested in a permanent position. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Very well, dear. I assume Molly told you what you will receive for your services at the VFW hall?"
I nodded yes.
Madam Vicky continued. "To be sure we are in agreement, please tell me what amount you will receive for working the VFW party?"
I said, "One thousand dollars. Is that correct, Madam Vicky?"
"Yes, that is correct. Alright, you've got the job. Give Lewis your address. He will pick you, Molly, and the other ladies up on Saturday evening between seven and seven-thirty pm. Be ready to go. I want you to wear that same outfit or one very similar. Be sure to wear stockings and heels as well. Your time at the VFW party will start at eight pm sharp on Saturday night and end at two am on Sunday morning. Lewis will bring you girls back here afterward. At that time, you will receive your payment. And then Lewis will drive you home. Is that clear, dear?"
"Yes," I replied.
"The VFW post is one of my oldest and dearest clients, so you are expected to take good care of the men there. Some of them are disabled. I trust that won't be a problem for you."
I said, "Not at all, Madam Vicky. I look forward to doing this honorable service for our vets."
"Good," she said, and then turning to Molly, she said, You be sure to fill her in on how things work at the VFW post."
Molly indicated she would.
"Okay, we're finished here. You girls can go, and I will see you when you return from the VFW post on Sunday morning."
On our way home, I told Molly, "I have never met a woman like Madam Vicky before. She is certainly a bit of an odd one."
Molly chuckled and said, "Yeah, I know, but after a while, she grows on you. When you first meet her, she seems a bit harsh, but really, she's a softy at heart."
Molly dropped me off and said, "Thanks for doing this, Kim. I think you'll have a fun time. I'll see you Saturday night."
This was going to be the craziest thing I had ever done. Even crazier than being the party entertainment for the Fraternity brothers. I was excited and very much looking forward to providing a service like this for some of our country's service members who deserved this kind of pleasure and excitement. I felt a sense of pride and patriotism, as if it was my duty to do this.
The next day after class, I went to a boutique where I regularly shopped and picked out a new sexy outfit. I found this short and tight little white dress trimmed in blue and red. I also bought a pair of six-inch red high heels. I thought it was the perfect outfit for the occasion. Saturday rolled around, and an older-looking limo showed up at seven-fifteen. Lewis held the door for me as I slid in next to Molly and two of the other girls. On our way to the last girl's residence, Molly introduced me to the others. Lewis picked up the last girl, and we were on our way to the VFW posts. Before we arrived, Molly and the other girls filled me in as best they could on what to expect from the vets and how to interact with them.
As we pulled up to the entrance of the VFW post, one of the girls said, let's rock some Vets, ladies. With that, Lewis opened the door, and the five of us exited the limo. We knocked on the locked door and were promptly allowed to enter the building. It was dimly lit, and the first thing I noticed was a huge U-shaped bar with a guy sitting on every bar stool around it. More guys were standing behind the guys seated at the bar, and three or four guys were sitting at every table in the bar area. Beyond the tables was a small stage with what appeared to be a band getting ready to play.
I saw the bartender pick up a mic, and over the PA system, he announced, "The ladies are in the house, men."
With that, all eyes were on us, and there was a lot of clapping and cheering. As we proceeded to make our way further into the barroom area, one of the guys sitting at the bar slapped my ass as I passed by him. I turned and gave him a big smile while shaking my booty for him. He seemed to enjoy the quick little wiggle I put on for his amusement. One of the guys came up and motioned us to a table that I guess was reserved just for us girls. He asked what we wanted to drink. He took off with our order, and then the band started to play.
Molly said, "I believe that's our cue, ladies. Let's dance so the guys can get a good look."
We got up and made our way onto the small dance floor and proceeded to twerk for their viewing pleasure. It wasn't long before each of us girls was joined by one of the vets. My first guy was very hands-on right out of the gate. He was dancing up close and squeezing on my ass cheeks like there was no tomorrow. After that song, we returned to our table, took a few sips of our cocktails, and then went back to twerking on the dance floor.
Pretty soon, a couple of the girls were escorted by guys off the dance floor, and they disappeared through an opening in the wall on the far side of the bar room. I was next to be led by a guy to the same place I saw the others go. As we made our way into this other room, I saw what looked like portable camouflage dividers set up into five makeshift compartments with a small opening into each one. The guy took me into one of them. There was a small fold-out cot with a thin mattress and a small pillow. I could hear moaning coming from a couple of the other compartments. I assumed it was the girls who had been led off the dance floor ahead of me. Next to the cot was an old wooden chair and a couple of folded towels sitting on an upside-down five-gallon bucket.
The guy who brought me in there told me he had won the draw to get me first. He then ordered me to take off my dress. As he sat down on the cot, he said, "I want to see that hot little package of yours, babe."
As I slipped my dress off, he said, "I love you, small-bodied girls. Ummm…. Look at that tight little body! You are a hot little thing, aren't you! And that ass, god damn! Get over here and suck my dick while I play with that ass and those perky tits of yours! Make my dick good and hard so I can fuck that tight little pussy!"
He laid back on the cot, and I knelt down and began to give him one of my special deep-throat blowjobs. His hands were all over my body. He was getting very aroused, and before long after giving him the full treatment, he yelled out, "Stop, stop!" He pulled my head up off his cock and looked me in the eye, then said, "My god, where the hell did you learn to do a blow job like that? If that had gone on any longer, I would have blown my load for sure. Get up here and ride my dick now. I want to feel that tight little pussy."
I did as he told me. I straddled him and sat down on his hard cock. As his cock slid deep inside my tight pussy he groaned! He reached up and grabbed hold of my titties and squeezed them tight as I proceeded to ride him real good. Then, to take him all the way, I started doing my tight squeeze/release technique. It wasn't long before he filled my pussy full of cum!
When all was said and done, he said, "Damn, you are one hell of a hot little fuck! I don't know where you learned that BJ thing and that squeezing thing you do with your cunt, but you can be sure I'm going to let all the guys know what a great little fuck you are. So, get ready, little girl, you're about to get real busy!"
He threw one of the towels at me and said, "Wipe your cunt off, babe. The guy that drew you next will be in directly."
A few minutes later, in walked guy number two. He said, "I hear you're one good little fuck!" He told me to stand up so he could get a good look at me. "Now turn around," he said.
He took a step in close to me and grabbed my ass cheeks, and said, "That is one firm little bubble butt you got! Turn on around here and get down on your knees."
I did, and he took his pants off. He had a huge cock. He said, "I also heard you're one hell of a good cock sucker. Let's see what you can do with this monster!"
I proceeded to do the same for him as I had for the first guy. When I started tonguing his balls with his cock all the way down my throat, that was all he could take. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and throat and shook his head.
"Pete wasn't lying. You do suck a mean cock. Stand up here. I want you to bend over and grab hold of the chair. I'm going to fuck you standing up. With those red come fuck me heels on, I reckon you'll be just the right height for me."
I did as I was told, and he fucked me hard from behind. He was reaching around and under, holding on to my titties. With each inward thrust, he rammed his cock into my pussy so hard that it literally lifted my feet off the floor. He finally came deep inside me, and the whole time he was cumming, he had a death grip on my titties. He finished up with me and left. As the night wore on, one by one, guys were coming in to use me for their sexual pleasure. Each one had me start out by giving them a blow job to get their cocks stiff and then fucking me in one position or another.
After the first fifteen guys fucked me, I was getting thirsty, so I decided to get a drink before the next guy showed up. My first thought was to put my dress back on, but then I thought, what the heck, why put it on. I walked on out into the barroom wearing only my stocking and heels. I just figured there wasn't much point in covering up. The guys all clapped for me when I walked up to the bar and asked for a whisky sour. I chucked down the first one and asked the bartender for another.
Right about then, a vet who was a double amputee from the knees down rolled up alongside me in his wheelchair. A couple of other vets lifted him out of his wheelchair and placed him on the bar top right in front of me. I could tell he was pretty drunk. Supporting himself with one arm, he used the other hand to pull his zipper down and take his cock out. He leaned back, supporting himself with both arms on the bar behind him.
In a cocky loud voice, he said, "Give these guys a show, girlie! Those of us who haven't had the privilege of having you yet are hearing what a hot cock sucker you are. So go ahead and use my cock to demonstrate your skills. We all want to watch you in action! Gather round, fellas, it's showtime!"
I had zero experience with a disabled person. Still, his cock was perfectly fine and looking very tasty, so I took him up on his request for a show. First, though, I took a big gulp of my second drink, and when I did, without any of them noticing, I took an ice cube into my mouth. Then I immediately took his semi-hard cock in my mouth. He jumped and loudly yelled out holy shirt, almost losing his balance on the bar top as he felt that icy cold ice cube press up tight against the bottom side of his cock shaft.
I pulled my mouth off and spit the ice cube straight up in the air so they all could see what made him come undone. I got a huge round of applause for showing I could be as cocky as they were. I believe at that moment, I earned a bit of their respect with that bold and comical move I made.
He laughed and said, "Okay, you got me good. Now give us a show!"
I smiled, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek, then took his cock right down my throat and gave him my full-on special deep-throat blow job treatment! Unlike the other vets who came before him, he would not be stopping my pleasurable blow job performance midway through to avoid cumming. This was it for him. All the vets in the place intently watched my performance and listened to my loud humming technique. They saw the outline of his member through the skin of my neck as it flailed wildly back and forth deep inside my throat. Plus, they witnessed the rapid contractions of my swallowing technique that were clearly visible from the outside.
No matter how much he tried to hold back his reaction to the pleasure I was giving him, he couldn't keep from busting out in a full roar when I made him explode and squirt a giant cum load straight down my throat. I waited until his cock and balls had pumped out every last drop of cum. Then, true to form with tight lips, I backed off his cock. In a prideful display, I stood tall, tilted my head back with my face skyward, and slowly rolled my tongue around my lips while loudly growling a satisfying "Awe!" Seeing me revel in the glory of sucking him dry and knowing all his cum was now stewing in my stomach made a big impression on all of them! The place lit up with roaring cheers and whistles for me!
The disabled vet I had just pleasured into oblivion said, "Damn, for such a little thing, you sure give one hell of a killer blow job!
I heard all kinds of salacious comments about how hot it was to watch me perform my remarkable deep-throat blow job and how talented my blow job skills were. Putting on that show for their amusement felt terrific!
Before going back to my compartment, I slowly walked all the way around the big U-shaped bar. As I did, I reached out with my hands, grabbing and squeezing the junk of every guy sitting and standing within reach. In response, the guys were groping my titties, ass, and pussy as I passed by them. The feeling and sensation of all their hands touching my naked body was a very surreal experience. Apparently, I was the only girl who took the initiative to come out of the makeshift compartments and attempt to entertain the guys in the barroom as a whole.
After circling the bar, I returned to my compartment, and as I left the barroom, I said, "Who's next, guys? My tight little pussy needs a lot more hard cock before this night is over!"
Putting on that show and taking the time to closely interact with so many of them, along with my boastful comment as I left the barroom, ensured my fate for the rest of the night. There wasn't time to take any more breaks. There was a constant stream of vets coming in wanting one of my special deep-throat blow jobs and to fuck me. They were all older than me, and some looked twice my age. Pleasuring men in this older age range was a first for me. A lot of the older guys made comments about how hot it was to get their hands on such a young, firm body. And fucking such a young tight pussy reminded them of their younger days.
It was a steady flow of vets right up until two in the morning. Right after one of the guys finished with me, Molly stuck her head in my compartment and said, "Times up,"
She told me to clean up and get dressed. I was a sticky cum covered mess. My stockings were done for. Even my new heels were covered in a layer of dried cum. I cleaned up as best I could and joined the other girls in the barroom. Throughout those six hours, I had thirty-seven guys come visit me. The time spent with each of them was short but so rewarding! And I am pretty sure they all went away from their experience with me feeling very content and sexually satisfied.
As we made our way out of the VFW post, all the vets gave us girls a massive round of applause! Lewis was waiting with the limo when we stepped out into the chilly night air. He turned the heater up high after we all were in the limo. With the five of us huddled together and the heat vents blowing hot air throughout the back of the limo, the scent of raw sex and seaman permeated the air.
On our way to Madam Vickie's place, we girls traded stories about our experiences with the vets. I told them about the show I had put on and what I did out in the barroom. The girls praised me for doing something so daring, and several said they wished they had done the same or even joined me on my little excursion.
Madam Vicky told us she had received a phone call from the VFW post commander, and he had praised her for doing such a fantastic job of once again supplying a great batch of girls.
"They all were very entertaining, especially the little one." He told her, "The men were very pleased with her performance and frisky attitude."
Madam Vicky was delighted to hear the night went so well with the vets and that I had performed so well. She handed each of us an envelope containing our payment. Once again, she tried to persuade me to join her little band of ladies, but I respectfully declined. Taking part in sexually entertaining the vets at the VFW post was a wonderful and exhilarating experience, but it just wasn't in my heart or a desire of mine to trade sexual favors for monetary gain.
I never wanted to be known as a call girl, whore, or prostitute. For me, sexually pleasuring men has always been something I feel honored to do and not something I think a man should have to pay me for. I have always felt that men get a bum rap for their inherent animalistic desire for sex. I don't view a man's need to use me for sex as exploitation. The way I see it, if a man is physically attracted to me and has a strong desire to sexually interact with me, I take that as a compliment that should be rewarded, not ridiculed.
In my opinion, our society imposes far too many taboos on the innate sexual desires men have. I have never supported or agreed with the philosophy of the different women's movements that have sprung up in our society over the years. Sure, I want to be respected for being a strong, intelligent woman who has operated her own successful business for many years. I believe women should be given equal respect, opportunities, and pay. Still, as the dominant gender of our species, we need to remember that men have an inherent primal instinct and desire for sex that isn't going to go away just because society doesn't favor men being sexually aggressive. That, of course, is just my opinion.
My experience at the VFW post was a real thrill, to say the least! Some of the vets were a little rough around the edges, but as a whole, they all were wonderful men who deserved the pleasures we girls provided them. I considered my time with the vets to be the second most profound sexual event to take place up to that point in my life. The first was my time as the party entertainment for the fraternity brothers. Being with the vets was undoubtedly a far cry from catering to the sexual needs of the college fraternity boys and their friends. The two experiences were worlds apart yet equally exhilarating and sexually satisfying. One was methodically orchestrated, while the other was more carefree and chaotic. The one common denominator was my unwavering passion for providing sexual pleasure for groups of young and older men alike. Men who I felt were worthy and deserving of what I had to offer.
I learned a lot in those early years about the diverse differences between men from different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds with whom I sexually interacted. The social aspect and physical interactions varied greatly.
To me, men are fascinating creatures. The more sexually mature I became, the more committed I was to providing all good, worthy men with an outlet whereby they could explore their sexual desires and fantasies without the worry of social persecution. I honestly viewed myself the way the frat brothers saw me. I was a sexual pleasuring device for men, and proud of it!
Around the age of twenty, I made a commitment to learn everything I could about how the male mind functioned, especially regarding the male libido. I felt the more I understood the male psyche, the more diverse I would become at fulfilling my passion to be a sexually desirable siren for all good, worthy men.
Because of this need to learn what makes men tick and my insatiable passion to sexually pleasure every guy that smiled at me, I made it a priority to record every explicit detail of all my sexual antics throughout my lifelong erotic journey in my life journals for future reference. Far be it for me in my early twenties to foresee the usefulness of having my past recorded.
However, at the time, I did realize the value of validating all my crazy sexual experiences. Now, thirty years later, after being prompted by my three besties to publicly share my years of erotic behavior, I have my journal entries, along with my powerful recall ability, to fall back on as a sound source for writing my salacious memoir.
And so ends another one of my tell-all memoir segments. If you are enjoying what I share about myself and my lifelong erotic journey, please let me know with a comment or direct mail message. Also, be sure to watch for my next explicit tell-all story from my memoir series.
Be happy, horny, and sexy, my friends!
Much Luv, Bit… ; )