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My Sister's Boyfriend, Part 1

"My surprise introduction to male to male sex..."

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I have two sisters, one a year older and the other seven years younger. I was pretty close to my older sister growing up, because she always treated me more like a good friend than a little brother. We shared a lot of confidence; I knew, for instance, that Kelly lost her virginity before her junior year, and she knew that I lost mine as a junior. I don’t mean to suggest we talked about sex all the time, or in a creepy way, but we didn’t shy away from the subject, either.

We talked and texted a lot even after she went off to college, so I knew about Matt, the guy she had started dating that fall. I met him one weekend when I went up for a football game, and he seemed like a really nice guy. He treated Kelly very well, and I could tell she was happy. And I knew from a few hints she dropped that they had a pretty healthy sex life, too.

They were still a couple when my senior year was over, so my parents met Matt when we were packing up to bring Kelly home for the summer. They liked him, too, so when Kelly suggested we invite him on our annual Memorial Day family camping trip, they readily agreed.

Three weeks later, as we were loading up for the trip, I noticed my dad putting an extra two-man tent into the camper. I asked him why, because we usually sleep in one big family tent.

“We thought it would be a good idea to put you and Matt in a separate tent,” he said. 

Now, my parents are not prudish, and they are far from naive, so I’m pretty sure they knew that Kelly and I were both sexually active. They had made sure we knew about contraception, and seemed to trust us to be careful without further lecturing. 

Still, even though there was room for Matt in the big tent, I’m sure they thought it would be better if there were a little distance between him and Kelly. And since I got along fine with Matt, it didn’t bother me to share a tent with him.

Matt lived too far out of our way to pick him up on the way to the park, so he agreed to meet us there. He ended up getting to the campground a little before we did, so after claiming a primo spot he gathered some firewood and sat down to wait. 

We showed up about half an hour later. Matt was sitting in a folding chair in shorts and flip-flops but no shirt, a concession to the very warm day. Kelly bounded out of the car to kiss him, and he looked a little sheepish trying to greet me, my parents and my kid sister while wrapped in her arms. 

He had been forewarned about the sleeping arrangements, so there was no awkwardness on that issue. And when he said to my dad, “I’ll help you put up the big tent and then Andy and I will put up the other one,” I could tell he scored points for his tact.

Once the big tent was up and everyone else was getting settled, he and I turned to the small tent. I was already feeling the heat of the day, so I shucked off my shirt and changed from sneakers to flip-flops like Matt had.

I noticed as we worked what a nice build he had; he was a little shorter than my five-feet-eleven but ten pounds heavier; more solid without being at all soft or fat. I have no interest in guys, but I could see why my sister was hot for him. 

Matt happened to glance at me while I was looking at him. He gave me the once-over in an obvious way, as if to say, “Okay, you looked me over, now I’m going to do the same to you,” but there was no hint he thought there was anything weird about it, on my part or his. He seemed to think it is perfectly natural to take an interest in another person’s body, whatever their sex. 

Still, I was a little embarrassed at being caught. But that passed quickly, because no sooner were we done than Kelly brought us each a cold beer.

“Mom said you could have this one now and maybe one more later,” she said, handing it to me. 

She knew, and I’m sure my mom knew, that I’d had much more than two beers on more than one occasion in my life, but I didn’t mind toning it down on a family outing. Besides, I knew that Kelly, Matt and I would likely sneak off now and then to smoke a little dope, so I could be sure of catching a buzz.

We had part of the afternoon to kill before dinner, so Kelly, Matt and I took my little sister down to the lake. We swam, had a water fight and lay around in the sun for a couple of hours, and it was perfectly nice and relaxing. 

Kelly was wearing a pretty skimpy two-piece, and I could tell by the slight bulge in his shorts that Matt was dying to get her out of it. But she kept him at arm’s length while my little sister and I were around, and I could sense he was a little frustrated.

When it was close to dinnertime we trudged back to the campsite, where my dad was grilling chicken and my mom was setting up the table. I went into the tent to put on some dry clothes, and Matt followed. The tent was too small to stand in, so we had to sit down to change.

“Dude, Kelly is so hot,” he said as he pulled off his damp shorts.

“Careful, bro,” I said archly. “You’re talking about my sister.”

He looked at me apprehensively, thinking maybe he had overstepped, but my smile relieved him.

“Look,” I said. “Kelly doesn’t need me to take care of her, Besides, you’re what my dad would consider a gentleman, so I’m not worried on her account.”

“Good,” he said. “I really do like her. But, oh boy, I am having a hard time right now being a gentleman.”

As he said these words he pulled off his wet underwear, and I couldn’t avoid noticing that he had a pretty good boner going. He saw the look on my face and said, “Sorry, can’t help it.”

“It’s okay,” I managed to say. “But don’t take that thing to the dinner table.”

He laughed, and that got me laughing, but I also felt myself getting a bit of a hardon, too. 

Embarrassed, I turned my back to him while removing my shorts, but I had stupidly tried to do it while kneeling and lost my balance. When I plopped down on the tent floor, he got a good view.

“I know that’s not for your sister,” he said, pointing at my boner. “So it must be for me.”

I must have turned seven shades of scarlet, because he laughed again and said, “Don’t worry, dude, perfectly natural. One guy gets a boner, pretty soon everyone’s got one. Happens all the time in the gym showers.”

Something in his voice and manner was so casual and reassuring that I dropped the wad of clothes I had grabbed to cover myself and let my boner wave free. 

“Sometimes I wish I could make it go up and down only when I needed it,” I said, looking down at myself. 

“Don’t we all?” he said, giving it a last quick look. “Come on, get dressed. I’m starving.”

I wiggled into some shorts and a T-shirt and by the time I was ready to go, my dick had subsided enough for me to be presentable.

“Ok,” I said. “Let’s go.”

Dinner was great, both the food and the company. We all had wine; even my little sister got a sip. Matt was charming, and I could tell my parents and little sister liked him very much. Kelly was obviously pleased with the impression he was making. After dinner we sat around the fire for a long time, enjoying the cooler evening air and sipping the last of the wine. 

My parents went to bed about 10, taking my sister with them. They clearly expected Kelly, Matt and me to stay up a while, because my dad said, “Whatever you do, just keep it quiet, OK?” We promised.

A little later, when they had settled down, Kelly brought out a little pipe and we smoked a couple of bowls, being careful to wave the smoke away from the big tent. She and Matt were sitting close together. It was obvious that they wanted to be alone, so I said goodnight, made a last visit to the campground bathroom and crawled into our tent.

Though it had cooled off outside it was still warm inside, so I stripped down to my boxers and lay on top of my sleeping bag. I was pleasantly high but not too high, and felt in a really good mood. I could hear Kelly and Matt chatting quietly by the fire, and every once in a while I heard her giggling.

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My mind drifted back to the earlier conversation with Matt, and the brief glimpse we’d had of each other’s erections. On the surface it seemed totally harmless - certainly Matt had behaved as if it was no big deal - but I was uncomfortably aware at being turned on by the sight of his cock. I felt my dick stiffening.

Now, like most guys I had seen plenty of naked guys in the locker room at school and a few guys undressing for bed at sleepovers when I was younger. And from time to time I had seen other guys pop a boner. What’s more, being a healthy, normal eighteen-year-old kid, I was no stranger to porn. 

But all the porn involved straight sex, and I can honestly say I was never aroused by the naked male ‘actors.’ Nor was I ever aroused by any of the guys I’d seen naked in person. And while I had one friend who was gay and a couple of others I thought might be, I was never the least bit curious about what they did in private.

Looking back on it now, years later, I realize I was a little dense about all this, that same-sex experimenting is fairly common among teenage boys. I also realized that a couple of times over the years other guys had thrown out hints about trying it with me, but I just didn’t pick up on the signals.

So this - whatever it was - was a little alarming. It wasn’t so much that I was terrified at being gay - among kids my age, I knew, sexual boundary-crossing was not rare - but that I was unprepared for my physical reaction to the sight of a naked man. I had never thought of myself as anything but straight, but now - well, now I didn’t know what to think.

 I felt my dick stiffening further, and when I slipped my hand in my boxers it was steel-hard. 

I desperately wanted to jack off, but I didn’t dare try with Kelly and Matt so close by and Matt likely to pop in at any moment. So I just lay there with my arm thrown across my face, trying to clear my mind enough to sleep. 

I was beginning to drift off when I heard some shuffling outside the tent. Matt pushed the flap aside and crawled in. I kept still, hoping he would go to bed without talking - or noticing that my dick was still semi-hard.

He must have been using the flashlight function on his phone, though, because the flesh of my arm over my eyes glowed red. I was debating whether to ‘wake up’ when he nudged me with his knee.

“I see the boner came back,” he whispered, and I realized with horror that my dick was poking out of my fly. 

“Man, me, too,” he said. “I got a terrible case of blue balls.”

He shucked off his clothes and turned out the light. Seconds later I heard the unmistakable sound of someone beating off.

“Are you jacking off?”

“Duh,” he said. “I’ve got to get off. Your sister…”

“Don’t say it.” 

“Okay, okay,” he said, “But I still gotta get off.”

The fapping sound resumed. 

I lay there in the dark, not believing what I heard. This was just too weird.

It was about to get a lot weirder.

I heard shuffling, and realized that Matt had scooted close to me. Before I could react he took my hand and placed it on his cock.

“Help me out, bro,” he said.

Stunned, I drew my hand away. But Matt scooted closer and whispered, “Come on, I’ll do you, too.”

The next thing I felt was Matt’s hand wrapping around my stiff dick.

I felt a jolt of sexual electricity. It was the first time any male besides me had touched my cock, and the new sensation was intense. 

I babbled a protest. 

“What are you… I don’t…”

“It’s okay, bro,” he whispered into my ear. “Just a couple of guys helping each other out.”

He stroked me slowly but firmly for several seconds, and I think I moaned a little. I was surprised at how good it felt to have someone else do what I had always loved doing for myself. 

He paused and said, “Roll on your side and face me.” 

Mesmerized, I did as he said. He felt for my hand again and placed it on his cock.

This time I didn’t pull away. For a few seconds, I just held it, enjoying the mingled sensation of hardness within and smooth skin without. What an amazing feeling.

I shifted to get a better grip and gave it a tug. 

“Oh, yes, like that,” Matt said.

I hadn’t had that good a look at his cock earlier in the day, so it was only now that I realized he was pretty well endowed; I could tell that even in the dark. The shaft was thicker than mine, and it seemed a little longer than the six inches of my own cock. 

A  question flashed through my mind: 'He puts that thing in my sister?' And I felt a pang of guilt. But the wonderful sensations in my body chased it away. I had a new understanding of what was meant by “thinking with your pecker.”

I felt something wet in my hand. Matt must have been leaking a lot of precum. This was new to me; I produce very little precum myself.

“Now, see?” Matt whispered in the dark. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

My voice came out strangled. 

“Yeah,” I croaked.

I felt him move again, and next thing I knew, he had rolled me on my back and was climbing on top. I started to resist, but when his cock touched mine the pleasure was so intense I surrendered to it.

He whispered in my ear, “Just go with it.”

He started rubbing our cocks together, letting his precum act as lube. I started to moan, but he clamped a hand over my mouth.

“Shhhh,” he said.

I don’t know that I had ever been so sexually excited. Sure, I’d had intense sex with a couple of girls, but this was something different. Maybe it was the danger involved, with my parents and Kelly just yards away. Maybe it was the taboo nature of the encounter - with a man - and not just any man, but one who had regular sex with my sister. 

Whatever it was, I was utterly lost to it. I found myself moving with Matt, meeting his thrusts against my cock with the thrusting of my own. 

It wasn’t long before I felt that familiar tingling in my cock and balls that signaled my orgasm was near. 

“Gonna... come,” I whispered. 

“Me, too, bro,” he whispered. “Let’s come together.”

I felt his body stiffen. With a stifled grunt he gave a last hard thrust and I felt a gush of hot liquid on the skin of my stomach. That sent me over the edge, and I shot what felt like an enormous wad between us. He shot once more, and once more I responded, and then twice more after that.

Finally, it was over, except for little spasms in Matt’s cock as he slowly rubbed it against my shaft.

I realized I had my arms around Matt’s torso and my legs wrapped around his hips. I dropped my legs to the floor but kept my arms around him. There was an intimacy in the moment that I wanted to prolong, though I couldn’t explain why. 

I felt Matt slip a hand between us. He pulled it back out and next thing I know he pressed them between my lips and into my mouth. I tasted something thick and salty - it was his cum. Or mine. Probably both. 

I had tasted my own cum before, of course. What guy hasn’t? But other guys’ cum had never been on my menu. Yet when it happened so suddenly I didn’t fight it; in a strange way, it seemed to seal the deal. I sucked on his fingers until they were clean.

Matt withdrew his hand, slipped it between us once more, then put it in his own mouth. He withdrew the fingers with a slight pop.

Then he kissed me.

It wasn’t a long or particularly sensual kiss, but it was much more than a peck on the lips. There was a hint in it of - how can I put it? -  erotic promise. As if Matt was saying, 'This is how it can be with another guy if you let it happen.'

He rolled off of me and scooted back to his side of the tent. I heard some shuffling, then I felt rough cloth against my skin. He was wiping me with a towel. 

I heard him wiping himself and tossing the towel in the corner, then the sound of a sleeping bag being arranged.

“Good night, bro,” he said quietly. “Sweet dreams.”

He slipped into his bag and in less than five minutes he was quietly snoring.

“Sweet dreams,” I said to the darkness.

Written by dondave
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