On Rounds – The Last Night
Can I hear a round of applause ladies and gentlemen? The choir is singing and I am floating! As of 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, I will officially no longer be employed by Residence Life. Graduation is next week. My internship is lined up and I cannot wait to start working my way up the publishing ladder. One day I want to have my own publishing and editing company. I was lucky to nail this opportunity. All I need to do is make it through this last night of rounds.
Armed with nothing but my clipboard and a pen, I stroll through the residence hall for the last time. You hear all kinds of things from behind those doors. Dogs barking. Pets are definitely NOT allowed. Family guy and The Colbert Report blaring from TV speakers. Are all these residents deaf? People playing Xbox One and Playstation 4. It’s Friday night, go get twisted why don’t you?! Hm, the sounds of college students at their finest. And of course, I can hear some fucking going on. It is the last week for a lot of us. A couple of farewell hookups are currently under way.
“Harder! Yes… Yes baby mmmmmm. Fuck!” a girl screams. The grunting of a bunch of these coeds is making me horny; more-so than I am on a normal basis. My panties become damp with every step I take. As I reminisce about my eventful year there is one thing that I regret, well, one person. Petey. My next door neighbor. He is British with a yummy accent. Most girls fall weak at that knees whenever he is around based on that alone.
His looks aren’t of the drop-dead-gorgeous-take-me-now variety. He’s merely simple. Shaggy brown hair that he lets grow too long so that it covers his deep brown eyes, toned muscular build, and tall. He isn’t bursting out of his t-shirts or walking in that swaggerly way that some attractive guys do: chest out and up, hips swiveling, etc. I find all of those things very sexy do not get me wrong, I mean what girl wouldn’t? I guess what I am trying to get across is that if Petey were in a crowd of people, my eyes would skip right over him to someone more distinctive.
Still, after meeting him once, he became a good friend, a great resident, and a constant fantasy. The honesty with which he approaches all things is refreshing and keeps me on my toes. He teases me sometimes and I swoon inwardly, but it’s the same with other girls too, so, it is truly hard to know when he’s being sincere. Nevertheless, I would jump at the chance to get tangled in the sheets with him. Unfortunately, I am forbidden by contract to do so. Lots of other RAs get involved with their residents because really, who would find out? I avoid breaking this rule considering the fact that I live with these students, sleeping with them would make my life way more complicated than is necessary. Petey equals the exception.
It’s my last night and my bags are packed to leave the next day. It would be nice to bump into Petey, say a nice, platonic goodbye. Usually, Petey is out having fun and then slipping into his room around 3 a.m. with some random chick. Not jealous…maybe a tad. As I approach my door, I hear jingling coming up the stairs. Petey has this fascination with key chains. He has a pig, a batman, a horse, a guitar, a lightning bolt, all kinds of things dangling from his lanyard, so I know it is him ascending.
Time to have a little fun.
I unzip my hoodie until the dip in my breasts are easily visible beneath my tank top. I’m wearing my black lace bra with purple ribbons twisting throughout that peeks out ever so slightly. I bend over and throw my crazy untamable curls back for a casually cute look. Just as I right myself, he comes up on the floor.
“Gretchen. What a pleasant surprise.” Petey calls to me in his unique voice.
“Petey. What are you doing home so early on a Friday night? It’s barely 11 o clock.” I smirk as I check my watch and study him with as much subtlety as I can.
“Mmm yea, I had a date. Then I didn’t have a date. That simple.” He replies walking closer to me. The wet feeling between my thighs grows as I catch a whiff of his scent. Old Spice. I wouldn’t have called that. In jeans and a gray t-shirt, he renders me a little speechless. A lot speechless. Don’t kid yourself Gretchen. Am I talking to myself too much? Oh God I am. Say something back to him before he thinks you’re ignoring him.
“How unfortunate.” I tilt my head to the side trying to reel him in. As far as I’m concerned, as of 12 a.m. I am no longer an RA. I can make my move with no regrets, especially since I am leaving tomorrow.
“What are you up to? Doing rounds I see. Anything…interesting happen tonight?” He remarks with a wink. Soooo I told him a little about what I saw, so what?! I’m a helpless gossip.
“Yeah, I just finished. It’s my last night so…”
“LAST NIGHT?” He blurts out and then catches himself. “I mean—you’re graduating right?”
“Mmmhm.” I nod still watching him carefully. “Actually, I was about to destroy some mint chocolate chip Ben & Jerry’s…You wanna come in?” Please please please…
“Sounds great,” he answers. The smile that spreads over his face is doing nothing to control my desire to jump his bones.
-about 5 minutes until Midnight-
“NO. You’ve got to be kidding! You did not go skinny dipping in the purity pledges’ pool!” Petey is laughing so hard that his eyes water, threatening to spill over. I lick the last of the ice cream from my carton, all while thinking about his chest against mine.
“Yes. I most certainly did. Those girls never liked me. Said I was too rude and brash, so one day me and some friends stripped and jumped in the pool behind their house, which is stupid! Why did they get a house? They are not a sorority or anything. It always boggles my mind how much of school funding goes to the stupidest things. I can’t stand incompetence or ignorance and I’ve always wanted to—.” I stop my mini-tirade.
“No please continue!” Petey waves me on with an amused smile on his face.
“No Petey, that’s my bad. Sometimes I get a little carried away when I talk.” I look down shyly.
“You know Gretchen, you’re the only one that calls me Petey.”
“Am I? I guess I didn’t really notice I was doing it. You’ve never told me to stop.”
“Well, people have tried. Maybe I should say that you are the only person I let call me Petey.” I feel heat rising in my neck as I glance up at him. He stares from my eyes to my lips, his gaze flitting. I can tell we are both nervous and excited in all senses of those words. When I see the clock over his shoulder, my libido flames inside of me.
“Petey?” I ask moving in a little bit so he can feel my breath against his neck as I whisper.
“Mhm?” His voice wavers slightly with my closeness. I slowly unzip the hoody I am wearing and slide it off of my arms revealing my tank top underneath.
“Remember that rule I told you about? The one where I can’t get involved with my residents?”
“Hmm..yeah” He grunts a little at my touch when I reach up to grab his neck. I lean back to meet his gaze and his eyes burn into my own; our desire feeding off of each other and ready to explode.
Can I hear a round of applause ladies and gentlemen? The choir is singing and I am floating! As of 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, I will officially no longer be employed by Residence Life. Graduation is next week. My internship is lined up and I cannot wait to start working my way up the publishing ladder. One day I want to have my own publishing and editing company. I was lucky to nail this opportunity. All I need to do is make it through this last night of rounds.
Armed with nothing but my clipboard and a pen, I stroll through the residence hall for the last time. You hear all kinds of things from behind those doors. Dogs barking. Pets are definitely NOT allowed. Family guy and The Colbert Report blaring from TV speakers. Are all these residents deaf? People playing Xbox One and Playstation 4. It’s Friday night, go get twisted why don’t you?! Hm, the sounds of college students at their finest. And of course, I can hear some fucking going on. It is the last week for a lot of us. A couple of farewell hookups are currently under way.
“Harder! Yes… Yes baby mmmmmm. Fuck!” a girl screams. The grunting of a bunch of these coeds is making me horny; more-so than I am on a normal basis. My panties become damp with every step I take. As I reminisce about my eventful year there is one thing that I regret, well, one person. Petey. My next door neighbor. He is British with a yummy accent. Most girls fall weak at that knees whenever he is around based on that alone.
His looks aren’t of the drop-dead-gorgeous-take-me-now variety. He’s merely simple. Shaggy brown hair that he lets grow too long so that it covers his deep brown eyes, toned muscular build, and tall. He isn’t bursting out of his t-shirts or walking in that swaggerly way that some attractive guys do: chest out and up, hips swiveling, etc. I find all of those things very sexy do not get me wrong, I mean what girl wouldn’t? I guess what I am trying to get across is that if Petey were in a crowd of people, my eyes would skip right over him to someone more distinctive.
Still, after meeting him once, he became a good friend, a great resident, and a constant fantasy. The honesty with which he approaches all things is refreshing and keeps me on my toes. He teases me sometimes and I swoon inwardly, but it’s the same with other girls too, so, it is truly hard to know when he’s being sincere. Nevertheless, I would jump at the chance to get tangled in the sheets with him. Unfortunately, I am forbidden by contract to do so. Lots of other RAs get involved with their residents because really, who would find out? I avoid breaking this rule considering the fact that I live with these students, sleeping with them would make my life way more complicated than is necessary. Petey equals the exception.
It’s my last night and my bags are packed to leave the next day. It would be nice to bump into Petey, say a nice, platonic goodbye. Usually, Petey is out having fun and then slipping into his room around 3 a.m. with some random chick. Not jealous…maybe a tad. As I approach my door, I hear jingling coming up the stairs. Petey has this fascination with key chains. He has a pig, a batman, a horse, a guitar, a lightning bolt, all kinds of things dangling from his lanyard, so I know it is him ascending.
Time to have a little fun.
I unzip my hoodie until the dip in my breasts are easily visible beneath my tank top. I’m wearing my black lace bra with purple ribbons twisting throughout that peeks out ever so slightly. I bend over and throw my crazy untamable curls back for a casually cute look. Just as I right myself, he comes up on the floor.
“Gretchen. What a pleasant surprise.” Petey calls to me in his unique voice.
“Petey. What are you doing home so early on a Friday night? It’s barely 11 o clock.” I smirk as I check my watch and study him with as much subtlety as I can.
“Mmm yea, I had a date. Then I didn’t have a date. That simple.” He replies walking closer to me. The wet feeling between my thighs grows as I catch a whiff of his scent. Old Spice. I wouldn’t have called that. In jeans and a gray t-shirt, he renders me a little speechless. A lot speechless. Don’t kid yourself Gretchen. Am I talking to myself too much? Oh God I am. Say something back to him before he thinks you’re ignoring him.
“How unfortunate.” I tilt my head to the side trying to reel him in. As far as I’m concerned, as of 12 a.m. I am no longer an RA. I can make my move with no regrets, especially since I am leaving tomorrow.
“What are you up to? Doing rounds I see. Anything…interesting happen tonight?” He remarks with a wink. Soooo I told him a little about what I saw, so what?! I’m a helpless gossip.
“Yeah, I just finished. It’s my last night so…”
“LAST NIGHT?” He blurts out and then catches himself. “I mean—you’re graduating right?”
“Mmmhm.” I nod still watching him carefully. “Actually, I was about to destroy some mint chocolate chip Ben & Jerry’s…You wanna come in?” Please please please…
“Sounds great,” he answers. The smile that spreads over his face is doing nothing to control my desire to jump his bones.
-about 5 minutes until Midnight-
“NO. You’ve got to be kidding! You did not go skinny dipping in the purity pledges’ pool!” Petey is laughing so hard that his eyes water, threatening to spill over. I lick the last of the ice cream from my carton, all while thinking about his chest against mine.
“Yes. I most certainly did. Those girls never liked me. Said I was too rude and brash, so one day me and some friends stripped and jumped in the pool behind their house, which is stupid! Why did they get a house? They are not a sorority or anything. It always boggles my mind how much of school funding goes to the stupidest things. I can’t stand incompetence or ignorance and I’ve always wanted to—.” I stop my mini-tirade.
“No please continue!” Petey waves me on with an amused smile on his face.
“No Petey, that’s my bad. Sometimes I get a little carried away when I talk.” I look down shyly.
“You know Gretchen, you’re the only one that calls me Petey.”
“Am I? I guess I didn’t really notice I was doing it. You’ve never told me to stop.”
“Well, people have tried. Maybe I should say that you are the only person I let call me Petey.” I feel heat rising in my neck as I glance up at him. He stares from my eyes to my lips, his gaze flitting. I can tell we are both nervous and excited in all senses of those words. When I see the clock over his shoulder, my libido flames inside of me.
“Petey?” I ask moving in a little bit so he can feel my breath against his neck as I whisper.
“Mhm?” His voice wavers slightly with my closeness. I slowly unzip the hoody I am wearing and slide it off of my arms revealing my tank top underneath.
“Remember that rule I told you about? The one where I can’t get involved with my residents?”
“Hmm..yeah” He grunts a little at my touch when I reach up to grab his neck. I lean back to meet his gaze and his eyes burn into my own; our desire feeding off of each other and ready to explode.

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“Well…It’s 12 a.m. I’m no longer your Resident Assistant.” He finally realizes what is going on with these words. I spread my legs so that he is sitting between them on my loveseat in the common room.
“What an interesting observation...” He grins and our faces are mere inches apart.
“So, what do you think about that?” I question and stare down at the mouth that I have dreamed about tasting for months.
“I think I’ve wanted to do this since the second I met you.” I giggle with joy as he pushes me down on the cushions and takes off my shirt to feel my bare skin. His touch is scorching, but I am ready. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull him down on top of me. Petey kisses my lips softly and nibbles a little but then the kissing grows hungrier. My tongue finds his and the slippery dance ensues. The only sound is our heavy breathing and quiet moaning echoing through empty space. I can feel fire building up inside me and I want to have his skin against mine
He sits up and rips his shirt off while I unbuckle his belt. He stops me and I look up at him, confused. Petey places my hands above my head firmly. He holds me down.
“I’ve waited too long not to enjoy this.” He says and kisses my jaw line. He sucks on my neck all the way around while my body reacts. I’m already dripping wet. His kisses and bites find their way to my collar bone. In a smooth motion, he runs his hand down my arm and back up, releasing my bra strap in the process. His thumb traces the C cup at a torturous pace and then dips beneath the lace brushing past my nipple just barely, but I moan anyway. He peels back the padding and lets his warm breath linger over my tit as he watches me twitch beneath him.
“Please Petey. Please.” I beg biting my lip. He smirks and closes his hot mouth over my breast. His tongue begins circling the nipple slowly and then his teeth close down and tug. I have very sensitive nipples, just to let you know, so this is both pure heaven and agony to me. I push my chest up as I arch my back. He keeps flicking my nipple with his tongue and then blowing lightly, making me go nuts.
He reaches around to unhook my bra and throws it aside letting my girls swing free from their lace cage. I laugh in pleasure letting him know how good the sensation feels. His hands find my boobs and squeeze while he crushes his lips on top of mine. I place my hands on his waist, digging my nails in to let him know how fucking horny he is making me. Then he pulls me up off the love seat. His hands support me by my ass, nice and strong, as he carries me to my bedroom. Because of my job, I sleep on a full sized bed instead of a twin mattress. Thank God.
He slides me onto my sheets. Egyptian Cotton. Slowly, he climbs up my body dropping kisses on my calves, my inner thighs, my navel, both breasts. I feel so relaxed and my body is melting into the mattress. He bites my neck while exploring me with his hands. My body practically pleads Petey to move faster, to take me here and now. He reaches into my sweat pants and slips one finger in my pussy.
“Ahh..” I moan with surprise and lift up to kiss him. He pumps slowly in and out of me while playing with my clit. He rubs me in circles and keeps thrusting gently with his finger. I throw my head back not believing how good this feels as Petey sucks on my tit.
“I want to taste you,” he says in my ear. What a coincidence, I want him in my mouth too.
“Take off your pants,” I reply rather forcefully. I yank off my sweats as he does the same with his jeans. He is hard and I am excited. I push him down on the bed and get on top of him. I cover his mouth with mine and can taste my juices. I bite his bottom lip and he sucks on my top one. I pull back slowly, teasing him and move to his neck. I kiss him and suck on where I can see his pulse beating rapidly. He rests his hands on my round, plump cheeks and squeezes hard. I love it.
Moving down over his nipples, I tease him by licking them just a touch. While I brush my lips down his body, I grab his stiff cock in my hands and hear him release a sigh.
“Ohh shit.” He breathes heavily. I flip my body around and straddle his face. He attacks my swollen lips and licks the length of me. I close my mouth around him and start pumping my head with my hand: fast and with no hesitation. Petey tilts his chin toward the ceiling. I suck him hard and let his dick hit the back of my throat even though it makes me gag. He goes back to eating me out, swirling his tongue around my clit. He bites down and drags his teeth across my sensitive spot.
“Mmm..mmmhmm.” I moan keeping him in my mouth. He brings his hand across my ass with a smack and the sensation sets me on fire. He rolls me over and switches our position so he can enter me. After waiting not-so-patiently for him to get the condom, I finally wrap my legs around his waist so that he is buried deep inside me. He moves on top of me, clenching his ass to thrust hard. The bed is shaking with our rhythm and the sound of it knocking against the wall. It drives me to move faster beneath him.
“More. More Petey. Ahh right. There. Fuck!!!” I shriek every time he hits my g-spot. He clutches my hips to turn me over so that I am riding him reverse cowgirl style. I lift myself up and down on his hard member, bracing myself on his shoulders. My boobs bounce around every time I slam down on his hips. His fingers are digging into my hips as I start to rotate on his cock. My hands rise and fall with the heaving of his chest. I’m riding him hard and fast as my tits jiggle. He begins to thrust his hips upward and dig his heels into the bed. My moaning mingles with squishing sound of my juicy wet hole clenching around his dick.
“Gretchen I’m going to cum!” He shouts before shuddering and falling to pieces beneath me. I keep moving, milking him while I try to find my own release. He slips out of me, pushes me on my back, and inserts two fingers this time. He begins to jackhammer in and out of my slippery cunt.
“Ohhh. Oh. Petey don’t stop I’m almost there! Yeah…Uh huh… fuck yeah… YES!” I scream and explode all over his hand. My chest heaves from all the excitement and I try to control my breathing. He licks me off of his fingers and then softly kisses my lips. We end up cuddling throughout the night which is not necessary, but is nice nevertheless. After a second round in the shower the next morning, he helps me load up my VW bug.
“Looks like this is it Petey. I’ll miss you.” I say and kiss him on the cheek. Before I can climb into the car, he grabs my arm and whips me around. He lays one hell of a kiss on me with his hands gripping my ass for dear life. When he finally lets go, I am flushed and wet again!
“Have a safe drive Gretchen. I expect a text every now and then!” Petey says to me with a devilish, but cute smile. I place my hands on either side of his face.
“I make no promises.” I reply and give him a firm kiss on the lips. I climb into my car and with one more wave I am off. All I can see in my rear view mirror his him looking after me, standing in front of the building that at times was my equivalent to a special kind of hell and at others warranted surprises that were sexy, naughty, and more than fulfilling. I’m only hoping that when I live in the “real world,” I will have even more interesting encounters.