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The Game

"Students try a new game to add some life to a dead party"

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Competition Entry: Back to School

Just over a month into my final year of university and I was hosting another of my biweekly get togethers. As parties in the rat hole, the affection name given to my apartment, went this one was dead. It was about nine o’clock and, while all the regular crowd had been here, there’d been no spark all evening. Maybe it was because Rob, my goofy roommate, hadn’t been there.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one that thought this way as half the group had disappeared over the last half hour. Along with me, Greg, only Tim, Robyn, Sara, Steph, and Jack were still here. 

Tim and I were in engineering, Robyn was in Chemistry, Jack was in Computer Science, Sara was in English, and Steph was in Arts aiming to become a lawyer. We’d been chumming around for our entire university life.

Tim, while he looked like every girl’s dream hunk, was really shy around women. He’d opened up a lot by being in our group but still blushed when he heard an off-colour joke.

Jack was our geek who, if you let him, would bore you for hours on techy things that had little relevance to the real world. He was always trying to “educate” us on the newest technology.

Unlike Tim and Jack, I had no distinguishing features and could easily disappear in a crowd.

Steph was an outgoing bombshell who always dressed in loose fitting sweatshirts and cotton pants that did little to hide the fact that she was really built. My impression had been confirmed last summer when we’d all gone swimming. Nothing on her body had jiggled much when she ran, in her slinky cupless Speedo, into the water. I still get a warm feeling remembering that Saturday afternoon.

Robyn, who was always smiling, had a soft spot for anything, human or animal, that was hurt. While her body wasn’t spectacular, she was the epitome of the-girl-next-door.

Sara was an ordinary looking girl with a fantastic personality. She was more outgoing than Robyn and had a flair for the dramatic. More than anyone else in the group, she’d been the one I’d talk to about personal things ranging from philosophy to sex.

I was just getting up to tell everyone to go home when I overheard Jack say to Steph, “You know what I found on the web last night?”

“No Jack,” replied Steph in a rather sarcastic voice, “I don’t know what you found on the web. Why don’t you tell me what you found on the web Jack?”

“Well ... I found instructions for what I think is a really neat game.”

“What sort of game,” I asked sceptically.

“It’s a variation of strip poker. But it has rules for touching each other even when everyone’s clothes are off.”

“What do you mean?” exclaimed Sara suddenly coming awake.

“The rules tell the winner what part of the loser to touch with what part of their body.”

“Hey Tim and Robyn come here,” I exclaimed. “Jack may have finally found something useful on the web. Carry on Jack.”

With everyone gathered around Jack continued, “It’s like regular poker except that there’s no betting. Instead, after each hand everyone but the winner draws a card. The person with the lowest card is declared the loser and has to remove one article of clothing. The winner of the hand then rolls a die to identify which part of their body they’ll use to touch the loser.

“The loser then rolls a die to see which part of their body will be touched. The winner gets to decide how they’ll touch the loser’s body for two minutes. The touch time doubles if you lose a hand when you’re completely naked.

“For example, let’s say Tim won a hand and Sara drew the low card. Sara would remove one article of clothing. Tim would then roll the die and let’s say it indicates that he has to use his mouth. Let’s say that Sara then rolled the number that said her chest would be touched. So Tim would choose how he’d touch Sara’s chest with his mouth for two minutes. Anyone who has an orgasm during the touching is eliminated from further play and becomes a spectator. The last player who hasn’t had an orgasm is the winner.”

All of us stood there dumbfounded by what we’d heard. 

Steph finally broke the silence with, “I’ve played the regular version a couple of times but this is certainly different.”

“Playing by those rules would certainly raise the stakes,” laughed Tim.

Steph surprised me by emphatically saying, “I’m in. Up to now this party has been flat. I can’t go back to my room tonight because Helen said it was occupied. Is anyone else interested in playing Jack’s game?”

Tim piped up, “I’ll play. I’m in the same situation as Steph. Gerry also posted an occupied sign on my room tonight.”

Sara looked at her roommate Robyn and asked her, with a smile, “You game Robyn? I don’t want to play unless you do too.” 

Robyn looked over at Sara and nodded yes. 

Sara declared, “Robyn and I are in.” 

Looking at Robyn, she nodded her head towards Jack. 

Robyn looked over at Jack and, looking back at Sara, gave a smile and nodded.

What are these two up to, I thought as I stated, “Me too!”

The entire group turned and looked at Jack as Robyn declared, “Jack has to be in. The person who introduced the game to the group can’t not play. Right Jack?”

“I guess,” he replied nervously. “I’m in.”

As I was looking for dice Tim yelled, “How many articles of clothing are you wearing Greg? Robyn doesn’t want anyone to have an advantage.”

“Seven,” I replied after mentally counting what I was wearing.

“Steph, Robyn and Sara will take off stuff. Have you got a pair of socks that Jack can wear so we all start with seven items,” he replied.

As I returned with a die and shoes, I passed a piece of paper to Sara and said, “I wrote a number beside each of the winner’s and loser’s body parts on this piece of paper. What do you think?”

Die    Winner    Loser

1    tongue    feet

2    mouth    face

3    finger    bum

4    hand    chest

5    crotch    crotch

6    foot    thigh

“This’ll work,” agreed Sara. 

“Let’s get going. Deal the cards. I’m really excited about seeing you guys naked.”

“The game will be five card stud. To make sure we can all draw cards there’ll have to be a maximum draw of three cards,” I said as I sat down.

Jack won the first hand. Robyn drew the low card and removed a shoe. Both Jack and Robyn rolled twos.

“Boring,” complained Steph, “Jack gets to use his mouth on Robyn’s face.”

As Jack crawled over to Robyn, Steph continued, “Who has a watch to time this sex show?”

“I do,” declared Tim. “You two ready? You’ve got two minutes. Go!”

Jack leaned forward and gave Robyn a light kiss on the lips before pulling away.

Steph, ever the instigator, complained, “that was pretty wimpy. I thought the touching had to last two minutes. That was less than a second. Come on you two, follow the rules.”

Jack tilted his head slightly, leaned over and planted a closed lip kiss on Robyn’s lips. 

After a couple of seconds of mashing their lips together, Robyn parted hers slightly and started to poke her tongue between Jack’s lips. 

When Tim called time they were really starting to get into it. 

Jack sighed, as he pulled back from Robyn, “That was really nice Robyn.”

“That was nothing ,” she replied seductively. “You ain’t seen anything yet.”

“Deal the next hand,” yelled Sara.

I ended up winning the hand while Sara drew the low card and removed a shoe. I rolled a four and then she rolled a three.

“Okay Sara,” I said with a gleam in my eye, “This is going to be fun.”

She immediately lay down on her tummy and stuck her ass in the air as she said excitedly, “Massage away Greg. Give it a good rub.”

As I positioned myself between Sara’s legs Tim announced, “You’ve got a two minutes. Go!”

I placed one hand on each cheek and started to knead them like they were bread dough. 

After a few moments of doing that, I placed my thumbs against her crack and started to squeeze and release her cheeks like I was feeling an under inflated basketball. 

As Tim called time Sara was beginning to squirm each time I squeezed. 

She sighed, “That felt really good Greg. Your thumbs were up against my asshole. I was really starting to get turned on.”

Over the next five hands Steph had a run of bad luck and lost everything but her bra and panties. Her lacy panties were high-cut and the back rode up into her crack. 

Sara massaging Steph’s breasts through her t-shirt was the most interesting touching during those hands. 

The other interesting situation involved Tim massaging Steph’s panty covered bum. Unlike when I’d massaged Sara though, because Steph’s panties rode into her crack, Tim was in essence massaging her bare butt. 

After Jack called time it was obvious that the massage had affected both of them. Tim was obviously erect under his pants and Steph had a wet patch on the front of her panties.

The most provocative touching during the next twenty hands involved Steph rubbing her crotch on Tim’s pant covered thigh. After time expired her face was flushed and the wet patch on the front of her panties had grown significantly. 

Before I dealt the next hand I looked around at the group and took inventory. While I had my pants and underwear the rest had:

•    Jack - pants and underwear, 

•    Robyn - pants, bra and panties, 

•    Tim - pants and underwear, 

•    Steph - bra and panties, and

•    Sara - pants, t-shirt, bra, and panties.

Steph’s good luck finally ran out and she lost the next hand to Jack. 

After looking around at the group she reached behind her back, undid the clasp of her bra and slid it off. Her tits didn’t droop at all without the bra. 

Jack stared intensely at them as he rolled a one. 

With a deep breath Steph, as she took the die, said apprehensively, “Here goes.”

She rolled a two. 

Jack moved over beside Steph and started licking her ears. He moved around her face gently licking her eyes and cheeks. 

He ended up using it to trace around her lips. As he moved across her lips they parted slightly and he stopped to insert his tongue. He was gently moving his tongue in and out of her lips as Tim called time. 

After he moved away Steph sighed, “I wouldn’t have believed how sensual it would feel to have someone just use their tongue on your face.”

“Sara,” I complained, “You’ve been extremely lucky so far. You’ve managed to lose the fewest pieces of clothing. I wish I knew enough about dealing cards to deal you some losing hands. Okay folks, here’s the next hand.”

I lost the hand to Sara and was reduced to my underwear. The roll had Sara using her mouth on my thigh. At the end two minutes of her mouth being really close to my crotch, I had a rock hard erection whose head poked out over the waistband of my bikini underwear.

“Look at that,” chuckled Sara. “It seems Greg liked what I was doing. Does what’s peeking out want to come out and play?”

“Be careful of what you start Sara,” I said. “ It may come back to haunt you.” 

“Everyone ready for the next hand?”

Almost like fate was getting back at her, Sara lost the next two hands and was left in only her bra and panties. 

Robyn won the second game and rubbed her hands on Sara’s chest. At the end of the time, in addition to Sara’s face being flushed, her nipples were pushing out the fabric of her bra and her panties had a visible wet patch.

I lost the next hand to Tim and became the first person to be totally naked. 

With our dice rolls he rubbed his feet on my bum. It was a really weird feeling having a guy work his toes over my naked bum. It felt especially weird when he ran his big toe down the crack and played around my asshole. 

Steph lost the next hand to Sara to become the first naked girl. As she removed her panties I saw that she had a neatly trimmed bush over glistening vaginal lips.

Sara then lost to Tim and, contrary to what I felt she would do, she removed her panties and left on her bra. 

The results of the roll meant that Tim was going to rub her feet with his crotch. 

Near the end of his rubbing I could see he was in trouble. There was a massive lump under and a small wet spot on his pants, his face was flushed, and he was breathing heavily. 

“Thank God I didn’t have to do that much longer,” he gasped as time was called. “I almost had to become a spectator. Sara was moving her feet as I was rubbing them and I almost came.”

Tim lost the next hand to Robyn. He took off his pants and I saw his cock tent out the front of his boxers along with a small wet spot. 

After Robyn finished kissing his chest I asked, “How about a bio-break?”

“I’ve got to piss something fierce. Does anyone else have to use the facilities?”

“I have to use them too,” said Robyn. 

“Me too,” said both Sara and Steph.

“You girls go first,” I said realizing that, being as hard as I was, it was going to be difficult to piss. 

“Maybe by the time you’re done I’ll be able to go. Hurry up though. I’m about to burst.”

As I stood in front of the toilet pushing my erection down so my pee would hit the bowl I thought, if someone touches my cock for any length of time I’m going to blow. I’m too turned on not to cum almost immediately. If I jerk off now no one will know and I’ll be able to last a long time later.

With that thought I started to jerk off into the toilet bowl. My prognosis was correct as I came after just a few strokes. I washed myself off and headed back to the game.

I lost the next hand to Sara. As the rolls had Sara using her crotch to touch mine I thought, I’m lucky I jerked off. 

Sara looked delighted as she directed, “lie down on your back in the middle of the circle Greg. I plan to make you a spectator.”

I lay down and, with the rest of the group watching, Sara squatted over me and positioned her naked crotch over my erect cock. She asked, “Tell me when half of my four minutes are left will you Tim?”

She slowly started to slide her slit against the underside of my shaft from my balls right to the very tip. I concentrated on counting sheep to slow down any sensations I might start to feel. 

Thank God I jerked off, I thought. If I hadn’t I’d be gone about now.

As Sara kept moving on my shaft I began to feel it getting cold. I looked down to see why and saw that her vagina was oozing fluid. At that point I heard Tim say, “Two minutes left.”

Sara went back and forth a couple more times and then, after moving forward slightly, impaled herself on my cock. 

“Oh,” I exclaimed. “Do the rules allow her to do this?”

No one answered. They were all intently watching as my cock slid in and out of Sara. 

“Let me know when there’s a minute left will you Tim,” I gasped as I thought, two can play this game.

“Sure,” he stuttered as he looked at his watch.

A short while later I heard Tim say, “You’re into your last minute Sara.”

With that I started to buck my hips in time with Sara’s movements as I thought, I don’t think I’ll cum but maybe she will if I start to actively participate.

I continued to pound away until Tim called time. 

I stopped thrusting but Sara didn’t. She continued to impale herself on my shaft. 

Robyn finally stated, “Times up Sara. You can stop now.”

“Are you nuts?” she grunted through gritted teeth. “I can’t stop now. I’m too close. If I stop now I’ll be a wreck.”

I watched her face as she concentrated on what she was doing. 

A few moments later she groaned and collapsed on top of me. I felt her body trembling against mine. I reached up and hugged her until she stopped.

The rest of the group sat in stunned silence. 

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Finally Robyn asked, “Is Sara out of the game? She had an orgasm.”

After thinking for a moment Jack explained, “I’d say that she’s still in because she didn’t have her orgasm until after time was up. Everyone okay with that?”

Seeing the group nod their agreement he continued, “I think we need short break to compose ourselves. How about five minutes to … to whatever.”

I whispered in Sara’s ear as she lay on my chest, “That looked like a good one.”

“It was,” she whispered back. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now. It felt as good as I thought it would.”

I exclaimed, “What do you mean that you’ve wanted to do that for a while?”

“Just what I said,” she replied looking into my eyes. “I’ve wanted to fuck you for a while. It isn’t only guys who have sexual fantasies you know.”

“Oh. I see,” I said a little embarrassed.

“Let’s get back to the game.” 

As we sat back up the others, noticing that we had disentangled ourselves, came back.

Robyn lost the next hand to Jack. She stood up and slowly peeled off her pants. 

Seeing her panties Steph exclaimed, “Wow Robyn! Those are some sort of panties.” 

With a small, transparent triangle in front and a single thin string up her crack, there was nothing to them. They were so transparent I could see the swollen lips of her bald pussy as easily as if she didn’t have anything on.

Jack took the die and rolled a two. With anticipation he said huskily to Robyn, “Roll Robyn. What am I going to use my mouth on?”

I think Robyn was a bit startled by Jack’s voice as she chuckled, “Whoa big boy. Don’t get too excited, you might have to drop out of the game.” 

Seeing her roll a five, I thought, Oh My God, Jack’s going to use his mouth on Robyn’s pussy!

Jack was startled when he saw the five. He looked a little sheepish as he muttered, “Uh, Robyn, how do you want to do this?”

“You won the hand Jack,” she whispered. “You get to direct the action. Where do you want me? How do you want me positioned?”

“Guys,” pleaded Jack as he looked around at us, “Could you give me a minute to talk to Robyn alone? I want to talk to her about this. We won’t get started without you. Don’t worry.”

I nodded my head toward the kitchen and everyone else went in. After five minutes we came back to see Robyn giving Jack a peck on the cheek and whispering something in his ear. 

She lay back on her elbows and spread her legs apart. Jack lay in front of her, pressed his shoulders up against the back of her thighs, and positioned his head in front of her panty covered pussy. Tim, looking at his watch announced, “Go. You’ve got two minutes.”

Jack began by kissing all around Robyn’s pussy. He then concentrated his kisses at the top of her vagina. His kisses became longer and longer as he began trying to suck on her clitoris through her panties. Seeing Robyn’s hips begin to squirm shortly after Jack started I thought, she sure gets excited quickly.

“Hold on tight Jack,” she panted. “God that feels good. Keep doing what you’re doing. That feels so good.”

Jack gripped her thighs more tightly and kept on sucking. 

Tim whispered throatily, “You’re not quite at one minute.” He seemed to be really turned on by what he was witnessing.

Robyn’s hips were really starting to bounce as she groaned, “Keep going Jack.” 

After a few more seconds she groaned, “Shit, I wish I didn’t have my panties on. Oh, the hell with it.” 

Her hand pushed the material of her panties aside so Jack’s mouth was on her bare pussy. 

“Oh God that feels so much better. Keep your mouth right there. Use your tongue now. Flick my clitoris. Lick it Jack. Faster.”

Her head was bouncing from side to side and her hips were squirming all over the place. Jack was doing a magnificent job of holding onto her and keeping contact. 

As her motions became really frantic she groaned, “Suck on it Jack. Suck it hard.”

“Ohh. Ohhhh. Ohhhhhh,” she gasped as her thighs suddenly clamped Jack’s head. 

When she finally stopped shaking her thigh muscles relaxed and she whispered, “I don’t normally climax that quickly. That was truly wonderful. I guess I’m out of the game. What a way to go though.”

“Too bad you couldn’t hold off for another ten seconds,” said Tim. 

“You’d have made time and then it wouldn’t have mattered. Do you need a few minutes to compose yourself? Should we take another break?”

“No. I’m fine. I’ll just lean up against the chair and savour the glorious feeling.”

I dealt the next hand to the five remaining players. Jack and Tim were in their underwear, Sara in her bra, and Steph and I in our all together. 

Jack lost the next hand to Sara and took off his underwear.

Sara, who rolled a four to Jack’s five, told Jack to lie on his back and spread his legs. After sitting on her haunches between his legs she looked over at Tim who shouted, “Go! You’ve got four minutes.”

Tim groaned as he watched Sara run her fingers up Jack’s shaft and use one finger to circled it just below the head.

His groaning intensified when she gripped his rigid shaft with both her hands and slowly began to move them up and down it. 

After about a minute she asked, “I think you’re close Jack. Do you want to come now or do you want me to extend it some?”

“Extend it,” Jack grunted. “Try and extend it. Please try.”

After a few moments he groaned, “I can’t hold it any longer Sara. I’m about to come.”

Sara slowed down a bit and, looking over at Robyn, said, “Robyn?” She nodded towards Jack’s cock and asked, “Hurry if you want to.”

Robyn scrambled over and positioned her open mouth over Jack’s cock as Sara continued to stroke it. As the first load of cum shot out she lowered her head and caught it as she did with each subsequent spurt. When Sara removed her hands Robyn let her mouth totally engulf his cock as she rubbed the channel to milk all the cum out it. 

“There Jack, “she smiled licking her lips. “No mess to clean up. Come sit with me. You’re out of the game too.”

Jack crawled over to sit beside Robyn. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and hugged him. 

I dealt the next hand and lost to Steph. She rolled a five and I a six. “How do you want me Steph. You’ve got four minutes to rub your crotch over my thigh.”

“Sit on the arm of the chair,” she asked. “Spread your legs so I can sit on one.”

After she straddled my thigh she turned to Tim and said, “Any time, Tim.”

Tim looked at his watch and announced, “You have to last four minutes to stay in the game. Go!”

Steph began to slowly rub her crotch up and down my thigh. Every so often her thigh touched my balls.

Soon her head went back and she closed her eyes. About the same time I began to feel coolness on my thigh and thought, she’s starting to get wet.

After a while she started grinding her vagina on my knee. At that point Tim announced, “Two minutes left.”

She looked at me and whispered, “I can’t, and don’t want to, make it for another two minutes. I’d never have believed it but this feels fantastic. I’ve gotten myself off in a lot of ways but I’ve never thought of using someone’s knee before.”

She closed her eyes and continued to grind herself into my knee. 

She really picked up the pace and began to groan. I felt her thighs grip my knee like a vice as her face contorted. After a few seconds her grip on my leg relaxed and she collapsed against me. 

“Damn,” she murmured. “I hate to lose. But it was worth it though to discover a new way of getting off.”

Tim then lamented, “I think I’m out too.” 

“Seeing Steph getting off like that was the last straw. With everything else that I’ve seen it was too much and I came too. Has anyone got some tissues?”

“What do you think guys?” I asked looking at the rest of the group. “Is Tim in or out?”

“He shouldn’t be out,” said Jack. “When the rules say that if someone has an orgasm they’re out, they only referred to the winner and the loser.”

“The rules aren’t that specific,” declared Robyn. “They say if anyone has an orgasm during the touching time then they’re eliminated. I think that he should be out.”

“I agree,” chimed in Steph and Sara.

Looking at Tim with a big smile Steph asked, “If you don’t have any objections, as a consolation prize, I’ll be happy to clean you up. I think it’s the least I can do for someone who gets so excited watching me get off that he comes himself.”

“I’m okay with that,” replied Tim.

Steph moved to his side and said, “Lie down so I can do a proper job.” 

Lifting his cock, she began lapping the cum off his tummy. 

I said to Sara with a smile, “We’re it. Are you ready for the next hand?”

I dealt myself a pair of threes and took three cards. Sara only took two cards. I ended up picking up three fours and thought, a full house should be a winner. Sara only took two cards though. I wonder what she’s got.

“Let’s see what you’ve got Greg.”

“Unlike me, you’ve already seen everything,” I chuckled.

“Cute,” she said. “Really cute. I meant your cards. What have you got? I’ve got three queens.”

“I’ve got three fours.” 

As she started to smile, I grinned and continued, “I’ve also got a pair of threes. My full house beats your three of a kind Sara.” 

“Take that bra off. I want to see your tits. I’ve been sitting here most of the evening wondering what they looked like and why you took your panties off before your bra.”

Sara reached up and unhooked the bra snap. As she peeled back the cups she explained, “No particular reason Greg. I just felt like it.”

I caught myself staring at two of the most perfect tits I think I’ve ever seen.

“They’re beautiful,” I whispered.

“I wish you’d taken off your bra first. I would have liked a longer time to admire them. Can I touch them?”

“Not yet,” she replied with a smile as she pulled back. “Let’s see what the die says you’re going to use.”

I rolled a two. “Great!” I said. “Your turn to roll. Let’s see what I’m going to do with my mouth.”

She took the die and rolled a two as well. 

“Damn,” I complained. “I only get to kiss you for the next four minutes.”

“Patience,” she said with a smile. “Foreplay isn’t a bad thing you know.”

Caught out I stammered, “I know. I know. I enjoy foreplay too but I’m so turned on. I want to caress you all over with both my hands and my mouth.”

“Are you ready with the time Tim,” she replied with a smirk. 

“I think mister hot-to-trot wants to get this part over so we can get to the next hand.”

I moved beside her and leaned over so my face was next to hers. I blew softly in her left ear and then began nibbling on it. I gave her small kisses as I moved down the side of her face to her chin and up to the other ear. I then continued with the small dry kisses all over her face. As I reached her mouth I began to kiss more intently. As she let out a quiet sigh I pushed my tongue between her lips and began to gently nibble on her lips.

I gently eased her backwards to lie on her back. I glanced at the others. Instead of finding four people watching us, I saw Robyn and Jack passionately kissing and Tim eating out Steph as he took advantage of how she had straddled him to lick the cum off his tummy.

As I lay down beside Sara I whispered in her ear, “Jack and Robyn are really going at it and Tim and Steph are sixty-nining.”

“I don’t care,” she sighed. “Keep up that divine kissing please. I’m really getting turned on.”

As I continued kissing her I thought, the hell with it.

I let my hand drift up her tummy to her left boob and began to caress it. 

Sara’s moans got louder and longer as we continued. 

She rolled towards me so we were facing each other and her hands began to caress me too. 

After a few moments I moved my hand down to her crotch and found her lips really wet and swollen. After giving it a couple of caresses, I removed my hand and rolled on top of her. 

As I did her legs spread apart and, when I looked into her face, she murmured, “Yes. Please make love to me. The previous one was a fuck. I want you to make love to me this time.”

I slowly pushed my cock into her until it was fully buried and then began to slide it in and out. She soon picked up on, and matched, my rhythm all the while gazing serenely into my eyes. 

I felt the surging of my blood and the wild clamour of my heart as I moved in and out of her. I revelled at the sight of her beautiful face contorting in ecstasy. 

My own rising excitement drowned out any conscious thought I might have had as I felt arousal and tension rapidly building.

Sara’s cries, as her body convulsed in her orgasm, lifted me to the verge of my own. 

In the midst of Sara’s trembling I thrust deeply as I spurted once, twice and three times into her. 

I collapsed on her and my body continued to tremble. We lay holding each other for what seemed like an eternity as our orgasms subsided.

I raised my head and, gazing into Sara’s sparkling eyes, gave her a light kiss on the lips as I whispered, “Thanks Sara. That was wonderful.”

“For me too,” she replied. “I haven’t felt like that in a long time. It felt so good. So natural. Can we just lie in each others arms for a few more minutes?”

“I’d like that,” I murmured. “It did feel natural didn’t it.”

As we lay cuddling I thought, this is weird. Sara’s one of the gang. Christ, I’ve talked to her about how to turn women on and how to get them into bed. I didn’t think we could become lovers.

“Sara,” I said in a questioning voice, “I’m not …”

“Yeah, I know,” she said cutting me off. 

“I think I’m having the same thoughts. Can I stay tonight so we can talk about what just happened.”

“I’d like that,” I said as I gave her another kiss. 

“Let’s see what everyone else is doing. We’ve sort of been in our own little world for the last little while.”

“Yeah we have haven’t we? It sure was nice.”

As we sat up I looked around the room. Robyn and Jack were lying in each other’s arms looking like they were asleep as were Tim and Steph. 

After a few minutes the two couples began to stir and then they sat up.

Robyn looked over at Sara with a questioning look and Sara stated, “It’s all yours girl. I’m going to stay here with Greg for the rest of the night.”

“Thanks,” Robyn replied as she looked at Jack with a big smile. “Jack and I want to get to know each other a little better.”

They got up and, after getting dressed, said their good-byes.

Tim looked at Steph and said, “I’d like to continue getting to know you too.”

He paused for a second and continued, “I’m assuming that you want to continue as well?”

“Don’t be silly,” exclaimed Steph. “You’re damn right I want to continue. Christ, if you think I’m going to let you get away after what we’ve experienced tonight you’re out of your tree. But neither of us can use our places though.”

“I’ve got about fifty bucks on me. Do you have any? If you’ve got twenty bucks we could rent a room for the rest of the evening. It won’t be much but we’ll be alone.”

I looked at Sara and, after she nodded, said, “Rob’s away for the weekend. You two could use his room if you want. I can loan you some fresh sheets.”

“Could we? That would be fantastic. Are you sure it’s okay?” they replied looking back and forth between Sara and me.

“You’re a lifesaver Greg. Thanks,” said Tim excitedly.

Tim put his arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the door that would take them down to Rob’s room in the basement.

After they had closed the basement door I looked over at Sara and said, “I’m really confused Sara. I’ve never ever thought of you as lover material. You’ve always been a pal, someone I could talk to about this, that and everything. Christ I even talked to you about how to entice Janet into bed.”

“I know what you mean,” she replied. “I didn’t start to think about you as anyone other than a pal until Robyn started to talk to me about Jack. When I heard her say what she was saying about him I realized that I thought the same way about you.”

“Come here,” I asked as I held my arms out to her. I gave her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead as I said, “You know that there’s no road back right now. I’ve experienced and felt too much with you tonight to return to where we were at seven o’clock tonight.”

“What are you saying?” said Sara in a worried voice.

“What I’m saying is that we have to go forward from here,” I replied. “That being said, I really want to see where this will go and hope that you do too.”

“I do too,” Sara replied as she gave me a hug. I put my arm around her as we walked up the stairs to my room. We crawled into bed and fell asleep with me spooning her.



Written by verytrustedsource
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