Dear diary,
I do realize how stupid it is for me to write in a diary. I mean, no one does it anymore in this day and age. And now that I think of it, I was born in a world where social media and the Internet had already become mainstream. I don’t remember ever using an Ethernet cable. Wifi was something I had always take for granted. A time without wireless internet? I can’t believe it.
But we’re getting off topic. The reason why I bought you from the university bookstore was because I needed a place where I could put pen to paper and write down my thoughts. I could use my laptop for that — hell most people would definitely use their laptops for something like this — but as fate would have it, my laptop is currently being repaired by a Genius at the Apple Store.
So here I am sitting in front of a physical paper diary with a real pen in my hand (there’s even blank ink inside that pen). Man, my handwriting is horrible. It has been a while since I've actually held a real pen in my hands. Maybe I should practice my handwriting. It would be pretty embarrassing if a girl asked me to write something down for her and it turns out she can’t read my ugly handwriting. Hell, even I can barely read it. What did I write in the first paragraph again?
Urgh, I can barely read it.
Anyways. Moving on.
I have this sudden urge to write down what had happened to me because some really kinky things happened to me today and I just have to record it before my memory fades.
About a week ago, I left home for the first time to attend college. I was accepted into the prestigious Lust Relief University – or LRU. It was the university most of my peers were gunning for, and I was the only one to make it in.
Luckily, I scored a single room in the dorms. I heard that it was really difficult for anyone to get a single room in the dorms — let alone a freshman. I took that as an omen that my four years at LRU were gonna be great.
You know that feeling of freedom? Or rather, that thrill when you get to experience freedom for the first time? When I stepped into my tiny dorm room and dropped off my luggage, a sense of excitement surged in my chest. I was free to do what I wanted, whenever I wanted and however I wanted to.
Okay, writing all of this isn’t the reason why I bought you — after all, you weren’t cheap and I want to use this precious paper to write down what I actually wanted to record.
Okay, so here goes.
I dropped off my luggage and then I went to the common room — a place where there was a shared kitchen and some sofas for people to relax. There, I dove right into socializing with others. In high school I wasn’t much of a talker, so I was determined to be different in university.
Actually, come to think of it, it might be because I wasn’t a very sociable person that I managed to get into such a prestigious university.
How ironic.
Once in the common room, I met several freshmen and exchange students. It was the exchange students who were the most interesting. There was this Japanese girl called Yoko. I wanted to get to know her better, but she seemed to be really into this other guy. When I tried to talk to her, she kept facing away from me and paying attention to this other guy.
No sense in trying to join a fight that I can’t win, so I moved on.
I watched Yoko and the other guy leave the common room — presumably to go back to his room — and I focused my attention on the other people who were still there.
I became friends with a guy called Michael and his twin sister, Michelle. At first, I was really confused. They both had long blonde hair that reached down to their waists, and since they were twins, their faces really looked alike. I talked to them for a while, and clicked with both of them.
But seriously, they looked so much alike that for the first few minutes, I couldn’t tell them apart. And really, the only way to tell them apart was that Michael’s shoulders were slightly more muscular and his voice was obviously that of a man.
It was his sister, Michelle, that I liked the most. She had bright blue eyes and a slender waist. She had a high nose and her smile was sweet and bright. They do say that a girl looks prettiest when she is smiling, and at no time has it been more true than then.
“Hey Louis, what do you study at LRU?” she asked me.
“We are both planning to major in history and English,” Michael said.
I told them that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in yet. Maybe go into engineering like my dad? Or become a high school teacher like my mom? I really wasn’t sure.
“There’s still time to decide,” Michelle said. “Even though I say I want to major in English and history, I’m not sure if I will choose that in the end.”
“Yeah, we’re just saying — maybe,” Michael shrugged.
The three of us continued to talk and I noticed that Michelle’s gaze was intensely trained on me. Whenever I talked to her, her blue eyes met mine and it felt like she was staring right into my soul.
Wow, that was almost intimidating. Maybe she has a thing for me? Would be kind of weird for us to go out together if I was friends with her twin brother too.
I’m thinking too much. I shouldn’t get full of myself. Maybe she just finds me interesting.
“There is a welcome dance tomorrow night. All the freshmen are going to be there,” Michelle said when the topic of orientation tours inevitably came up. “We should all go!”
“Sounds good,” I replied. We were all freshmen, so we had all the free time in the world. At this point, no one could say that they were too busy to go. Classes hadn’t started yet and there was nothing else to fill our schedules.
It was freedom in the truest sense.
I spent the rest of the day exploring the campus with Michael and Michelle. We took a look at the university library and the sports facilities. Incidentally, there was a basketball game between Dorm C and Dorm A. We went to cheer for our dorm — even though none of us were completely sure which dorm we were living in. Later when I checked, I found that it was Dorm C.
Afterwards, we went into the local town to buy everything that we needed but couldn’t carry with us from home. Towels, desk lamps and so on. I think we spent a few hours in the local IKEA, and when I looked around me, we weren’t the only college students there. Since it was September, all the freshmen were moving in. It felt as if students had taken over the local town.
And as we browsed the store, I couldn’t help but notice that Michelle stuck awfully close to me. Wherever I went, she would always follow me and whenever I talked to her, I could feel that I had her undivided attention. I've never had a girl pay this much attention to me before — was this all real or was I imagining things?
Michelle then suddenly mentioned that she forgot to bring bedsheets with her, so we went to the section in IKEA that had all the beds and stuff. Michael decided that he wanted to buy a desk lamp and he decided to go ahead — he would meet us later at the checkout point.
I already had everything I wanted, so I had the choice of joining either one of them. I decided to join Michelle.

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Sorry, Michael, but this time I had to choose the girl.
“Here, look!” Michelle pointed at a set of bedsheets that had a colorful flower pattern on it. “Doesn’t this one look pretty?”
I had a choice. I could give my honest opinion or I could give some practical advice my mom had drilled into me before I left home.
“This looks good,” I said. “But it might be hard to wash with your other clothes in the dorm washing machines. Maybe it would be better to choose something more plain?”
“Hmm,” Michelle contemplated out loud. “You’re right. We’ll have to share the washing machines with the other people in the dorm — we can’t wash individual pieces as easily as we did at home.”
I was too embarrassed to tell her that I had never done laundry at home. Instead, I just nodded and remained silent. There was no need to make a fool of myself when I could avoid it.
Michelle decided on plain orange bedsheets and we continued to browse around IKEA.
Funny thing about IKEA stores: have you ever noticed how there are bedrooms and mock apartments set up in the store for costumers to explore? And some of those apartments are just like real ones — there are rooms within rooms, and even several bedrooms inside. If you close the door on one of them, it would seem like you are in a real apartment.
It was also the perfect place to play hide and seek.
Michelle and I wandered into one of these apartments out of pure curiosity — lamenting how our dorm room couldn’t be as nice as these fake apartments. And as we explored the rooms within rooms, we found that one couple in particular had gotten comfortable in the master bedroom.
“Hey, Louis, check this out!” Michelle whispered.
“Hmm? What is it?”
“Shh, quiet!”
Confused, I saw that Michelle was pressing herself against the wall, peeking into the bedroom.
She motion for me to come over.
I took a peek and my jaw dropped. Wow! This was something I had fantasized about before, but I would have never imagined it to actually happen in reality.
A couple was sitting on the large bed and was making out right in front of us. The man had one arm wrapped around the woman’s waist and the other hand was massaging her breasts. Their mouths were tightly locked together and I could hear the wet sounds of their sloppy french kissing.
I glanced at Michelle and I saw that her eyes were completely transfixed on the scene in front of us. She gulped and licked her lips — was she aroused by what she saw?
“Hnghh,” the woman moaned and her hands were planted on the man’s chest and slowly slid down. After a few moments, she found what she was looking for. Through his pants, she grabbed his hard cock and gave it a squeeze.
“Fuck,” the man groaned into her mouth.
I swallowed. Were they really going to have sex right here, right now?
I glanced behind me. We were inside a mock apartment in IKEA. These mock apartments were as large as real ones and the master bedroom of this one was placed in such a way that one could not see it from the outside. This bedroom was in its own little world, sealed away from the rest of the store.
It made me wonder if there were other spots like this — places in the IKEA store where couples and horny students could lie down and sneak in a quick fuck.
“Wow...” Michelle mouthed.
Michael’s sister was breathing heavily, her eyes wide open as she watched the couple’s kissing grow ever more intense.
The woman had pulled down on the zipper and the man’s cock sprung out of his pants. It stood hard and erect, eager to be touched.
“Someone is excited," the woman purred. She spat on the palm of her hand and grabbed the man’s cock.
“Stroke it,” the man breathed.
“Heh,” the woman grinned and moved her wrist up and down.
“Oh God...yes,” the man groaned.
The wet sounds filled the mock bedroom as the woman began to stroke his cock.
I gulped. Weren’t these two afraid of getting caught? Aren’t there supposed to be security cameras all around?
But the couple was too horny to worry about such things. The man grabbed the back of the woman’s head and pushed her down onto his cock. She opened her mouth and next thing I knew, she was sucking vigorously on his length.
I swallowed. This was something I had always wanted to experienced myself — a blowjob inside IKEA. Wow. Just wow.
I felt something press against my own erection. I didn’t know what it was, but it felt warm and soft.
I looked down and saw that I had leaned so close against Michelle that the erection poking out of my pants was pressing against her buttocks.
“Wa - “ Michelle mouthed. She turned her head and glanced downwards. Then her eyes found me.
“I - ah...,” I mouthed but couldn’t say a single world. I knew that I was a dead man. I had only met Michelle several hours ago and now I had accidentally pressed my erection against her. Would she report me to the faculty? Request my expulsion?
Michelle opened her mouth and was about to speak when the sound of a ringing phone interrupted her.
“Ring Ring!”
“Shit!” Michelle said and rummaged in her purse.
But no matter how hot and heavy the couple was, there was no way they wouldn’t notice Michelle’s ringing phone.
The woman popped the man’s cock out of her mouth and looked up.
“Who is there?” she demanded.
Without thinking, I grabbed Michelle’s arm. “Let’s get out of here,” I urged.
Michelle nodded and together we ran off.
In my mind, I apologized to the man for interrupting his blowjob. No doubt the woman would now refuse to go down on him again — after all, Michelle and I have completely ruined the mood.
Only when we had safely entered the kitchen section of IKEA did Michelle answer her phone. Turns out that Michael had called her, telling us to hurry up.
Oops, seems like she and I were more absorbed in the couple than we were aware of. Looking at my phone, nearly an hour had passed. No wonder Michael was growing impatient.
As fast as we could, we went to the check out section and paid for our stuff. First time using my credit card, I might note.
Michael asked me what took us so long and I struggled to find a good answer. Should I tell him about how Michelle and I found a couple making out in one of the mock apartments?
I didn’t have to wait long for an answer. Without hesitating, Michelle told her brother that she had taken her time when picking the bedsheets. She apologized to him and that was that.
I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. When we walked out of the IKEA, I made eye contact with Michelle. She stared at me blankly and subtly shook her head.
Okay. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I took that as a sign that she wanted to keep this incident a secret from her brother. Maybe it had something do with how I accidentally rubbed my erection against her? Was this some sort of sign from her?
The more I thought about it, the more confused I got. For now, I've decided to let it go. Whether or not Michelle had meant something more when she lied to Michael would surely be revealed sooner or later.
This is the first story I have posted in a long time! Chapter 2 will soon follow on Lush!
“Here, look!” Michelle pointed at a set of bedsheets that had a colorful flower pattern on it. “Doesn’t this one look pretty?”
I had a choice. I could give my honest opinion or I could give some practical advice my mom had drilled into me before I left home.
“This looks good,” I said. “But it might be hard to wash with your other clothes in the dorm washing machines. Maybe it would be better to choose something more plain?”
“Hmm,” Michelle contemplated out loud. “You’re right. We’ll have to share the washing machines with the other people in the dorm — we can’t wash individual pieces as easily as we did at home.”
I was too embarrassed to tell her that I had never done laundry at home. Instead, I just nodded and remained silent. There was no need to make a fool of myself when I could avoid it.
Michelle decided on plain orange bedsheets and we continued to browse around IKEA.
Funny thing about IKEA stores: have you ever noticed how there are bedrooms and mock apartments set up in the store for costumers to explore? And some of those apartments are just like real ones — there are rooms within rooms, and even several bedrooms inside. If you close the door on one of them, it would seem like you are in a real apartment.
It was also the perfect place to play hide and seek.
Michelle and I wandered into one of these apartments out of pure curiosity — lamenting how our dorm room couldn’t be as nice as these fake apartments. And as we explored the rooms within rooms, we found that one couple in particular had gotten comfortable in the master bedroom.
“Hey, Louis, check this out!” Michelle whispered.
“Hmm? What is it?”
“Shh, quiet!”
Confused, I saw that Michelle was pressing herself against the wall, peeking into the bedroom.
She motion for me to come over.
I took a peek and my jaw dropped. Wow! This was something I had fantasized about before, but I would have never imagined it to actually happen in reality.
A couple was sitting on the large bed and was making out right in front of us. The man had one arm wrapped around the woman’s waist and the other hand was massaging her breasts. Their mouths were tightly locked together and I could hear the wet sounds of their sloppy french kissing.
I glanced at Michelle and I saw that her eyes were completely transfixed on the scene in front of us. She gulped and licked her lips — was she aroused by what she saw?
“Hnghh,” the woman moaned and her hands were planted on the man’s chest and slowly slid down. After a few moments, she found what she was looking for. Through his pants, she grabbed his hard cock and gave it a squeeze.
“Fuck,” the man groaned into her mouth.
I swallowed. Were they really going to have sex right here, right now?
I glanced behind me. We were inside a mock apartment in IKEA. These mock apartments were as large as real ones and the master bedroom of this one was placed in such a way that one could not see it from the outside. This bedroom was in its own little world, sealed away from the rest of the store.
It made me wonder if there were other spots like this — places in the IKEA store where couples and horny students could lie down and sneak in a quick fuck.
“Wow...” Michelle mouthed.
Michael’s sister was breathing heavily, her eyes wide open as she watched the couple’s kissing grow ever more intense.
The woman had pulled down on the zipper and the man’s cock sprung out of his pants. It stood hard and erect, eager to be touched.
“Someone is excited," the woman purred. She spat on the palm of her hand and grabbed the man’s cock.
“Stroke it,” the man breathed.
“Heh,” the woman grinned and moved her wrist up and down.
“Oh God...yes,” the man groaned.
The wet sounds filled the mock bedroom as the woman began to stroke his cock.
I gulped. Weren’t these two afraid of getting caught? Aren’t there supposed to be security cameras all around?
But the couple was too horny to worry about such things. The man grabbed the back of the woman’s head and pushed her down onto his cock. She opened her mouth and next thing I knew, she was sucking vigorously on his length.
I swallowed. This was something I had always wanted to experienced myself — a blowjob inside IKEA. Wow. Just wow.
I felt something press against my own erection. I didn’t know what it was, but it felt warm and soft.
I looked down and saw that I had leaned so close against Michelle that the erection poking out of my pants was pressing against her buttocks.
“Wa - “ Michelle mouthed. She turned her head and glanced downwards. Then her eyes found me.
“I - ah...,” I mouthed but couldn’t say a single world. I knew that I was a dead man. I had only met Michelle several hours ago and now I had accidentally pressed my erection against her. Would she report me to the faculty? Request my expulsion?
Michelle opened her mouth and was about to speak when the sound of a ringing phone interrupted her.
“Ring Ring!”
“Shit!” Michelle said and rummaged in her purse.
But no matter how hot and heavy the couple was, there was no way they wouldn’t notice Michelle’s ringing phone.
The woman popped the man’s cock out of her mouth and looked up.
“Who is there?” she demanded.
Without thinking, I grabbed Michelle’s arm. “Let’s get out of here,” I urged.
Michelle nodded and together we ran off.
In my mind, I apologized to the man for interrupting his blowjob. No doubt the woman would now refuse to go down on him again — after all, Michelle and I have completely ruined the mood.
Only when we had safely entered the kitchen section of IKEA did Michelle answer her phone. Turns out that Michael had called her, telling us to hurry up.
Oops, seems like she and I were more absorbed in the couple than we were aware of. Looking at my phone, nearly an hour had passed. No wonder Michael was growing impatient.
As fast as we could, we went to the check out section and paid for our stuff. First time using my credit card, I might note.
Michael asked me what took us so long and I struggled to find a good answer. Should I tell him about how Michelle and I found a couple making out in one of the mock apartments?
I didn’t have to wait long for an answer. Without hesitating, Michelle told her brother that she had taken her time when picking the bedsheets. She apologized to him and that was that.
I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. When we walked out of the IKEA, I made eye contact with Michelle. She stared at me blankly and subtly shook her head.
Okay. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I took that as a sign that she wanted to keep this incident a secret from her brother. Maybe it had something do with how I accidentally rubbed my erection against her? Was this some sort of sign from her?
The more I thought about it, the more confused I got. For now, I've decided to let it go. Whether or not Michelle had meant something more when she lied to Michael would surely be revealed sooner or later.
This is the first story I have posted in a long time! Chapter 2 will soon follow on Lush!