When I was in college, sometimes I had to share apartments with roommates I hardly knew. There was one I couldn't stand – I'll call her F.B. for fucking bitch. First of all, F.B. lived like a complete pig, which really pissed me off, and she was always bitching about someone or something. Also, her boyfriend was kind of a jerk, and he was over a lot. He would show up all the time without calling; just pop in, which I thought was extremely rude. And then they would be in F.B.'s room for hours making a lot of noise. It was fucking annoying, especially if I was trying to study, but also because I didn't have a boyfriend at the time.
Having to hear them made me feel kinda lonely and even more horny than I already was. Then when she got drunk, she would tell me and our other roommate how fantastic this guy was in bed, and how amazing he was “going downtown." That was her term for it. I probably had to hear about that at least three times. I really fucking hated her.
One day when the boyfriend “popped in” again an idea “popped” into my head. I told him that F.B. wasn't home, but I said he could come in and wait for her if he wanted to. Jerk Boy gladly came right in and made himself at home.
While he was plopped on the couch working the remote, I went into my room and put on a really sexy dress. I came back out and sat right across from him and let him have a good look. I had on a very short skirt, and I started putting on a pair of heels and was carefully and slowly buckling the straps. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he wasn't exactly watching TV anymore.
I started caressing my legs and asking him stupid questions, I don't even remember what they were. I did it in an obviously flirty way; I could see from the look on his face that he wasn't sure just what was going on at first. Then I hit him with it: I locked eyes with him and said coyly, “So . . . B tells me that you're the man when it comes to taking an exciting trip downtown."Finally, idiot Jerk Boy put it all together for sure.
I don't think it took another minute before we were headed back to my room. I turned the lights way down, but I left the door open a little on purpose. I saw right away that Jerk Boy, whatever his faults, was a hell of a kisser. When he started touching my breasts and then he reached under my dress and started playing with me through my panties, I was burning. F.B. wasn't exaggerating when she bragged about his talents; when he got down between my legs and started licking my pussy, he was so tender and attentive, and you could tell that he was into doing it, and knew exactly what he was doing. I came very quickly and my body shook. Then he pulled his pants down, and I started blowing him. I took a cue from how he did me, and I went slowly and carefully.

I was in no hurry for another very good reason, but if he'd been thinking with his brain instead of his cock, he would have seen what was coming – and that it might come before he did! He had his eyes closed and was groaning when I heard the faint sound of a car door closing outside. Of course, I knew what that probably meant, but Jerk Boy didn't figure it out right away. When we heard the front door open, F.B. was immediately calling out Jerk Boy's name. His car was parked right in front of the fucking house! The idiot says “Shh! Be real quiet.” Like that's going to make a difference.
I think he only noticed that my bedroom door was still a little open right before B rudely barged in without knocking to ask if I knew where he was! She flips the light on, and we're lying there, my face is inches away from his cock, and I said: “Yeah, maybe . . .” That was funny. Of course, she exploded and threw a complete shit fit; she was screaming and crying so much I almost felt a little sorry for her, but not much. She threw shit at him and threw him out of the apartment, and they were through! Didn't have to listen to them fucking their stupid brains out on the other side of the wall again and I managed to get a shattering orgasm out of it too.
The rest of the semester was pretty fucking icy in that apartment! I really didn't care; it was quiet for studying! I actually ran into Jerk Boy a few weeks later and he had the nerve to tell me that I still owed him a “real blow job” because he didn't have a chance to finish the first time! I just shook my head and laughed at him and said, “Why don't you ask F.B. to take care of that for you?”