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Charlene is Eye Candy

"Charlene abandons all semblance of modesty as she and the guys head out for the weekend."

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Tommy grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Charlene's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, “You ready?”

“Yeah, yeah, just a minute,” she replied through the door.

“We need to get moving, Blake's already outside waiting.”

“I understand. You go wait in the truck. I'll be right out.”

“Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting.”

Charlene still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on a new pair of satin panties and had found a skirt she wanted to wear but the top was yet to be determined. She looked at herself in the mirror. An hour and a half of straddling the gearshift. Shorts would make better sense but the short skirt will be more fun. Going to be a lot of bare skin, maybe even a flash of panties. Just need a sexy top.

She rummaged around in her closet. The top needed to be something bare and suggestive. To get invited on this trip, Charlene had suggested that, for this weekend at least, modesty in dress or manner would not be a consideration, and she intended to live up to that. She latched onto a halter type sweater she hadn't worn since she was fourteen. If this is not too small to wear, Tommy and Blake are going to love it.

She put it on. It might have been made of sweater type material, but it exposed way too much skin for it ever to have been meant for warmth. The sleeves were short and the shoulders bare. It was also cropped short, about belly-button length, leaving several inches of deliciously bare midriff. Daddy wasn’t too keen on this, even when I was fourteen. He would absolutely have a fit if he knew I was still wearing it. It could be pulled down to expose as much of her chest as she desired, but at a minimum it was going to expose the tops of her breasts.

It had five buttons down the front. After putting her arms through the sleeves and tugging the top together, it was all Charlene could do to get it buttoned. She looked in the mirror and scowled. It certainly showed off her nipples nicely, but it also squished her breasts.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she slowly undid the top and second buttons, letting her breasts spill out some. After studying herself in the mirror a few more seconds, she undid the bottom button as well, exposing her belly-button, and a goodly amount of midriff. Only two buttons held the sweater together, one mid way between the peaks of her breasts, the other just below it. She looked at herself in the mirror. If that doesn’t get ‘em hard, nothing will. Charlene grabbed her duffel and dashed for the door.

Tommy stepped out of the truck’s driver-side, and held the door for Charlene. As she threw her duffel into the back of the truck, he remarked, “Good thing your dad isn’t around. He would certainly have heart failure if he knew you were getting into a truck with two guys, with as little on as you’re wearing.”

As Charlene let Tommy help her into the truck, she responded somewhat defensively, “Well, you and Blake did make it pretty clear that I was expected to be the eye candy.”

“Oh, I wasn’t complaining!” Tommy looked her over. “I just hope I can keep my eyes on the road. Be nice to get us there in one piece.”

Charlene slid across the seat, slipping her bare right leg under the shift lever. As she did so her skirt rode up, baring her thighs and even offering a flash of white silk panty. Blake looked her over, adjusting his hardening cock as he did so. “See bro,” he said to Tommy, “I told you this would be a good deal, Charlene coming with us.”

“I’m glad you think so, Blake, and I do want you to enjoy the trip, but you best keep your hands to yourself. I don’t want to spend the next hour and a half fighting you off,” Charlene admonished. “And you Tommy, try to keep your hands from wandering off that gearshift knob,” Charlene added with a grin on her face. “Might be fun for both of us, but I'd hate to see your fingers broken, even before we get there.”

Tommy and Blake both raised their hands in a mock gesture of surrender. “No, no. We'll do our best to ignore all the temptation,” Tommy assured her. He pulled away from the curb and went carefully through the gears. Although Charlene's bare thighs were only a fraction of an inch away from his hand when he was shifting, he managed to get into high gear and cruising down the road without ever once touching all that bare skin.

A good part of the trip was via interstate highway and necessitated no shifting. But when they turned off, onto the side roads, with all the intersections, hills and tight turns, Tommy was constantly shifting. Charlene spread her legs wide, minimizing, at least at first, any chance of Tommy’s hand coming in contact with her legs.

Spread as they were, Charlene’s bare legs were already obscenely tempting, but as the road got narrower, requiring more shifting, Charlene slowly, almost imperceptibly, brought her legs closer together, making it all but impossible for Tommy to do the shifting without brushing the insides of her bare thighs. When he did inevitably brush against one, he apologized profusely.

I’d like to tell him it’s not really a problem – felt kind of nice in fact. “Right,” Charlene acknowledged, “You do need to be more careful” She looked from one of the guys to other, a trace of a smile on her lips. Charlene closed her legs even more, making it impossible for Tommy to shift without coming into contact with her thighs, which he did regularly, always apologizing but a little less so each time it happened. Similarly, Charlene was becoming less and less vocal in her protests, observing that Tommy’s shorts had become noticeably tented.

Charlene slid down in the seat, her skirt riding even further up her hips and exposing even more of her panties. Tommy, done shifting for the moment, rested his hand on Charlene’s thigh, his fingers dropping between her legs. Charlene balked, gently pushing his hand away and saying, almost apologetically, “Uhn uh, probably not a good idea.”

Charlene tugged her skirt down to where, once again, it at least covered her panties. As Tommy down-shifted in response to his smart phone’s GPS routing, Charlene opened her legs, allowing her roommate to make the final gear changes without interference.

Blake’s cock had also hardened, just from watching the sexual interaction between Tommy and Charlene, concluding that in spite of her mild rebuke, she did like being played with, might even be encouraging it. “The cabin is at the end of this road,” he announced, realizing that any testing of his hypothesis would have to wait until later.


At the cabin, each grabbed their belongings and made their way inside. Blake had been there before, but for Tommy and Charlene it was the first time. They had to look it over. It was pretty much as Blake had told them, kitchen and eating area to the right of where they came in, sitting area and fireplace to the left.

What Blake had not mentioned though, was the wall opposite the entrance. It was totally glass, offering a breathtaking view of the lake below and the tree covered mountains beyond. On the far end of the wall to their right was the cabin's only bed, positioned such that its occupants went to sleep and woke up as if suspended in the trees and surrounded by a panorama of nature's beauty.

Not far from the bed, up against the glass, was an old claw-foot bathtub. At the left end of the glass wall, adjacent the sitting area, was a door to the open deck that ran from one end of the house to the other. On the end near the door was the hot tub. Charlene was dumbstruck. “My god,” she cooed, “this is so neat! I could just stay here forever.”

“Unfortunately,” Tommy lamented, “we are only here until Sunday.”

“Right,” echoed Blake. “Now we do have stuff planned for tomorrow and Sunday, but we didn’t know what time we’d get here, so didn’t plan anything for tonight.”

“Well, this is kind of out in the middle of nowhere,” Tommy observed, “So there’s not a lot we can do.”

“For me,” Charlene suggested enthusiastically, “I could just sit and watch the sun go down over the lake – maybe build a fire in the fireplace – drink beer and play some games,” adult type of course.

Blake put in, “Still doesn’t solve the question of eating. I do have a thought on that though. Not too far from here, there’s a little country store, slash bar and restaurant that has great draft beer and hamburgers to die for.”

“So how far is not far?” Tommy quizzed.

“Back the dirt road to the highway, then a couple miles past where we turned off – three miles, tops.”

“I could go for that,” Charlene said, “But, question.”

“Ask away,” urged Blake.

“I’d like to stay dressed the way I am, but only if it’s okay with you two?” she put forth hopefully, looking from one to the other.

Blake looked at Tommy before responding. “Uh yeah, not likely anybody but the owner there...” He continued looking at Tommy who was slowly nodding his head. “...and I don’t see him objecting to a little skin.”

“Just so you guys understand, the way I’m dressed was meant just for us - I was to be the eye candy. However, I had no intention that anyone other than you two would see me like this. But the owner and whatever customers he might have, well I’ve never seen them before, and it’s not likely I’ll ever see them again, so I can go like I am. But I want to make sure it’s not bothering either of you.”

“Blake did say it was okay,” Tommy assured Charlene, “and besides, you got to know, we are both loving the way you’re dressed. So quite worrying about it.”

“Okay, I’m not worrying about it. So let’s go,” Charlene urged.


Seated around one of the place’s four tables, they were approached by its waiter/bartender/chef/owner, the only other occupant of this catchall type business in the middle of nowhere. He was probably in his fifties, balding and with a slight limp. He did exhibit a cheery disposition though as he sing-songed, “Welcome to Dewey’s, the hole-in-the-wall on Canyon Lake where you can get beer, burgers, groceries, fishing gear and not much else.” He stood beside the table – eyeballing Charlene’s mostly bare body - and asked, “Now what can I get for you?”

Tommy asked, “Is it fair to assume that you’re Dewey?”

“Nope,” replied the older man, “that was my father. I’m George.” His eyes were angled downward, focused on Charlene’s short skirt and bare legs.

Tommy continued, “Okay then George, I think we’re going to need some menus.”

“No menus,” came the reply, “Burgers is all we got and the only choices you have is how you want them cooked and whether or not you want fries.” George was zeroed in on Charlene’s mostly exposed tits. Without looking up, he suggested, “How about I get you three drafts while you’re deciding?”

Blake nodded, confirming, “That’d be great, biggest ones you got.”

“Three schooners coming up,” George confirmed as he headed for the bar.

When he was out of earshot, Charlene leaned over the table and whispered, “Shit, he didn’t even ask for proof. He’s got to know I’m not old enough.”

“Oh he knows it alright, but did you see the way he was looking at you? He’s going to do anything he can to keep us here as long as he can. Besides, TABC probably doesn’t get out here more than once a year, if that.”

Tommy put his finger to his lips as George returned with the beer. The “schooners” were like large bowls atop a stem and solid base, probably a lot of glass to make it look like more beer than it really was. As he sat them on the table, he looked again at Charlene as he asked, “Did you get decided?”

Blake looked around the table at his companions, neither of whom had any comment. Looking up he responded, “We didn’t really talk about it, but I would guess that if you were to bring us three of your best burgers, cooked, oh say, medium – all with fries – that you likely won’t hear any complaints from us.”

George’s attention was very definitely focused on Charlene as he offered what was probably his usual warning, “You need to know, these burgers are big and come smothered in mushrooms and gravy...” Heads began to nod. “ they’re going to be messy.” Still no objections. “Gonna be ten or fifteen minutes, too, so enjoy your beer,” he urged as he headed toward the back of the place, very likely toward the kitchen.

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“Oh yeah, no doubt,” Tommy commented, “that guy was very definitely focused on Charlene, smitten, I’d say.”

“Whaaat?” Charlene questioned, smiling broadly and stretching the word out as her face grew slightly pink, “He was just looking, is all.”

“Yeah, looking for sure,” Blake added, himself giving Charlene a quick once-over. “I mean, like you are probably the best looking woman ever been in this place, and not only that, but you’re also dressed to make dicks hard and I’m sure his was hard as hell.”

“Whoa,” breathed out Charlene, not believing what she’d just heard. She continued defensively, “I mean, I guess I should take, at least part of that, as a compliment, especially the part about dicks getting hard, but you did assure me that I didn’t need to change before we came here.”

“Slow down, lighten up a little,” Tommy said, attempting to defuse his roommates’ anger. “You are making our dicks hard too, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Yeah, and if you want them even harder,” Blake added, “you could undo another of those buttons.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” Charlene quipped.

“Oh yeah, and George and Tommy would too.”

“But...” Charlene hesitated. “What if someone else were to come in?” she asked quietly, signaling that she was in fact considering Blake’s suggestion.

“Well, it sure wouldn’t bother me. Tommy’s not going to be concerned. George certainly wouldn’t care, and I doubt you’d get all that exercised over it either,” Blake assured her.

Charlene fingered the button between her breasts, giving the matter serious consideration. Even with it buttoned, there was more of her exposed than would have been acceptable in most settings. Her nipples were covered, but some very tempting cleavage was exposed. She looked from Blake to Tommy and back again. These guys are going to be disappointed if I don’t… and god knows it’d be okay with me, but... Charlene looked sternly from one to the other as she replied, “We may be away from home, but this is still a public place. I’m not going to do it.”

Her negative reply was met by sheepish nods of understanding from each of her companions. Charlene looked down at the exposure already existing, then to Blake and Tommy, asking, “Are we still having fun?”

Tommy assured her that all was well, just as George returned with their hamburgers. As he sat the food on the table, he looked in Charlene’s direction. No, I wasn’t imagining it. Not only is she braless, but that sweater is hardly covering her bare nipples. He left the table reluctantly as the three dove into their burgers and fries.

He returned a few minutes later with three more schooners of beer. Standing next to Charlene and looking down at her mostly exposed breasts and bare thighs, he explained, “Thought you might be thirsty. These are on the house.”

As George headed back toward the bar, Blake leaned over toward Charlene and said in a confidential tone, “See, he is sweet on you.”

“That may be,” allowed Charlene, also in a low voice, “but I just think he’s weird.”

“Yeah, me too,” chimed Tommy, “We need to finish up and get out of here.”

Blake and Charlene echoed his sentiment.


Nothing much was said on their way back to the cabin, but once there Blake was back at it again, “Now will you undo that button?”

“You just never stop, do you?” Charlene snapped, but then in a more conciliatory tone, shocking him, Tommy too, with, “Actually, I will go you one better. I’m going to undo both buttons.”

Tommy and Blake both expressed astonishment but Tommy, with eyes sparkling, sought to confirm, “So you’re really going to go topless!”

“I didn’t say that,” fired back Charlene, “I’m just undoing the buttons. The sweater stays.”

“So, not topless,” Blake commented, sounding disappointed, but then, his face brightening, added, “But that still does sound pretty cool!” He hesitated, his face once again turning to a frown. “And you aren’t going to be needing a sheet?” he asked, referring to an incident a week or so before.

“No, no sheet,” Charlene confirmed as she undid the two buttons holding her sweater together. The cropped sweater popped open, exposing a wide swath of bare skin. It did still cling to her hardened nipples but otherwise Charlene was bare from the waist up.

“Wow!” exclaimed Blake. “You are definitely living up to your promise of ‘eye candy’.”

“Yeah, that is a ‘holy shit’ for sure,” Tommy remarked. “I was wondering, if Blake here could find some music for us, would you be willing to dance with us.”

“I don’t think I would have a problem with that,” Charlene cooed, “But I was sort of thinking about that hot tub on the deck.”

“We got a problem there,” Blake said, “The tub needs to be filled and then heated. Even if we were to start all of that now, it would still be several hours before the tub was ready for use.”

Charlene relented, “Maybe Tommy’s suggestion was the best one. Blake, is there a stereo or something that you can turn on?”

“Better than that,” Blake replied. “My uncle’s stereo has a Blue Tooth connection, so we can play any tunes we want on our smart phones and have them come out on the sound system.”

“I’m guessing we would all be more comfortable if I were to re-button this sweater before we start dancing,” Charlene remarked with a mischievous smile on her face.

“You do that, little lady,” Tommy said, attempting to sound like a television type gangster, “and you will likely get yous fingers broken.”

“Oh no, mister gangster, don’t do that. I’ll do whatever you want.” Charlene switched from sounding like a terrified girl to something more akin to her normal way of speaking. Looking at Blake she added, “Well, almost anything.”

Blake turned on the stereo and fiddled with his smart phone. It took him a couple of minutes but he did finally succeed in getting his phone paired with the cabin’s sound system. He called up slow, romantic type music.

As Charlene and Tommy began dancing, Tommy stripped off his shirt, baring his chest. Charlene whispered in his ear, “Is that a hint that I should take the sweater off too?”

“Well, I wasn’t trying to suggest that,” Tommy lied. “But if you did, you’d get no complaints from me.”

“And I doubt Blake would object either, but I would. So it stays on.” Charlene rubbed her upper torso over Tommy’s chest, but only lightly so as not to cause the sweater to break loose from her hardening nipples. “This will have to do,” she cooed breathlessly into Tommy’s ear. Tommy’s cock hardened as he pressed it against Charlene’s midsection.

They teased each other through several songs until Charlene broke loose, her sweater continuing to hang on her nipples, and dragged Blake up from where he had been sitting and watching. “Your turn,” she announced as she wrapped her hands around Blake’s neck.

“Check me if I’m wrong,” he began quietly, “but it looked to me like you might have been rubbing your bare nipples against Tommy.”

“You’re wrong, the nipples stayed covered, just like they are now.”

“Does that mean they are going to stay that way?” Blake asked.

“Very likely,” she replied, smiling, “But I can absolutely assure you, that unless you get rid of that scratchy shirt, there is no chance that anything else might happen.” Blake was pretty sure it wasn’t going to make a difference but he did hastily unbutton the shirt and remove it. Charlene leaned into his bare chest, making sure that the sweater continued to conceal her nipples. “I think this is as far as it goes,” she said.

“But you would really prefer that your tits were completely bare.”

“Whether or not that is so, is of no consequence. The sweater stays the way it is. So quit trying to convince me otherwise.”

“So fine,” Blake acquiesced, “but you could still take the skirt off.”

“And leave me in just my panties and sweater? Yeah, like when pigs fly.”

Blake noted that Charlene hadn’t really said no. Pressing the tiny opening he added, “Your panties are probably not much different than the bikini bottom you were wearing that day on the boat.”

Charlene grinned, and allowing herself to be persuaded into something she really did want to do, admitted, “That is true. In fact, the panties might even be more modest. But the sweater stays on.”

Blake was nearly certain that he hadn’t really talked Charlene into something she did not already want to do. Nevertheless he asked, “So the skirt does come off then?”

“Right,” Charlene acknowledged smiling, “But just the skirt.” As she unbuckled the belt, she turned to Tommy. “This friend of yours is dangerous.” She unbuttoned the skirt, dropped it to the floor and kicked it away.

For the next couple of hours, Charlene danced with her roommate and his friend. There were several attempts at getting her to remove the sweater completely, or at least open it up some more, but that was her security blanket and she insisted it remain as it was. In spite of the fact that Charlene was dancing in her panties, she refused to allow Tommy or Blake to remove their own outer shorts, deeming that to be too dangerous.

There was a pause in the music. “Time for bed,” Charlene hastily announced, “And I am planning to get some sleep. Are you guys ready to join me?”

“Uh yeah,” Blake responded, “But like I said when you asked to join us, there is only one bed.”

“And I told you I didn’t have a problem sleeping between you two guys, even told you what I’d be wearing.”

Tommy chipped in, “As far as what you might wear, you take that sweater off and you’ll be good to go.”

“Don’t you guys ever give up? Yes, the sweater comes off, but it is going to be replaced by a t-shirt, and the panties stay.” She walked off toward the bed and her duffel.

Tommy lamented, “Does she really believe she’s going to sleep between us in panties and a t-shirt and continue saying ‘no’?”

“I can’t guess at what she might or might not believe,” Blake remarked, “but I am confident of this – when Charlene does say ‘no’, she means ‘no’ - and I don’t think we should risk what promises to be a fun weekend, by assuming otherwise.”

“I hear you, but it is going to be hard, resisting all that temptation.”

“That will be okay. I am sure that Charlene would be sorely disappointed if she didn’t at least make it hard for us.”

While they were talking, the guys had watched as Charlene, her back to them, had removed the sweater and replaced it with a midriff baring t-shirt. Climbing onto the bed and pulling the covers over herself, the nearly naked teenager called for Tommy and Blake to join her. “Not sure I can turn that down,” Blake quipped as he dropped his shorts, leaving only his skivvies. Tommy did likewise as they crossed the room to the bed.

Under the covers, the three were studiously silent and avoided even the slightest of contact. At long last, Blake did open his mouth and say, “I was wondering if I could at least get a goodnight kiss?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” Charlene chirped as she rolled toward Blake. Tommy turned on his side, facing Charlene, just as she and Blake began a lip-lock. It was apparent to Tommy that their mouths were open with likely some tongue action ensuing. Other than this though, there was no bodily contact between them until Blake’s hand starting roaming over Charlene’s bare stomach, attempting to slip under the cropped t-shirt. Pulling away from him, Charlene rebuked Blake angrily with, “Kiss, I thought you said. Since you can’t do that without your hands wandering where they don’t belong, it’s over.”

Charlene turned to face Tommy, pressing her lips against his. As their mouths opened and tongues entwined, their bodies nestled against each other. Tommy’s cock, stretching his briefs nearly to the ripping point, found it’s way between Charlene’s legs. She placed his hands on her panty covered butt and clamped her legs around his cock. Then, as turned on as she was, Charlene pushed his hands away, broke the kiss and slid backward, flat on her back. Breathing heavily she looked to her companions, snapping, “That’s enough for one night. Time for sleep.”

The guys, having believed that Charlene, dancing with them in nothing but an unbuttoned sweater and a pair of panties, was suggesting that there might be more, were understandably disappointed. They reluctantly accepted though, that although Charlene clearly enjoyed playing, she was also capable of turning her passions off anytime they threatened to take over. Tommy and Blake dozed off, hoping that the next night would end more favorably.

Written by TraceEkies
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