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Charlene Likes Being Watched

"Had she really been just barely sixteen the first time she got naked with the guys?"

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They were dancing to some relatively serious belly-rubbing music, but Dave remained quite tame, or so it would seem. His hands were making their way slowly downward from Charlene’s waist and pushing her shirt upward, exposing more and more of her panties. As Dave’s hands, meeting only token resistance, snaked over Charlene’s panty covered butt, he quietly said, “If I hadn’t shown up when I did, I’m guessing the shirt would be gone by now.”

Charlene was startled. She leaned back a bit, directing a quizzical look at Dave. Maybe not, but it does seem likely. Charlene remained silent, not sure how to address Dave’s bold assertion, or even if she should.

Dave thought he’d pushed the wrong button and explained further. “The reason I said that is because you and Melissa, that’s my girlfriend, are so much alike, and I know she would do it.”

Charlene brushed the hair from her eyes and challenged, “With other guys around?”

Dave’s enthusiasm shifted into high gear, “Sure! Turns her on and I love it.”

“And if she was here...” Charlene hesitated, trying to put the right spin on what she had to say, “and she was dancing with one of the guys... and he was playing with her ass, like you’re playing with mine – you’d think that was alright?”

“If it was happening, that would be because she wanted it to happen. So, of course, I’d be alright.”

Good point. If I didn’t want Dave playing with my butt, I would have stopped him. “But would she really be in nothing but her panties?”

“Well, since you are wearing just panties and a shirt, if she’d been wearing pants when we showed up, they would probably have been gone pretty quickly, and then with the shirt gone, yes, she’d be in nothing but her panties.”

“Oh wow!” Charlene was quiet for the next few seconds, then tipped her head back where Dave could see the seriousness of her expression. “If Melissa - I’m assuming that’s your girlfriend...” Dave nodded as Charlene continued. “If Melissa were here, would you really let her dance with Tommy and Blake in nothing but her panties?”

“Why not?” Dave hastily countered, “She likes fooling around with the guys, and I love that she does.”

“And you two are in a serious, committed type relationship?”

“Absolutely. We’re even planning to get married, and we wouldn’t even consider that if we thought it might change how we have our fun.”

Uhm, just after my sixteenth birthday, I was dancing with Carl and his friends, in nothing but a towel – and then even the towel got lost. “You are right. She does sound a lot like me,” Charlene admitted.

“You two could even pass for sisters,” Dave chimed.

Charlene pressed her mouth against Dave’s ear and whispered breathlessly, “Well that may be, but talking about partying in nothing but panties... as well as a few other things...” Charlene rubbed herself solidly against Dave’s hardened cock. “ getting me really horny, so I’m going to sit down and drink my beer. She broke from Dave’s clutches, gave him a quick peck on the lips, then dragged him toward the cabin’s pair of couches.

After Dave having offered his guess as to what his girlfriend, Melissa, might be doing back in Austin – probably dancing in some night club down on sixth street, rubbing her pussy against some stranger’s cock - and there having been numerous attempts by the guys to get Charlene to take off her blouse, Charlene announced, “I’ve had enough to drink. You guys can stay up as long as you like, but I’m going to go to bed.”

Tommy looked hurt. “I was kind of hoping I might get a chance to dance with you, at least once, before the night is over.”

Charlene was standing. She reached for Tommy’s hand. “Okay, but just one or two numbers, then I’m done.” She led him toward the eating area, to an empty spot in the cabin they had been using for dancing. A danceable tune was already playing and Charlene quickly wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck and pressed against his growing erection. As she felt his hands slide up under her blouse and grab onto her butt, she muttered, “You were probably wanting me to do it, too.”

Tommy pushed his head back. “Huh? Do what?”

“You know, get topless, nothing but my panties.”

“Well yeah, of course, that would have been so hot!” He snuggled up close again.

Charlene put her mouth to Tommy’s ear. “Look Tommy, I understand the little head would have loved it, but how about the big head, the one that’s been my best friend for ten years. What would he have thought about me sitting around with his friends, maybe even dancing with them, in nothing but my panties?”

“He would have absolutely loved it.” Charlene opened her mouth to say something. Tommy pushed backward once again. “No, no, don’t say anything,” he ordered, then held his hand up as a signal that he had more to say. In a confiding manner he said, “Yes, I know there are guys who don’t want their girls or wives even looking at another guy, but that’s not Dave... or Blake... and it’s damn sure not me.”

Charlene needed confirmation. “So you really would be okay, me dancing with your friends, in just a pair of panties?” She pushed, “You do understand, that with all that skin exposed, hands at least, are likely to be doing some wandering…” As if ice cream were melting in her mouth, Charlene continued in a little girl voice, “...and gee, mister, I’m just not sure I’d be able to stop that.”

Tommy asserted without blinking, “Wouldn’t have gotten any objections from anybody here, especially not me,” It was his turn to smile.

Charlene looked toward the sitting area. Blake and Dave were engrossed in their conversation and paying no attention to Charlene and Tommy. Wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her nearly naked body against his, Charlene explained, “I do think it would have been really fun, hanging out with you guys in nothing but my panties. But, not knowing you really did want me to do that with Dave being here, I decided that the blouse would stay on until I was ready for bed.”

“Stop worrying about it. I really do understand,” Tommy acknowledged, his hands going to the bare flesh on the undersides of Charlene’s butt cheeks, his fingertips a fraction of an inch from that very sensitive spot between her legs.

“After this song ends, I’m going to bed.” Charlene hesitated to make sure Tommy heard and was listening to what she had to say next. “But I’m not going to go to sleep until I’ve had my goodnight kisses from you and Blake, so don’t take forever getting Dave out of here.” Tommy watched as Charlene finished unbuttoning her shirt while walking toward the sleeping area. Dave would not be staying long!

As Tommy rejoined Dave and Blake, Dave was checking his phone for messages from the power company. Whatever had caused the problem was now fixed and service to his house had been restored. “Probably just a blown transformer or something. Anyway they’ve got it fixed,” Dave announced as he stood.

“In case they don’t, you might want to take our lantern with you,” Blake suggested.

“Nah, just have to bring it back...”

“Speaking of which,” Tommy interrupted, “We’re hiking down to the lake tomorrow morning. How about you going with us?” Charlene will be cool with Dave around, now that she knows Blake and I don’t have a problem with it.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve probably imposed enough for one weekend.”

“I’m sure Charlene would like you to come along, and us guys certainly wouldn’t care, would we Blake?”

“No way,” Blake grudgingly, but politely, responded.

“So we can expect you then?” Tommy queried.

“Wouldn’t miss it. See you in the morning,” Dave agreed as he shut the door behind himself.

As soon as the door was closed, Charlene bounced out of bed, turned her back to the rest of the cabin, dropped her already unbuttoned shirt and wrapped a towel around her naked, except for panties, body. She hollered out, “Blake, Tommy, I’m going to take a bath, so you guys stay right where you are and finish your beer, or...” Oh yes! That would be so freekin hot! “...better yet, sit out on the patio.” She turned the water on and began filling the tub as she dropped her panties from under the towel.

Tommy had the television on, but muted. Blake was about to join him in the sitting area when Charlene’s request, and maybe hint, he thought, boomed from the sleeping area. Instead of sitting, he motioned for Tommy to follow him out onto the patio. “Grab a chair and come with me,” Blake urged conspiratorially. He led them to a spot on the other end of the deck, opposite where Charlene, separated from them only by a wall of glass, was bent over the tub, checking the water temperature. He positioned his chair facing the floor to ceiling window and motioned for Tommy to do the same.

“I’m not sure we should be doing this,” Tommy cautioned.

“Bull shit,” Blake murmured. “She wants us to watch, and even if she didn’t, it’s dark enough tonight, she’d never see us anyway.”

Just then, Charlene came around the tub, to Blake and Tommy’s side of it, and with her back to them, dropped the towel. “Oh my god, are you watching this?” Blake asked without taking his eyes off Charlene’s naked form.

“Hell yes,” Tommy replied. “I mean, with her naked – you know, this afternoon - I was thinking how good that ass looked, and I got to say, it is truly fine.” Charlene bent over, again testing the water temperature. “Oh shit! And now bending over?” Their attention riveted by the awesome sight, Tommy and Blake watched as Charlene stepped over the side of the tub and slowly lowered herself into the water.

“I am not believing this,” Tommy remarked as Charlene leaned back against the tub, her arms resting on either side of it, bare breasts and prominent nipples on full display. Charlene picked up the soap and began soaping her breasts. She stroked each nipple with the bar of soap, then worked the soap into her tits with her hands. “Jesus, god!” Tommy exclaimed, then carefully watching Charlene’s antics, he quietly asked Blake, “Do you think she knows we’re watching?”

“Of course she does,” Blake replied, “Why else would she be taking so long washing her tits?”

“The way she likes showing them off, I’m surprised she didn’t take the shirt off earlier.”

Blake remained homed in on Charlene as he replied, “Oh I’m sure she wanted to, and if it’d been just you and me, she probably would have, but with Dave here, she had to be wondering what you and I might think.”

Tommy considered what Charlene had said when they were dancing. “I suppose you are right. So what do you think she’s doing now? Her hands are down in the water. You think she’s playing with herself?”

“I have no doubt,” Blake replied, again without turning his head away from the scene playing out only a few feet from him. “Look at her upper arms and shoulders – they’re moving – and that expression on her face? She’s about to cum! Oh jesus, look at the way she’s jerking. Damn, she is making it. My god! That is so hot!”

“And you’re sure she knows we’re watching?”

“Oh hell yes! In fact, knowing we’re watching is what’s got her so excited.”

Charlene leaned back, her arms once again on the sides of the tub. She was still breathing heavily. She closed her eyes and waited as she came down from the high. With some semblance of composure having returned, Charlene hastily soaped and rinsed off the rest of her body. Then, bending over the side of the tub toward the windows, she picked up the towel she had dropped earlier, and holding it loosely in one hand, cautiously stood and stepped over the side of the tub away from the windows.

Turning and facing the windows, Charlene dried herself. Appearing to not know she was being watched, she took her time toweling off, with no apparent concern for what parts of her might be getting exposed. “If she truly does know we are watching,” Tommy began as if not really believing it, “then she certainly doesn’t mind us seeing all of her goodies.”

“Oh she knows, alright. She just isn’t ready to admit it. But think-”

Tommy interrupted, “Jesus, would you look at that! Her pussy, bald as a bowling ball!” He turned and looked at Blake. “Oh christ, guy, I’m sorry. You were saying?”

“Right, I was saying, think about what’s happened since she’s been living with you. Hell, think about what she’s told us about her partying with those fraternity guys. Pretty obvious she likes showing off.” Tommy’s head was bobbing back and forth, watching Charlene as she dried her naked body, but also trying to listen to Blake.

Charlene dropped the towel and dug out clean panties and t-shirt. Pulling them on, she climbed into bed. Blake continued, “You see what I mean. She’s still pretending she doesn’t know we’ve been watching all this time.” Tommy nodded his head. “C’mon, we need to get back inside and help her keep up the charade. It’s okay if we admit to watching, but we can’t let on like she knew it. Okay?” With Tommy nodding his understanding they picked up the chairs and returned them to the other end of the patio.

A few minutes later, stripped to their briefs, Tommy and Blake slipped quietly into bed on either side of Charlene. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily, almost snoring. “Okay, walking wet dream,” Blake intoned, “You can quit pretending. We’re ready for our goodnight kisses.”

Tommy was focused on Charlene, laying on her back and very nearly snoring. “Bro, I hate to tell you this,” Tommy said, disappointedly, “But she’s not pretending. She really is asleep.”

“You’re shitting. No way does anybody zonk out that quickly.”

“Well, maybe nobody else, but I can guarantee you, Charlene does. I’ve known her for ten years or so and I can tell you, when she gets tired, exhausted, whatever, she just closes her eyes and is instantly asleep. And… no way is anybody going to wake her before she’s ready to get up.”

“Really? I’m in bed with the hottest girl I’ve ever known and she is sound asleep. Absofuckinglutely amazing!” He turned over, none too happy with the turn of events, and was himself, soon asleep.


Charlene did not often dream, but when she did, it was usually vivid and mostly realistic. She dreamt about things that had happened and things that might have happened. This night she did dream, and it was both.

The dream began with sixteen-year-old Charlene in her room on a Sunday night. Dressed in panties, shorts and blouse, with no bra, she was thumbing through the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, confident that as long as she was in her room, her father wouldn't complain about her not wearing the bra.

The sound of the garage door announced the arrival of her parents. She hastened to her desk, turned her computer on, and began doing the research for a paper that wouldn't be due for another couple of weeks.

As the dream continued, still real, Charlene’s mother stuck her head in the door of Charlene's bedroom, "You've got school tomorrow, so you need to be getting to bed."

"Yes, mother, just need to finish up what I'm doing."

"I understand. Just not too late," her mother admonished as she closed the door.

In the dream, Charlene mumbled, "Right," as the door closed. She finished what she was doing, turned the computer off and got up from her desk. Crossing the room, she unsnapped and dropped her shorts to the floor.

At the window she opened the drapes and unbuttoned her blouse. She thought of the neighbor she had discovered was watching her. The thought that someone might be out in the darkness watching her get ready for bed, had always excited Charlene. As she dreamt, moisture formed between her legs.

Continuing to dream of things that really had happened, Charlene raised her hands to the curtain rod, appearing ready to close the drapes, but also, exposing her hardening nipples. It was not likely, however, that she had actually been watched - Charlene's room had been dark most of that evening – but then this was a dream and she could imagine.

In the dream, Charlene slowly turned her back to the window and shrugged the blouse from her shoulders, just as it had actually happened. Naked except for her panties, she turned off the light and climbed into bed.

As the dream continued, Charlene found herself babysitting in the home of the man she had learned was watching her. This also was a continuation of reality. She had secured the family’s permission to use their computer to research a project she was working on.

After putting their son down around eight, Charlene settled herself in the den at the family's computer. In starting it up she curiously noticed an encrypted folder, stored on the computer's 'desktop'. Of course, being encrypted, she had been unable to access it. In the dream, also real, while surfing the web, Charlene was reminded that 'poopsy', the name of the family’s dog, had been a password the family had shared with her.

She again attempted to open the mysterious folder. When asked to enter the password, she typed in 'poopsy', whereupon the folder opened, but it appeared to be empty. Charlene accessed the file display options and determined that an option to hide certain files had been selected. Removing the option, she was confronted with a number of previously hidden files, all of the image type and all appearing to be computer screen shots. In real life, sixteen-year-old Charlene had been shocked to find that these contained pictures of her in various states of dress and undress. In the dream, however, she was giddily excited by the same discovery.

Charlene had known that Harold's rooftop camera was focused on her bedroom window, but she had previously not considered that Harold might also be capturing images of her. Although initially taken aback, after reflecting on her newfound knowledge, she had concluded that it was to be expected and not problematic. After all, she had reasoned, she did know Harold was watching and had still left the drapes open. Why should she be upset with him, just because he had wanted a few pictures.

Charlene had guessed that Harold probably liked the idea that he was spying and didn’t want him to know that she knew. She had left her curtain open the rest of the week, telling herself it was to be sure Harold didn't think he had been found out, but it was more likely because it excited her to be watched. During those next several days she had made sure to provide Harold with several shots that would be worthy of his 'private collection'.

The dream continued, but as it did so, it morphed from mostly reality to pure fantasy. She rushed over to Harold’s house dressed in a pair of loose fitting tap pants and a body hugging, threadbare, wife-beater type undershirt.

Meeting her at the backdoor, Harold let out a cat whistle and licked his lips at the sight of Charlene’s sixteen-year-old body. Charlene looked down at her nearly exposed breasts and nipples. Smiling, she looked up and replied, "I think you approve."

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"Hell yes, I approve. Just surprised your father lets you out like that."

"You mean, without a bra. Oh yeah, he'd have a fit if he knew I was over here, talking to you, dressed like I am, but he's not at home."

As Harold led Charlene into the house, he began, "I'm guessing that you've figured out about my hobby."

In her fantasy, Charlene played dumb. "Your hobby? Not sure what you mean."

"Look, Charlene, I know, that you know, that I've got a camera pointed at your bedroom window."

"You what?" Charlene snapped, dreaming of how she might have faked ignorance.

"Charlene, cut the shit," Harold shot back. "When you looked through my folder last Monday night, you forgot to set the picture files back to hidden." In reality she had set the files back to hidden, but in the dream, Charlene fantasized being caught.

"You pissed that I was snooping on your computer?" she asked.

"I'm not sure I have any right to be. You're the one that should be pissed."

"Oh I was... when I first discovered it... but that was several weeks ago."

"But then you knew I was watching and you still left your curtains open?" That is what she had actually done. Harold exhibited shock at what he was hearing.

"Well, uh yeah... uh actually... I knew you could watch, but it didn't occur to me that you might actually be doing it."

"Uh huh." Harold played along. "So you didn't really know I was watching, until you found the pictures on Monday night?"

"Uh yeah, that's about right,” Charlene fantasized herself saying.

"I'm puzzled though - after you found the pictures…"

"Uh huh, and…"

"Well you had to know then, that I was watching."

"Right. So I knew. What of it?"

"Then uh... you're not mad?"

"What, about you watching?” Charlene smiled as she replied, “No, not so long as my dad and your wife don’t know."

Charlene woke with a start. She had been having fun and tried to put herself back into the dream. But to no avail. It was light out and Charlene was wide awake. Her two companions, however, were still sound asleep. She extricated herself carefully from between them.

Wow, is that something that could have happened? Charlene asked herself, still thinking about the dream. She answered herself, Well, yeah, like I mean some of it really did happen… and for the rest… it could have. Pretty damn exciting! But what would Tommy think if he knew?

Charlene rummaged around in her tote bag, considering various things she might wear that day. She had promised Blake that sometime over the weekend she would wear the swimsuit cover-up he had bought for her. With them hiking down to the lake today and likely going for a swim, this would probably be her best shot at living up to her promise.

Satisfied the guys were still showing signs of sleep, she replaced the panties and t-shirt she had slept in with a near nothing string bikini she had brought with her. The loosely woven knit pullover, which she had explained to Blake was actually a swimsuit cover-up, was going on over the bikini.

As she pulled it over her head, Blake woke and looked in her direction. “Oh, yes, I knew you’d look good in that,” he remarked. Then rubbing his sleep filled eyes and addressing Charlene as if she might have been an errant child, “I thought our agreement was no top under it.”

“True, but we’ve got a lengthy hike to the beach and we could encounter other people on the way. Also, once there, we could be sharing the beach with a family, maybe even young kids. That’s a little too public for me to be going without at least a bikini top.”

“So we get to the beach and still no people, as I have predicted for this time of year, what then?”

“If we haven’t encountered anyone by that time, and it seems likely to remain that way... Jesus, when I was barely sixteen I was letting a neighbor guy see me naked, even take pictures of me with no clothes on. No reason to be modest now. are likely to get your wish. But I promise you, even if it has to be put off until we’re back in Austin, it will happen this weekend.”

Tommy had awakened during this exchange and now asked, “How about if Dave’s with us. That going to affect anything?”

“You mean Dave from last night?” Charlene sought to clarify. “He’s going with us?”

Blake replied, hoping to eliminate any blow-back, “Yeah, Tommy and I invited him last night, after you’d gone to bed. We were pretty sure you wouldn’t mind.”

I was expecting to get at least topless with Tommy and Blake and now that I know Tommy doesn’t care, why not? “Oh no, I don’t have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with though, is fixing breakfast. I had my turn yesterday. It’s someone else’s turn today.” As she said this, a knock came at the door. “I’ll get it,” she added.

She opened the door to Dave, who immediately, upon seeing Charlene with her skimpy white bikini showing through the open weave of the cover-up, exclaimed, “Whoa! I had no idea how much fun this was going to be. Hope I’m not too early.”

“Doesn’t look that way.” Charlene brushed back her hair, cocked a bare leg and put a hand on her hip and otherwise indicated her favorable acceptance of Dave’s remark. “We haven’t had breakfast yet, but based on the reactions of Tommy and Blake, when they learned I wasn’t fixing it, I doubt seriously we’ll have any. The guys just need to pull on shorts and a t-shirt, and we’ll be ready to go. So no, you are not too early, c’mon in.”

As he followed her in, Dave and Charlene worked out that he, Dave, would fix breakfast for all of them. Over the breakfast, there was a lot of discussion about the hike, maybe a swim, the lunch, which Dave announced was in his backpack, and of course about what Charlene was wearing and not wearing and what might happen depending on the degree of privacy they experienced.

Charlene didn’t like the idea that she was being talked about as if she wasn’t even there. She sucked it up though, happy that at least she had their interest.

As they were finishing breakfast and preparing to head out, it was noted that the sky was turning gray and looking like it might rain. Blake checked his smartphone and learned that rain was not only forecast, but expected to last throughout most of the day.

Blake and Tommy decided that they might as well head back to Austin. Dave was obviously put out at the turn of events – he had been expecting to see Charlene topless at least – but he did eventually say his goodbyes and leave Tommy, Blake and Charlene to their departure preparations.

As they were gathering their things, Charlene whispered to Tommy, “Am I going to be okay riding home in the bikini and this top?”

Tommy looked surprised, but also bewildered that she thought it necessary to ask such a dumb question. “Oh hell yes,” he confirmed, but then added, “However, you did tell Blake you’d wear that cover-up without the bikini top under it.”

Charlene looked noncommittally off into space. Could be fun. Certainly interesting – seeing what happens with me sandwiched between the two of them for so long. Charlene’s look of consternation belied what was really going on in her head. She turned sternly to Tommy, “I could, I suppose, but what do you think? Should I?”

Tommy’s eyes lit up. “Christ yes, Blake would love it and I think it’s just hot as hell. Do it!”

Charlene reached under the cover-up and removed the bikini top. She stuffed it in her duffel and headed for the truck. Blake was the last to leave, checking to be sure they hadn’t forgotten something, making sure everything was turned off and locking up. He was unaware that Charlene had removed the top of her bikini.

As he got into the truck and pulled the door closed, he was pleasantly surprised to see Charlene’s totally bare legs on either side of the shifting lever. Scanning upward, he was shocked to see that the only thing Charlene was wearing under the cover-up he had bought for her, was the skimpy bottom to her bikini. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed, “I am not believing this.”

“Keep in mind,” Charlene said, “eye candy, not plaything.”

“But I can look though?” Blake questioned.

“Oh yeah, you can look, just don’t touch,” Charlene admonished in reply.

“Well,” Tommy countered, “I’m not sure I can do the shifting without, at least sometimes, brushing up against those beautiful bare legs.”

Charlene turned to Tommy, and in a flirtatious manner, clarified, “The rules were for Blake.” Tommy and Blake both noticed that Charlene had made rules for Blake, but not for Tommy. Were they supposed to read something into this?

Although there was plenty of touching by Tommy, ostensibly while shifting gears, and plenty of looking by both guys at Charlene’s saucily exposed tits, and no discouragement by her of either activity, in fact maybe even a little encouragement, they still arrived back in Austin without additional drama.

As they pulled into the parking lot, however, Blake exhibited an unexpected level of protectiveness. “Charlene,” he began, “I’m not sure what you’re thinking about for getting from the truck to the apartment, but I would at least suggest you put the bikini top back on before you get out of the truck.”

“Nice of you to suggest that, unfortunately the top is stuffed in my duffel, and that is in the back of the truck.” Charlene looked from one to the other before continuing. “Maybe you guys could walk in front of me. You both ought to know by now, that it isn’t going to panic me if I do get seen, unless of course you’re going to mind.”

“Oh no, we don’t mind,” Tommy assured, “I’m sure Blake was just trying to be polite.”

“Well, if you really want to be polite, both of you need to leave me be for the rest of the day, let me take a nap, soak in the tub and just live for myself the rest of the day.”

“Agreed,” Tommy and Blake chimed simultaneously. At the top of the stairs, Blake broke off and went to his own apartment. Tommy and Charlene continued on to theirs.


As it turned out, Tommy decided to nap too. He was, however, up and finished with the bathroom before Charlene awakened. It was late afternoon, early evening, when he stretched out on the couch to watch the television. Tommy heard the water running in the bathroom and knew that Charlene was finally up and about.

After a time, while watching highlights of the day’s games, he noticed his roommate, Charlene, come into the room. She was wearing a rather old dress shirt, probably stolen from her father. The shirt was sufficiently long that Tommy couldn’t tell what she might be wearing under it, but if the past was any indicator, it wouldn’t be much more than a pair of panties. Tommy was certain though, from the way Charlene’s tits jiggled and threatened to poke holes in the shirt, that she definitely was not wearing a bra.

“Thought you might sleep right through,” Tommy lazily remarked, then hastily added, “Not complaining, mind you, just surprised is all.” He jerked upright, hoping Charlene might sit down next to him. Tommy was wearing a pair of baggy shorts and no underwear and fantasized that Charlene might even find that exciting.

Charlene, however, chose not to sit on the couch, instead going to and looking out the large bay window overlooking the parking area. “Tommy, you go ahead with whatever it was you were doing and don’t pay me any mind. I’m going to sit over here on the window ledge, and maybe brush out my hair.”

Tommy’s mind raced with thoughts of what could happen. Those bare legs and the shirt with a couple buttons undone. And sitting in the window – good god. Tommy felt his dick begin to stir. “Uh... the drapes – you could close them if you want.” But please don’t.

Charlene continued looking out the window. “Nothing out there but a parking lot and that other building, but it’s so far away a guy’d need binoculars to see anything.” Or a camera with a zoom, like my neighbor had, she thought excitedly, recalling the previous night’s dream.

Tommy choked on the part about binoculars. He’d given his to Blake when Charlene moved in. “Right, probably nothing to worry about,” he lied.

Charlene parked herself on the ledge, legs stretched out across the window, her back to the side of the window box, and began brushing her hair. As she recalled how much fun it had been ‘showing off’ for her neighbor, the sun dropped behind the opposite building. Pausing and turning to Tommy, Charlene suggested, “You know, if you were to turn that lamp on, the one beside you, it’d make this window almost like a mirror, be easier to brush out my hair.”

Tommy considered the request. She’s got to know she’s going to have the whole neighborhood watching, but if she wants to be seen - who am I to bitch? He reached and flipped the light on, sure that the guys across the way, if they didn’t already have their binoculars out, would certainly be grabbing for them now.

A brief surge of excitement rushed through Charlene’s body as the light came on. Used to be fun, in my bedroom, lights on, drapes open, teasing the neighbor. Wonder if anybody’s watching. Peripherally she noticed the bulge grow in Tommy’s shorts, confirming that she was not alone in her excitement. Too bad I didn’t get to see my neighbor getting turned on. Still turned sideways in the window, but continuing to carefully monitor Tommy’s reaction, Charlene slowly raised her knees until the hem of the shirt fell into her lap, baring her thighs all the way to her hips.

Tommy, pretending to be focused on the TV, but actually watching Charlene’s every movement, choked at the sight of so much flesh being displayed, especially so since she was sitting in the window, likely being watched by several guys in the building across the way, and maybe even one or two in the parking lot.

Tommy was confident that Charlene’s exposure to the neighborhood was intentional, and considered that she might want to go even further. He turned his head toward her and casually remarked, “Last night you wouldn’t take the shirt off, you said because of Dave being there, but he’s not here tonight.”

Charlene, while looking out the window, Yeah, I do want to take it off, and sounds like Tommy might like that too. She turned toward him while still sitting on the window ledge. With her back turned to the outside, Charlene slowly undid the buttons of the shirt, allowing it to open a couple of inches. She was encouraged by the growing tent in Tommy’s shorts, but still not sure where his big head was, explaining apologetically, “That’s as far as I’m going, for now anyway, but I’ll bet you didn’t think I’d even do that, did ya?”

“Yeah, I really did,” Tommy asserted, “I mean, you’ve got your back to the window, and you’re still pretty much covered up – so why wouldn’t you.”

Charlene grabbed a nearby pillow and propped it against a side of the window alcove. Sticking out her tongue in response to Tommy’s smug observation, yeah, he’s loving it, she pulled the sides of her shirt aside, baring her breasts, swung her legs up onto the ledge and leaned back against the pillow. “Better?” she asked rhetorically.

Tommy’s hand was inside his shorts, lightly stroking his increasingly hard cock. With it looking as if Charlene was intending to expose herself to anyone who might be watching, Tommy responded to her one word question with a very contented sounding, “Uh huh,” I think I could get used to this. Then, pushing to advance things even further, added, “When we were on the patio at the cabin,” he began carefully, “you seemed to enjoy, uh, having your shoulders bare, and a lot else too. You might want to at least drop that shirt off your shoulders.”

Charlene, pouting seductively with a finger on her lips, offered up, “You know what I’m thinking...” She paused, giving Tommy a chance to guess, but he said nothing. “I’m thinking you just might want to make sure the neighbors are getting a good show.” At least that’s what I hope you’re thinking because I’m ready to give them one.

“Well of course, why wouldn’t I want everyone to see how beautiful you are.” Tommy paused, allowing his words to sink in. It’s looking like she wants this as much as I do. Then sounding quite professorial, he offered a counterpoint. “But I was also sort of guessing, that you just might want the same thing.”

Charlene thought, This is working out much better than I might have imagined. I’m sitting on the window ledge, drapes open, in nothing but an unbuttoned shirt and panties. And Tommy even turned the light on for me. She pushed the shirt off her shoulders, then bent forward, allowing the shirt to drop to her waist. Leaned back, nipples hardening and tits bared to anyone watching, Charlene, while staring make-believe daggers at Tommy, charged, “You know me too well.”

“You’re right, I do, and I know that what you really want to do, is ditch that shirt. You’ve been pretending not, just to tease me.”

Charlene turned her head, one final test, scanning the parking lot. “You need to know, there is a guy, leaning against a car on the other side of the lot, definitely looking this way. I suspect he can see that I’m topless, but without binoculars, I’m not sure he can even tell that.” Charlene looked again to her roommate. “You were right. I do want to, but what do you think? Should I?”

“If you want to, then I’m all for it.” Tommy was smirking, his hand busy inside his shorts.

Charlene, with a quick peek at the parking lot and building beyond, removed the shirt and tossed it in Tommy’s direction, jokingly asserting, “If my daddy had any idea what a terrible influence you are, he’d make sure I never saw you again.”

“And I thought you were enjoying yourself.”

“Oh I am,” Charlene acknowledged, licking her lips, “But the best part is watching all that activity you got going on in your shorts.”

“You want to see some real activity? Take those panties off.”

“Ooh, you are getting nasty,” Charlene declared excitedly. “I mean, there must be at least one guy watching with binoculars. You really think I should?” Tommy nodded vigorously. Charlene, kneeling on the window ledge and looking furiously back and forth between Tommy and her imagined audience, seductively pushed her panties over her butt and down to her knees.

Jumping to the floor with her panties dropping to her feet, Charlene stepped out of them. Naked and with her back to the window, she spread her arms in triumph. Sprinting over to where Tommy lay, she stretched her naked body over his. Grinding her midsection against Tommy’s and feeling how hard his cock was, she burst into laughter with, “Certainly no doubt you like it when I show off!”

“And it’s pretty apparent that you like it too,” he countered with a smirk.

“Uhm… could be,” Charlene allowed, grinning ear to ear, “But I think right now, what I need is a goodnight kiss.”

Tommy, disappointed by the ‘goodnight’ part but still believing he might be able to change her mind, pressed his lips against Charlene’s. Her lips parted and sucked his tongue inward, toying with her own. While rubbing her bare pussy against Tommy’s shorts covered hard-on, Charlene tongued her way to his ear and whispered, “I don’t want to sleep alone.”

Tommy took Charlene’s head in his hands and held it nose to nose with his. Not believing he had heard correctly, he asked. “Are you suggesting what I hope you are?”

“It’s not a four-poster bed,” Charlene responded, her smile broadening, “but I have found some satin sheets.”


Written by TraceEkies
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