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Campus Life

"His first week of college showed him it was going to be more fun than he thought!"

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My story begins during the first week in my first year of college. I had left home for the first time that fall and had just arrived at the campus that day. It was a very hectic, very busy time with so much to do! I had to sign up for classes, get my books, get someplace to call home for the school year - thank goodness for our guides! The college had asked some of the upper classmen and women to assist us newcomers in getting done what we needed so our first few days wouldn't be so stressful. With their help we all seemed to get everything done with a minimum of fuss and mistakes. I had my classes lined up for that year and had a list of the books and supplies I needed. All that was left was to get a dorm room. Through a stroke of blind luck I was assigned to a room at one end of Dooghan Hall on the ground floor. Dooghan Hall was a recent addition to the college and so the rooms were fairly new and the place looked really nice. The rooms were designed for two students with a semi-private bathroom in them. No kitchen, but it wasn't very far to the dining hall and I didn't even have to go outside to go there - a feature I would come to love when winter hit later that year!

I was in my room unpacking when one of the dorm monitors stopped by. "Matthews?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm Thomas Matthews," I replied.

"Hi Thomas - or is it Tom? I'm David Andrews, one of the dorm monitors here in Dooghan Hall."

"Hi David, yeah Tom is fine."

"Are you all set with your room? Do you need anything?" he asked.

"No, I'm okay. I think I pretty much have everything I need for now at least."

"Okay, well if you need any help, just get hold of me or one of the other dorm monitors and we'll try to help," he said.

"Okay thanks. Right now everything is pretty much a blur! But if I need help or have any questions, I'll let you know."

"Okay then... oh, by the way, you got lucky - the guy you were supposed to split the dorm room with had to cancel. There was a problem with his scholarship or something. So you get a room to yourself this semester!"


"Yeah but don't worry, it will still cost the same for you. You just get a private room, you lucky dog!" David said grinning.

I finished unpacking after David left and was looking around at my room. It would be nice to have the place to myself - I had never shared a room, being an only child, and it was nice to ease into college without the added stress of getting used to a roommate!

Since it was still early once I had settled in, I decided to see about getting my books for my classes. It was only Thursday and class didn't start until the following Monday, but I saw no sense in waiting... and possibly not having a book because they ran out!

I walked across the commons to the bookstore to see about my books. The bookstore was upstairs above the campus food court and activity center and as I got there the line wasn't very long at all - another break today!

I got to the counter and waited for someone to come up and help me. From around the corner of one of the bookshelves she appeared.

"Hi, Can I help you?" she said. I looked down at her nametag. It read "Samantha" but I saw it as gorgeous!
Let me describe Samantha. She was a sophomore - one year ahead of me - and 20 years old. She was a beautiful looking, sexy woman. She was about five foot six inches tall, with blonde shoulder length hair and hazel eyes. She had a lovely face, and a hot 34C-24-35 body that turned heads wherever she went.

"Can I help you with anything?" she repeated, smiling.

I snapped out of my dazed state "Oh, sorry... I... I need some books," I said, unable to form anything more intelligent!

"Well I kind of assumed that, considering this is the bookstore!" she said, grinning at me.

What an idiot! "Yeah... I guess so," I said, sheepishly.

"Let's see your class schedule," she said. I handed her my class schedule. "Okay you will need an English book, a math book, and a science book. I see you are getting a lot of your required classes out of the way early - good idea. A lot of kids come in here and think college is a big party. Then they hit reality and find they have to do all their required classes before they can graduate!"

"Yeah that's what my high school counselor told me too. He suggested I get the hard classes out of the way so I can enjoy my college years without worrying about taking them later," I said.

"So where are you from?" she asked as she looked up the availability of the books.

"I'm from a little place called Marionville, Missouri," I told her.

"Marionville? Well I'm from Springfield, just up the road from you! I've been to Marionville a few times!" she said surprised.

"Wow! We're almost neighbors, then!" I said. We talked a little bit about back home. Sam (she told me to call her Sam since Samantha was such a mouthful!) hadn't been home since she started school there, and wanted to catch up on the latest news. Well I didn't know too much about Springfield, but I told her about Marionville and that was good enough for her. We talked for about 20 minutes or so since there wasn't anymore customers behind me at that time.

"Well I'd better get your books so you can get back to what you were doing," she said and left to fill my order. Actually I could have stayed there talking with Sam a lot longer but I figured she had work to do to. She came back a couple minutes later.

"Okay I have your English book and your biology book. But your math book is out of stock right now. We have some books in the back that haven't been unpacked and it might be in that order. Why don't you tell me where you are staying and I can have it delivered if you like when we get some in," she said.

"I'm in Dooghan Hall, room 1101... the first floor, north end," I told her.

"Okay, if your book is in the boxes in the back or if it comes in tomorrow I will make sure I set aside a copy for you and have it delivered," she said.

"Thanks, Sam... well I'd better let you get back to work. It was nice talking to you and seeing a friendly face! It's a long way to Marionville from here!" I said.

"Even further to Springfield though! Bye Thomas Matthews!" she said, with a coy little smile.

The next day was Friday and because class didn't start till Monday I decided to relax a bit in my dorm room and mentally get myself ready for whatever was to come.

I had my laptop computer turned on and was getting ready to write an email or two. I got a short letter off to my parents to let them know how I was doing and that I had gotten settled in my room. With my email obligations met, I shut down that program and began surfing. I found one of my favorite porn sites and set about watching a movie, hoping that the diversion would relax me. The movie was very good and I soon found myself sporting a very hard cock. I was busily stroking my cock and just about to finish myself off, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Quickly, I tucked everything back in as best I could and went to answer the door.

"Oh Hi Sam! Come on in," I said. Samantha came in and I shut the door behind her.

"I brought your math book over. It was in the boxes that we hadn't unpacked when you stopped by yesterday. I kind of figured..." she said, but suddenly she stopped, looking down.

"Oh Shit, Sam!" I said, quickly scrambling to shield my cock. I had forgotten to zip up and my hard cock was bulging out of the zipper opening. Thankfully I had my boxers covering the thing but still it was terribly embarrassing! On top of that when Sam stopped talking, the sounds of pornographic love making in the background - the laptop was still running the movie! I hysterically tried to explain myself. "I... I... Shit I wasn't expecting anyone! It isn’t what you think. I was…" I stammered rattling off excuse after excuse until I finally stopped, taking a moment to look at Sam, and realizing that Sam was looking at me in a odd way...

She stared at me, undressing me with her eyes, the panic that had taken her over was draining away. She stood there quietly, breathing heavily, staring at my body. I didn’t know what to do, I was still frozen in place and probably turning every shade of red there was. Sam walked over to me “Don’t worry, Tom. I know you didn't expect me to come over.” she said, putting her arm around me. She sat down in the bed and waited for a moment until the shock of the situation had passed.

"So tell me… what were you watching?" she asked me softly.

"I-I don’t know just a movie," I said, still shaken.

She thought for a moment, then she turned to me, taking a deep breath. “Well, you’re already hard, you might as well finish.”

My eyes snapped up, looking at her astonished. “What?” I gasped.

She put her hand on my leg just inches away from my still hard cock. “Don’t worry, Tom, it's okay. In fact… I kind of like watching. I want to see you do it for me.”

I was dumbfounded. This girl wanted to watch me jack off!

"Stand up... let me see you."

I slowly stood up, Still uncertain about this whole thing. “So… what now?” I said, nervous and confused, but clearly aroused.

"Do what you were doing before," Sam said softly.

I looked at her for a second, then spoke “So… you just want me to jerk off right here in front of you? Are you sure?” She smiled, and nodded her head. I began to stroke my cock again, watching Sam watch me. Her eyes glued to my cock, I watched as her breathing got faster and she unconsciously licked her red lips. Her reaction to what I was doing encouraged me and I took a chance.

“Sam… I want you to take your panties off, and show me your tits…” I said.

To my surprise, she lifted herself off the bed, pulling her panties down to her feet. She unbuttoned her blouse and removed it followed by her bra. Her beautiful tits were free and she played with her hard stiff nipples as I continued tugging at my cock. She sat down on the other bed in front of me with her legs spread. Her naked pussy was dripping, and I watched her spellbound. Sam looked up at me as she reached between her legs and began fingering her pussy as I fistfucked myself.

"That’s it, baby. Stroke it faster. I want to see you cum,” Sam's fingers were soaked as they worked her pussy faster.

"Sam… I’m… I’m gonna cum," I said breathlessly.

"On my tits, baby. Cum on my tits," she said urgently. I looked into her lustfilled eyes, and saw her hunger, her need. She got down on the floor in front of me kneeling with her legs spread as she continued fingering herself. I pointed my cock at her naked chest. I gave a couple more tugs and then the first hot jets of cum shot out of my cock, splashing onto her waiting tits and running down between them.

When she felt my hot cum hit her, Sam also exploded in a mind-blowing orgasm, her pussy juices spilling out of her and soaking the carpet under her. She fell backwards onto the floor, convulsing and shuddering as her orgasm ripped through her.

I continued to cum, shooting more of my white spunk onto Sam's beautiful body covering her tits and belly and pussy. Finally, with my balls drained and Sam laying covered in my cock-cream and oozing her own juices, I sat down on the bed before my legs gave out.

Then she stood up, and I saw my cum dripping down her body. “I need to clean up - mind if I take a shower?" she asked.
"No go ahead. The towel in there is clean," I said.
She smiled. "Thanks. You just rest and I'll be out in a bit," I nodded and laid back on the bed as I watched Sam go into the bathroom.

 A few minutes later Sam emerged from the bathroom. "Thanks Thomas, I feel a whole lot better now," she said as she came over to where I was laying. I patted the bed, an indication that I wanted her to lay next to me, which she did.

"Sam, forgive my naivety, but... umm... is college always like this?" I asked.

"You mean do the girls all like watching strange boys jerk off in front of them?" she giggled. "No, you just happened upon a girl who likes sex. I like to have sex and I like to watch sex. I like all kinds of sex too. And I like you too, Thomas. I liked you from the first time I saw you back when we were registering for classes. You didn't see me - guess you were too busy trying to figure your classes out - but I saw you. I even... watched you a little. Then when you came up to get your books, I learned who you were. And when your math book wasn't in, I decided I would find them and bring it here myself. I'm glad I did too!

"So am I Sam," I said.

"So you don't think I'm weird or a stalker or something?" she asked.

I leaned over and gave her a long kiss. "No, I don't think you are weird or a stalker. I do think that this is going to be a hell of a school year!"

Sam smiled and snuggled a little closer to me, sighing in agreement.

* * * * *

School progressed and I finally got accustomed to the routine and how to find my way around the campus and college life. My classes weren't too bad, although some were considerably easier than others! The bright spot in the whole 'college experience' was my growing relationship with Sam. She and I continued to see each other regularly and we got closer and more involved.

One week I decided to take our relationship a quantum step further. It was Friday and Sam was working at the bookstores. My last class of the day had finished and so I went to the bookstore to see if I could help her - we both wanted her to finish up at the bookstore so we could get on with our weekend together!

I helped her with the few boxes of books, pricing them and putting them on the shelves.

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I watched as she bent over the table, her flirty little dress stretched tight across her round, plump ass and the lines of her panties coming through the taut material. I felt the stirring of my cock in my jeans and then an idea came to me. It was time I made my move.

I came up behind Sam as she stretched to reach the pile of books at the far side of the table. She was laying on it up on her tip-toes as she stetched to reach the books with her tits squashed flat on the tabletop. Just as she reached them and was about to raise up, I put my hand on her back, holding her down while my other hand pulled her dress up.

"What the hell?" she said startled, "what are you doing Tom?"

"Just lay there and keep quiet!” I said gruffly. We were in the back part of the store out of sight of any customers and the front door was locked so I knew we wouldn't be disturbed. I reached down and pulled her dress up over her back exposing a pair of nice white lace panties. I grabbed a handful of panty in my hand and ripped them off her, exposing her tight ass cheeks. With her well-rounded cheeks so deliciously exposed, I didn’t hesitate for a second. I started spanking Sam in earnest. Each hard slap landing on one cheek, then the other, back and forth, over and over, until her cheeks were bright red.

Sam cried and screamed as I rained down swat after swat until the tattoo of spanks on her ass quieted her and replaced her muffled cries with moans.

"Now that I have your attention," I said. "Let me tell you how it’s going to be from now on. You are going to be my slut!" I said, punctuating my words with a resounding slap to her inflamed ass. "You will do whatever I tell you to do and if you don’t, I will spank your ass till you can’t sit down."

Sam’s ass twisted and turned with each spank. Her moans were growing louder and more frequent as she kicked up her legs in protest.

"Do you understand?" I barked, slapping her once more very hard.

"Yes" she replied in a small voice.

"Good, now pick up your panties, get your coat and let's go back to my room. Sam looked at me with a little smile and went to do as I said.

We walked across the commons to my dorm. She walked quietly beside me, wondering, I'm sure, what I had in mind for her. Honestly at that point I wasn't sure myself, but I figured I would just see how the evening progressed and go with the flow. We slipped in the door at the end of the hallway (it was the closest and least used door) and into my room. Once the door to my room was closed and locked, I turned to her.

"Now slut, get out of those clothes and be quick about it!" I said.

I sat on the sofa for a couple minutes thinking about what I was going to do. I watched my beautiful girl slowly stripping, making a show of getting undressed. As her clothing diminished, my interest grew. By the time she had gotten completely undressed, I was trembling so hard I could barely sit still. The sight before me almost made me blow my load right then and there.

Sam stood next to the bed waiting. I walked up to her. “Turn around and lean over the bed slut!” She did as I commanded, leaning over the bed with her fabulous tits hanging down and her gorgeous ass staring me right in the face. My cock jumped and I saw Sam waiting to be used. I leaned over and roughly began to pull and squeeze her tits, twisting her thick nipples roughly. Her moans and cries made my cock even harder.

"Don’t move," I commanded. I ran my hand over her heated ass and down the backs of her thighs. My fingers slowly went up the insides of her legs until I reached her pussy. Sam was dripping wet! I rubbed her soaked slit and she moaned loudly wriggling her ass as I played with her pussy. I could smell her juices and her musky woman-scent as her passion flared. She was totally turned on by being used like this. I parted her pussy lips with my fingers and slid two fingers slowly into her warm wetness.

"Ohhh God!" Sam moaned as she felt me enter her. Although I didn't know it until later, this was the first time anyone had been inside her for a couple years and she was loving it. Sam and her ex boyfriend broke up just before she graduated high school and she hadn't been interested in anyone else since then. So when I came along, she was ready for a real cock! She had used her own fingers and her vibrator to get herself off, but now that someone else was doing the driving, it was a whole different experience. I began pumping my fingers in and out of her, twisting them and curling my fingers slightly to vary my technique and make her squirm. Sam moaned and whimpered, grinding her hips and wriggling her ass, trying to guide me where she needed me. Sam’s pussy was drooling like a St. Bernard looking at a steak, her juices running down her legs and coating my fingers with its sweetness.

"You like the way I play with your pussy slut?" I asked in a low growl.

"Oh yesss…" she hissed.

"Bet you’d like more than my fingers in that wet pussy wouldn’t you? Bet you’d like to feel a cock in there wouldn’t you, slut?"

"Ohhh Goddd…"

"Beg me, slut. Beg me to fuck your slut pussy and maybe I will."

"Ohhh God Tom, please, please fuck your slut! Please fuck me with your big fat cock!" she whined.

"What will you do for me if I fuck you slut?" I asked.

"Anything, baby… anything you want, just please fuck me… I need your cock in me, please, baby please!"

I stepped up behind her, pulled her ass cheeks apart and with one hard stroke drove my aching cock deep inside of her drooling pussy. She started to cum, moaning and crying out with every stroke, and her cries only got louder when I grabbed her sore ass cheeks and roughly used them to slam her back on my stiff cock. With one more slap on each cheek that brought a gasp from her, I buried my cock deep in her pussy and blew my load. I kept my cock buried there until her pussy milked it dry. Then I pulled out, put my pants back on, slapped her ass once more and said in a low voice. “Get cleaned up and then come back out here. Be quick about it or you’ll get another spanking, slut.”

I sat back on the bed to wait while she went into the bathroom to do as I commanded. Presently, she appeared and came over to stand in front of me, waiting.

"Kneel slut," I commanded. Sam immediately got down on her knees, sitting back on her heels.

"Now, I know that you haven't had anyone in your life for a long time. And you have had to provide for your own... shall we say 'needs' until now. But those days are over Samantha. From now on, I will be providing for your needs. You are my slut so whenever you are horny, you come to me and I will satisfy you. Likewise, you will be at my beck and call for service to me. Understand?" I said.

"Yes…" she said.

"I know that you have had to satisfy your own desires for a long time, but no more. I am here to take care of that now and I will see that you are never that hungry again. Now you are mine, you are my slut, my fucktoy and you will not use that toy again unless directed to by me."

"Oh, Tom…" she said, looking up at me, "Are you suggesting... that we become... exclusive? That we go steady?" I reached behind her neck and pulled her to me leaning down to kiss her. As our lips met I felt her parting hers and so my tongue came out to seek out hers. We kissed, not a sweet peck like a couple friends normally would, but a deep lover’s kiss. We devoured each others lips and tongue and Sam moaned softly into my mouth. My hands went down to cup and fondle her terrific tits and her hand moved to grasp and squeeze my hardening cock.

"Okay we have one more thing to do," I said, breaking our kiss after a few precious moments. "Wait right here," I said, pulling her up and sitting her on the bed.

I went into the bathroom and got a washcloth, a towel, and a basin. I got my shaving kit from my room and brought everything into the living room, setting it on the floor. I went and filled the basin with warm water and returned.

"Now as my slut, I want to see that pussy of yours shaved clean so I can see how pretty it is and taste how sweet it is without getting hair in the way. So now we will shave you and you will be responsible for keeping it clean-shaven. Now lie back and spread your legs nice and wide." Sam looked at me with a coy smile and lay back in a slouched position and lifted her legs, spreading them as wide as she could and holding them there. Sam’s delicious pussy lay before me exposed and still wet from her earlier fun. I gently teased her pussy lips with my finger for a moment, watching her close her eyes and part her lips, licking them with her tongue and softly mewling.

I soaked the washcloth in the warm water and put it over her sex as Sam gasped a bit. I let her fur get good and damp and then took my shaving cream and lathered her up. I began scraping away her growth and she laid there basking in the attention and loving the way I cared for her. I could see her breathing getting shorter and faster and her body trembled as I worked - Sam was getting off on being shaved! I smiled as I worked, every so often flicking her clit and causing her to gasp then moan.

When I was satisfied she was as bare as a baby’s bottom, I took the washcloth and soaked it in warm water again and cleaned up the remaining shaving cream. Sam moaned as the warm water and rough texture of the washcloth ran over her sensitized pussy and clit. She squirmed her hips and her legs instinctively spread further. I put everything aside and moved closer to her crotch. I kissed her naked pussy and her eyes flew open.

"Please baby, I am so hot right now…" she whimpered, childlike.

I smiled and bent to the task, placing my mouth over her sweet snatch. My tongue burrowed into her as she cried out, putting a hand on my head to push me further into her. I licked and lapped her sweet pussy, gathering all the juice she would give me and wanting more. I fingered her little star asshole and she cried out again. She was indeed horny and it didn’t take long before I heard her telltale wail.

"OHHHH, GAAAAWD, TOMMM!!!" she screamed before erupting and spewing her love into my waiting and hungry mouth. I reached up with both hands and grabbed her tits, sinking my fingers deep into the soft pliable flesh and giving her mind one more thing to work over as her orgasm spun her world around.

I didn't let her rest though. I hadn't had MY fun just yet, so I rolled my little slut over and brought her ass up until she was on her knees, legs spread, with her face on the bed. She was kneeling on the edge of the bed, so I stood behind her and fingered her slit for a moment. Then without any warning, I deftly replaced my fingers with my cock sliding easily and quickly into her the full length.

"OHHHH!!" Sam squealed as she felt my cock slide deep into her suddenly. I began immediately fucking her hard and fast, gripping her around the hips and pulling her to me even as I slammed my hips into her.

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Our bodies bounced off each other as my cock drove itself fully into Sam's wet steamy pussy with every stroke. Since she hadn't fully recovered and cooled down from her previous orgasm, it didn't take her long to build back up to her maddening crest. And I was right there with her very soon after.

"Ohh I'm going to cum Tom! I'm going to cum!" she moaned as she got closer to the edge.

"No. Not yet," I said, "Don't you cum yet slut!"

She whimpered her disappointment but held off. I continued pounding her hard, fast, and deep. Using a free hand I thumbed over her little asshole and found that it was a hot spot for her.

"Ohhhh Tommm... please, please let me cum!" she cried again.

"Not yet," I said simply. I emphasized my words by slipping the tip of my thumb into her asshole. She whimpered and moaned louder. I kept pounding the girl's pussy and thumb-fucking her ass as my cum began to boil in my straining balls.

"PLEASE TOM!!! Please make me cum! I need to cum soo badly Pleeease!" Sam cried loudly. She was completely out of her mind with lust and need.

"I'm going to cum, slut... I'm going to cum in your slutty little cunt! Are you ready? Are you ready...."

She began a moaning wail as she looked into the abyss...

"CUM, slut, Cum for me NOW!" I growled, biting her shoulder as I plunged deeply into her and held myself inside. My cock exploded and sprayed my white hot seed into her belly scalding the walls of her pussy with it's sticky heat.

"OHHHHMYYYGAAAWDDD!!" Sam screamed as she erupted as well, mixing her juices with mine and flooding her pussy, leaking out around my still pumping cock. Our mixed love flowed from her, running down her legs and staining the sheets under us. Our mutual orgasm seemed to go on forever, although in reality it probably only lasted a couple minutes. But it left us both drained, exhausted and panting for breath. Sam collapsed onto the bed and I fell on top of her, kissing her neck and ear as my cock shrank back and finally plopped out. We crawled up on the bed and rested her head on my arm as my fingers tracing circles around her areolas and rubbing her nipples.

"I'm so happy, Tom," she purred happily as she felt my caresses, "I'm going to love being your slut!"

I smiled, "Not as much as I'm going to love having you as my slut!" I thought to myself as I kissed her once again.

It was indeed going to be a hell of a school year!"
Written by Master_Jonathan
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