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Charlene's Roommate

"Charlene likes the attention she gets from her roommate and his buddy."

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Charlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.

Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and a pixie face – but with the way she was dressed, she’d be lucky to even get a date.

Neither was saying much as Tommy helped Charlene load her stuff into the back of his truck. This was far from being the happiest day of his life. Tommy’s father and Charlene’s father were business partners and best of friends, and had decided that since both of the kids would be going to the same university, the families could save money if the kids were to share an apartment. Tommy was going to be a senior and Charlene was beginning as a freshman.

From the time their fathers had partnered the purchase of a clothing store, back when Tommy was eight and Charlene was five, their families had done just about everything together - backyard barbecues, night clubbing, even vacations. They lived in the same neighborhood and, at least during their grade school years, Tommy and Charlene had been practically inseparable.

Any joint activity, though, pretty much ended when Tommy entered junior high. Having a female playmate that was three years younger, would not be cool. Even when they had both been in grade-school, their relationship had been best described as Charlene worshiping Tommy and he tolerating her.

And during the last three years, Tommy and Charlene had grown even further apart - Tommy had been in Austin, at the University, while Charlene was finishing up high-school in Waco. Even when Tommy was home on breaks, he had done most everything he did, with his buddies – he was a college guy and didn’t have time for high-school girls.

Charlene’s parents came out of the house to wish her well and see them off. Her mother was in tears as they drove away. As they turned onto the interstate, heading out of town, nothing was being said by either Tommy or Charlene.

They’d been on the road for fifteen minutes or so before the ‘ice queen’, as Tommy had gotten to thinking of her, showed signs of melting a little. She slid down a way in the seat, the hem of her skirt riding a couple of inches up her legs. The movement caught Tommy’s attention and just as he looked over, Charlene shot him a brief glance, but hastily turned back to face forward.

After a few minutes, she shifted her position again, now leaning against the door. In doing so she allowed her skirt to ride even higher, the hem of which was now flirting with the tops of her white thigh-highs.

Tommy couldn’t help but notice the slivers of bare thigh being occasionally and briefly exposed by Charlene’s attempts to get comfortable. Seems to be fishing for a comment. Don’t want to disappoint her, but don’t want to spook her either. “Those white hose really do look good on you,” he lied. Course they’d look a lot better in a heap on the floor.

Charlene blushed appropriately, but recognized the lie when she heard it. “I appreciate you saying that, but I hope you understand,” Just accept the compliment and shut up... “the only reason I’m wearing them... in fact the only reason I’m wearing any of this...” She waved a hand down the front of her. “ because I needed to keep Mom and Dad happy as they saw their only child off to college.”

“Understood,” Tommy confirmed while focusing on a threatening traffic situation.

Charlene looked at Tommy, squinting, wondering. He mentioned the hose. Would he like it better if I took them off? Why not? Parents aren’t here. I can do that. Charlene began peeling off the white thigh-highs. Yeah, and good chance to let the skirt ride up a little more too. “I’m going to have to get these off – getting too hot in here,” she lied.

“Yeah, been working on fixing up this old truck over a year now but haven’t gotten around to the a/c yet.” Tommy was watching Charlene from the corner of his eye. Wow, those legs sure do look good. Might be some hope yet. Just can’t have her knowing I’m even noticing.

Charlene was also talking to herself. He just said the air conditioning wasn’t working. Could he have been suggesting that I might feel hot, and offering me the opportunity to undo some more clothes? Well that is certainly okay with me... but I wouldn’t want him thinking I’m easy, either. Charlene silently held off for the next several minutes. Then breaking the silence and simultaneously pulling her blouse out of her skirt, mumbled, “Gotta get some air.”

Charlene shook the tail of the blouse in the breeze of the vent, letting the cool air flow over her torso. Then looking down, she undid the top two buttons on her blouse and pulled the top part of it open, even exposing a bit of her bra. Turning to Tommy she pasted a brief smile on her otherwise serious looking face. Charlene continued to stare in Tommy’s direction, expecting him to comment, but he did not.

Tommy had the truck’s radio tuned to a heavily sports talk-radio station coming out of Dallas, but as they drove further south it was fading in and out. Charlene knew how to get his attention. She pointed to the radio. “Do you mind?” she asked.

“No, go ahead,” Tommy allowed.

“Still like the country music?” Charlene quizzed.

“Sure, if you can find any.”

After some looking, Charlene located a C&W station coming out of Austin. From this distance they were still getting mostly interference, but as they got closer Charlene expected it would improve. Reasonably satisfied with the radio, Charlene set about to make herself more comfortable, but with the truck’s rigid bench seat, about all she could do was lean against the door.

Charlene stretched her bare legs out further, resting her feet on the tunnel. Could let the skirt ride up a little more… not like I was taking it off. As Charlene stretched out, her skirt did slide up, nearly to her crotch. Assessing the outcome she concluded, Further than I was thinking, but still okay.

Tommy’s cock was hardening, but he continued to feign disinterest. For the next few miles the only sound in the truck, other than a good bit of road and engine noise, was the music and static coming from the radio. Appraising his traveling companion, Tommy noted, Bare legs and nearly visible panties – might make it yet.

Charlene was encouraged by Tommy’s interest and gushed, “Mom and Dad just love this skirt, but I doubt it ever occurred to them I might wear it without the hose.”

Or with it hiked up that far, Tommy remarked to himself.

Charlene looked down at her bare legs. “And they would have never guessed how short I wish it was.” Charlene’s thighs were bare and almost entirely exposed. Even her panties were barely hidden. Tommy’s eyes flicked back and forth between the road and the enticing display.

While providing Tommy a generous look, Charlene, stole a quick look between Tommy’s legs. She raised her eyes to Tommy’s, and with a grin crossing her lips, commented “Daddy would expect me to pull the skirt down, but I’m guessing you like it the way it is.”

I certainly do. Tommy tried to focus on the road. “Not difficult to guess,” he began, looking again at Charlene’s legs, “why your mother and father prefer you to be all covered up.” His eyes darted toward the road, then back again. Tommy’s voice took on an ominous, warning type tone. “You know, if you wear your skirts that short, you’re likely to get a lot of attention, especially from me.”

Charlene had been forced to sit straighter in the seat in order to take the hose off. In response to Tommy's assessment, she turned to face him, tucking her left leg under. Exhibiting a somewhat animated look she enthused, “I think I could probably get used to that.” You didn’t really say that, did you?

From the corner of his eye Tommy could see Charlene's taunting display but he kept his eyes squarely on the road ahead, trying to pretend indifference. Charlene was leaned against the door, her bare legs deliciously angled in Tommy’s direction.

“You know,” she said softly, “My parents really do trust you... and I do appreciate how gentlemanly and protective you have always been.” At least the part about the parents isn’t a lie. Charlene hesitated, her thighs slowly opening and then closing again, and playfully added, “But I’m not going to be insulted if you show some interest once in a while.”

Tommy averted his eyes from the road and looked appraisingly at Charlene. Although they weren’t being done any justice by the blouse she was wearing, it was nevertheless obvious that her breasts perfectly complimented her petite frame. His eyes continued downward, along Charlene’s bare legs, from the hem of her skirt, all the way to her ankles.

A horn blast jerked him back to the business of driving. “Look out!” Charlene shouted. Tommy had allowed the car to drift across the centerline just as they were being passed. He eased the car quickly back into the right lane.

Embarrassed that he had almost caused a wreck, Tommy spent several seconds focusing on his driving before speaking again. He hesitated briefly, tending to his driving before offering in a warning type tone, “Oh you can definitely count on me showing some interest - it just might not be the kind of interest you want.”

Charlene grinned seductively. “And how do you know what kind of interest I might want?” Tommy’s eyebrows shot up. Charlene elaborated, “This is college and Daddy’s not around. I will be insulted if I can’t inspire at least a few lusty thoughts. I might even have some myself.”

Tommy forced his attention toward the road ahead. Looking over the top of his sunglasses, though, he remarked, “Lusty thoughts?”

Thoughts, I said… doesn’t mean anything else,” Charlene retorted.

Sounds like a non-denial, denial to me, thought Tommy, and except for the radio, road and engine noise, the car became as still as a tomb. Although Tommy was paying more attention to Charlene’s bare legs, than as the driver of the car, he ought to, and although Charlene let her skirt remain just shy of her panties, there was no further mention of the less than appropriate thoughts each was having.

Upon arrival in Austin, Charlene grabbed a small travel bag from the back of the truck and started for the apartment. “You are going to help with the unloading aren’t you,” Tommy chided.

“Sure, I just need to tinkle and change first.”

“Well, you might need some keys,” Tommy warned, dangling a set of apartment keys in Charlene’s face.

“Right,” Charlene agreed, snatching the keys and running up the stairs. Tommy followed, deciding that he too needed a bathroom break before starting on the unloading.


Charlene exited her room at the same time Tommy came out of the bathroom. He stopped abruptly, jolted by the transformation. T-shirt, short-shorts, bare legs – hot!

Charlene stopped too, giving Tommy the chance to comment, but he did not. Attempting to salvage the opportunity, she asked, “Is this going to be okay?” She shifted a little, side to side, encouraging him to look. “I was guessing you might like the shorts,” she suggested, smiling.

“Uh huh,” Tommy confirmed as his eyes drifted to their lower edge. Couldn’t get much shorter, either.

“And the t-shirt?” Oh come on. You know he’s got to like it.

“Oh yeah. It’s fine, but, uh...” Tommy put on a serious look. “Like you said on the way down, this is college and Daddy’s not here...” He left the sentence hanging, like he wanted to say more.”

Charlene squinted her eyes, attempting to read Tommy’s mind, “And...”

“Well, I don’t know how you feel about this, but...” Tommy hesitated, at a loss for words.

“Let me guess,” Charlene said, jumping in to rescue him, “You’d rather I didn’t wear the bra.”

Tommy was flustered. He and Charlene had known each other since they were children and what he was thinking seemed somehow, inappropriate. He attempted to extricate himself. “It really is up to you, whatever you decide is going to be okay with me.”

Charlene was smiling. “But I am thinking that you’d like it better, if I didn’t wear the bra... And I probably would like it better too, but I am concerned about how the neighbors might react.”

Tommy expressed shock. “The neighbors? Here?” he exclaimed. “They’re all college type dudes. I can assure you, there is no way they are going to complain!” Tommy licked his lips and asked cautiously, “But you are serious though - you’d rather go without?” Although actually a question, Tommy said it more as a statement of fact, or at least hope.

“Well I wouldn’t dare if Daddy was around, but the t-shirt is kinda thick, and Daddy isn’t here. So yes, I would rather go without.” Charlene’s nipples hardened at the prospect of being seen with so little on. “Give me a second to duck back into my room and uh… fix things.


On their way down the stairs, they encountered their cross-the-hall neighbor coming up. Upon seeing Charlene, the neighbor stopped and made no secret of his interest in her body, particularly her braless nipples. Tommy spoke to him and suggested he might want to stop over for a beer later on. As soon as she and Tommy were out of earshot, she turned excitedly and asked, “Did you see the way that guy was checking me out?”

“Who could miss it. I thought he was going to trip over his tongue.”

“You obviously know him. He coming over later?”

“One of my good buds. Name’s Blake. Lives across the hall. I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots of him, especially so, once he figures out where you live.”

“Is that bad?”

“Not if you like attention.”

“Yeah, I could probably handle a little attention,” Charlene mumbled as they set about emptying the truck.

Tommy stopped what he was doing and studied his sexy roommate – bare legs ripe for stroking, breasts aching to be played with, and nipples begging to be sucked. Tommy looked up to find Charlene looking at him. There was a gleam in her eyes and a trace of a smile on her lips.

“You checking me out, Tommy?”

“Well yeah, I guess I was, but you don’t seem to mind getting ‘checked out’.”

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Charlene grabbed onto a couple of the smaller boxes and started for the apartment. She turned her head and responded over her shoulder. “Did I sound like I was complaining?”

Tommy grabbed a couple of the bigger boxes and followed her up the stairs. It took a couple more trips to get it all. Blake continued to be the only one they had seen in person, although they did spot a couple of guys watching from one of the lower apartments.


After getting their things moved in, Charlene announced she was in need of a shower. Although the apartment did have two bedrooms, it only had one bathroom. Finished with her shower and having donned fresh underwear, Charlene returned to the bathroom to apply makeup and fix her hair. Tommy, assuming her to have finished, opened the door to find Charlene still there, wearing only a bra and panties. She feigned annoyance as Tommy tried to take the blame. “Oh shit! I really am sorry. I should have knocked before opening the door.”

As Tommy reluctantly turned his head, Charlene tried to ease his concern, “Oh no, it was definitely my fault. I should have locked the door.”

“But I really should have knocked. If you will though, please try to remember to lock the hall door when you’re in here.” The bathroom had two doors, one opening directly into the bedroom Tommy had generously assigned to Charlene, the other, opening to the hall, would be used by Tommy, as well as any guests they might have.

Since opening the door, Tommy, although sneaking a few quick peeks, was mostly looking at the ceiling. “I’ll wait in my room. Just leave the door open when you’re done.” He snagged another quick peek as he closed the door behind himself.

Charlene hastily finished up, then opened the hall door and exited through the door to her bedroom. She pushed the door shut but stopped short of locking it. Charlene added a pair of white denim cutoffs and a purple t-shirt over the underwear she was already wearing. Although she wasn’t too pleased that the outline of the bra was so prominent, she lacked the energy to search though her things for one that wasn’t so structured. She found a romance novel she had been reading and headed for the living area.

The kitchen, eating and sitting areas were actually one L shaped room and since the landlord had provided the furnishings, they were sparse and apparently had been chosen more for their utility and price, than for style and comfort. The couch and chair had likely come from the same household sale, as they were at least, of the same style and color. Charlene chose the easy chair and opened her book.

Her eyes focused on the page as she began to read. As she flipped a page though, she realized that although she had read the page, she had no idea what she had read. Her mind was still focused on the scene in the bathroom – Tommy standing there in the doorway while she was at the sink in bra and panties. Charlene turned the book face-down on the arm of the chair. He had to have been looking. She tried to imagine what she might have done if Tommy hadn’t at least ‘pretended’ to look away. I would have had to make it look as if I was concerned… although, I’m not really sure I would have been...

As Charlene mulled it over, Tommy entered and flipped on the television. “So what has got you so deep in thought?” he asked as he plopped down on the couch.

“Uh… just something I was reading.”

“I am going to watch some basketball reruns, so if you want to continue reading, I can mute the sound.”

Charlene looked at her roommate. He had obviously just taken a shower – his hair was wet. She smiled and replied courteously, “That would be nice, if you don’t mind.” She continued staring as he picked up the remote and muted the sound. Those shorts sure do look good on him – bare chest and bare legs – nice! she thought.

Charlene picked up her book and pretended to read, but in actuality, she was still thinking about the scene in the bathroom. So he has now seen me in bra and panties. Tommy may have been watching the TV to some extent, but Charlene could not help but notice that he was also spending a good bit of his time, looking her way. “Something wrong?” She inquired.

Tommy spoke cautiously. “Not really. Just thinking is all.”

Charlene looked down, seeing the outline of her bra. “Is it the bra?”

“Well, yeah. This afternoon, you were outside without one. Now it’s just the two of us. Curious is all.”

Charlene responded somewhat defensively, “Didn’t really think about it. Just habit, I guess. But if you’re okay with it...”

Tommy answered slowly and carefully. “I know I shouldn’t even be talking about such things, but I got to say, your tits are so close to perfect, it’d be just fine with me if you never wore a bra.”

“Wow! You mean that? Like not even to class or nothing?”

Tommy sort of drawled out his continuing observation. “Yeah, well for class, you might want something a little heavier than the shirt you’re wearing right now.”

Charlene looked down at the t-shirt she was wearing. It is flimsy... and without a bra... oh, jesus, that would be pretty bold… being dressed like that in public... but in the apartment? Why not? She thought about how she might do it. Charlene smiled seductively. “If I were to take the bra off, and I would like to, you sure it’d be okay?” As if I had to ask.

Tommy choked. “Uh, you talking about right now?” Charlene nodded. “Well if you want,” Are you shitting? “you won’t get any objection from me.”

Charlene again put her book on the arm of the chair, reached under the back of her tee and unsnapped the bra. The sleeves of the shirt had been cut off and the sides split down an inch or two. If this doesn’t give him a hard-on, nothing will... Charlene pulled the straps out the side holes, then tugged the shoulder straps down her arms, until they were able to twist free. Pulling the bra out, she looked up. Tommy was staring, his mouth wide open. “You sure this is going to be okay?” She looked down. “This shirt is pretty thin.”

Tommy felt a stirring in his jeans. “Uh, yeah. Definitely okay,” Tommy allowed, “but I am still surprised.”

“At what? Me being okay with it? Daddy’s not here and as long as you don’t mind, I’d much rather.”

Tommy gave his crotch a little rub as he said, “Yeah, well it is just the two of us.”

“Right, but what if one of your friends shows up?” Charlene put her arms to either side, stretching the shirt over her bra-less breasts. Her nipples were hardening and threatened to poke right through the thread-bare shirt. “You still going to be okay with this?” Charlene challenged mischievously.

“Uh well...” Tommy was staring at his roommate’s unfettered breasts. They were not much more than a mouthful, probably only a b-cup, but in a thin t-shirt, with no bra, they looked mighty tempting. He continued to stare as he spoke. “I was thinking you might… I mean if there was anyone else here… that you might want to put something more on...”

There was a knock on the door. Tommy jumped up. Looking at Charlene he asked, “Speaking of which, you want to put on a blouse or something. I’m not sure who it might be.”

“But it is likely to be one of your friends,” Charlene countered, not showing any inclination to get up. Like maybe even the guy across the hall.

Tommy crossed to the door and looked through peep-hole. “It’s Blake, the one from the stairs this afternoon. You want to put something more on before I invite him in?”

“He did see me without a bra this afternoon. This shirt might be a little thinner, but unless you got a problem, I’m okay with it.”

And she doesn’t even care? Tommy shrugged his shoulders and opened the door. “Wondered how long it’d take you,” he said to the caller.

“How long it’d take me?” Blake was looking past Tommy, into the apartment, which so far looked pretty empty.

“My roommate, this afternoon, on the stairs. You seemed a little distracted.”

“Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about that,” Blake lied, still trying to see past Tommy. “Did you say roommate?”

“Uh, yeah. You mean I didn’t mention that this afternoon?”

“No. No you didn’t. I just figured her for a girlfriend, helping you get moved.”

“Nope, family friend. Going to be living with me while she’s going to school. But hey, come on in, have a beer and meet her.”

“Well, I am supposed to meet up with Josh and Leo but I still got time for a quick one.”

“Thought you’d say that,” Tommy quipped as he motioned Blake in. He led him to the couch, then continued to the kitchen for the beer.

At first, Blake and Charlene just stared at one another. He was quite clearly taken with her bare legs and unfettered breasts. The way he was looking her over was making Charlene wet. Blake spoke first, statements, not questions. “So you’re Tommy’s roommate – going to be my neighbor.”

Charlene assessed her inquisitor. His black hair was cut short, military style, and he looked as if he hadn’t shaved for a couple of days. He stared menacingly as he awaited her response. Charlene could tell he was dangerous but couldn’t deny her interest. She was anxious to clear up the relationship questions. Her pussy continued to ooze excitement as she attempted to explain. “Tommy and I have known each other since we were really little, but this weekend’s the first time we’ve even seen each other, probably in several years.”

“So you’re not like...”

“An item? Lovers? No, just friends and now, I guess, roommates.”

“So how is it you two even know each other?”

Charlene’s eyes flicked over Blake’s t-shirt covered torso but couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his skin-tight pants. And he likes to show it off too. She looked into his black eyes. “Uh well,” Charlene stammered, “Tommy’s father, and my father, they played football together in high-school… and they are business partners. We’ve spent so much time together, it’s almost like Tommy and I are related, but we really aren’t.”

“See you two already met,” Tommy commented as he handed a beer to Blake. “You want one too, Charlene?” he asked, offering the second one to her.

“Not tonight.” Charlene held up her hand to stop Tommy and Blake from interrupting. “Not saying I wouldn’t want to, but I am still seventeen and don’t want to get in the habit.”

Seventeen huh, good thing that’s legal in Texas, Blake said to himself. Then aloud, “And so…” Blake looked from one to the other. “Roommates?” Blake looked over to Tommy, then again at Charlene. “So how did you engineer that one, Bro?” Body like that, can’t blame him.

“Uh, actually, pretty much our fathers’ doings.” Tommy smiled.

Charlene had to insert, “And if it’d been up to Tommy, never would have happened.”

“Are you shitting me?” Blake exclaimed. “Always did think Tommy was a little goofy in the head, but I didn’t know he was blind too.”

Tommy was leery over the direction things were taking. “Didn’t you say something about meeting up with Josh and Leo?” Tommy wriggled his wrist, the one with his watch. “I mean, it’d be fun having you stay longer, but I know you need to be getting on.”

Blake understood the hint. “Right!” He stood, tipped the bottle up and poured the rest of its contents down his throat. Wiping his mouth on his shirt he said to Charlene, “Tommy don’t treat you good, I’m just across the hall.”

Blushing, Charlene responded, “Uh huh… right.”

When Blake was gone, Charlene addressed Tommy, “I was correct, wasn’t I?”

“About what?”

“About you not wanting this to happen.”

Tommy had been against it – their sharing an apartment – but that was before he knew what a ‘fox’ Charlene had become. Problem now was, he didn’t know how to say that without getting into a whole bunch of trouble. He attempted to dodge the question. “Our fathers didn’t ask me. Did they ask you?”

“Sort of. I mean Daddy did want to know if I thought you’d… well… you are a twenty-year-old guy and I am a seventeen-year-old girl and you can probably guess… he did think it was a good idea, and he does trust you, me too I guess… but he was still, let’s say, nervous.”

Charlene turned in her chair, nearly exposing a barely covered boob to Tommy. His thoughts burst aloud. “He’d be even more nervous, if he could see you right now.”

Charlene cracked a grin and hastily turned forward in her chair. “Pervert!” she blurted in a playful manner.

“Me?” Tommy questioned. “You’re the one running around with damn near no clothes on.”

“Yeah, but this was your idea,” Charlene added sheepishly, “It was, wasn’t it?”

“True,” Tommy enthused, “but I think you’re liking it too.”

“Maybe.” Charlene’s demeanor became serious, her tone – no nonsense. “So long as we’re agreed, what happens in Austin, stays in Austin.”

Tommy likewise turned serious as he replied, “We are agreed.”

Charlene opened up some. “So then, you okay with me as a roommate, or should I tell Daddy it isn’t going to work?”

Tommy gave Charlene a very thorough once-over, his eyes lingering over the bare legs and fixating on the bra-less nipples. He thought about the agreement they had just made, and what that might mean. “I do believe it’s going to work,” he conceded.

Charlene’s face lit up. “Long as I don’t wear a bra,” she added.

Tommy’s eyebrows went up, his eyes still focused on Charlene’s tits. “Yeah well that might help things along somewhat.”

“Figured as much. You guys are so easy.” Charlene might have continued in this vein for the rest of the night, but not ready for it to progress into something else, picked up her book and resumed reading.

Tommy, took the hint and turned to the television. After a minute or so of silence, emboldened by the direction taken by the earlier conversation, he offhandedly suggested, “You could take those shorts off too, if you wanted. You are wearing panties aren’t you?”

“Course I am,” Charlene shouted, grabbing the pillow from beside the chair and throwing it at Tommy. His arm went up blocking the throw. “Just a suggestion,” he protested.

“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”

“Sure, but then you might too!” Charlene jumped up from her chair and started for Tommy. He jerked upward, his arms raised defensively.

Charlene grabbed Tommy’s arms and pushed him back against the couch. She jumped on top. “Not so easy to get rid of now, am I?”

Charlene was astride Tommy, her knees on either side of his shorts. She was bent over, pinning his arms behind his shoulders, her nearly exposed tits inches from Tommy’s bare chest. He tauntingly replied, “Who said I wanted to get rid of you?”

“Uh huh,” Charlene replied, staring into Tommy’s sparkling brown eyes. So much for pretending innocence. Couldn’t help it. Just the way I am. Charlene released her grip on Tommy’s arms and climbed off. Crossing back to her chair she picked up her abandoned bra and her book. Turning toward her room, she announced, “Enough for one night. I’ll be in my room, reading.”

Tommy was pretty sure this was not the end of Charlene’s antics. At least I hope it’s not, he thought.

Written by TraceEkies
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