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The Houseboat Incident, Chapter 1

"Late teens on a houseboat for the weekend, sex everywhere was bound to happen."

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It was the summer before my freshman year of college. My sister had returned home for the first part of summer. Since we would both be attending the same college in the coming year we decided to get in some early bonding time. We had enjoyed many days shopping and sunbathing while exchanging stories of some of our sexual exploits. There wasn't a day that went by that I hadn't learned how much of a cock hungry slut my older sister really was. Her sort of on again off again guy, Cody, invited us both out to the lake where he had rented a house boat for the weekend. Little did I know what was in store for me.

It was a blazing 105 degrees outside as we climbed into Cody’s car. I had packed my skimpy summer attire and some fishing gear. The drive was long and uncomfortable, but alas we finally arrived at Lake Oroville. As we pulled up to the docks and climbed out, we were promptly greeted by my sister’s friends. We gathered our belongings from the trunk and headed down to the docks.

We arrived at the houseboat, which was basically a two-story mobile home on water. As we loaded up, Cody made the introductions. There was eight of us in total, Cody, four of his male buddies, one of their girlfriends, and of course my sister and me.

“What up, sluts?!” One of the guys yelled from the roof as he saw us loading up.

I placed my hand against my eye brows to block out the sun as I looked up to see who was shouting.

“Not much, bitch!” my sister shouted back.

“Hey sexy!” the man yelled back.

“Is that your sister?” he asked staring down at me.

“Yeah, she is, what of it?” she asked.

“She is fucking hot, that’s what!” he shouted back.

The sun was perfectly positioned behind him, making it almost impossible to see him. The most I could make out was that he appeared to be a very fit and slender light-skinned black man with a shaved head, wearing only a pair of black swim trunks.

“That’s Vance,” my sister said leaning in towards me.

“Well, thank you, there Vance!” I shouted up at him.

“No problem sexy, it’s Heather, right?” he asked.

“Sure is!” I yelled back.

“We ready to go?” Cody asked as they loaded the last of the stuff on to the houseboat.

“Hells Yeah!” the whole group shouted.

“Well then All Aboard!!” Cody’s yelled doing his best cruise ship captain impression.

We all shuffled on, navigating through the hallways claiming our bunks and dropping our stuff on them. I could hear the engine starting up and felt the boat shift as we made our way out of the harbor.

“You may want to pick a different room then me; I might be getting as little action later,” my sister said nudging me.

“Understood, “ I replied with a knowing smile as I grabbed my stuff and moved to the next floor.

I placed my stuff on one of the bunks upstairs and pulled the sliding partition shut. I felt the boat shoot into in full motion causing me to lose my balance for a moment making it a struggle to unzip my bag. Once I caught my balance, I pulled out my multi-colored yellow, pink, and orange bikini. I carefully undressed trying not to fall over. I slid my bottoms on and wrapped my top around my waist to fasten it. After it was fastened I twisted it around my body so that the cups were facing the right direction, the fabric slid over my breasts as I pulled it up into place. I pulled the strap up over my head and yanked my hair free of it. Adjusted my breasts to make sure they were fully contained before putting my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed a towel, suntan lotion, and pulled away the partition to make my way up to the roof to do a little sunbathing.

As I exited my room I ran into Vance. He stopped and looked me up and down his eyes pausing at my cleavage, for what felt like an eternity, before making his way up to my eye line. He was only about an inch or so taller than me. His well-formed muscles were shiny from the sweat.

“Damn baby girl, I thought it was hot out there, it is way fucking hotter in here,” he said with a smile.

“I’m glad you think so, I’m headed up to roof to do a little sunbathing,” I said with a giggle.

“Well then, I will see you out there after I help these knuckleheads, apparently no one but me knows how to actually operate this bitch,” he said with an over confident smirk.

“Have fun,” I said as I squeezed by him, my tits rubbing against his arm as I went by.

“Think I just did,” he chuckled as he made his way down the stairs.

I climbed up the ladder to the roof the hot sun nearly blinding me as I emerged, my skin immediately felt like it was on fire. I made my way to the center of the roof, laid down my towel, got down on my knees and leaned forward to straighten out the edges.

“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ bout,” came a voice from behind me.

I turned to see two guys one standing behind me the other, still climbing up the outside ladder. I had to squint to see who it was. It was Mark and Tommy my sister’s other two friends. Tommy let out a ‘ Hey Sexy’ whistle as he pulled himself up onto the roof.

“I’m guessing harassment is going to be the theme of this trip?” I asked with a smile.

“If you’re gonna keep wearing tiny a bikini and bending over, then fuck yeah it is,” Mark said with a smile.

“You brought that shit on yourself,” Tommy said, pointing his fingers at me.

“Whatever jackass,” I replied as I turned around and laid down on my back.

“Leave her the alone and bring me a beer from the cooler,” came a female voice from the same direction.

“You got it babe,” replied Tommy, as Mark and he sauntered off.

“Hey I’m Kali, nice to meet you,” she said sitting down next to me.

“Hey, I’m Heather, I think we met once before, briefly,” I said sitting up to greet her.

“That’s right, I totally forgot about that, I was hella drunk that night,” she responded.

“So one of those guys belongs to you?” I asked.

“Yeah, Tommy is with me, him and mark are basically boners with legs, Just ignore them,” she explained.

“Noted,” I said with a laugh.

I popped open my sun tan lotion and squeezed some out down the length of my leg and began to rub it in, once finished I moved the next leg making my way up my body.

“Hey do you mind doing my back? I think if I asked one of the guys to do it they might get the wrong idea,” I asked

“No problem, I wouldn't trust them either,” Kali responded.

I handed her the bottle and rolled on to my stomach. She squeezed some of the lotion into her hands and rubbed them together before placing them on my lower back. She made small circle spreading it up my back. She gently lifted the strap and rubbed it underneath. She was a somewhat chunky Latina with beautiful long black hair. She was wearing cutoff jeans and white tank top, the pink bra shone brightly through the fabric.

“There you go, you're all set. I’m gonna go check on that beer, you want one?” she asked as she stood up.

“Thank you for the lotion, and I’ll pass on the beer for now,” I said as I settled in to a comfortable position for tanning.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, short visit from my sister, who laid out with me for a while in her bathing suit; random passerby’s making sexual comments and whistles. I could hear the occasional whoops and hollers from other places on the boat. As the sun began to set I made my way back to my room and put on some shorts and headed down to the front of the boat to see what everyone was up to.

Everyone was crowded around drinking beer. Mark stood in front of the on-deck BBQ, flipping hamburger patties. Vance stood at the helm steering us out further away from any of the other boats floating in the water. The sun hung just barely above the horizon. Kali and Tommy were cuddled up under a blanket sitting in two chairs that they had pushed together. Cody and my sister were pouring shots of Jaegermeister and chasing them with red bull at a small card table behind Vance. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. I sat down at the card table and flipped over a shot glass.

“Deal me in,” I said smiling.

“Ah look who decided to join us common folks,” my sister said pouring Jaeger into my glass.

“You get a good tan up there?” Cody asked.

“I guess, I won’t really know until tomorrow I suppose. It was relaxing though. Think I nodded of half a dozen times. Probably would have stayed asleep except for all the loud ogling every time one of you came up there,” I explained before pounding back my shot.

“Shut up bitch, you know you love it,” my sister said, handing me a red bull to wash down the Jaeger.

The evening carried on with drinking, food, and a few laughs. Vance eventually left the helm when it was too dark to navigate any further. He joined in the drinking and laughs as he made his move closer and closer to me, becoming more and more flirtatious as the night carried on. We decided to play ‘I never’. Which was highly informative in getting to know just how big a slut my sister was, as well as the general mentality of the rest of the group. It took a while to get to the good stuff, but we inevitably made it there.

“I never had a three way,” Mark stated, my sister and I drank.

“I never sucked dick in a moving vehicle,” my sister stated, Kali and I drank.

“I never fucked in my parent house,” I stated, my sister, Kali, Mark, and Tommy drank.

“I’ve never had anal sex,” stated Kali, Vance, Mark, my sister drank, and I drank

“I never had sex with a black person, unless masturbation counts,” Vance stated, we all laughed, and then my sister, Kali, and Mark drank.

“I’ve never fucked on a houseboat,” Tommy stated, No one drank.

“I can remedy that right now,” said Tommy jumping up and grabbing Kali.

At that point Tommy and Kali disappeared into their room. We could hear the grunts and moans that accompanied the hard fucking that Kali was so obviously getting on the other side of the wall.

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We all got quiet and giggled as she moaned dirty obscenities loudly enough for the sound to echo off the nearby hills.

“Someone is obviously being fucked silly,” stated Mark with a chuckle.

“Well at least someone is,” my sister remarked, nudging Cody with her shoulder.

“That’s my queue,” said Cody jumping up.

We all laughed as Cody and my sister disappeared into the houseboat, Cody dragging her by the hand. Mark and Vance poured more shots and sat around talking. The noises eventually stopped until all you could hear was the water gently splashing against the sides of the boat. It was a nice night, a weak breeze kept our temperatures in balance.

“I think I’m gonna go lay down,” I said standing up with a stretch.

“Going to sleep? It’s still hella early, and we got a whole another bottle of Jaeger to go,” Mark commented

“We got two days, no point in drinking it all in one night, plus I’m tired, got up early to shave and pack,” I replied.

“Mmm, so you’re all shaved eh?” Mark asked as he bounced his eyebrows at me.

“Yes I am, and you wish,” I said sarcastically.

“Whatever, a guys gotta try,” He said shrugging.

“Good night,” both Mark and Vance said in stereo, as I made my way into the houseboat.

I walked the length of the hall to get to the ladder that led up to my room. As I past Kali and Tommy’s room,I could hear snoring. As soon as I passed my sister’s room I could hear the slapping of skin on skin. Faint moans and heavy breathing could be heard between each slapping noise. I smiled and began my ascension to my room. I closed my partition behind me and took of my shorts and laid down. Sleep soon followed. I was later woken up by the motion of the boat moving and the low hum of the engine. I started to drift back off to sleep when I was startled by the sound of my partition being pulled back, I sat up slightly. To see a dark figure emerge.

“Hey sexy, you sleepin?” came Vance's voice.

“Well, I was. Everything okay?” I asked

“Yeah, everything is fine, Mark got bored so I showed him how to navigate around. I was just coming up here to check on you,” he explained.

“Well aren't you sweet? I am fine, just tired,” I explained.

“Cool, Well hey, I know we made a lot of jokes and shit, but you really are hot. I didn't want you to think we were all just being guys and whatnot,” he said.

“Thanks, I guess,” I replied awkwardly.

“You’re welcome,” he said with an awkward laugh.

“So is it true you have never been with a black guy?” he asked, practically mumbling.

“Why, you offering?” I asked with a smile.

“Maybe I am,” he said confidently.

I sat up on my bunk and turned sitting on the edge. I placed my feet on the ground, my legs resting either side of him. I leaned forward pressing against him as I pull the partition shut behind him. He reached up and pulled the cord hanging above my bunk, the light bulb flashed on faintly illuminating my room.

“I like where this is going,” he said smiling down at me.

I reached out and pulled his trunks down. As I pulled them to the ground it slowly revealed his soft 6 inches of black cock. As the waistband passed over the head of his cock his dick popped out slightly taking advantage of its new freedom. He stepped out of his trunks once they reached the floor and kicked them to the side. The shaft of his cock was dark brown leading up to a paler circumcised head. The head of his cock was much larger than the shaft.

I reached up with both hands and started to massage his limp shaft. As I caressed him I could feel him harden and grow in my hands. I spit on his cock for lubrication, this allowed my hands to slide easier as I spread my spit over his now shiny black cock.

“Mmm, I like a girl who knows what she is doing,” he said watching me work his cock.

As it as it grew to its full length it was at least nine and half inches and at that point in my life was the longest cock I’d had the pleasure of pleasing. It wasn't very thick but it was certainly impressive. The sheer size of it weighed it down keeping it from standing upright.

“I guess black guys’ having big cocks isn't a rumor,” I said smiling up at him.

“Let me see them titties girl,” he said pulling the strap over my head.

I leaned back and removed my top, my breasts dropped free. I tossed my bikini behind me and sat back putting my arms behind me to prop myself up, giving him a good look at my tits, my tan lines well defined from this morning’s tanning.

“Damn, I knew you had some tig‘ole bitties! I love the tan lines too, keeping those tits nice and pale in all the right places," he said admiringly.

He gripped his cock and pulled me forward. He bent his knees slightly and smacked his hard cock against my tits switching between the two a few times. I lifted up my tit and sucked my nipple into my mouth rolling my tongue around it getting it nice and wet.

“Oh fuck yeah, suck that titty,” he said in a low voice.

I let my tit fall from my mouth and took his cock out of his hand. I held my wet tit up with one hand while and smacked his cock against it with the other. The wet slapping sounds was making me so wet, I could feel the moisture forming in my bikini bottoms. His hand caressed my other tit as he stared down at me.

I lifted his cock to my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. The head of his dick was so fat that I had to make large circles to get the whole thing. His eyes rolled upward into his head as he let out a moan. I continued to massage his shaft, as I tongue lashed his cock’s head. He placed his hands on my shoulders gently rubbing them as I pleasured him.

My mouth began to water in much the same fashion as my now drenched pussy. I opened wide engulfed the head of his cock in my hot wet mouth. His grip on my shoulder tightened. I forced myself down on him as far as I could go, the head of his cock almost gagging me instantly. His cock was overly salty from all the sweat. I could feel the skin of my cheeks pulling tight as I stretched them over the length of his shaft. I couldn't take the whole thing in, despite my best efforts, I could only make it about 3 quarters of the way, the head of his cock proving too much of a challenge. I struggled to control my gag reflex as a pulled back slowly. His cock was now covered in my hot mouth juices.

“Damn baby girl, you’re fuckin’ good,” he said.

I suckled on the head of his cock twisting my mouth around it, as my tongue flicked at the bottom of his cock’s head. I reached out and began to caress his balls with my free hand, they were damp and large. I could feel a thick coat of sweat on them, which made for easy sliding as I rolled them around in my palm. I pulled my mouth off his cock and ran my tongue up and down the shaft. I could feel the bulging veins of his cock as my tongue passed over them. I stoked his dick as I leaned down further lifting his balls to my tongue. The taste was bitter and his pubes were thick, I slid my tongue around them regardless. I was so fucking horny at that point, I just wanted his cock.

“That’s a good girl, lick them balls,” he said wrapping one of his hands around my pony tail.

I sucked his balls into my mouth and rolled my tongue along the bottom of them, this drove him wild his hips started to buck. I pulled back, his wet balls falling from my mouth as I slid my tongue back up to the head of his cock. Which he promptly pushed into my mouth, my tongue guiding it in. His hips continued to buck forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. He pulled tighter on my ponytail forcing my head towards him. He began to slowly fuck my mouth, his hip movement in time with his tugs on my pony tail. I placed my hands on his thighs and as he fucked my face.

“Oh fuck, that feels good baby,” he said his breath now heavy.

I could feel his cock going ever deeper into my mouth with every pump of his hips. The wet glugging sound of his cock smacking against my throat soon filled my room. My hanging tits began to smack together from the motion of being pulled forward by my hair and knocked back by cock. After a few hard thrusts I could feel his cock start to swell even more causing my throat to seize slightly.

“Oh fuck baby, fuck, I’m gonna…aww fuck,” he said unable to complete his sentence.

He pulled back hard on my pony tail his cock popping out of my mouth. He quickly grabbed hard saliva coated cock and began to stroke it wildly holding my head tilted back slightly as he stroked his cock in my face. The head of his cock expanded and his shaft began to pump right before it exploded. A hot thick mass of pearly white cum, which seemed whiter in contrast to his dark chocolate cock, shot out and splattered against my face.

“Aww fuck yeah, take that cum baby,” he moaned, as he focused his efforts on controlling his spray.

He continued to pump out large streams of cum which covered most of my face, falling just sort of my hair line. As he squeezed out the last bit it dribbled on to my chin. Using his cock he pushed the largest collection of his cum over my lips smearing it across them like lip balm before pushing what was left into my mouth. He then proceeded to smack his wet cum dripping cock against my cheeks shaking free whatever cum was left in his shaft.

“That was incredible,” he said letting out a long breath.

“It wasn't too rough right?” he promptly asked looking very concerned.

“…If I didn't like it I would have stopped you,” I remarked after swallowing the cum in my mouth.

“Damn, and you swallowed, that’s hot,” he said sitting down next to me.

I reached back to grab my towel, as I did the whole boat came to a sudden stop accompanied by the sound of it smashing against something. Vance shot up and grabbed his trunks.

“What the fuck was that?” he said putting on his trunks.

“I don’t fuckin’ know, but it didn't sound good,” I said toweling the cum off my face.

“I’ll be right back, provided we aren't sinking,” he said.

“So let me get this straight, if we are sinking, you’re not gonna come back and tell me?” I said smiling as I put my top back on.

“You know what I mean, I’ll be right back,” he said opening the partition and speeding out.

“Bye,” I said as he disappeared.

“Hey, that was amazing by the way, you are incredible,” he said poking his head back in the door before running off.

Written by HeatherHeathen
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