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Freshman Experience Part 3- Anal Love

"Tale of a college freshman exploring his sexual freedom and learning along the way."

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Wednesday evening, as I was driving home for Thanksgiving, I reminisced about the past two days of fun I had with Jeni. Not only was it full of laughs and mind-blowing sex, but it had helped me gain confidence in myself. I finally felt comfortable trusting my instincts around a woman.

The rest of Thanksgiving week passed quickly. I texted with both Steph and Jeni over the short break and could not wait to get back. We only had two weeks of classes/finals once we got back, then we were off for six weeks for the holiday break. If I was going to make a move on Steph, it had to be a quick one.

Steph and Jeni both got back Sunday afternoon, and I was arriving around 7:00 pm Sunday night. I pulled into the dorm lot and parked my vehicle. I grabbed my bags of clean clothes and headed up to my building. As I walked up to the building, I saw Steph sitting in the main lobby. As I approached the door, she looked out and saw me. She lunged from her chair and swiftly moved to the door and opened it for me. Before I could even drop my bags, Steph jumped all over me. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Phil, I missed you," she excitedly exclaimed.

"Damn Steph, you obviously you did," I laughed, "You couldn't let me put my stuff down?"

"I'm just excited to see you again," she stated as I began to lower her to the ground.

"Give me fifteen minutes to unpack and come on down to my room?"

"Sure thing," she happily responded.

I grabbed my bags and headed to my dorm room. My roommate Kevin was already back in our room. We fist-bumped and began to chat about our break as I put my stuff away. A few minutes later I heard a tap on our suite door as Steph proceeded in.

As Steph came into our room she gave Kevin a hug and asked about his break as she jumped on my bed. I finished putting the rest of my clothes away and joined her on the bed. The three of us sat around for about an hour talking about our break, finals coming up, and or her bullshit. As we were chatting she received a call from her boyfriend Brian around 9:00 pm. Steph went and stepped out of the room to take the call. When she came back in after a couple of minutes she told us she had to leave as Brian wanted her to come over.

"Oh, everything ok? Thought you said he had plans tonight," I questioned.

"Me too, but he said they fell through and he wants to see me," she said. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen him in over a week either. Hope you can understand."

"Yeah, I do. He's your boyfriend, and it's absolutely fine Steph." I said assuringly.

She came and gave me a hug and peck on the cheek before she left.

Kev looked over at me with a puzzled look on his face, "Dude, what is up with you two? She is always down here or you are with her in her room. How are you not together?"

"Ha, you are not the first person who has asked that. Jeni said the same thing earlier this week when we hung out. I don't really have an answer other than I put myself in the friend zone by not making a move," I stated.

"Still man, she is leading you on or she just really is flirtatious and doesn't give a shit," he remarked.

"That's why I have Jeni," I replied with a huge smile on my face.

"What? Are you saying what I think you are saying," Kev asked as he leaned forward on his bed with excitement.

I then told him about what Jeni and I had been up to. By the end of my tale, Kev was definitely hiding a boner.

I got a text around 10:00 pm from Jeni, "She bailed on you again, I see," is what it said.

I quickly responded and let her know that was indeed the case. She quickly responded back for me to come down to her room and hang out.

I told Kev where I needed to go, he fisted bumped me and I was on my way. The suite door was propped slightly open for me as usual. I entered quietly and proceeded into Jeni and Steph's room. To my delight, Jeni was laid out on Steph's lower bunk, nude and spread. It was going to be a good night!

After Jeni and I spent a couple of hours fucking, I headed back down to my room as I didn't dare crash into her room and have Steph catch us the next morning.

I arose the next morning refreshed and ready for the day. What happened Sunday night with Steph and Jeni is what pretty much happened for the next two weeks. Steph and I would briefly hang out, then she would be summoned to Brians for the night and I would seek refuge with Jeni. I was not complaining by any means as Jen I was good company, but my heart still desired Steph.

On Monday, Dec 10th, Jeni, Steph, and I all had our last final of the semester. As we studied together Sunday night at the library, I got an idea.

"All three of us are done with finals tomorrow, why don't we celebrate tomorrow night," I suggested. "You ladies still have wine?"

"That sounds like fun and is so necessary," Steph replied, "And yes, my mom sent me back with seven more bottles."

I looked at Jeni and she nodded in approval as she was fully on board. The next day, I exited a classroom around 4:00 pm after killing my last final. I was done for the semester! I also had a night of fun and hopefully fucking Steph ahead of me.

I texted both girls, asking if 8:00 pm would work for tonight. Both responded quickly with a "Yes". I got back to my dorm, dove into bed, and took a solid two-hour nap. I awoke and went to the shower to shave my face up a bit and do some manscaping. I wanted to be perfectly presentable for one or both ladies. Once done, I took a long, hot shower, where I masturbated thinking about possibly fucking Steph's tight little pussy tonight. After plastering the shower wall with my load, I finished up my shower and went to my room. Just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt would be the attire for this evening. I don't think boxers would be required for tonight.

Around 8:00 pm, I got up and walked down to the girl's room. The suite door was propped slightly open as usual. As I crept inside, I ran into Haley and Natalie, who were the suitemates of Steph and Jen I. They were leaving to go to the library for an all-night study session. Haley told me they had a final at 7:00 am tomorrow and if they didn't study all night, there was no chance of them passing. I was relieved to hear they were both going to be gone all night. They wouldn't be here to hear the fuck fest I hoped was going to occur. Haley had heard Jeni and me a couple of times the past couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure she looked at me with different eyes than before.

Both girls exited the suite as I went into Steph's room. The door was mostly closed, so I gently knocked as I entered. Steph was on the couch, dressed in one of her cheerleader t-shirts and a black pair of spandex booty shorts. Her skin was beautifully sun-kissed. She must have hit a tanning bed this past weekend, as Florida had been unusually cloudy and rainy the past few days.

To my amazement as I stepped further into the room, Jeni was tucked behind the corner of the closet/cabinets staring into a full-length mirror. She was putting her wet, jet-black hair up into a messy bun. However, what Jeni was wearing is what got my attention. She had on a white tank top, skin-tight, with no bra. As she turned to look at me I could see her large, dark brown eraser-like nipples standing at full attention. I looked further down, she was wearing only a black thong that was practically a g-string as her athletic soccer player ass engulfed the string. Steph saw me gawking and cleared her throat to get my attention.

"Can you grab the three cups with ice in the suite area," Steph asked, "I have the wine here, just need the cups."

I turned around and got the cups, brought them to Steph and she filled up the glasses to the brim. Then took a big swig right from the bottle.

"Whoa Steph, slow down," I said

"I need this, finals sucked," she replied, " I could drink this whole bottle by myself."

Jeni then took a seat on the other end of the small futon couch, as I went to Steph's bed.

"What are you doing over there," Jeni asked, "Steph and I saved you a spot in between us," she stated as a sexy smile came across her face.

"Before you sit down, can you shut those tower laps off," Steph asked as she plugged in the single strand of holiday lights she and Jeni put up the other day. As she did that, Jeni lit a warm apple candle on the end table next to her.

"What are we watching tonight?" I asked as I walked over to the couch and took a seat.

"Halloween," Steph responded, "Actually Halloween and Halloween two, since you gave me so much shit at Halloween time for never seeing the films."

"Watching Halloween during the Christmas season, how fitting," I joked, "But, a great choice Steph."

Jeni then got up and asked if we all wanted to share a blanket as she reached for her thin comforter on her bed. Steph and I both nodded in approval. Jeni came back over and we all got snuggled up under the blanket and began the movie. Steph was seated to my left, I went and lifted my arms so she could snuggle underneath. I went and did the same for Jeni on my right side. I felt like a king at this moment! Two gorgeous women to my left and right.

As the movie progressed, both girls were snuggling me closer, especially during scary/surprise scenes. About halfway through, Jeni adjusted her position and threw both her legs over mine, as I had mine outstretched on a small ottoman. As she did this, I put my hand high up on her left thigh. I hadn't forgotten what she was wearing!

I started to gently rub her thigh up and down under the blanket. I was being extra careful as I didn't want Steph to notice as she was still glued to my left side. I then felt Jeni place her hand on my right thigh and begin to slide my shorts up. She began to rub my thigh just as I was rubbing hers. My cock was starting to swell as Jeni worked closer and closer to my groin. I reciprocated the action and moved my hand within inches of her snatch. I could feel the heat coming from her crotch. I knew she was wet and wanted me to slide my hand over her love mound. Before I got my hand up to her love box, I felt her hand slide into the waistband of my shorts and work her way to my throbbing cock. She gently gripped my shaft and began slowly stroking it. I tilted my head back and let out a couple of small hushed groans.

Steph looked up and asked if something was wrong. I quickly told her no and said that my back spasmed slightly and it hurt. I looked over at Jeni, in which she met me with a devilish smile. As we locked eyes she squeezed my cock harder and stroked a little firmer. I bit my lower lip to hold in any sound. Her warm hand felt so good gripping my nine-inch hard shaft.

As she started to jerk me harder, we were interrupted by Steph's phone going off. Quickly, her hand left my pants as Steph shot up and answered her phone. It was Brian, Steph began telling him she was watching a movie and that she was hanging with Jeni and me tonight. There was a short back and forth between them and then Steph told him that she could be over in twenty minutes. As she hung up, she looked over and me with an "I'm sorry" type look in her eyes.

"Brian wants me to come over, he has to work all week and he knows I leave on Thursday," she said, "he wants to spend tonight together as he may not see me again until we get back in January."

"Steph, we made plans, that's fucked up if you are going bail on us," Jeni spouted before I could say anything.

"You don't understand Jeni, he's my boyfriend and I want to see him." Steph firmly responded.

"Steph, just go; I'm not surprised," I chipped in, "You've been doing this to me for the past two weeks, just go!"

Steph looked at us in dismay, almost tearing up, "You guys suck, you should be happy for me having a boyfriend and being a good girlfriend to him."

"Yeah, good girlfriend, as you spend all your time talking about Phil and hanging out with him," Jeni fired back at Steph, "Just fucking leave!"

"Fuck you!" Steph shouted as she got up. She grabbed her bag, stormed to the door, slid on her flip-flops, and left in a bluster, slamming the suite door as she left.

Jeni and I just looked at each other and didn't say a thing for a minute.

Then I broke the silence, "Jeni, it's whatever, let her do what she feels is right. I hate it too, but it's whatever."

"It's just fucked up," she shouted, "We made plans and she just pissed all over it. For a guy, she doesn't even like that much. She just goes there because he fucks her well."

"What!?" I said with a quizzical look on my face.

"Yeah, she told me that he fucks her well and that's why she goes over almost every night. She told me herself that he is quite boring, but is good with his cock."

"Are you serious," I asked. "She can't even stand the guy and then tries to guilt-trip us? What the fuck!"

"I've been biting my tongue for two weeks, especially when she tells me that shit. She doesn't know what she is messing with you," Jeni proclaimed.

I stared at Jeni and then went in for a kiss. Our lips met gently at first, then got heavier as we spread our mouths wide and started sharing plenty of tongue. My cock began to swell again as we continued to passionately kiss. I started to kiss all over Jeni's neck and nibbled her ear lobes. She once again reached under the blanket and began to rub my firm cock through my shorts.

I was so fucking horny, yet pissed that my night was derailed. I wanted to let out some of the evil built up in me. I grabbed Jeni by the waist and pulled her on top of me. She straddled me with her perfect thighs and we continued to make out. I took my right hand and put it on her muff. I began to rub her hairy snatch through her thong.

"Mmmm yes daddy, rub me," she moaned.

Fuck this! I wanted to shove my cock inside her right now. I stopped rubbing her and slightly lifted myself from the couch. I maneuvered my shorts down to my kneecaps. My large, heavy, nine-inch cock sprung out with force.

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I cupped her ass cheeks and positioned her right over my cock head. I used my right hand to reach between her warm ass cheeks and pull her thong to the side. She then slowly lowered down on top of me. I felt the tip of my engorged shaft slip between her big pussy lips. Slowly, my tip entered her as she continued to sit down and make each inch of my cock disappear.

After about fifteen seconds, I was balls deep in Jeni. She began to slowly bounce up and down. Her cunt was getting extremely wet as I felt my cock sliding in and out with greater ease. My balls were being covered in her tasty juice as she started to leak. I grabbed the bottom of her tank top and lifted it, letting out those perky A cups. I latched my mouth onto her right nipple. Sucking those swollen large eraser nipples.

"Shit, suck and fuck me baby," she let out as she bounced even harder on my dick.

I took my right hand and started smacking her fat ass cheeks as she rode. I continued popping my mouth back and forth between each nipple. I then grabbed her waist and really began to bounce her up and down. I lifted my groin on every bounce, meeting her slippery cunt.

"Fuck daddy, you fuck me so good! Shit, I'm close to cumming. Keep pounding right there daddy," she moaned.

"Yeah baby girl, cum on my dick. Cover all over my dick and balls with that tasty juice," I groaned.

I continued to slam her as she bounced ferociously on my shaft. My balls began to tingle as I too was ready to cum.

"Baby, I'm close to cumming," I whispered, "Let's cum together."

"Yes daddy, I'm so close, oh shit, right there! I'm cummming," she yelled

"Fuck yes baby," I groaned at the same time as I felt my balls begin to empty. The poison was being removed as I began to let out several hard, body-shaking cum shots deep inside her cunt. As I began to blow I pulled her down hard so that my seed would get as deep as possible in her. Her body was trembling as I was cumming inside her.

"Oh fuck daddy, I love when you fill me with that hot cum," she exhaled, "Mmmmm fill me all the way up and make me leak."

As we both finished our explosions we held each other. She sat on top of my cock for several minutes as we kissed and admired each other. As she slowly got off my shaft a large amount of cum oozed from her pussy onto my dick. It also started to leak down her thighs as she headed to the bathroom.

As she was in the bathroom I walked over and grabbed the glass of wine that was mine and chugged it. I then grabbed the glass that belonged to Steph and chugged that as well. Jeni walked into the room as I finished my chug. Her body looked so good in the dim lighting. She was a sexy Colombian silhouette. I handed her a glass of wine to her and she chugged it down. We then took turns taking large swigs from the bottle before it was empty.

After taking a few minutes to polish off the wine, I noticed Jeni looking down at my groin, where my cock had come to life again.

Jeni walked over and dropped to her knees. Without using her hands, she wrapped her mouth around my saluting cock head. I felt her tongue squirm around the head as she did several quick sucking motions on my tip. She then started to make my entire cock vanish down her throat.

"Fuck, that feels so good Jeni. You suck such good dick, I love it," I let out in a low groan.

She began to really work my cock fast with her mouth. I felt my shaft bouncing off her tonsils as she easily took all eight inches every couple of bobs.

I went and grabbed the back of her head and began to force her down faster. She began to gag a bit but fought through. She then started looking up with her watering eyes. She knew how much I loved that.

"You love this cock don't you?" I asked as I looked down at her. "You like the way it fills up your beautiful holes?"

She gave me a nod and some muffled groans. Before taking my slobber-covered cock out of her mouth.

"Yes baby, this is my favorite cock I've ever had. It makes me do things I never thought of doing." she seductively stated.

"Like what," I inquisitively asked

She stood up, wiped the slobber from her chin, and said "Let me show you."

She walked over to Steph's bunk and got in a doggie-style pose. "Come here, and put your face right here," as she pointed at her asshole.

With no hesitation, I bolted over and buried my face in her ass. I pulled her cheeks apart and began to lick her rim. Working all over her perfectly puckered brown eye. I slid a finger into her soaked snatch as I licked her asshole.

"Mmmmm yes baby, eat my asshole, I know you love it," she moaned. "Make my asshole nice and wet for you daddy."

I then grabbed both cheeks and spread them wide, exposing her asshole even more. The more I pulled her cheeks apart, the more open her asshole became. I then went and plunged the tip of my tongue inside her hole.

"Oooooooo fuck, oh my god," she blurted out

I continued to plunge my tongue deeper into her asshole with every poke, eventually making my entire tongue disappear in her ass. She tasted so good, so fresh.

She began to squirm and wiggle around as I tongue fucked her shitter and fingered her dripping pussy.

"I'm gonna cum daddy, fuck, I'm gonna cum. Keep eating, please," she moaned.

I stuffed a third finger inside her love box and kept poking my tongue in her brown eye at a rapid pace. Her body began to seize up and shake, I felt she was gonna blow like a couple of weeks ago.

"Oooooohhhhh mmmyyyyyyyyy ggggoooooddddd," she screamed.

Her body let go and she released several streams of hot juice from her pussy. Blasting her massive squirt all over Steph's sheets. Her body was shaking like crazy and she continued to shoot what seemed like ten or eleven streams of juice from her swollen cunt. She collapsed on the bed.

I laid next to her and gently strolled my fingers up and down her back as she relaxed and recovered from her orgasm.

"I've never seen you come that hard," I said, "I've made you cum, but never like that."

"Hahahahaha," she laughed as it seemed like that all she could do as she was catching her breath. "No bullshit Philly, that was the best orgasm I ever had, like holy fuck."

She moved slightly closer and kissed me on the forehead.

"I have something for you, a reward you can say," she said.

She rolled over on her side and backed into me as if we were going to spoon, she reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy, getting some of her juice on her hand. She reached behind her and rubbed her palm over her asshole, soaking it in her juice. She fumbled around and grabbed my fat cock and guided the head right up against her asshole.

Oh my god, she is going to let me fuck her ass, I thought to myself. I've been thinking about this for weeks, since she let me eat her ass on our first night together.

Jeni continued to guide my cock as I slowly pushed forward with my tip. It broke the barrier and started to slide in.

"Ooooooooo," she moaned as the first couple inches were inside.

Every couple inches she got in, she would stop me and just do short little bounces on what was inside her. She was working me in at her pace and god damn did it feel good. As my cock hit the halfway point, her asshole fully started to accept me. She removed her hand from my shaft and let me start working at my own pace. I built up a nice steady pace plunging about four inches of my cock into her ass on every thrust.

I reached my left hand around to her front and found my way to her hairy snatch. I split her slit and found her swollen clit and began to rub it with two fingers. Nice circular motions caused her to start moaning louder.

"Your ass is so tight baby, I fucking love how your ass feels," I whispered in her ear. "I want to stretch and gape your ass tonight."

"You can do whatever to me tonight daddy," she whispered back

I kept rubbing her clit, picking up the speed and making her shiver as she was working toward another orgasm.

"Fuck me deeper daddy, I want it all in my ass," she moaned

She didn't need to ask twice as I began to enter more of my shaft into her loving ass. I began whispering dirty shit into her ear, as my cock began to thrust deeper into her ass. six inches, seven inches, eight inches, fuck!

"Dddaaaaddddyyyyyyy!" she screamed

Three fingers now on her clit and eight inches going full length in and out of her ass. Her body began to shudder, her breaths became shallow and short and she began to let out screams of pleasure she could not control.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!! Oh my god, these holes are yours!!" she screamed.

She began to buck as my fingers played her clit like a DJ, and a massive gush of juice came flying out all over my hand.

"You make me feel so good," she moaned as her eyes rolled in the back of her head. "Gape me, gape this asshole."

I pulled out of her ass and told her to get on the floor.

"Face down, ass all the way up," I told her.

She placed a pillow on the ground and rested her face on it. Her chest and shoulders were as low as they could get and her back was arched perfectly as her already slightly gaped asshole pointed up in the air at me.

I lined myself up in a straddle-type position, squatting over her asshole. I pointed my cock at her brown eye and slammed down, shoving at least six inches inside on the first thrust.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh, fuck yes!' she screamed, "Fuck your anal slut."

The second thrust got all eight inches in as I began to jackhammer her asshole. Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, was the sound of my balls smashing against her taint and pussy lips as she took me balls deep on every thrust.

"Mmmmmm Jeni, you fucking anal slut," I groaned, "You are gonna gape wide."

I grabbed her hips and began to pound harder than I ever have. My balls started to tighten, I was close. I pulled out of her ass and exposed a fully gaped open asshole. I had left a perfect circle gape. I used my two index fingers to slide in her gape and pull it further open.

"Oh my god, oh my god, that feels so good," she cried, "Daddy put it back in and cum in my ass. I want your load in my ass, I wanna feel how warm it is."

Her words almost sent me over the edge and I grabbed my throbber and shoved it back in her asshole. I grabbed onto her hips again and beat the fuck out of her ass. My legs began to shake and my balls were full-tingle.

"Here it comes you slut, here it comes," I screamed

"Yes!! Cum in my ass right now," she screamed back.

My nuts flexed and completely unloaded her asshole. All eight inches were buried deep inside her so that my seed can be as deep as possible in her ass.

"Daddy it feels so good, my god it feels so good," she moaned.

Stream after stream kept pumping from my shaft completely filling her hole. I waited a minute after the last stream left my shaft and then slowly pulled out. Staring back at me was a largely gaped asshole with a visible pool of hot cum sitting inside. I reached for my phone sitting on the couch and took a couple of pictures.

I tossed my phone down in from of Jeni's face so she could see the pics of what I did to her ass.

"Fuck, that is so hot! You gaped my little asshole. I love it," she jovially said. "You're such a bad boy, I can't get enough."

After a couple more minutes, Jeni got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I heard the shower water turn on, and she came into the room, inviting me to shower with her.

I jumped in the shower, we kissed and rubbed each other's bodies, we cleaned each other off, and then headed back to the bedroom. We ripped the cum soaked sheets of Steph's bed, grabbed a fresh set from the closet, and dressed the bed. We then hopped into bed and spooned as we watched some TV.

The next thing I know happened was waking up to a shouting Stephanie.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, why are you naked in my bed!?" Stephanie screamed, "Did you two fuck? Have you been fucking this whole time? Did you fuck in my bed?"

I quickly arose from my groggy state. Shit, we must have fallen asleep. I peered over at the clock which read 8:47 am. Fuck! Jeni and I had fallen asleep in Steph's bed and now she knew our secret.

"Steph, please calm down," I said, "We've been hooking up for a few weeks, it just kind of happened out of nowhere."

"Why are you fucking her? Why are you in my bed with another woman," she shouted, "What the fuck is going on?"

"Why the fuck are you mad?" I yelled back, "It's not like we are fucking, it's not like we dating. You fucking bail on plans, you blow me off, you treat me like a cheap friend."

"Shut the fuck up and leave," she screamed, "I am done with you Phil, I am done."

"Go fuck yourself," I screamed back as I jumped out of bed, my five inches of flaccid cock swinging freely. I grabbed my shorts from the floor and threw them on. I grabbed my shirt and stormed out, back do the hall to my room.

Who the hell did she think she was, getting mad at me and Jeni? We weren't dating, I have nothing to be ashamed of or to be defensive about.

I got to my room, Kev was up watching ESPN. He looked at my face and knew shit was up. I told him all about last night and then what happened this morning. After finishing my story and us talking about the whole situation, there was a knock on my door.

Jeni walked in and sat on the bed. She told me she and Steph had a huge fight and that she defended me and her doing what we did. She asked Kev if it would be okay if she crashed down with us until she left for home on Thursday. Kev was completely cool with it and so was I.

Jeni went and grabbed some of her stuff and brought it down to our room.

I was done with Steph, or so I told myself.

I went back home on Thursday for winter break. We wouldn't be back until the second week of January. I had no idea where Steph and I stood, and I wasn't sure I cared.

Written by Pms3190
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