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Class of 82 ~ The Little Sister Halloween Party

"Tim and Jennifer prepare for the annual fraternity Halloween party."

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Roger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a new phenomenon called MTV Music Television began airing on cable television. I spent many late nights that year getting home buzzed and watching mindless minutes of MTV music videos.

Yes, I was a senior at Rochester University, a mid-sized liberal arts college in central Illinois, about one hundred and fifty miles south of Chicago. Yes, as a senior, I had it all. I lived a block off campus in a two story, three bedroom duplex with a small but full kitchen, dining room, and family room on the first floor. I lived with my two best friends who were my fraternity brothers. I had a weekend job that paid the rent, kept the refrigerator stocked with beer, and kept the cabinet full of Kraft macaroni and cheese. I had a small deck that held a small grill and two lawn chairs. And yes, I had cable TV hooked up to a six year old, eighteen inch RCA black and white television.

“Timmy, get over hear now so I can measure you.”

Oh yes, I also had the best little sister on Rochester’s campus, Jennifer Grant. Jennifer was a junior at State. She was not my blood sister, nor my step-sister, but my little sister through the little sister program at the fraternity. Every fall, our fraternity recruited girls from different sororities, and some GDIs too, as little sisters. Each fraternity member was assigned a little sister. You know, the little sister program helped my fraternity promote the feeling of a family unit that we so desperately missed during our college years away from home. Yea, my parents didn’t buy that one either.

“Tim-may, get on over here. I don’t have all day to wait on y’all,” Jennifer drawled in her alluring southern accent. Her accent became more pronounced when she wanted attention. Jennifer was an expert at the art of attracting attention.

“What is it exactly we are measuring again, Jen? I really need to study this afternoon.”

"Tim-may McGuire! Don’t tell me how you have to study. We both know how you procrastinate when it comes to books. Now get yo ass over here!” With that, Jennifer pointed at me with her index finger, curled it back to herself a couple of times, and then pointed to a spot by her feet.

I moved to the spot in front of her. The scent of her perfume caught my attention, and while strong, it was not overpowering. As I looked down, Jennifer’s striking blond hair caught my eye, flowing down past her shoulders to the middle of her back. She was wearing a thin, red sweater that clung to her shoulders and body with a low neckline to expose the curves of her breasts. Today, she was wearing faded, tattered blue jeans. Her shoes were red, matching the color of her sweater, with an open toe and a kitten heel. Bright red polish covering her toenails completed Jennifer’s ensemble. I knew Jennifer well enough that she would consider this a casual look.

“Tim-may! Stop daydreaming and put your hands straight up.”

I did as commanded. “Ok. One more time. What are we measuring?”

Jennifer pulled out a measuring tape and began to wrap it around my chest. “I’ve told you at least three times. I am measuring you and I for material for our costumes for next week’s Halloween party at Alpha Nu. I am bound and determined to win the “Best Dressed” couple at the party.”

Alpha Nu was my social fraternity. I had pledged when I was a freshman. Jennifer had been a little sister there since her freshman year, and had dated a couple of my fraternity brothers. The upcoming Halloween party was a fraternity tradition where the brothers and their little sisters were expected to wear creative costumes. Provocative costumes, vast amounts of alcohol and a bevy of little sisters had made my previous fraternity Halloween parties nights to remember.

“Tell me again. What are we going as to this party?”

“Grrrr. Sometimes Timmy you exasperate me. Again, you tall boy, are the Jolly Green Giant. Me, the petite thing will be your close companion, the Little Sprout.”

Jennifer placed one end of the measuring tape at my shoulder and pulled down, stopping in the middle of my hip. “Ok, so we are going as canned vegetables. You don’t need to measure. I wear a size seventeen shirt with a thirty-eight inch sleeve.”

“We aren’t wearing shirts, Timmy. We are wearing vests of green felt leaves. That is why I had to measure you to figure out how much green felt to buy. Green felt with gold speckles. You are going to be so cute!” Jennifer reached up and pinched my nose to accentuate the word cute.

I was beginning to realize that she was serious about wearing felt costumes. “Umm, Jen, we are wearing felt vests, in front of everyone else? Is that a good idea?”

“Yes, we are wearing green felt vests, but don’t worry too much. I found matching light green lightweight turtle necks to wear under the vests. Yours might be just a little small, but you look good in tight shirts.”

I relaxed a little realizing we were to be fully clothed. “Oh, that’s good. Do I need to find a pair of green slacks or jeans to wear? “

Jennifer looked up and her eye’s bore right into my eyes. She had bright hazel eyes that were magnets for anyone’s vision that looked upon her face. “Timmy, I told you I want to win the Best Dressed prize at the party. We aren’t going to schlock around in jeans. I swear, sometimes you can be a total slob.”

“Then tell me, Little Sprout, exactly what are you planning for us to wear on our legs for this party. My long legs will require a lot of felt leaves to be totally covered. How are we going to sit in the felt?” I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a Miller Lite.

Jennifer turned her back to me and bent over to write the measurements down on our kitchen table. My eyes immediately were glued to the taut curves of her ass. The tight, tattered denim left little to the imagination. I caught a glimpse of the bright red panties through one of the holes in her jeans. “We aren’t wearing felt leaves on our legs. We will be wearing green tights.”

A lightning bolt went off in my head when I heard Jennifer utter that word. “Tights? As in stockings? As in stocking tights?”

“Just think how cute you and I will be in matching tights and these green felt vests. Everyone will love seeing the big man on campus and his little sister in tights.”

“Yes, Jen, everyone on campus will love to see you in tights, especially a house full of my fraternity brothers, especially after a couple rounds of beers at the party. But believe me, no one wants to see me in tights, and I am hardly the big man on campus. That was your boyfriend your freshman year, the senior football player. What was his name? Carton?”

Jennifer turned to face me, a big grin on her face. “His name was Carter, you asshole. His name was Carter and we both know it was his brain that was on the side of a milk carton. Very funny. And he was a hardly a BMOC. He was a hunk, but just a dumbass hunk. You can’t blame me. I was just a naïve freshman.“ Jennifer pointed her index finger up against her chin, rolled her eyes skyward to emphasize how naïve she had been.

“Besides, it’s not like you haven’t paraded around at a party on this campus in sheer tights before. Remember Alyssa Bateman’s bachelorette party. You were the talk of the campus after that night, and rightly so I might add.” Jennifer focused her eyes on my crotch just to emphasize her point.

“In fact, I think that is when you got the title of big man on campus if I remember correctly,” Jennifer giggled as her glassy eyes continued to stare at the midsection of my jeans.

As my face flushed into a light shade of crimson, I recalled that night about a year ago of Alyssa Bateman’s bachelorette party. Alyssa, Jennifer, and Katie Price were sisters at Phi Gamma sorority. The party was at Katie’s apartment. Katie just happened to be my girlfriend of the last two years. We broke up after Katie graduated last May, but that is a story for another time.

Katie lived with three other girls in a nice apartment with a large family room her senior year. I had planned to stop by that night just to check in, before meeting up with my own fraternity brothers at The Corner Tap, one of our favorite college bars. When I walked into the party at Katie’s apartment, I realized I knew most of the girls. The sounds of The Clash and The Romantics played on the stereo, and I sat down to join a game of Quarters. Quarters was a drinking game of our time that had you trying to bounce a quarter off a table into a plastic cup of beer. If the quarter went in the cup, the bouncer of the quarter picked who drank the beer. If the quarter missed the cup, the bouncer of the quarter had to drink the beer. It didn’t matter if you were good at the game or not, the purpose was to drink.

Well a couple of rounds of quarters turned into a couple of hours of drinking beer, and then drinking the shots of choice of these sorority girls, Kamikazes and Watermelons. Needless to say I was not in any shape to drive, and besides, being the only male at a party of drinking sorority girls is not a bad way to spend a Friday night. The drinking begat more drinking, and more drinking begat dancing, and more dancing begat bodies hugging and rubbing against each other. There was no way I was leaving that party then.

Shortly after the dancing started, Katie pulled me upstairs into her room and gave me a tonsillectomy of a kiss. After breaking the kiss, she breathlessly explained that the male stripper she had booked had just called and backed out for the bachelorette party. Katie then started to unbuckle my belt and began pulling down my jeans. I started grinning at the thought of getting a blow job while the party was in full swing downstairs.

“Navy blue boxers. Tim, you look perfect!” Katie exclaimed.

“Aren’t you going to go ahead and take them off?” I asked.

“Take them off? No way. You are going to be Alyssa’s male entertainment tonight,” Katie said with a smirk on her lips and a wink of her eye.

“Oh no, no, no! No way in hell am I walking down there in my boxers."  

 â€śOf course you aren’t walking down in your boxers, Tim. You are wearing this terry cloth robe down there and then you can start stripping for Alyssa. Every girl deserves some male entertainment at their own bachelorette party, and you can certainly provide that. After all, I should know,” Katie said with another wink.

“You are nuts if you think I am going down in that robe and stripping. Positively, absolutely, fucking nuts.”

“Well Tim, if you do this for me,” Katie teased, “I positively, absolutely, fucking guarantee that your nuts will get fucked tonight. But if you can’t do it, I just may have to spend the ENTIRE night with the girls.”

Then Katie stepped real close to me, and rubbed her hands over the growing cock in my navy blue boxers. “You do want your nuts fucked tonight, don’t you, Tim?”

What I wanted to do was to bend Katie over her bed and take her from behind right there. But Katie was a strong willed girl. When she wanted something done, it was going to get done or there would be hell to pay. I already knew the answer if I didn’t go through with her plan. I’d be playing with my own hand again back in my room at the fraternity house.

“Just to be clear, I am not getting totally naked in front of all your friends downstairs. That, Katie, is non-negotiable.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I should up the ante to full nudity. Alyssa will love it.” Katie laughed after a brief pause. “Don’t worry my stud man. I won’t make you pose Playgirl style in front of my sisters. But I do have something else for you to help get you motivated.”

Katie pointed to two full shot glasses on her desk. I wasn’t completely sure what was in the two shots, but I had a pretty good idea. Katie lifted a glass and gave one to me. We clinked our glasses together, and we both downed the shots. As I had suspected, it was a tequila shot. We downed them straight with no lime and no salt. Very early on in our relationship we found we had a common love affair with tequila. I growled and enjoyed the burn as the tequila went down. After downing the tequila, Katie put down the glass and grabbed my cock though my boxers and squeezed.

“This is mine when you are done performing for Alyssa. Positively, absolutely, fucking mine. You best put on a good show.”

I was already drunk from the beer and shots I had consumed with the party girls downstairs. But tequila raises the stakes for me, and with the added enticement from Katie, I was ready to get the dancing over so I could get in between the sheets and between her thighs.

I recall Katie going downstairs first and pumping up the music to the stereo, and though my brain cells were a bit foggy at that moment, I believe the song was Rapper’s Delight as I strutted down the stairs. It was a good dance tune during that time, one with a heavy beat that went on forever. I recall that Katie had set a chair in the middle of the family room of the apartment, and made a grand display of pulling Alyssa to the chair.

My recollection of the next few moments is very cloudy. I do recall hearing wolf whistles and cat calls that would have made any construction worker on a lunch break proud. I recall cheering, lots of cheering. I recall dancing in circles around Alyssa in the chair and rubbing my butt against her but trying to make sure it was against her shoulders and arms. I recall the chant of “Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, …” going as I began to slowly slide the robe off my shoulders.

I do vividly recall tossing the robe away and gyrating until my abs hurt. Eerily, the chants had subsided and while the music still blared, the girls got surprisingly quiet. The cat calls had been replaced by softer expressed “Ooohs” and the whistles had been replaced by loud gasps. I recall being a bit confused as to why the girls had quieted.

That’s when I noticed their eyes. Each of their eyes had widened, especially Alyssa who I was still gyrating around. Each of them had big, wide eyes except for my girlfriend Katie. Katie’s eyes seemed normal, almost focused, but she did have a big cat eating grin on her face. That’s when I noticed that all the big eyes weren’t looking at me, at least not at my face. All the girls were staring down towards Alyssa; at least I thought they were staring at Alyssa.

I let my gaze wander down to Alyssa, and that is when I discovered what had caught the attention of every girl in the room. Almost as if my eyes had left my own body, I stared down and looked at a monster of a hard on being barely restrained in navy blue boxers. As my body was gyrating around Alyssa, the hard cock clad in navy blue material would bounce against Alyssa.

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I saw it hit her shoulders and neck, and then against her blouse covered breasts as I swung around in front of her. The cock was obviously thick and hard.

I then watched as Alyssa reached out and grabbed the hard cock in the navy blue boxers. As she began to squeeze, I felt a hand squeeze my own cock. I shook my head trying to free myself from the alcohol cloud, and I realized that was my own cock that I was seeing and that Alyssa was now squeezing. My eyes returned into my own body, and my head cleared just enough for me to realize where I was, and what I was doing.

My first thoughts were how good Alyssa’s hand felt squeezing my cock. She was squeezing it hard and moving her hand slowly as much as the fabric of the boxers would allow. My second thoughts were that there were fifteen or more girls watching Alyssa squeeze my cock and that one of that group was Katie, my girlfriend of almost two years.

Sexual stimulation, enhanced by alcohol, and coupled with an overwhelming sense of panic can lead one to do some awkward actions. Tonight was a prime example of that. As the panic of knowing fifteen pairs of eyes, including and most especially Katie’s eyes, were now watching Alyssa squeeze my cock, my body tried to escape the situation.

My first thought was to hide my cock from the view of fifteen drunken college girls. I swung around Alyssa facing her and now had my back to the crowd of girls. I had succeeded in blocking their view. They could no longer see my raging hard on in my boxers, or the fact that Alyssa still had a strong hold on it. But in swinging around, I had ended up straddling Alyssa’s legs and my momentum had carried me slightly forward so that the tip of my cock was now pushed into her breast.

Again, the sensations felt terrific, and even though I was thoroughly stimulated, I knew I needed to escape this situation quickly or I would most certainly feel the wrath of Katie. Again, sexual stimulation enhanced by alcohol collided with a strong sense of panic. In trying to escape, I pushed my body back, but probably because I had been drinking for three hours, my feet stuck to the floor while my momentum carried me backwards. I felt as if I were a cartoon performer as my arms made big windmill circles twice, then three times before I managed to reach back and put my hands on the floor before completely collapsing in a heap. I ended up still straddling Alyssa, with my butt resting on her knees and my hands on the floor. My physical actions could not have been any more awkward. At the very least, it was totally embarrassing.

I have no idea what was going through Alyssa’s mind at the time. She was getting married in two months. She had a man she only knew as a casual friend straddling her lap with a raging hard cock protruding against his boxers. She was most assuredly drunk at this time. But during all this gyrating around and against her body, she never let go of my cock. Now that my feet and hands were against the floor, Alyssa continued to squeeze my cock which of course made it remain very hard. I felt exposed, very exposed. I also felt every eye in the room on me, watching Alyssa’s hand stroke my hard cock, which despite all the gymnastics, was still straining against the navy boxers.

However, this time when Alyssa began to slowly stroke my cock in my boxers, I could see the head of my cock slide through the slit in the front of my boxers. Alyssa’s eyes got even bigger at the sight and hazed over. She did not continue with the short strokes she had been doing previously, but continued to push down now forcing the material of my boxers down. My cock slowly appeared, hard and thick, through the front slit of my boxers. With a lick of her lips, Alyssa leaned forward just enough that the tip of my cock rubbed her breast again through her blouse. She began to rub my cock head in circles against her breast.

The euphoric sensations of Alyssa handling my cock and feeling the tip of my cock against her breast began to conflict with the knowledge that in my current position the 15 pairs of eyes behind me now had a clear path of sight to my manhood being exposed and stimulated by Alyssa. Feeling exposed was now a colossal understatement. Panic once again took hold of me and I realized that my only way out of this predicament was to swing my feet up and over to do a backward summersault off Alyssa. I figured once I got off Alyssa’s lap, I could sprint up the stairs to the bedroom and the safety of my own clothes. The backward summersault would be awkward, clumsy, and overly embarrassing, but drastic times called for drastic measures.

Just as I was about to swing my feet up and over into the backward summersault, I saw a familiar hand reach down and grab Alyssa’s wrist and yank her hand away from my cock. It was Katie’s hand. As she yanked Alyssa’s hand away, Katie’s other hand covered me with the terry cloth robe.

“Okay, sisters. The show’s over. I think my fill-in stripper got in over his head there,” Katie simply stated.

With that I slipped off Alyssa’s lap and while holding the terry cloth robe against my cock, headed up the stairs back to the bedroom. Immediate applause, giggles, and laughs erupted from the drunken sorority sisters. As I stumbled into the bedroom, I wondered how I even got into this situation. I was concerned about what Katie was thinking, and in my head I was trying to come up with words of explanation to say to her.

The door to the bedroom swung open and I turned to see Katie entering. With her back to me, she slowly closed the door, making sure it was shut. Her lips were pursed and she had a steely, far off look in her eyes. She looked down and pulled the terry cloth robe from my hands and threw it to the floor. My cock was still very hard, and still exposed through the opening in the front my boxers.

Katie looked into my eyes not saying a word. She then looked down at my cock, reached for it and grabbed it with her hand, and pulled me forward hard so that our faces were close together. I could feel her squeeze my cock hard, much harder than Alyssa had been squeezing.

“That was positively, absolutely, the fucking hottest thing ever you have done for me.”

The immediate feelings of relief quickly began to fade into feelings of sexual excitement as Katie grabbed my head with one hand, while she continued to squeeze my cock very hard with her other hand. Our tongues swirled a tantalizing dance for a moment. Just as quickly as the kiss had started, Katie broke the kiss and stepped back. Her eyes locked into mine as she reached down and pulled the bottom of her skirt up over her hips. Katie stuck her thumb underneath the elastic of her sheer black panties and pulled them down her legs and over her shoes. She tossed them to the floor by the terry cloth robe.

At that point, Katie crawled onto the bed, on her hands and knees, her curvy ass pointing towards me. She looked back and said, “Ready to claim your reward, Tim?”

It might have taken a second and a half for me to get my boxers off and toss them to the floor. I walked up behind Katie and began to rub the tip of my cock against her pussy. She was very, very wet.

“Well that certainly didn’t go as planned.”

“It was very hot. You gave Alyssa a huge thrill. I left her downstairs with a big grin. Thank you very much.”

“It was a huge thrill for me too. Also it was hugely embarrassing! All your sisters watching Alyssa play with my cock and she did not let go.”

“It was so very hot. You could tell Alyssa was very turned on. And if you keep talking and don’t start fucking me I am going to have to start taking things into my own hands.”

Katie and I had been fucking each other since our first date, almost two years ago. I knew when she talked of using her own hands, that she was extremely horny. I pushed forward and impaled her pussy with one slow, solid thrust.

Katie gasped and exclaimed, “Positively, absolutely, fucking hot. So hot. Now drill me Tim.”

It didn’t take a college honor student to know what to do next. I began to solidly rock my hips.

“Tim-may. Tim-may. Are you in there? Come out of it,” Jennifer drawled while poking me in the ribs with her finger.

I shook my head, and the exhilarating memory from last spring began to fade. I knew I had been smiling at the thought of the bachelorette party and my memories of Katie. I could also feel a stirring in my jeans.

“You were really at that party, Jen? I don’t recall seeing you there.”

“Is that what you were day dreaming about? Alyssa’s bachelor party? No wonder you had a big grin on your face just now. Oh, I was there big boy,” Katie grinned. “I laugh to myself every time I think of you trying to get off Alyssa’s lap.”

My face flushed at Jennifer’s words, and the thought that she was at the party. “So, s-s-so you saw the whole thing? The dance? Umm, Alyssa’s hand?”

Jennifer had a huge grin as she stared me straight in the eye. “Yes, Timmy. Yes, I saw everything. Every inch,” she giggled. “And why are you blushing, you certainly have nothing to be ashamed over. Well maybe some very bad dancing. Next time, leave the stripper dance to the strippers.”

“Well I don’t usually go around showing my family jewels off to large groups of women. Damn tequila that night.”

“Timmy. I can guarantee you that every girl there wanted to trade places with Alyssa. Once we got over the initial surprise of your size, and how hard you were, every single girl there was drooling.”

I didn’t think through my next actions. They just instinctively happened. I grasped Jennifer by the shoulder, caught up in her words. “What about this gorgeous girl in front of me now, was she drooling as well?”

Jennifer stared into my eyes, and spoke very softly, almost whispering. “Yes, most especially this girl.”

Our heads both slowly leaned in, hesitating for a brief instant, and then continued leaning until our lips met. Our first kiss was momentarily chaste, as if we were tip-toeing into cold water. But our mutual hesitancy, gave way to a shared passion. A very heated shared passion of lips kissing and tongues swirling then gave way to a feeling of growing emotion between the two of us.

As we kissed, I could not believe who was in my arms. Jennifer and I could only describe our relationship previous to today as friendly, playful, and platonic. We were obviously very comfortable with each other, but had never shared a single romantic moment or gesture with one another. I readily admit I had previously fantasized being with Jennifer, just as every other male on campus had fantasized about being with Jennifer. Besides, I had been dating Katie during Jennifer’s first two years on campus.

When Jennifer started at Rochester her freshman year, her reputation as one of the most striking beauties on campus grew quickly. She was certainly a gorgeous young woman. Anyone with functioning eyes could see that. But Jennifer was also blessed with an engaging, outgoing personality, which flourished in groups of people and was especially evident in one on one conversation. She spoke directly to you, and one walked away from a conversation with Jennifer feeling that you had known each other for many years.

Being a new beauty on campus, Jennifer endured many pick-up lines and men trying to capture her attention. She was always polite in refusing requests for dates, often referring to her hometown boyfriend who was supposedly the son of a Louisiana congressman. The stigma of a hometown boyfriend helped keep the campus wolves at bay. I was never really sure that the hometown boy existed though. Jennifer made excuse after excuse why he couldn’t make her sorority dances, and he never once made it to Rochester to be with Jennifer. If I had been her hometown boy, I would never leave Jennifer alone for one weekend, let alone every weekend.

And now here Jennifer was in my arms, our bodies pressed close, and our lips were locked together. We momentarily broke the temperature rising embrace to gasp for a bit of air.

“Where did that come from? “ I asked with our eyes staring directly into one another’s. I swore that the hazel in Jennifer’s eyes shone even brighter after the kiss.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, but never allowed myself to go there,” Jennifer admitted. “But these last two months of school we have had so much fun hanging together.”

A smoky haze then came across Jennifer’s eyes. “And perhaps the memories of the big man performing at the bachelor party last spring had something to do with it too.” Jennifer smiled and emphasized the words “big man” by reaching and rubbing the bulge in my jeans hard as she said the words. A surprising wave of emotion coupled with a not so surprising physical desire swept me into a feeling of euphoria.

I reached with my hand and grabbed the back of Jennifer’s head and pulled her lips to mine. Our second kiss of the afternoon was more passionate, more heated, more wet, and more playful than our first kiss. It was a kiss filled with emotion, with tongues exploring, with teeth tugging lips, with moans and gasps, and with two bodies pressed tightly to one another. Our second kiss was one where neither one of us wanted it to end.

Neither Jennifer, nor I, heard the front door of the apartment open, but we both heard the crash of the screen door closing shut. Startled, our lips broke apart, but we still held each other closely in our arms as one of my two roommates, Gary Stockwell, rambled into our apartment, whistling the school fight song. Gary’s head was down looking at the mail he had pulled from the mailbox as he ambled with heavy steps through the family room into the dining room where Jennifer and I still stood. He looked up just before barreling into us.

“Whoa. What have we here?” Gary grinned as his eyes took in the sight of Jennifer and I still in a tight embrace. “Hi Jennifer. Hey Tim.”

“Hey Gary. We were just …ummm…errr…measuring,” I stammered.

“Yes, where is that…that … that measuring tape?” Jennifer said as she found the tape and looked at the floor.

“Well don’t let me interrupt your measuring. I will say though, you two do sure have a weird way of measuring whatever it was you were measuring,” Gary exclaimed as he opened the refrigerator and pulled out a Miller Lite. “Don’t worry about me. I am going to throw on some gym clothes to go to Nathaniel Hall for a workout.” The Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland had nothing on the grin on Gary’s face as he bounded up the stairs and closed his bedroom door behind him.

Jennifer began giggling. To be honest, my head was spinning at the events that had occurred the last ten minutes. She looked at me with her bright eyes. “C’mon Tim-may. Lighten up. Gary just busted us.”

I reached for Jennifer’s hand, but she pulled it away before I could grasp it.

“Oh no, Jolly Green Giant. I am late already for my 3:00 class and I need to get there. We’ll talk later about your measurements,” Jennifer said with a big smile. And with that she picked up her books from the table, leaned into me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and walked out the apartment front door.

I quickly followed Jennifer to the door, this time catching the screen door before it slammed shut. She did not turn around, but briskly walked down the sidewalk towards campus. I was left standing in the doorway gazing after her, my eyes again glued to the wiggle of her ass in the tattered denim. Just like that, Jennifer was gone.

What had just happened?

Written by MovingOn14
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