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Charlene is a Player

"Tommy and Blake are persuaded to take Charlene on their visit to Canyon Lake."

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His eyes followed his roommate as she made her way around the kitchen, her leg and thigh muscles tightening as she stretched to reach a bowl on an upper shelf of the cupboard, the silk of her panties stretching over her butt as she bent to retrieve a spoon from a lower drawer, and then her nipples prominently displayed in her nearly transparent, bikini style bra. She seated herself across from him at the eating area’s table.

Tommy reached under the table and rubbed the growing hardness in his shorts. “I know I’ve argued against you wearing underwear, but I must admit that when it is the only thing you are wearing, it is damn sexy.”

Charlene looked up from her cereal. “I guess that means that you approve.”

“Hell yes, I approve,” snapped Tommy. “Approved last night too.”

“So you’re not pissed then, me letting Blake see me like that.”

“Shit no!” Tommy looked at his watch. “In fact he’s due to show up here in the next few minutes, and if you want to stay the way you are, I got no problem at all.”

Charlene went back to eating her breakfast. Tommy continued to marvel. Across the table, all he could see was her bra, but there wasn’t much to that and most of what he could see was all bare skin. The bra itself was sort of a brownish pink and likely would have matched Charlene’s skin if she hadn’t been so darkly tanned.

The bra itself must have been bought to be worn under a white or translucent blouse, where it would look like she wasn’t wearing a bra at all. It was obviously new and Charlene was likely wearing it for the first time. No way would she have ever worn it around home. The bra was a very thin silk triangular type that could be adjusted to expose as much or as little real skin as desired. Charlene had it adjusted to where it wasn’t covering much more than her nipples and the dark pigment around them, but as transparent as it was, even that was pretty much on display.

Charlene looked up and watched Tommy watching her. “The way you’re staring, I’m thinking I’m glad I decided to wear it.”

“Well, I’m glad you wore it too, but what I was really thinking,” Tommy explained, “Was that your tits are so gorgeous, it’s a shame you ever have to cover them. Easy to see why you like showing them off.”

Charlene could have been offended by Tommy’s remark, but wasn’t. She did ask though, “Showing them off, not sure what you’re referring to.”

Just then a knock came at the apartment door. “Has to be Blake,” he said to Charlene. “You sure you’re okay?” Charlene nodded but slumped down behind the counter in case it wasn’t Blake. “Come on in,” Tommy hollered, “The door is unlocked.” The door opened and Blake stepped in. Charlene sat upright again. “Pour yourself a cup of coffee and join us. Charlene and I were just talking.”

Once Blake passed the island counter separating the eating area from the living area, he could see how Charlene was dressed. As he fixed his coffee, his head remained turned, his eyes fixed on Charlene’s nearly naked body. As he sat down, he quipped, “If I had known you were going to be dressed like this, I would have been over earlier.”

Charlene said nothing but her grin did widen. Tommy joked, “And to think, I actually have to live with this.”

“You know, if you want me gone, I could always go live with Blake,” Charlene teased.

“No way would your father ever approve that,” Tommy fired back, continuing the mirth. “In fact, if your father could see you right now he’d probably ship you off to a nunnery.”

“And we certainly wouldn’t want that,” Blake remarked.

The laughter died away. Tommy explained that when Blake came in, he had just said something to Charlene about her willingness to show off her assets and she had wanted an explanation of what he meant.

“Now when you talked about her showing off her assets...” Blake pretended to take this seriously. “You mean like her getting topless on a boat... or going to fraternity parties in panties and a shirt... or getting naked at a swim party… or what did you mean?”

Tommy mimicked Blake’s serious sounding tone. “No, those things all took place when Charlene was just sixteen. I was thinking more in terms of now, when she’s seventeen. Things like yesterday morning, her parading around the bathroom in my presence, wearing nothing but a towel, or last night, her hanging out with us in panties and a shirt with no bra, unbuttoned far enough that we could see her bare tits, or even now, nothing but nearly transparent panties and bra. My god, she couldn’t be showing much more, even if she was totally naked.”

Charlene grinned. “I could go and put something more on.”

“Don’t you dare,” Blake commanded, “You know we’re loving every bit of it. I’m sure Tommy would agree, you can show off for us anytime you want, the more often, the more we’re going to like it.”

Charlene’s grin widened. “So you guys would be okay with me taking off the bra.”

“Are you shitting?” Tommy beamed. “Of course we’d be okay with that.”

“Okay then, just give me a minute,” Charlene requested. “I need to go to my room and get something.”

When she was gone, Tommy asked, “Do you think she’s really going to do it?”

“I’m thinking she just might. She sure hasn’t been acting very bashful.”

“Then what do you think she’s doing?”

Blake speculated, “Well, if she’s really not lying to us, she might be just rubbing a little rouge on her nipples. Gets them hard and makes ‘em more prominent.”

Charlene returned. She had a sheet wrapped around her body, covering her from shoulders to ankles. “That’s not fair!” Tommy screeched.

Blake was more controlled in his response. “I would be lying if said I was not disappointed and at least moderately miffed. However, I do think we ought to give Charlene the benefit of the doubt. After all, it is her body, and at least thus far, she hasn’t been shy about sharing it with us.”

Tommy hung his head as if a child being scolded. Charlene, still wrapped in the sheet, stood silently, as if an accused, awaiting the jury’s pronouncement. Blake continued, “So it would be my recommendation that we go into the living room, watch some television, work on our weekend trip plans, and let whatever is going to happen, happen.”

Charlene nodded and led the way to the living area. She stretched out lengthwise on the couch, her attention to the sheet, faltering, baring her shoulders and lower portions of her legs. Tommy quickly grabbed the lone easy chair, forcing Blake to park himself on the floor.

“So, did you get to talk to your uncle?” Tommy asked of his friend.

Blake was turned toward the couch, watching Charlene, hoping she would live up to his expectations. He responded without changing his focus. “Uh huh, and he said we could use the cabin, weekend after next, which works fine for me and I hope you too.”

Charlene wanted to lobby for inclusion in the weekend trip but was, at that moment, fidgeting with the sheet, working to get it so it was just covering her body rather than being wrapped around it. Her gyrations didn’t always keep her body fully covered, but as she was still wearing the panties and bra, which both guys had seen earlier, staying covered was not high on her priority list.

Tommy, also watching Charlene, nodded his head in acknowledgment that the timing worked for him as well. Having gotten the sheet situated to her satisfaction, Charlene queried, “Is there any chance that I could go along?”

“Uh well...” Blake swallowed hard. “And I haven’t discussed this yet with Tommy, but the place only has one bed, it is king-size though, and unless somebody chooses to sleep on the floor, you’d likely end up in bed between me and Tommy.”

“Well, you did see last night what I usually sleep in and so it wouldn’t be like I was naked or anything. Besides, wouldn’t it be a lot more comfortable with me sleeping between you and Tommy?”

Blake licked his lips, thinking about Charlene the night before in her sleep attire, thread-bare panties and cropped t-shirt. “Yes, that would definitely be more comfortable. But you also need to know how the cabin is laid out.” Blake was distracted by Charlene fidgeting beneath the sheet. Although stammering, he was able to explain, “Now things may have changed since I was there last, but my recollection from a couple years ago, is that the place is just one big room with no privacy.” He added, “Even the commode has only a curtain separating it from the rest of place.”

Charlene, still covered by the sheet and without exposing anything, had managed to remove her bra, which she made quite a production of tossing on the floor. “I don’t see myself being bothered by that,” she asserted, her lips forming into a coy type of smile.

Between the sleep arrangements and Charlene’s lack of concern over privacy, not to mention their imagining that Charlene was topless under the sheet, Tommy and Blake were both sold on having her accompany them on their weekend outing. “Look, we do want you to go,” Tommy said, “We just want to be sure you have a clear understanding of what you might be in for.”

While Tommy was talking, Charlene, again under the sheet and trying not to reveal anything, struggled to remove her panties. Tommy and Blake had both guessed what she was doing and watched closely, mouths hanging open, hoping the sheet might slip. But it didn’t and Charlene dropped her panties on the floor. Then looking back and forth from one to the other, confirming that both were paying close attention, Charlene tucked the entire lower part of the sheet between her legs, baring her thighs and hips nearly to her waist. “So what else is there you think I need to know?”

“Well uh...” Tommy managed to get out, nearly dumb struck by how bare his roommate had gotten. “Uh, well, we’ll be taking my truck – Blake doesn’t have wheels – and you know how cramped the truck is. Fortunately it does have a bench type seat, but I still suspect you’ll end up in the middle, probably straddling the gearshift.”

Charlene didn’t respond right away – she was busy rearranging the sheet. She managed to pull the part that had been between her legs, under the one leg, and between her and the back of the couch, then turned on her side toward her two companions. She clutched the sheet loosely to her tits, allowing it to slip down to where it was barely covering her hardening nipples. While looking herself over, from the bare legs and hips to her nearly exposed breasts, Charlene teasingly addressed Tommy’s revelation, “So, if I was to be wearing a skirt, I’d likely have it hiked up around my hips, to allow for the gearshift.”

Tommy swallowed hard. “Uh yeah, that sounds about right.”

Charlene rolled over on her stomach, grabbing the sheet behind her and pulling it over her butt. The portion of the sheet she had been holding to her breasts, she allowed to drop away, exposing her side. Her nipples became buried in the sheet but the side of one of her boobs was visible to the guys. “I guess then,” Charlene teased, “that if I was to wear a skirt, I would need to be careful about what panties I was wearing, as they would likely be visible most of the trip. By the way,” she said, raising up on her elbows, exposing her tits, except for the nipples which remained somewhat buried in the folds of the sheet, “how long will it take to get there?”

“Oh my god, I’m not believing this,” Tommy remarked, ignoring the question.

Blake lying on the floor, while hastily adjusting his thoroughly erect cock, attempted to answer Charlene’s question, “The. uh. cabin. is near Canyon Lake... uh, West of San Marcos and New Braunfels.” He paused and licked his lips. “So uh, I would guess then, it ought to be less than an hour and a half.”

Charlene sat up, holding the sheet to her breasts and swinging her bare legs off the couch. “Well, with Tommy’s air conditioner on the fritz, no way am I going to wear long pants, but no further than that is, I guess it won’t make much difference whether I wear shorts or a skirt.” Charlene looked from one to the other, enjoying their reactions to what she was saying and how little she was wearing.

“If we get a vote on which, my vote would be for the skirt,” Tommy asserted.

“Same for me,” Blake concurred. “And while we’re on the subject of your attire, I am curious as to why you think that sheet’s necessary.”

Tommy picked it up, “Like we have already seen nearly all of your tits and most of the rest of you, so what’s with the sheet?”

“Well, I am keeping it around my waist - or at least between my legs - until I get my panties back on.” As she said this, Charlene pretended to allow the sheet to “accidentally” slip from her grasp, affording Tommy and Blake, if only briefly, an unobstructed view of her bare torso, including tits and nipples. Feigning embarrassment, she hastily grabbed the sheet and recovered herself. “Oops,” she said, covering her mouth with her free hand.

“Oh yeah!” Blake railed, his voice breaking, “Now if you could have just left the sheet in your lap... and it’s not like you’ve never bared your tits to a couple of guys before. On the boat, that time, you were even dancing topless. Were the guys bare-chested too?”

“Uh huh, but we never did slow-dance. The rain came first.”

“But you would have?” Tommy questioned, excited by the thought.

“I’m sure we would have,” Charlene admitted. And I maybe could even be talked into it today.

Tommy and Blake, both wanting to advance things further, but not knowing exactly the best tack to take, resumed their discussion of the weekend trip. “Do we have some plans for the weekend or are we just going to sit around the cabin for two days?” Tommy asked.

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Blake replied, “Well, it’ll be walking distance to the lake so we could go swimming. It should still be warm enough that time of year. And we could go hiking. It’s a pretty deserted area and fun for exploring. Also, New Braunfels is having it’s annual Wurstfest – plenty of German beer, sausages and oompah bands – great fun.”

While Blake was saying all that, Charlene stretched out on the couch, once again, briefly and “accidentally” exposing her tits before pulling the sheet up to cover herself. She turned her head toward the guys and asked, “So am I going to need to bring my bikini, or -”

Her question was interrupted by a knock on the door. Looking at Tommy, she demanded, “Don’t answer it until I have time to get in the bathroom.” Charlene bent over and grabbed her panties, pulling them over her legs and hips while at the same time, extricating the sheet from between her legs. She snatched up her bra and ran for the safety of the bathroom.

Tommy opened the door to two friends of Blake who lived on the other side of the parking lot. They were going to San Antonio and wanted to know if Blake wanted to go too. Blake begged off. After they were gone and the door closed, Tommy hollered to Charlene, “All clear. You can come out now.”

Charlene stuck her head out the bathroom door and hollered back, “So who was it?”

“Couple friends of Blake wanting him to go to San Antonio with them.”

“So how did they know he was here?”

“Good guess, I suppose. He does live just across the hall.”

“Well whatever. Anyway, I’m going to take a shower and then I’d like to go shopping.”

Tommy looked at Blake before shouting. “Take your shower, get dressed and then we’ll talk about it.” Charlene closed the bathroom door without responding.


When Charlene came into the room, Tommy and Blake were talking football. She was dressed quite sensibly for a seventeen-year-old, kind of like she might have just come from the office, when actually she was an entering freshman in college. She had on a frilly white blouse, buttoned up to the neck. Her maroon skirt was pleated and covered her legs to the tops of her knees. She had on a pair of sensible black flats. Her shapely legs were well tanned and you couldn't tell she was not wearing hose.

“Where is it you are wanting to go?” Tommy asked.

“To some mall,” she replied evenly. She looked at the two of them sitting there and a smile came to her lips. “I was going to borrow Tommy’s truck, but it might be more fun if you guys were to take me.”

“Now why would we want to go to the mall?” Blake snapped.

Charlene pulled the hem of her skirt up a couple of inches and pushed a bare leg forward. “Well,” she said suggestively, “I need to buy some things for school and for that weekend trip we’ve been talking about – the kind of things Daddy wouldn’t approve of.” She put a finger to her lips. “I was thinking, you guys might want to help me decide what I should buy.”

Tommy opened his mouth to respond but Blake spoke first. “I’m guessing that prissy little outfits like what you're wearing now, is the kind of thing your father would approve of, and that you want to buy stuff more likely to make a guy’s motor run.”

Tommy decided to keep his mouth shut and see where the conversation was going. The expression on Charlene's face remained seductive. “That’s about right,” she replied, acknowledging her exhibitionist tendencies.

“Well, I guess we’ve both made it clear, what you're wearing right now should probably be burned, but I'm sure Tommy and I could get interested in the other kind.”

Charlene knew she had them hooked. All she needed to do now was reel them in. “I was thinking of maybe Victoria's Secret or something like that, if either of know where such a store would be.” She paused long enough to let their imaginations kick in. “You two guys helping me pick out the right stuff would be really cool!”

Tommy could tell that Blake was about sold, and so was he. “You change into something us guys would be more interested in.” He looked to Blake for acknowledgement before continuing. “You do that and you got yourself some company.”

Without a word, Charlene turned back toward her bedroom. When she was out of earshot, Blake said to Tommy, “I sure do envy you bro. She has got to be just about the hottest chick I have ever known.”

Tommy squirmed at the compliment. “Yeah, I guess I am kinda lucky.”

“Kinda lucky? Fucking that is kind of like hitting the lottery!”

Tommy should have been pissed about the way Blake was talking, but he wasn't. Tommy knew that Blake had to be guessing that he was tapping Charlene. And he guessed that Blake was very likely jealous. “Like I said -” he began, before being interrupted by Charlene's return to the den.

“Whoa, now that looks better,” Blake said.

Charlene stopped between Blake and her roommate. She rotated her hips, causing the short pleated skirt she was wearing to float outward a bit, exposing even more of her very bare legs. “You guys like?” she asked.

Tommy and Blake were still looking her over. The top she was wearing was a loose fitting crop top leaving lots of bare midriff. Tommy licked his lips. “So how did you get this stuff past your father?”

Blake jumped in before she could answer. “Looks hot but you’re obviously wearing a bra.”

“I forget this is a college town – probably don’t need one just to go shopping,” Charlene said as she reached under the back of the crop top. She unsnapped the back of the bra, then pulled the straps out though the arm-holes and around her arms. She reached under the front and pulled the bra out, dropping it on the floor. “I’m guessing you like this better,” she commented coyly, looking from one to the other.

“I'll bet you're still wearing panties,” snipped Blake.

“Yep, and they're staying on,” Charlene replied defiantly. “I might have gone topless on more than one occasion, but I’ve only gone commando one time, and there is no way I am going to the mall in a skirt this short, and not be wearing panties.”

“You have though, gone without panties, at least once?” Tommy asked incredulously.

“Hey bro, she didn't say she wouldn't wear a short skirt without panties, just not at the mall.” Blake looked at Charlene. “That is right, isn't it?”

Charlene looked at Tommy as she answered. “Uh, pretty much, I guess.”

“We can discuss all that later then. For right now, we need to get going,” Tommy urged, “We haven't got all day.”

“And we will take your truck,” Blake reminded.

“So I get to practice straddling the gearshift, huh,” Charlene acknowledged. “Then you just better keep your hand on the shifter,” she added, slapping Tommy playfully.


There was a mall with a Victoria's Secret store not far away. Once in the store, Charlene browsed slowly through it with the guys in tow. She stopped abruptly to look at one of the new arrivals. It was hanging on a mannequin in the middle of the store.

It looked sort of like a sweatshirt, but the material was lighter, like it was meant for summer. It had long sleeves but they were half mesh. And it was long enough to be worn by itself. “Oh my god, I have got to have this,” Charlene said as she fingered the soft pink material.

“I think it’d really look good on you,” Blake confirmed, “especially if you weren’t wearing anything under it.”

Charlene looked at Tommy as if to say, He’s your friend. She turned to Blake. “Nice that you approve, and I do appreciate your suggestion. But I also believe it is my money that we'll be spending here, so if I do buy it, I would think that I should be able to decide what, if anything, to wear under it.”

“I think you have been told, Blake,” Tommy said with a somewhat sympathetic look on his face. Course, knowing Charlene, she's not likely to wear much under it anyway.

Blake chose to back it down. Charlene did pick up one of those shirts - sweatshirts, whatever they were - that looked to be her size. She held it up to herself, making sure it was big enough, then handed it to Tommy and continued her trek through the store. Charlene picked out a really short denim mini-skirt, a top, about the texture of a sweatshirt, with a zipper down the front, a pair of lace panties and a few other items. She wasn’t getting any more arguments or suggestions about what she was picking out, as it all looked pretty hot to Tommy and Blake. Besides, Blake was still playing it on the cautious side.

He did finally come alive though. At one table he spied a loose cable weave cropped sweater top. He held it up. It wasn't a totally open weave, but on the other hand, it wasn’t very concealing either. “That's a swim suit cover-up,” Charlene explained, “You put it on over a bikini top when you need a little more warmth or to keep from burning.”

“I understand that I need to be keeping my thoughts to myself but,” Blake began carefully, “you have to admit that if you wore it without a swimsuit top under it... Oh jesus, that would just be incredibly hot.” Blake continued holding it up.

“You really think so, huh?” Charlene coyly asked.

Keeping his voice low, so as not to be heard by any of the other customers, Blake cautiously asked, “So if I were to buy this for you, would that mean I would get to decide what you wear under it?”

“I think we all know what that would be.” Charlene looked at Tommy, who didn't seem to care one way or the other. “It would definitely have to be someplace real private – no way would I ever do that in public - and I'd for sure want to wear some bottoms,” she quietly answered.

“Of course, Tommy and I would expect you to wear some bottoms with it, but would you be willing to let us guys see you wearing it with nothing else on the top?”

Charlene looked again at Tommy, wondering what he was thinking, but he just shrugged his shoulders. Tommy did seem to like it when the sheet “slipped” this morning, and Blake was there then too. Charlene took the top from Blake and looked it over. Yes, it would be obvious I wasn't wearing anything under it, but... “Okay, I'll do it, but not until we get to the cabin,” she said, grabbing the things Tommy was holding and heading for the dressing room.

“I think Tommy and I should come with you. You're going to need us to hold all that stuff.”

Charlene rolled her eyes, “Dream on,” she said as she headed for the dressing rooms.

“Are you at least going to model this stuff for us?” Blake asked playfully.

Charlene looked at Tommy, confirming that he was okay with all of this. Still looking in Tommy's direction, she replied to Blake. “Most of this stuff is for the weekend at the cabin, so you’ll see it all soon enough.” Tommy's eyes lit up at this, but said nothing. Charlene had concluded that Tommy would be okay with whatever she chose to do. The real question is, how far do I want to go? She turned and headed for the dressing room.


Tommy threw Charlene's packages into the back of the truck and reached for the door. He paused. He and Charlene were on the far side of the truck from Blake. Looking at Charlene, Tommy quietly asked, “You want to take them off?”

“What?” Charlene blurted with a very surprised look on her face.

“Keep it down,” whispered Tommy. “You said you wouldn't need the panties except for the mall. If you want to take 'em off, no reason you couldn’t.”

Charlene’s look was one of incredulity. “With this short skirt and me straddling the gearshift? You have got to be nuts.”

“You did say you’d done it before, and of course this morning, you did have your clothes off – just that sheet covering you up. But now, you’d still have your skirt on and you could pull it down some, so it’d just be you and me that even knew it.”

Charlene sighed. “You really do want me to do it, don't you?”

“Well yeah, I do, but it’s still up to you. And whatever you decide, I’ll still not tell Blake either way.”

“Well, I don’t care if he knows, but what if we get pulled over, or god forbid, have a wreck?”

“Hey what's taking you guys so long,” Blake hollered from inside the truck.

“Hold your horses,” Tommy hollered, then more quietly to Charlene, “If we worried about all the what-ifs, we’d never have any fun. You know you want to,” Tommy urged.

Charlene looked quickly around the parking lot, making sure no one was watching. She dropped her panties to the ground, stepped out of them and handed them to Tommy, who stuffed them in his pocket as he opened the door. Tommy helped Charlene into the truck. Holding her skirt between her legs, she slid cautiously across the seat and under the shifting lever. She looked down to be sure she was covered, then up at Blake.

“What's a matter?” Blake quizzed as Tommy started the truck. “Afraid to let your panties show? Or did you take 'em off.”

“You said he wouldn’t know,” Charlene protested to Tommy.

“So I was wrong, but you also said you didn’t care,” Tommy replied sheepishly.

“Oh this is going to be fun,” declared Blake. “Now just spread your legs, little girl, so Tommy doesn't accidentally touch any of that luscious bare skin.” As they drove out of the parking lot and onto the highway, both guys were stealing quick glances at Charlene's bare legs and thinking about what was just under her temptingly short skirt.

Charlene squirmed, but made sure she remained covered. Looking at Blake's lap though, she saw her situation was having a significant effect. She looked in Tommy's direction. He was pretending not to be paying attention, but the bulge in his pants was telling a different story.

Charlene decided maybe her circumstances weren't all that bad. Once she relaxed some, she even found herself getting turned on. At one point, when Tommy was shifting the gears, she closed her legs a little, letting his hand 'accidentally' brush the inside of her thigh.

At the apartment complex, Tommy jumped out and Charlene slid quickly across the seat. The guys saw plenty of skin and maybe a shot of something else too as she let the skirt slide up to where she was mostly exposed. Jumping from the truck she made a beeline for the apartment. Before disappearing up the stairs though, she turned and hollered to Tommy, “Don't forget my stuff, and uh, invite Blake in, if he wants.”

Written by TraceEkies
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