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An Oak Desk and A Tiny Skirt

"Katie arrives at her professor's door in a tiny little skirt..."

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Katie clenched her fists as she squinted at her laptop screen, frustrated that she still had another thousand words of her essay to write tonight. Reaching for a hairband to tie her long tresses into a messy bun she heard the muffled, thumping techno music emanating from the bottom floor of her house. Katie was in her final year of University doing an English Literature degree, and lived with three other student girls: Michelle, Gabriella and Haniyah. It was a Thursday night and they’d decided to start their weekend early by going out raving. It was about 11pm by this point and they’d invited about a dozen other students to their house before they went out to the club. Getting this essay finished by tonight was going to be hard enough without feeling frustrated she was missing out on having fun, Katie thought to herself. Deciding she was going to need another coffee before she could slog through the last portion of her work, she made the dreaded trip downstairs to where everyone else was.

When she got to her living room it was clear that no one was holding back that night. A couple of guys were in the corner doing lines of coke off a small table, another group were doing tequila slammers and Katie’s housemate Michelle was standing on their sofa dancing to the music in just a pair of heels, denim shorts and her bra. The boys and even the girls began to cheer her on as she laughed. Katie smiled as she began to barge her way through to the kitchen to get her coffee, feeling extremely sober compared to everyone else in the room. One of the boys reached up and smacked Michelle’s ass, and Michelle retaliated by throwing a pillow back at him playfully and calling him a ‘dirty pervert’ although it was clear that she didn’t really mind at all. To be fair, Katie thought, Michelle did have a very good body. She was always in the gym and while Katie was pretty much entirely straight it never hurt to have a hot girl to stare at when she came out of the shower in the mornings. Despite protests from her friends to sack off her essay and come out with them instead, Katie managed to get away and back upstairs, disgruntled and annoyed that she had to study instead of having fun. Soon after she went back upstairs the squad of revellers descended out into the night for whatever their destination was. She knew well enough the girls wouldn’t be back until the early hours of the morning. The hot coffee perked Katie up somewhat, and over the course of the next hour she managed to finish her essay. I really hope Viggo likes this one, she thought to herself. But it was late now and she was tired and weary, so decided to call it a night and get some sleep.

Katie woke at 9am the next day for a 10am meeting with her tutor, Prof. Viggo Kembler. He was to have a look over the work she had done so far and give her advice about how to improve what she’d done, suggest further research and highlight any mistakes she had made. Katie was a rather gifted student, and had been getting top marks since she arrived at University two years ago, so her academic meetings often overran the allotted thirty minute time windows that they were supposed to adhere to, as her tutors discussed more advanced and complex theories that few students her age were capable of grasping. While quite shy in many areas of her life, Katie was always at ease in these kinds of situations, as she had always been a voracious reader and so was able to be quite animated and confident in her lectures and classes. This had changed recently, however, when she had been assigned Viggo as her new personal tutor. Her previous personal tutor, Marla Robinson had been a rather dry, withered academic that had retired at the end of the previous academic year, and ever since she had become rather enamoured with her replacement. Viggo must have been about forty, Scandinavian looking but with short, dark hair, a crisp jawline and prominent cheekbones. Quite a few of the other girls on her course were quite jealous that Katie had him as her personal tutor, and sly jokes about how hot he was were not uncommon. This was perhaps why Katie had spent so long perfecting her essay, in the hope that she would impress him with her work.

Katie was not a morning person and wrenching herself out of the warm comfort of her duvet at 9am was not an enjoyable task. She eventually managed it however, and padded towards the shower, towel in hand, in just a pair of black panties. Any shyness about her body in front of her housemates had long since dissipated so there was no need to cover up. As she walked towards the bathroom she heard some faint moans emanating from Haniyah’s room. Katie smiled to herself and shook her head. Haniya was always one to bring a man home after a night out. She couldn’t resist having a peek through the door that was slightly ajar, viewing Haniyah naked, laying on her back with her eyes closed as an athletic guy with very dark skin went down on her. Katie’s gaze lingered on Haniyah for just a few seconds. That tiny, cute spanish girl seemed to be out partying every other night of the week and with that tight body and toned ass she always seemed to ensnare the most gorgeous men into doing her bidding. Katie snapped out of her momentary trance and made for the bathroom, not wanting to get caught peeping. Katie looked upon her reflection in the full-length mirror as she waited for the shower to warm up. Perhaps it was because she’d seen Michelle and Haniyah’s bodies in quite intimate detail just recently, but as she looked at herself she couldn’t help but feel as if she wasn’t quite in the same league as them. She didn’t have much time to dwell on this though as it wasn’t that long until her meeting. The room was starting to fill up with steam from the shower that engulfed her in warm moisture as she stepped naked into it.

It was only as Katie was halfway to her meeting already, clutching the cardboard cup of coffee she had bought on this bright spring morning, that she considered the choice of clothing she’d made. Having been quite sleepy still and perhaps subconsciously influenced by Haniyah's morning session with that mysterious guy, she had ended up throwing on a dark green plaid skirt and blouse that perhaps were not the best choice. She did up a couple of the buttons on her blouse to make it a bit more acceptable, but the skirt was still very short and didn’t actually cover up much of her upper thighs at all. She briefly considered dashing home to change, but decided against it after looking at the time on her phone and realising that she wouldn’t be able to do so without being late. As long as I cross my legs and don’t bend over he won’t see a thing, she reassured herself. Ten minutes later she arrived onto her campus, an expanse of old red brick buildings and beautiful trees that still enamoured her whenever she set foot there, especially on a crisp, warm spring morning like this one. Being a Saturday there were hardly any students around as there were on weekdays, with only a couple of staff members flitting between buildings clutching armfuls of books and mugs of coffee. Katie began to feel slightly disconcerted as she climbed the stairs to the top floor of the English building. What if he didn’t like her work? What if he made a comment about her unacceptable clothing? None of this was aided by the fact that she was slightly out of breath and flustered by the time she had made it to the 6th floor, and she would have liked to take a few minutes to compose herself before going to see Viggo, but as she was already a few minutes late she decided she should go in straight away.

Viggo’s office was the last one on the corridor to the left, and she wrapped her fist lightly against the heavy oak frame twice to signal she was there. ‘Come in’, said a voice from the other side of the door. His voice had the same oaky texture as the door, deep and resonant but simultaneously smooth and assured.

‘Hey’, Katie chirped nervously as she shut the door behind her.

‘Hello Katie,’ Viggo replied while he rifled through some papers on his desk, ‘take a seat’.

He gestured towards the empty, black leather chair opposite him without looking up at her at all as he searched for what Katie assumed was her essay, having emailed it to him the night before. Katie did as he said and sat down, making sure to do so in a way in which she wouldn’t highlight how short her skirt was, although this didn’t prove an easy task. The chair was a couple of feet away from the his desk so she couldn’t hide her legs under it as she had hoped she might be able to. She felt rather exposed in the large office and this was reflected in her body language as she wrapped her arms around her torso nervously.

Viggo’s office was quite impressive though, Katie thought to herself.

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Everything about it was sophisticated but vintage and rugged as well. He sat behind a large, dark wooden desk and the chairs they were both sitting on were made of old, crumpled leather that felt calming to the touch. Rows and rows of hardback books lined the walls in a manner that displayed just quite how much he had read.

‘So...’ Viggo said smiling as he finally looked up at Katie.

He had finally found her essay amongst the stacks of various papers he had accumulated.

‘I have to admit I’ve never quite seen something like this from a student as young as you.’

Katie blushed slightly at the praise, her eyes caught between his piercing green eyes and the muscular forearms that were exposed due to the fact that he had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

Katie’s tension dissipated somewhat at hearing this, and allowed her muscles to relax, dropping her arms into her lap rather than wrapping them around her body. Viggo’s cheerful demeanour was not always one that was guaranteed, and it was not uncommon to see him cutting a stern figure with students that didn’t take their work very seriously. The two of them descended into a free-flowing animated conversation about her study, with Viggo guiding her through the more intricate and detailed points of her language as well as reaching for a couple of books from his vast shelves that he thought might be of use. He didn’t usually give his own books to students, he said, but he trusted them in her care. Katie hadn’t had a chance to speak with him at length before, and being in close proximity to him allowed her to observe some of his finer features more intimately. He had a few sparse flecks of grey in his short stubble, although the hair on his head remained a uniform chestnut brown. He wore a small gold signet ring on the index finger of his right hand, and he had a habit of closing his eyes totally as he laughed that she thought was rather cute. They conversed back and forth in this manner for about half an hour. Once or twice she thought she caught his eye flicker just briefly on her exposed legs, but Katie felt fairly her arousal had led her to imagine this.

‘Have a look here,’ he said, gesturing towards a passage of her work.

She got up from her seat and moved over to his side of the great desk, now sitting on a small stool next to him as he underlined a couple of sentences in her essay. Katie began to feel unnerved again, but for different reasons than she had been prior to entering his office. Her forearm was now lightly brushed up against his, and their close proximity had made her hyper-conscious of the fact that her skirt was barely concealing anything as the subtle hint of his cologne seeped into her conscience.

‘You know I’ve been noticing you for a while now’ Viggo said, shifting the tone of his voice somewhat away from the professional one he had been using up until now to a more personal one.

He leant back in his chair away from her essay, and she felt, even though she had been in his office for a while now, that he was looking at her properly for the first time.

‘Oh yeah?’ Katie said in a confused manner, trying to appear nonchalant as her pulse jolted.

‘Yes...’ he stated calmly, taking his time over his words. ‘You know you look rather cute in class with your hair in that messy bun with a pen in your mouth as you think to yourself.’

He smiled genuinely, in a manner that made her feel more at ease than this revelation perhaps would have. Katie smiled back, hoping that her face had not obviously flushed.

‘Well between you and me there are more than a couple of girls that have a bit of a thing for you, sir.’

He laughed jovially, throwing his arms up and clasping his hands behind his head.

‘I don’t think you’ve ever called me sir before’.

‘Well I could if you liked it...’ Katie replied, not taking her eyes off his.

This was getting too much now. The subtle and nuanced atmosphere was rapidly dissipating. Katie felt herself on the brink, knew she should politely leave and thank him for his help and be done with it. But fuck it, if my housemates can have some fun so can I.

‘If I’m honest I do quite like it,’ he said, now not attempting to hide his gaze as he looked up and down her body for the first time. ‘That’s an interesting choice of skirt for an academic meeting’ he said, gesturing towards the tiny piece of plaid fabric.

‘Oh this?’ Katie said softly, now deciding she would give in to his mind games. ‘Do you like it?’

She stood up, her hips now level with his eyes, giving him a closer look at her pale, toned thighs. Without a word he lifted a hand and caressed up and down the inside of her thigh, feeling himself beginning to stiffen in his jeans as he realised that she was yielding to him.

‘Sir...’ Katie managed to whimper as another hand joined the first and started moving upwards from the back of her thighs towards her ass.

‘Are you going to be a good little girl for me?’ he said in a deep tone.

‘Yes sir, I want to be a good little slut for you.’

Katie could hardly believe the words that were coming out of her mouth, but she wasn’t about to complain. She had dated a handful of guys since coming to University but they were ultimately all too immature and inexperience to truly satisfy her, and if she was truthful she had always had a bit of a thing for older men. He smiled wryly to himself as he stood up to tower above her.

He took her head in his hands, cupping her cheeks with his hands, 'Don’t worry little one, daddy will look after you.’

As her lips met his she believed him. She didn’t know what Sir was going to do with her, but she was ready to yield and do whatever he wanted. He took his lips away from hers and replaced it with his thumb which she began to lick and suck eagerly.

‘Oh yes daddy, I want you so badly, I’m already wet for you.’

While young, Katie was not totally inexperienced and knew what affect these words would have on him. He grabbed her by the shoulders and roughly pushed her so she was facing the desk before pulling up her tiny little skirt and exposing her taut, pale ass. He smiled as he saw she was wearing a thong, my god she really did want this, he thought to himself. The thrill of being fully subservient to him was just now taking its hold on Katie as he spanked her for the first time with a crack. Her small, firm ass barely moved as his commanding hand came down on her a few more times, leaving pale pink marks on her ivory skin.

‘Oh yes, take me sir,’ Katie pleaded, goading him on.

Again without speaking he began to pull her panties off her. First down her thighs, then all the way down to her ankles, roughly kissing her ass and legs as he went. Katie was now fully bent over with her hands on the great oak desk, and she took a sharp intake of breath, shocked as daddy’s tongue met her pussy. Grabbing her ass firmly, he pushed his face into her from behind, lapping at her smooth cunt without any of the courtesy or gravitas he had shown her earlier.

Katie clapped one of her hands to her mouth to stop herself screaming, fearful that another staff member would hear her. She had never experienced anything like this before. Usually the guys she hooked up with would awkwardly fumble around with her and beg her into giving them head, but she had never so confidently and forcefully had this kind of pleasure bestowed upon her before. After a couple of minutes she began grinding her ass against his face and began pleading with him.

‘Sir, I think if you put it in I’ll come straight away.’

‘That’s my little girl...’

She looked back cheekily at him to see him grinning once more as he spanked her bare ass a single time, with much more force than before. Katie winced and screamed as he hit her, and before she had a chance to draw her breath again he had roughly pushed himself deep into her. She had always been very tight and she could feel his thickness filling her in a way she had never experienced, the ecstasy of his skin on hers. After only a couple of minutes of him thrusting vigorously as his balls slapped against her ass Katie felt her eyes roll back into her head as she came.

‘Daddy come with me!’ She shouted, now not caring if anyone heard her.

This immediately sent him over the edge as she felt him push against her bare ass and empty his balls into her cunt, his cock pulsing. As he pulled out, volumes of his virile come came dripping down the inside of her thigh. Flustered, she managed to wipe it off with a tissue from his desk. She turned around, looking into his piercing green eyes and handed him the thong that was lying on the floor.

‘You can keep this sir,’ she smiled cheekily at him as she quickly skipped out of his office.
Written by pietroboselli
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