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My Senior Year with Ruth

"A college couple explores, tests, and breaks their boundaries"

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Competition Entry: Back to School



I couldn’t help it. I saw him across the room with Georgia Summers and my breath caught in my throat. He moved like a cat. He smiled like an angel. He stood as a lesser god. He flashed his eyes my way and I drooled in my panties. No man ever affected me in this way as he did at that moment.

He’s a lesser god but he’s still a god. I want to have his babies.

These two thoughts ran through my mind the first minute I saw him. The next nine minutes, before I walked over to him, I tortured myself watching his every move. Georgia said she had a new boyfriend but she didn’t tell me he was a hunk. I couldn’t help myself. I had to meet him; had to touch him. It was a compulsion. If Georgia hadn’t been standing there to introduce us, I’d have hugged and kissed him. But she was undeniably there, so I settled for picking an invisible piece of lint from his shoulder.

The connection was instant. I could feel it. Georgia could see it. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember his name two seconds after I heard it. He remembered mine. He said it a million times. He said Ruth. I looked into his green eyes and smiled every time he said my name.

Eventually Georgia walked away and never came back. We noticed but we kept talking.

We wandered outside away from everyone and we kissed. It was magical. Disneyland kind of magical. He led me to his car and opened the back door. I climbed in. He followed and wrapped his arms around me.

Then he dropped the bomb I never expected to hear from a man like him.

Ruth, I’m a virgin. I won’t put myself inside you but we’ll have incredible orgasms.

I was stunned but managed to blurt, Me, too!

It was his turn to blurt. Modern Methodist, outercourse only. It was an explanation. I squealed, Me, too!

We didn’t talk after that. We stripped each other’s clothes. Naked, he looked more like a god; I looked more like a lustful woman.

I licked the head of him and then mouthed his cock; the cock of a god. Concupiscence extraordinaire. It made me hot. Wet. Available to give or receive an orgasm with this man.

His cock was impressive. Tall as a monument. Hard like one, too. Girth? It was all flesh and all carnal. I drooled over the orgasms his cock mass might provoke in me if we ever fucked.

His balls were indolent. I fondled his testicular eggs, one in each hand; so dense, so heavy with promise. They needed only pleasuring before giving me what I wanted and perhaps what I needed.

If he ever drove himself into me, his thrusts would swing his balls and they’d slap underneath my wet cunt. Or my chin, depending upon the hole he chose.

I can’t believe he’s a virgin. Sweet Jesus!

My tongue touched the fleshy edge of his cockhead before I kissed it. I traced its edge and I outlined his prick with saliva that dripped from my mouth. My mouth was as wet as my cunt. His prick stood upright; ram rod straight. I wrapped both my hands around his shaft and tugged. My mouth stretched over him. His prick pressed the inside of my lips. It filled my mouth with carnal flesh. I sucked. I blew. I tugged. I swirled. Depending upon how you thought about these things, I either licked his god-like shaft or his god-damn dick.

I was feral. An hour before, I was a religiously moderate Methodist college girl in a black dress. I had given a few handjobs or occassionally sucked the cock of a special friend. Now I was naked and I was growling over his manhood or his godhood or maybe his devilhood. I didn’t care what it was called. I hungered for the ambrosia that gods like him proffer. I coveted his godseed.

This was sin and I was all in.

Under my control, he quivered; driving me to new levels of cocksmanship to express my talent.

My need was so real. I needed his cum and I definitely needed his cock to deliver it. I needed to taste it, swallow it, and keep it inside me.

When he came, he partially filled my need. So much fluid. Sweet, salty, creamy streams of jizz splashed the back of my throat. I drank cum from his fire hose in pulsing surges and when the streams slowed, I said, More, please because I was still hungry for him and I wanted more of him.

I sucked his god-cock and I swallowed his god-seed in the second hour of the first day I met him and I could not remember his name.

What had I become?



One of the things that attracted me was her interest in me. That sounds awful, doesn’t it? It sounds like I’m the world’s biggest narcissist. It’s so not true.

I was at the college formal six months ago, October, when my then girlfriend, Georgia, introduced me to Ruth. Ruth picked a piece of lint off my jacket and said A good-looking man like you needs a woman to keep him at his best.

It was an odd comment but it hooked me on Ruth from that moment forward. I didn’t intend to ignore Georgia that night but I did and I’m embarrassed about it. I can’t offer any better excuse than I was smitten by Ruth.

There are two things you should know about me before I get further into this story of Ruth and roads taken in the Woods of Life. At twenty-two, I was a six-foot-two football-playing hunk: muscled, manly, and modest. And I was a virgin.

Ruth became my road taken. She and I were both untraveled when we met.

Abstaining from penetration was something one did to honor the sacrament of marriage. My Methodist parents were clear about that. Ruth and I have been dating since the cotillion and we often talked about waiting and what it meant to honor our marriage with consummation. But when we realized we were committed to marrying each other, the whole idea of waiting for Methodist social approval was absurd.



It began as soon as we were an item. I dressed him for every occasion. I made sure his colors matched and his clothes were clean. I chose colors and patterns he should wear to look his best. It was important to me he look good for my friends. I enjoyed showing him off.

I particularly liked tight fabric around his chest and arms, like T-shirts that showed his guns; but in cooler weather I liked him in four-button Henleys.

I had a thing about his underclothing. I made him wear silk pouch Brazilian briefs one size too large with his workout clothes. They made a nice bulge and gave him room, too. I had him buy patterned cotton briefs for his jeans. It was my rule he should be commando with dress slacks and sleepwear. As far as I was concerned, it was all about the presentation and comfort of his package. The more his eight and a half inches of pleasure was visible and noticed by other women, the hornier I became. And whenever I was aroused, I masturbated. My best orgasms occurred while thinking of women who might finger themselves as they fantasized about my Joshua.



My hard cock is between her lips and Ruth is ravishing it. She and I have cum twice already and are about to finish our third orgasm. She is gorgeous. Her body is art-school beautiful and she has spots of dried semen in her hair, on her breasts, and on her washboard-flat tummy.

I have her scent on my fingers, across my chest, and up my nose. I am trying to make her squirt again and two of my fingers are stroking her G-spot. She cums first and I feel the warmth of her fluid in my hands. Shortly after, I shoot my third and last load into her mouth. She holds it, tongue twirls it, and then lets it drip like honey onto my glans. She watches it ooze down my shaft before she sucks it up and swallows.

Sex between two virgins is spectacular. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

Ruth rolls off the top and nestled into my arms. It’s time for a good cuddle.

“I am so going to fuck your brains out one of these days.”

“You better. It’s the only way this kind of abstinence makes sense.”

“Abstinence makes the frond grow harder,” Ruth replies.

I kiss her breast. “The love of angels on our lips; the devil rests between our hips.”

This has been our… routine is not the right word. There is nothing routine about having sex with Ruth.

I was ready to propose. The ring was in my pocket. I walked over to my jeans and pulled out the box. Still naked, I knelt before her and opened it.

Her face scrunched up and her finger wagged in the air at me.

“Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare propose to me right now. We have to talk about a few things before we get to that point.“

I was confused, perplexed, so I stood up. She patted a spot on the bed for me to sit.

We talked for two hours about a future together. This was not the first time we talked about sex and marriage but it was the first time that the conversation was about making choices about our life together. We chose to give up coital abstinence and begin fucking. But that meant she had to go on the pill or I had to have a vasectomy or we had to use the rhythm method. We talked, too, about our lack of experience in conjugal relations with each other and with other people. We asked ourselves what that might mean in the long term. Then we talked about fidelity and whether that was important to each of us.

The practical side of our Methodist upbringing taught us to talk about our specific relationship and not to confuse what was good for us with what was traditional. Ruth proposed we have sexual experiences with others before marriage. After hearing her out, I agreed.

Fucking other people before marriage accomplished two things. It gave us experiences we might not have with each other and it was a test of our relationship in the real world. The question was clearly How important is fidelity in our relationship? As virgins, we couldn’t answer that question completely but we knew it was important. The only way to answer that question was to have sex with others; experimentally, of course, and not in some kind of open relationship.

Although we each preferred and expected a lifetime of monogamy, we adjusted our attitude to the possibility that one or both of us might have extramarital affairs. We were oh-so-practical and adult about it.

Our final plan took shape: Valentines Day conjugation, fidelity fucking for the following thirty-odd days, then four days of Spring Break to explore sex outside of our relationship. Afterward, if we survived, I’d propose and monogamy would begin again. Graduation would follow and we’d marry. That was the plan we came up with. It hit all the right buttons as far as we were concerned.



Oh, my. A ring! I couldn’t be more excited. Knowing the path we were about to walk was intoxicating. I loved this man intently. And knowing we’d be life partners was monumental to me.

But we had to be practical, too. I wasn’t about to leap without looking. Our relationship had not been stressed; had not been tested. It had been magical. I needed to know that Joshua was committed to me more than the lust that existed between us.

I needed to know how he would react under duress. My major was behavioral psychology and it told me I had developed a compulsion about Joshua. I was not about to marry him if my compulsion would ultimately break him. I loved this man more than myself but my compulsion, my fetish, would probably, and ultimately, test our marriage. Could he handle it? I asked myself that question many times.



She started it. The Titillation Games. It’s all her wonderful fault. We’d been having phenomenal erotic massages with happy endings for three months. The kissing, the caressing, the tonguing, and the pleasuring were terrific. Satisfying.

Ruth kicked it up a notch just before New Year’s Day with flirtatious behaviors. Photos and public exposure. Down blouses. One breast out in a public place. Intentional upskirts, commando selfies. She taunted me.

She said it was to tease and titillate. I said it was torment and torture. She said I should torment her. So I did. With dick pics.

I didn’t know she would keep them. Later when I learned she’d been sharing pics of me with her girlfriend Donna, I asked her why.

“I like to show you off. It turns me on to have other women drool over you. If I could, I’d have you butt naked in a room full of my girlfriends and let them finger themselves to Heaven.”

“What? Okay, it sounds hot but you might regret it later.”

“No. Maybe. I don’t know. I know you have a great body and I like to show you off. It makes me hot when I think other women might masturbate thinking of you. You must hate me for that. I don’t want to share you with other women, but it makes me happy to think other women pleasure themselves because of you.”

“And what if I shared your pictures with my friends and they jerked-off thinking of you?”

Ruth laughed, punched me, and asked if I needed a list of preferred names. What a tease.



I couldn’t help it. Really. It was a compulsion to show him off to women. Clothing was certainly one way but I wanted to showcase him without clothes, too. That was a little more difficult because I wanted Joshua to be an unwitting participant, not a willing one. Well, not now anyway, maybe later. For now I wanted Joshua to be unaware I was showing his body to other women.

At first I took secret pictures of him on my cell phone. I would scroll through my pics with my best friend Donna. Accidentally,she could see him for an instant of time. He would be putting clothes on or taking them off. Anything that evoked the idea of him covering up or uncovering, would feed her desires and I was all-in to think Donna would masturbate to his image.

Soon I was taking pictures of him sleeping. No dick pics but guns were good, butts were good, and those dreamy looking abs above the waist band of his underwear bulge were golden.

I wanted Donna to comment and she did. She would say, ooh nice muscles, nice butt, or you’re so lucky.

I felt good about feeding images of him to her. When she was in his presence, I could see her re-imagining what she’d seen. Within a month she was asking me if I’d taken any new pictures of him.

That’s when I let her see the dick pics Joshua sent to me. All of them. Hands-on.Hands-off. Both kinds.

She complimented one of them in particular. I sent it to her later and said Surprise.

That evening, after Joshua fell asleep, I lay next to him and had an intense orgasm imagining Donna looking at Joshua’s dick pic and finger-fucking her cunt. I was wicked but the orgasm was wonderful.



We rented a place in Corpus Christi through AirBNB for our consummation. Ruth was on the pill now and we were excited about Valentine’s Day.

We moved the furniture and put the bed in the center of the room. We changed the bedclothes to ones we’d bought. Candles, scented oils, and Andre Bocelli music transformed the condominium into a boudoir of tranquil repose. Her words, not mine.

To add ceremony, we undressed/dressed separately and met at the bed wearing white translucent clothing. It was all skin and shadows. The shadows on the surface teased us with the sexuality beneath.

Over champagne and peaches, we pledged our troth, our thirty-day fidelity, and our future sexual experiences. We shared our intimate thoughts: the serious ones, the romantic ones.

We chose the traditional, honorable, and sanctified-by-time-immemorial position. I was atop, Ruth beneath. Ruth opened herself to me and I lay between her thighs.

I slipped my length inside. Her lips parted. She took me in. She accepted me. She conformed.

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Her liquid heat flowed to ease my cock’s passage.

A stranger in a strange land, my cock went deep.

She gasped.

Her soul was deeper; I found it and I pressed against it. She clung; her fingernails dug into my skin to prevent me from leaving.

Oh, my, god. She whispered it over and over.

We moved in unison. The blood in her lips was the same within her hips and both warmed me. Her legs opened wider to accept me deeper. This was her offering. To accept her and her soul for my own. Spiritually, we united as one.

Then it became sexual. Crushing, grinding, pulsing, pumping. Me thrusting. Her cunt squeezing.

Sucking sounds, slapping sounds.

It all mingled with her grunting and moaning. My cock pounded into her. Her legs opened wider to let me in deeper.

I impaled her. I pinned her to the bed and I entwined my fingers into hers and I spread her arms out like angel wings. My cock pinned her deeper between her thighs. I looked deep into her eyes and saw her love for me. I gave her mine in return.

Then I came.

My cock pulsed, my balls scrunched up tight, and a biblical flood of semen filled her. I soiled my angel. She wouldn't let me go.

She grunted More.

I gave her more. All I had at the time, really. I made a mess of her. It flowed out of me and it leaked out of her. She became a hot sticky mess.

United, consummated, fucked, we felt good about each other.

For the first time, we understood the bond that coital release creates. My sperm inside her pussy. The sharing of cum and seed had forged a stronger relationship between us than was possible any other way. We loved as one couple, we fucked as one couple, we recovered as one couple.

One couple. Indivisible. Under God. I was First Man; Ruth was First Woman.

My sperm inside her pussy. She said she wanted to be filled with it the entire night and I did my best to make that happen.

Semina Vitae.



What a mess he made of me! The first time was surreal. So much cum. It leaked out of me and ran down the crack of my ass. I could feel the heat of it. Joshua was always a big cummer but he really over did it that night. The orgasms were huge and his cocksmanship was… well, I don’t have the words to describe it.”

Donna licked her lips.

I noticed and I smiled. Donna was in a good place with my sharing. I could see her hunger and I fed her the best morsels of my first cock experience. Donna and I were friends before but now we bonded in a different way. She identified with my lust for Joshua.

When I saw the lust in her, I wickedly told her about Joshua’s and my plans for Spring Break. Sex with others to test our relationship. Her eyes widened with every word. Her mouth watered and she swallowed three times as I explained what I had in mind. I said I wanted her and Beau to be our first test. I asked her if she and Beau would join us.

Her eyes said Hell, yes, but her lips said, Let me check with Beau.

I told her the rules Joshua and I had agreed upon. Sexual experiences with a different person each day for four days but sex with each other every night. If we were meant to be together as a couple this test would prove it. I said this was a one-time experience for us with her and Beau. It would not happen again but we wanted this extra-dyadic experience to be with a couple we knew.

Later I told Joshua. He said he would talk to Beau and assure him it was all good whether he said yes or no.

Beau told Joshua he was in if everyone else was.



Ruth could hardly contain herself she was so excited. She called it her Pre-Padre Party for the four of us.

She and Donna wanted to show off the bikinis they’d bought for the trip. Beau and I said we'd like it if they did. Ruth told us we had to bring the beefcake. Beau and I chose Speedo’s and crocs. We combined Margaritas with a calypso and reggae mix tape and it was an instant party.

Different bikinis for each day, each bikini more revealing than the one before, Beau and I had boners watching the two of them dance around the room. There were boobs and buns and bulges everywhere dancing to The Banana Boat Song, Belafonte, Bob Marley, Calypso Mama, and Black Uhuru.

The finale was Ruth and Donna wearing see-thru micro-bikinis intended for the fourth day, Beau and I were stunned. I could see all the best parts of Donna and Beau was eye-balling Ruth. Yes, eye-balling is the right way to say it. He was so intense I’m surprised she didn’t have an orgasm.

They teased us without mercy by wearing their see-thru bikinis and dancing to Bob Marley’s Jammin’.

We stood up with erections the size of Texas and we did the bump-and-grind, switching partners with the music.

Marley was singing I Shot the Sheriff and Donna was all over my boner. She bent over at the waist and put her ass against me. It was so hot! I put my hands on her and Speedo-bumped her see-thru snatch.

Ruth and Beau were doing the same. It was hot to watch Ruth being bumped by Beau. She looked at me, smiled, and pushed herself back onto Beau. I smiled back and lightly slapped Donna's butt.

A prelude to promiscuity? Not this time but Ruth always has the best ideas when it comes to arousing me.



That was one hot party! I almost jerked Joshua in front of Donna just to tease her. But I didn’t. I knew she’d be screwing Beau the rest of the night and thinking of Joshua. That was good enough.

And Beau! Wow! Who knew he could move his hips like that!? Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! He was hitting me like a jackhammer! Now that was something I hadn’t anticipated! I was going to like him inside me more than I thought. Whoowee!

The best part though was Joshua in a Speedo. He looked so tasty. I simply must get more women involved. A CFNM party with me as hostess and Joshua as entertainment? Oh, yes, I could use that. I wanted that almost as much as a skank needs two different cocks every night. Maybe more.



Beau and I had hard-ons in South Padre. How could you not? We arrived late last night and had sex with Ruth and Donna in the same room at the same time. All of us were showing off a little and we laughed about it later. It was a treat to hear both women moaning at the same time.

Today Donna was fucking hot and Ruth was motherfucking hot. I envied Beau being first man in Ruth today. If he felt the same towards me and Donna, I never knew.

We swapped partners for the whole day. If you‘ve never swapped partners for a day, you should try it. Even if sex isn’t involved, knowing the two of them are having experiences solely with each other brings a new and different kind of intimacy between you and yours. Try platonic swapping someday and see what I mean.

The sun was bright and warm on our first full day on Padre Island. The sand stretched on forever. I saw more skin outside the bikinis than in them. Colorful, too. It was everything you'd imagine a Spring Break party to be. Sex, sand, and silliness.

I learned a lot about Donna’s likes and dislikes and I could see why Ruth liked her. I asked her about the dick pics and if she was weirded out by having Ruth send them. She said she wasn’t. I asked her if I should send a dick pic to Ruth to tease her. She laughed and said okay but that’s when my phone chimed. There was a pic of Ruth pointing at Beau’s erection. Donna laughed and said “Let’s get this party started then.”

We had a passerby take a picture. Donna dropped her top and I held her tits in my hands and smiled. We sent the picture to both of them. Breasts of Friends was the tag line for the photo.

The rest of the day we sent risqué pics to each other. Kissing pics were the rage for an hour. Every possible body part was kissed by someone. It was a hot and sexy day for all. We met up at six o’clock to clean up for dinner. After the intimate day we'd had, our  hotel room became clothing optional. No one actually opted for clothing though until we left the room.



I wanted to watch. I just had to. I wanted to watch Joshua push his cock into Donna and see the look on her face as she experienced the euphoria I felt with him. I only needed to ensure the four of us had sex in the same room at the same time. It was easier than I thought. Seems no one wanted to exclude their partner. So we agreed to dinner and a stroll and then back to our beds.

Psychologically, it was important to set the right tone. If the men changed beds, there was an element of male space invasion taking place. If the women exchanged beds, it was more of a sharing experience. I wanted the second. I told Beau I was coming to his bed to honor him. I told Donna I was leaving Joshua in our bed for her.

Behavioral psychology was intended to study why people did what they did. I used it to get my own way. It was wicked to use my skills for personal gain but I was just fine with the results. After all, wickedness is a perspectve, isn't it?



Ruth pushed Beau onto his bed the moment we returned to the room. She kissed him wildly. She waited for nothing. She stripped him and had his cock in her mouth before I could close the drapes on the balcony door.

Donna was grabbing at my belt and my buttons while I was closing the drapes. When I fell on the bed, she tugged my pants off. Inside of two minutes, Beau and I were naked, our hard cocks in the mouths and hands of two beautiful and lusting women.

Donna told Ruth Suck my boyfriend’s cock, you cunt.

Ruth called Donna a whore who’d blow a homeless man on a street corner. Said Donna didn’t need any cocksucking skills to do that. If she wanted a lesson in blowing a man, she should watch her tease Beau’s dick until he blew his seed on her face.

Ruth was working Beau’s cock with her lips, teeth, and tongue. Beau’s cockhead is larger than mine. Not his shaft, just the cockhead. Hard core and gnarly looking, Ruth was all over it.

Beau and I had no idea where these sexual comments were coming from but it was clear there was some kind of bonding or relationship test taking place between the two of them. We kept quiet and marveled at the ferocity and the intensity the two of them were showing our pricks.



We weren’t serious about the name calling, of course. We were friends and we were  just having fun with the experience but you wouldn’t know that by listening to us.

It’s true I was giving Donna encouragement and instructions to do things I wanted her to do with Joshua. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.

Donna was authentic when she told me to suck Beau’s cock. She wanted to give all her lust to Joshua and this was her way of relieving any guilt she might feel. Psychology 101.

Me? I wanted the main event to happen sooner rather than later. I wanted to see the look on Donna’s face when Joshua slides his cock in her and fucks her.

I’d lied to Joshua early on when I said I didn’t want to share him with other women. I really did. I wanted him to make other women orgasm. I considered it benevolent on my part to give other women the experience I enjoyed. I had been moving Johsua covertly in that direction since we gave our virginity to each other. Him fucking Donna would be another step on the staircase to my version of Heaven.

I was as verbal as I knew how to be.

“Fuck her pussy, Joshua. Fucking cunt. She’s earned it. She’s been teasing us all day. Go ahead. Fuck her. I’m going to fuck Beau. He’s going to blow his load into me and I’m going to bring it over to Donna. She can clean his cum from me.“

The next thing you know, Joshua strips Donna and Beau strips me. I salivated as Joshua lay between her thighs. He looked over at me for affirmation or encouragement, I couldn’t tell which. I gave it to him.

“Do it, Joshua. We all want this.”

Donna’s face melted into one huge smile of satisfaction as Joshua boned her deep. He held his cock inside her to savor the second pussy experience of his life. Donna’s mouth opened; her lust was self-evident as she writhed underneath him. Her hips squirmed to extract more sexual feelings from his impaling of her.

“Fuck me.” She grabbed Joshua’s ass and pulled him deeper.

The three of us were united in that thought.

“Fuck her, Joshua. We three want the same thing here.”

“Me, too.” Beau chimed in. “Fuck her, Josh.”

Beau was his own man as it turns out. He watched Donna accept the length of Joshua and then Beau shoved his cock head in me and gave me the second cock of my life. The man is a beast with his prick. Who knew?

I lost it.

My control.

I lost all control over myself as Beau rabbit-fucked me into an eye-rolling orgasm inside of four minutes. He wasn’t done. He turned me over doggy-style and rabbit-fucked me some more. I had no idea that any man other than Joshua could bring me these intense orgasms. I opened my cunt and my body to every carnal pleasure that Beau wanted to give me. And he did. In four permutations of cock-in-pussy positions, he gave his cock to me completely and then he crumpled into a heap when he was done.

He fucked me differently than Joshua. His ardent pounding gave me a continuing orgasm. Not better or worse, different. The orgasms were intense and he wrenched every bit of self-esteem from me until I became a wanton slut under his assault and I surrendered my pussy completely to his cock.

I opened my legs and showed Joshua how Beau’s cum was leaking out of me. That sent him over the edge. He sullied Donna with pulse after pulse of his god cream. She loved it and came with a stifled moaning into the bedsheet.

I never imagined I’d feel this way with Beau or with any man other than Joshua. If Joshua and I hadn’t made this plan to have sex with other people, I’d never have known the sexual intensity that was possible with someone else. It made me wonder if Joshua had the same feelings with Donna and if maybe I’d gone too far with this Padre Island hedonism plan.

I wanted to lay there but I had to re-claim Joshua. I got up and I tagged Donna on the shoulder. “It’s my time with Joshua. Beau needs you.”

She stumbled over to Beau and wrapped her body around his. He was still in a fetal position from the experience. He'd given me everything he had and he needed time to recover.

Donna rocked him in her arms and whispered something into his ear. He straightened himself and put his arms around her for comfort. She held him close.

Joshua had been watching the scene in front of him. He was studying all of us. I could see the wheels turning in his brain. There was more than one flicker of understanding in his eyes.

We kissed. We were still one couple. I could tell from the tenderness.

“I could use a cleaning.”

Joshua looked at me. I looked back at him and smiled.

I don’t know how he knew what I wanted but he did. I slid down the length of him and took his cock in my mouth. I tasted the mixture of Donna and Joshua in the fluid on his cock. Ambrosia plus Donna. I licked him clean and as I did I realized that licking the taste of another woman from Joshua's cock was my true fetish. Everything else was a prelude to this moment. 

The scent of Donna was upon him. I savored all of it.

When I came up for air and Joshua was clean again, he opened my legs and scooped Beau’s cum from my pussy; he raised it to my lips.

“Beau, too.”

Joshua fed me Beau’s cum. I lapped at it with long strokes of my tongue. 

This was the first day of our adventures with other people. Tomorrow would be with strangers.

As I licked Joshua’s fingers clean, I could think of only two things.

What have I done and what have I become?


Written by Trystin715
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