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The Bitch, Her Boyfriend And I

"When Susan's bitchy classmate discovers her secret, depravity ensues."

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Nobody who got to know Allie took longer than a minute to realize that she was the epitome of a bitch. It started with the way she dressed oh-so-perfectly, like right out of the newest fashion catalogue, even if everyone else was in jeans and t-shirts. It went on with the way she tended to pull up one corner of her lovely lips derisively while she talked to you, how she wrinkled her cute little nose and rolled her big, unique, silvery green eyes every time she wasn’t the one talking. She always got people’s names wrong, even if they had told her how to address them for the tenth time.

Take me, for example. Susan wasn’t that uncommon or complicated a name, now was it? Yet, even after almost a year of sharing a bench in class, she called me Sandy - if she deemed me worthy to be talked to at all, that is.

More often than talking to me, she just took whatever she needed. She had run out of squared paper? She simply took one from me. She forgot her ruler? She used mine, even though I needed it too.

Things came to a head one day before class had even started. I had arrived earlier than usual, and I had only stepped out a few minutes and gone to the loo when I caught her with my backpack on her chair and her hands digging through my belongings.

“What do you think you’re doing, bitch?” I shouted as soon as I realized what was going on.

She looked up at me, smirking like always and making no move to extract her hand. Her eyes twinkled, daring me to continue.

“Give me back my things,” I growled, my skin tingling with barely contained rage.

“Wow, cool down, Sandy!” Finally, her hand withdrew, but then she stare hard at me and pushed the backpack from her chair.

“Asshole!” I shouted and jumped forward in futile attempt to stop my things from spilling out. I was, of course, far too late. Pencils, pens, books and writing pads got strewn all over the linoleum floor, and a loose dime tumbled and rolled all across the classroom with a whirring noise.

“Oops,” she said with a grin. “I’m so sorry.”

With a huff, I got onto my knees and started to pick up and sort all the items around me. It wasn’t the first time that Allie behaved in such a way, but thing appeared to escalate lately. Perhaps being in her junior year and able to boss around all the college freshmen got to her.

I was just bent forward and pulling my history book towards me, when her expensive, neon-orange sneakers entered my vision.

Knowing that the last thing on her mind would be to help me pick up my things and expecting more mocking comments from her, I wasn’t prepared for her to crouch down right in front of me. For a moment, her skirt rode up and gave me a clear vision of her thong - a thin, equally neon-orange triangle between deeply tanned thighs which clearly showed the outlines of her pussy lips. What a slut! I tried to ignore that the flimsy piece of fabric probably cost as much as everything I was wearing together.

I put the history book down on the growing stack of books next to me.

Allie giggled. At first, I ignored it, but it grew louder and turned into all-out laughter.

I dared a look, and my breath froze.

“Give me that!” I cried out and tried to snatch the sheet of paper she had picked up from her hands.

“Oh no,” she exclaimed and jumped up, still laughing. “That’s too good to give back. Now who would have thought…?”

I wanted to die. Why had I kept that sheet, filled with scribbling, at all? My body trembled.

Allie lazily dangled the paper above me her, her index finger pointing straight down to the scribbled heart, and she whispered, “How sweet.”

I gulped, but I couldn’t keep myself from staring at the red heart that surrounded her name.

“It’s not…” I started to object, but she crouched down once more, and this time, the short flickering of my eyes to that forbidden spot between her legs did not go unnoticed.

“Lezzie,” she whispered, burying the fingers of her free hand in my long, black hair, pulling down until I was staring red-cheeked into her face. “Oh my god, you’re a lesbian. You’re crushing on me!”

I tried to tell her that it wasn’t true. My lips formed words, but those wouldn’t come. My skin tingled all over, and the way she had my hair in her grip and dictated where I looked at touched something deep inside me.

“Please,” I finally managed to whimper.

The calculating gaze which she ran up and down my body made me shiver with embarrassment. She slowly folded up the sheet into a roughly two-by-two square, and my breath hitched when she pulled away the neckline of her figure-hugging lime-green dress and pushed my unwitting confession inside her bra. Her eyes never left mine.

“Please, give it back!” I pleaded.

“But don’t you love the idea that your writing will be resting directly on the soft skin of my tits all day?”

Sarcasm dripped from her words, tears threatened to pool in my eyes, but visions of her perfect little breasts, small but firm halves of an apple, danced in my mind. When I finally managed to squash them back into a dark corner of my soul, I knew that I had taken too long. My hesitancy in answering was all the confirmation she had been waiting for.

The clattering of footsteps right outside the door broke the tension. Allie sat down on her chair as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and I quickly put my things back into my bag and took my seat too.

The three lessons until morning break went by with agonizing slowness, and I embarrassed myself a few times when I was called on and had no idea what the class had been talking about. I earned three reprimands that day, which meant I’d end up in the principal’s office later that week. I was unable to look over at Allie. My thoughts raced.

Finally, the bell rang to announce the break, and I hurried out of the classroom and headed into the loo, locking myself into a cubicle and sitting down on the closed lid, desperate to get some order back into my tumbling mess of thoughts.

I was deep in thoughts and didn’t hear the lock turn. It was one of these ‘secure’ things for which only needed a coin to unlock it from outside.

I gasped when Allie was suddenly in the cubicle with me, smirking and giggling.

“Poor little Lezzie,” she drawled, her eyes twinkling beautifully with glee. “Afraid to confess your naughty thoughts?”

I looked to the side, unwilling to get drawn into her bitch-games again.

“Let me help you out,” she suddenly whispered from close up, so close that I could feel her hot, sweet breath caress my cheek.

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes.

What she said next made my stomach lurch and my thighs rub together involuntarily.

“Show me your boobs.”

My head snapped around and I stared at her. Whatever I had expected, it wasn’t this. Was there a chance that she…? My mind didn’t dare finish the thought. She had a boyfriend, after all. Anthony, or Tony as people called him, had been the biggest womanizer in our year before the two of them had hooked up. He was handsome, dark-haired, muscled and good with words. Also having a mean streak a mile wide, he was a female version of Allie and the perfect match for her.

I clenched my hands into fists. She was probably setting me up for some new kind of humiliation, I guessed. I couldn’t give in to the urge, even though she was smiling so sweetly at me now.

“Come on,” she whispered, “show me these pretty, big boobies. Let me see if they are as yummy as they look from outside your clothes.”

I tried to keep still, but then her hand softly cupped my chin and her fingers touched my face. The small sparkles that jumped from her touch broke my resistance.

My eyes blurred. My heart beat like mad in my chest. I was terrified that she was only playing with me and that I was making the biggest mistake of my life. My fingers, having their own mind, fumbled with the buttons of my shirt, and then it slid down my arms and laid my bra-covered C-cups bare to her eyes.

“Good girl,” she whispered, and the small hairs on my skin stood up.

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“Now the rest.”

I couldn’t. My hands trembled too much. My cheeks burned brighter and hotter than a bonfire.

I failed to stifle my moan when I felt her fingers on the top of my breasts, felt them nestle with the white, frilly fabric and pull it downwards. Cool air touched more and more of my skin, and my nipples stiffened into needle points when my breasts spilled over my bra, completely exposed.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” she mocked, but there wasn’t the usual venom in her voice.

I wondered what would happen next, but I didn’t have long, because she wrapped her fingers around my bared breasts and pulled me upwards. God, I had dreamed of her touching me there in those heated, breathless nights in my bed with just me and my fingers. But it had never been this crazy, never been so surreal - never been this intense. Although my fantasies had been intense, I had to admit.

I was quickly standing upright, guided by the hands around my tits, and my chest prickled with delicious arousal. My nipples screamed out to be touched, but she pushed me against the side wall of the cubicle and looked hard into my eyes, judging every little emotion that flittered through them.

“Perfect.” She smiled with heavy lids, and for a moment I dared to have the hope that she might kiss me.

Instead, she reached back and pulled the door open, making me freeze and my heart stumble.

“Finally,” an impatient male voice exclaimed, “took you long enough. Break’s not going to last forever, you know!”

Before I could decide on a reaction, Allie’s boyfriend, Tony, had entered the small space and closed the door again. My breath flew like mad, and I could feel his unrestrained, greedy eyes roam all over my naked upper body.

“Nice tits,” he commented and stepped even closer.

I should have covered them with my arms. Hell, I should have snatched up my blouse, dressed and seen that I got out of there. If I was following rational thought, that is. But in this crazy situation, my brain was at the end of its wit and handed over complete control of my actions to my instincts.

And my instincts felt the arousal that came from Allie and her boyfriend and reveled in it. My instincts, all too aware of the naughty dreams about Allie which I had allowed myself in the secrecy of my home, took these as their guide and made hot juices gush between my legs.

Instead of fleeing, I pressed my back against the wall and parted my lips to allow a long, soft moan of desire to confess my need. And instead of turning away, I pushed forward and made my breasts meet Tony’s eager hand when they approached.

His fingers were strong, and he started to knead my tits without hesitation, a wide smile spreading over his charming face. “Fuck,” he exclaimed, squeezing them and making me moan again, “they feel even better than I thought they would!”

I had been completely focused on Tony’s ruthless touch and the wonderful feelings which it evoked and sent straight to my creaming pussy. I only realized that Allie hadn’t been idle when my skirt pooled around my feet and laid bare my red cotton panties. There was a huge, dark stain in the front.

Allie giggled. “Oh my, someone’s in heat here.”

“Don’t play innocent,” Tony retorted, “I’m quite sure yours are soaked through already.”

“But I’m not the one whose panties are in plain view,” she shot back with amusement.

I could feel the blushes race over my cheeks in waves.

Allie stepped slightly behind Tony and wrapped her arms around him. I could see the huge bulge at the front of his jeans, and my breath left me when she undid the buckle of his belt and started opening the buttons of his fly.

“You’re…” My throat was to dry to finished my question.

“Don’t worry,” Allie ensured me breathlessly. “He won’t fuck you. Yet.”

Not yet? My skin went up in flames once more. Then she pulled down the waistband of his briefs and grabbed the thick cock that sprang free, its head swollen and almost purple with arousal.

‘Huge!’ The word reverberated in my mind when I noticed the sheer size of his stiff rod. Allie’s fingers fell short of wrapping all the way around it, and almost half of it stuck out over her wrist.

“Fuck, yes!” Tony groaned and renewed his efforts with my tits, squeezing and kneading them hard. My knees grew weak.

“Shit. Yes!” Pinching my nipples made spears of wonderful heat travel through my tits. “Again!” I urged, giving up any resemblance of restraint.

“That’s it,” Allie encouraged us with a husky moan, her hand pushing the skin up and down her boyfriend’s impressive cock, and I could hear his breath shudder every time she touched his glans.

Our means quickly increased in intensity. Allie’s ministrations to Tony’s cock grew fast and urgent and his eyelids lowered more and more, but his fingers kept up their wonderful dance with my breasts and made them burn with arousal.

The look of pure need in his eyes was raw and breathtaking. Suddenly, his hips jerked and his body stiffened.

I gasped when the front of my panties was suddenly pulled down by Allie’s free hand, and I watched with breathless, depraved fascination when Tony’s hips jerked again and a thick spurt of cum splashed right onto the top of my pussy. Another jerk, and this time I could even see his cock throb in my classmate’s fingers. And again. Spurt after spurt, the shiny white cream covered my pussy with thick globs.

I almost came myself. I think a single touch on my clit would have sent me over the edge, and I could feel my arousal pulsate wetly between my thighs.

But then Tony was spent, and his hands let go and left my tits with a yearning emptiness. Allie giggled and let my panties snap back into position.

“God, that was wicked!” Tony’s voice was breathless.

I could feel the sticky wetness of his cum cover my pussy and had to agree.

“That was only the beginning,” Allie whispered loud enough for me to hear and stowed his shrinking cock back in his briefs. “Just wait until tonight.”

He buttoned his trousers and buckled up his belt himself. Allie stepped in front of me and smirked. “Was that what you dreamed of?”

“Not exactly,” I whispered and looked to the side, my cheeks again blushing madly.

“But you liked it?”

The answer was plain, but too embarrassing to voice out loud.

She didn’t allow me to stay silent, though. Her hand pressed against my crotch and made acutely aware of the sticky mess of her boyfriend’s spunk that lingered there. “I asked if you liked it!”

“Shit!” I groaned. “Yes. Fuck, I don’t know why, but yes, I liked it,” I admitted petulantly.

“Good,” she purred, leaning close and rubbing in small, delicious circles over my wet sex. Her breath tickled my ear. “After school, my place. Don’t wash up. Don’t change clothes.”

Then I was alone in the cubicle, and there was only one thing left to do. My fingers flew between my legs and started to rub frantically. It took me only seconds to approach that delicious edge and throw myself over it to delve head-first into the awaiting sea of pleasure.

The bell rang, announcing the end of the break, and my body shook and trembled. My moans filled the air, echoing in the tiled room, and my pussy spewed more juices into the naughty wetness between my legs.

“Bitch!” I muttered. “Bitch.” I couldn’t wait to see what the bitch had planned for the afternoon. I was quite late for class, and I think I saw at least one girl wrinkle her nose when I walked past her towards my seat while I gave Mr. Robertson a lame excuse, which he accepted to my relief.

A sheet of paper waited for me on my table. It showed a big, red heart, with the names ‘Allie’ at the left and ‘Tony’ at the right. At the bottom, it held the word ‘Slut’.

Goosebumps raced up my back, and I could see the corner of Allie’s mouth twitch while I hastily hid the sheet in my bag.

Written by ChrissieLecker
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