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Jess (Ch.02)

"Jess ups the bondage intensity and then her sister arrives"

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When Tom had mentioned his interest in bondage games to his new flatmate, he had no idea that she’d embrace it so fully and so quickly. Tom now sat on the floor next to Jess’s bed blindfolded, listening intently to every slight sound. He could feel Jess’s underwear around his neck. She’d used the black silk garment to connect his neck to the metal bedpost with one leg of her panties around each. He knew that any movement on his part would rip the black silk material and that they were Jess’s favourite pair and she wouldn’t be pleased.

He could have easily slipped the delicate material off over his head if only he had use of his hands, but they were locked inside steel balls bondage mitts and also cuffed behind his back. So he sat there very still, unable to move, listening carefully for the slightest sound, all because he didn’t want to tear some girl’s panties.

Even if Tom had been able to slip out of Jess’s underwear, there would have been little he could do. Without the use of his hands, he couldn’t turn the handle of her bedroom door. All the doors in the flat had round handles that were stiff to turn and were positioned too close to the door frame to turn with your arms. And even if by some miracle he had been able to turn the door handle, the door wouldn’t have opened as Jess had deadlocked it from the outside.

Tom studied Jess’s scent that filled the room. There was perfume, of course, but also another unique scent of the woman herself. He remembered it from when they had first met and he’d agreed to rent the spare room in her flat. He smiled as he thought back and compared their first meeting to his current predicament.

He heard the front door being unlocked, opened, and then relocked. Then the same happened with the bedroom door. Unable to see anything, he tried to call out from behind the gag. “Mmm?”

There was no reply, but Tom could hear someone walking around inside the room. It had to be Jess, but still, some primeval sense of survival caused a shiver through his body. He cried out in surprise as Jess kissed him on the cheek. Unfortunately, he also heard a few more stitches of her underwear give way.

“What have you done to my panties?” his flatmate asked.

Tom wanted to make it clear that that was definitely her fault, but the red ball gag was just too deep inside his mouth. He tried to force it out with his tongue and as he pushed, the small padlock that secured the gag moved slightly to the side, but was never going to open.

Jess pulled her keys from the back pocket of her dark green cotton shorts and removed the gag key from the ring. She then pushed the small silver key down inside the front of her shorts and placed it carefully against her wet vagina. She then stepped forward and used the front of her shorts to pin Tom’s head against the bed frame. With her hands around the back of his head, she used his nose to stimulate herself through the soft fabric of her shorts.

“You know you’re pushing the gag key even deeper inside me,” Jess breathed as she rubbed herself against him.

Not happy with the sensation, Jess then unzipped her shorts and pushed Tom’s nose inside the small opening so that it was pushing her white cotton underwear inside her vagina.  His mouth would have felt even nicer, but unfortunately, that was locked away and she was now concerned that the key to the gag might be very hard to recover. However, in her heightened mood it really didn’t matter and within minutes Jess had reached orgasm and sat back down on the floor.

Tom was breathing heavily, sucking in as much air as possible through his nose. With his mouth gagged and his nose sealed up inside Jess’s shorts, he’d barely been able to breathe, and with no hands to stop the horny girl, he’d been close to passing out. Jess had been oblivious to this and remained oblivious as she wriggled out of her tight shorts and reached into her panties to search for the missing key. Unfortunately for Tom, her searching turned her on and she went again this time by her own hand.

Jess finally found the warm wet key and pushed it into the small padlock and removed Tom’s gag. She then untied the scarf that covered his eyes to reveal the strong, sexy brown eyes beneath.

“I’m still cross about my ripped panties,” she said, their eyes only inches apart.

Tom tried to lean forward and kiss her red lips, but in the excitement, he’d forgotten about the underwear still around his neck and it ripped a little more.

“Right, the mitts stay locked...forever!”


Tom tried to tell himself that the look in her big brown eyes was just that of lust and arousal, but he also sensed a sadistic edge. His concern was easily remedied though, by simply looking down at Jess’s cute hips and shapely legs and after a quick glimpse, his own lust kicked back in.  

Jess unhooked her dirty black underwear from the bedpost, leaving it hanging around Tom’s neck, and retrieved the keys to unlock the handcuffs. Having freed him from everything other than the mitts, Jess pushed him back onto the red Persian rug and sat astride his waist.

Her chest was still heaving up and down from the exertion and her nipples were still erect which made her breasts look as though they were about to burst out of her tight white t-shirt. Jess leant forward to make sure Tom had front row seats.

“Take off my top and they’re all yours,” she breathed.

Tom fell for her trick, only to find that the tight t-shirt was as good as welded in place while his hands were locked up inside the steel balls. His attempts to sit up and use his mouth to remove her t-shirt also failed as Jess simply moved forward and pinned him back down by sitting heavily on his chest.

“Well if you don’t want them,” Jess smiled, “then I’ll just have to unwrap my present.”

Jessica’s breasts may have been close to escaping her t-shirt, but Tom's cock was also straining inside his boxer shorts. Using her slim fingers, Jess quickly pulled down his underwear and smiled as his cock stood to attention. She playfully sat on it to keep it down, but every time she lifted up, so did his cock.

“Well if I can’t keep it down....”

Jess left the sentence unfinished as she pulled aside her panties and eased herself down onto him. The effect he was having on the slim brunette was obvious as she opened her eyes and mouth wide, looked up and cried out in pleasure.

It had been amazing and both Tom and Jess were slightly zoned out as they stood up and Jess slipped back into her shorts and put her hair back up into a ponytail. Tom tried to put his boxers back on but only managed to amuse Jess with his failed attempts. Jess had already opened the bedroom door and was walking to the kitchen. With Jess’s bedroom door about to swing closed again, Tom ran naked through the opening before it clicked shut and trapped him inside.

Jess was opening the bottle of red wine as Tom reached the kitchen, still completely naked other than for the mitts and the underwear hanging around his neck, and with his cock still embarrassingly hard.

“Please, Jessica!” he begged as held up the steel balls where his hands used to be.


“Sorry, ‘Jess’.” Now wasn’t the time to antagonise the girl with the keys.

“Oh, if you insist!”

Jess squeezed the keys out of the back pocket of her shorts and threw them over to him where they bounced off the steel mitts and landed on the floor. She walked over to where the keys had landed and stood with her hands on her hips and her legs apart.

“Well do you want them?” Jess snapped, but then wasn’t quite able to suppress a smile.

Fuck, she was sexy and Tom wanted to have her again right there. Unfortunately for him, without hands, Jess’s buttoned-up shorts were as impenetrable as a chastity belt. Desperate for his hands back, he knelt down beneath her and picked up the bunch of keys with his mouth.

“Which key is it?” he asked, with the ring containing at least fifteen padlock keys.

“You’ll have to try them all.”

With one key held between his teeth, Tom tried to push it into the padlock that secured his left mitt, but the padlock kept moving from side to side and then the keys fell and clattered back on to the floor. He tried again, with one of the padlocks wedged between his wrist and the table. He moved his mouth close to the padlock but he couldn’t see what he was doing and key missed and again dropped to the floor.  

“If you’re quite finished,” Jess smiled, “I’ll have my keys back.”

“But then how will I get my hands out?”

“You won’t,” Jess observed, “opening those locks without the keys is almost impossible.”

Tom watched from the floor as Jess picked up the bunch of silver keys and buried them back inside her tight pocket. He then watched her bring two wine glasses to the table and place a straw into one of the glasses. Jess sat down and frowned; the keys were digging into her butt, and she had to adjust them slightly before settling down and turning to her wine.

Jessica’s bare feet were tapping on the floor with excitement, her mind now completely driven by her sexual arousal. She looked down and noticed a small rectangular shape cut out of the wooden floorboards. One of her chair legs was resting on the hatch and she had to push her chair backward before she could get her fingernails around the edge and pry it open.

She peered down into a small space beneath the polished floorboards. There was only a foot between the rough concrete base and the underside of the floorboards. The space was also divided into two-foot-wide sections by the thick wooden beams that supported the floor, giving the space coffin-like dimensions.

“No way!” Tom said.

Jess reached under the table and took hold of his still hard cock. “For me?”

Tom tried to get her off his cock, but instead by climaxed and leaned back in the chair with his mitted hands by his side as Jess wiped him down.

As Tom sat zoned out, Jess fetched her yoga mat and eased it down through the wooden hatch and laid it in the space below. The small space still scared Tom, but Jess encouraged him by again grabbed his cock and pulling him over to the hatch. Neither spoke as Tom sat on the edge and slipped his athletic legs into the secret space underneath the floorboard. With his elbows resting either side of the hole he eased his hips and chest inside until he was lying on the yoga mat with his head directly below the opening.

Tom was buzzing from a mix of arousal and claustrophobia as he kissed Jess’s toes that she’d just pushed through the hatch and on to his face. Jess was hyper excited and had to bite her lower lip to stop her melting away with her emotions.

“Ready to disappear?” she breathed as she positioned the wooden panel back into place to once again create a smooth continuous floor.

Tom was now part of the structure of Jess’s flat, if she was to sell the place now he would come as part of the package. He pushed up at the thick wooden planks above him which were totally solid, with only a small amount of light filtering between the boards. Through the gaps, however, he could see that Jess had placed one leg of her chair on the middle of the hatch and he could hear the slight creak of timber as she sat down. He eased one ‘mitt’ up to the hatch and pushed. Nothing. He was trapped with no way to counteract her weight above him.

Tom was comfortable lying on the mat with the image of Jess running through his mind. Had he been able to escape from the mitts, he would have masturbated, but as he couldn’t he just listened to Jess fidgeting around above him. Judging by the moans and the scrapping of the chair on the boards, she was also enjoying his predicament.

“Let’s do this when my girlfriends come over tonight, it can be our little secret,” Jess had finally stopped touching herself, but remained seated on the chair above him, “Which of my friends would you like to sit above you?”

“Will they be touching themselves and getting off like you?”

“Probably would if they knew you were down there.”

“Well in that case, let me think,” Tom laughed to himself.

Not pleased that Tom was thinking about her friends jacking off, Jess sat up straight and folded her arms and legs. “They won’t know you’re down there,” she said defiantly, “I’ll have a gag, loud music and a packet of long screws ready to make sure!”

“Screws?!” Tom’s small space suddenly seemed smaller.

“Yes, screws,” Jess emphasised the word.

The hatch in the floorboards had once been screwed in place and there were still two screw holes on either side. Jess jumped up and ran to the garage to find four screws and the electric powered screwdriver that she’d been given by her parents, but never used. By the time she returned, Tom had lifted the hatch and in so doing had toppled the chair resting above.

“Just to try, I promise!” Jess said as her little green shorts bobbed around left and right as she collected the tools.

“I’m not sure which I fear the most, your sadistic tendencies or your woodwork skills.”

She gave Tom a false smile and then replaced the lid and knelt on it with one knee to ensure it stayed in shut. She then placed the screws into the holes and started the drill. “Oops!” she had surprised herself with the noise. She then pushed the drill into the first screw and started the drill again. The drill turned and the screw quickly disappeared into the thick wood. “Yeah it worked!” Soon she had sunk all four screws deep into the wood.

Jess lay down above Tom and rubbed herself on the floor boards. Fuck, she felt sexy. She’d always been slightly immature in some ways and she couldn’t contain her sexual emotions as she looked through one of the small gaps into the gloom below.

“I’ve screwed you and now I’ve screwed you,” Jess giggled as she blew warm air down into the small space below.

Tom could see her shadow move above him, her slim female body writhing around in short shorts and tight t-shirt. He was hard and tried to play with his cock between the steel mitts. Fuck, if only she would give him his hands back. He felt her warm breath against his face and struggled and pushed up on the board to try and escape.

Jessica then sat on the floorboard above his face and farted. She seemed eager to know whether her smell had reached down into Tom’s small coffin. It had, although to her annoyance he seemed to love the scent.

Jessica finally knelt on the floor and tried to remember how to make the drill turn the other way. After much trial and error, she figured it out and unscrewed the hatch. Tom immediately lifted it up and very inelegantly struggled to climb out.

Now covered with dust, he wrapped his arms around his flatmate and carried the giggling brunette into the shower. He was naked, but Jess was still dressed as he tried and failed to turn the taps with his mouth. For once Jess obliged and he watched as her shorts and t-shirt became soaked through. Her breasts were now really showing through the wet, white t-shirt. This time Jess gave him what he wanted and stripped naked so they could make love in the shower.

Tom was starting to love more and more things about his crazy flatmate, particularly her habit of making love on almost an hourly basis. The only thing he didn’t like was the steel mitts. He’d asked her many times to unlock them and each time the smile had disappeared from her cute face and she’d gone cold on him. He’d pushed it as far as he dare without risking losing the love fest.

The mitts made him feel so helpless. He couldn’t dress and so had been naked all day. He couldn’t open any doors and Jess had kept every internal door closed thereby imprisoning him wherever he was. He couldn’t undress her which turned her shorts into a chastity belt. He couldn’t use his phone to call for help and he was generally helplessly at her mercy in pretty much whatever they did.

With Jess’s friends arriving in less than an hour, they returned to the kitchen. The friends were having a pre-party at Jess’s flat before going out to eat. Jess had moved the kitchen table to the side to create a space in the kitchen for drinking and dancing before they left. In the middle of the space was the hatch.

Tom climbed into the space below the floorboards and looked up. Jess was wearing black pointed leather high heels with straps that encircled her ankles. Above that she wore a tight red cocktail dress.

Everyone had arrived and were drinking wine and talking. Jess was so turned on by her sexy naked guy beneath the boards that she was almost tempted to show off by lifting the hatch and revealing him to her friends.

She glanced down to see that her friend Beth had both feet on the hatch. Ha! Beth had once joked that she’d always wanted to have a guy locked up, under her control. Right then she had just that and she didn’t even know it. Beth’s slim stocking covered legs, her button butt and tight body wrapped in her orange dress could easily have held Tom prisoner inside his tiny cell for as long as she liked. He was Beth’s helpless slave and she didn’t even know.

The five pairs of heels continued to clip around on the floor above Tom. Both the music and the chatter that filled the small kitchen were getting increasingly louder, but all Tom could do was lay motionless and watch the action through the crack.

Some woman called Lisa was now standing above him, her legs apart with one foot on the hatch. She wore a white dress with a pink flowery trim which flared out and showed everything from his vantage point beneath. She wore white panties, not a thong, but they were tight and starting to disappear up between her cheeks. Some hair was peeping out from beneath the white cotton at the front. Round, curvy butt, this girl wasn’t a gym freak, but had one hell of an ass.

Now there was another woman whose name he hadn’t caught, standing on the hatch. Knee length socks, slim legs clasped modestly together, shiny pink underwear and short ra ra skirt.

Tom was starting to feel uncomfortable. Jess’s idea had seemed fun, but now he felt like a voyeur. Jess may have been getting off on having him trapped beneath the floor, but the other women had no idea he was there. He looked away for a moment, but couldn’t help but look back. So many toned legs and cute butts, Tom was rock hard even if it felt wrong.

The women finally left for the restaurant and the flat was silent. Tom lifted the hatch and slowly eased himself out from under the floor boards. He desperately wanted a beer and finally managed to open one with the bottle between his knees and the opener in his mouth. He held the bottle between his wrists and drank.

Exhausted, he walked to Jessica’s room and was surprised to see that her door, that had a habit of slamming shut, was actually open. He walked into her room and used his feet to swing the door closed behind him. Now trapped inside her bedroom, he lay down on her unmade bed and quickly fell asleep.

Tom was woken in the early hours by Jess’s kisses. High from dancing, alcohol and possibly more, she quickly pulled off the sheets and sat astride his naked body.

“As deep as you can go... if you ever want me to unlock those mitts.”

Tom was still half asleep and unlike Jess, was still exhausted from the earlier sex. He tried to sit up and talk, but Jess had already slid up his chest and was sitting on his face, leaning forward and holding on to the head board. She wasn’t wearing any underwear and her pussy was already wet as she pushed down against him. His tongue was deeper than it had ever been, but evidently not deep enough.

“Deeper!” she cried.

His tongue ached like hell and his head hurt from the pressure she was exerting with her body. He continued to suck her pussy until Jess suddenly lifted up and positioned herself on his hard cock. Ten minutes later and they were lying panting on the bed.

Jess had known for a while that she had an insatiable sex drive and now Tom knew it as well. Unfortunately for them both, she was too high to adjust her sex appetite so that another human being could keep up with her.

“Again!” she cried as she climbed to all fours, her red dress crooked and hanging off one shoulder.

“Fucking hell Jessica!”

She didn’t like being called by her full name, it made her feel as if she was being told off. Tom looked even tougher in the half light with stubble on his face and his muscles glinting with perspiration. She tried to climb onto him, but he rolled her slim body back onto the mattress.

“Fuck me now, or rot in the cage!” she yelled.

Tom was now fully awake which meant he could feel his cock that ached like hell from overuse. He’d seen Jess get aggressive before after too much drink; it seemed so at odds with her sweet feminine body and usual sexy demeanour. It hadn’t mattered before as he could just go back to his room. Now though, her sexual aggression was aimed at him.

He needed a break, but he also didn’t want to ruin the crazy sexual adventure. Plus he knew she’d regret her behaviour in the morning and make it up to him.

“Okay, the cage,” he replied.

Jessica’s big brown eyes opened wide and looked surprised and then angry. As she stood up, her tight red dress stuck to her body with perspiration, revealing her thighs and half of her butt. Her smooth, pale skin was covered in goose bumps and glistening with moisture. The amount she’d drunk was causing mayhem inside her mind and body.

Even despite her behaviour, the idea of Jess locking him up again gave him a rush. He also looked forward to the morning when she would realise how she’d treated him and have to make it up to him. He kissed her gently on the lips and then walked back to the lounge. He threw some cushions inside the cage, stepped inside and lay down.

Jessica was still fuming as she followed him into the room and slammed the lid of the cage down on top of him. In total silence, she padlocked the cage and then picked up some cuffs and reached through the bars to secure his wrists and ankles to each other, with the connecting chains wrapped cruelly around the bars of the cage.

“Goodnight sweetheart!” she hissed as she stood so close to the cage that he could smell her arousal.

“Goodnight Jessica.”

That annoyed her again and Tom was almost thankful for the protection of the cage as she swung her hips and walked around him and then left, slamming the lounge door behind her.

‘I fucking love you Jessica’ Tom mouthed to himself as she left. He knew it was wrong to be turned on by her irrational behaviour, but at least he would do his best to help her control her emotions.

He explored the cage, the mitts, and the cuffs that she’d randomly added. This was his first experience of being locked up by a crazy and seriously pissed off girl and in his fucked up mind that seemed to add to the excitement. There was absolutely no way he would be able to talk her into returning his freedom until she had sobered up and that thought excited him.

When Tom woke the next morning he was still chained and caged and there was no sign of Jess. He heard her phone ring. A few minutes later the door bell rang and he heard Jess run to open it and then heard her and another female voice walk to the kitchen. Finally the lounge door opened.

“Hello Tom, I’m Lisa.”

Tom knew the name because he had spent much of the previous evening looking up her dress. It was a strange way to meet someone; he knew what colour underwear she wore, but not that she was a nice looking blonde. She stood by the door dressed in a tight grey jumper, blue jeans and black leather boots and had her hands clasped together in front of her body.

It was embarrassing to meet this woman while naked and locked in a cage and Tom was also concerned about whether Jess had told her about their voyeur games.

“Lisa, hi. This is weird.”

“I know,” Lisa moved to sit on the arm of the sofa next to the cage.”

He was still hard and couldn’t even move his hands to hide his cock.

Lisa continued, “Jess called me. She’s really embarrassed and upset about what she did last night.”

“It was just a game.”

“I understand, but what’s all this about?” Lisa asked, tapping the cage with her boot, “As her older sister I...”

“What!” Tom interrupted.

“Sister,” Lisa repeated, “so what is this stuff you’re getting her into?”

Tom smiled to himself. He may have been the first to mention some bondage games, but it was Jessica who had taken things to this level.

“Your baby sis is quite old enough to make her own decisions,” Tom replied.

With the intention to let him out and end whatever game this was, Lisa stood up and left the room to fetch her sister’s keys, her leather boots clapping loudly on the wooden floor boards as she walked. She returned and knelt down by the bars, her black leather boots creaking as she lowered herself to Tom’s level. Tom instinctively focused on the keys that Lisa dangled from her perfectly painted red fingernails.

“And you like being in there?” Lisa asked.

“Well I did when Jess had the keys,” Tom replied, “I’m a little nervous now.”

Lisa’s resolute eyes softened and her lips broke into a slight smile.

“Do you lock Jessie in here?”

“I haven’t, but maybe if she wanted to.”

Lisa moved closer to the cage to get a better look inside. Tom seemed like a nice guy and certainly had a sexy body and a hard cock.

“You sure you don’t like me being here?” Lisa asked as she opened her legs to move even closer to him. She saw the concern on Tom’s face and smiled.

“I’ll get my baby sis,” Lisa finally said, pleased that she’d had the opportunity to vet the new boyfriend.

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Tom watched her leave, her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and bobbing up and down just like Jess’s. He knew why Lisa had a smirk on her face, and he looked at his cock and tried in vain to stop his erection.

Lisa reappeared with a sheepish looking Jessica in tow, who was wearing a baggy white jumper and black track pants.

“I’m sorry,” she half smiled, “we still friends?”

Tom had been looking forward to Jess’s apology which would hopefully lead to make-up sex, although in his plans it certainly hadn’t involved the older sister.

 “Jess, you’re sexy even when you’re pissed,” Tom smiled as he kissed her through the bars of the cage, “although maybe now would be a good time to let me out?”

“Oh Lisa has the keys....”

They both turned to see Lisa sitting on the arm of the sofa, smiling.

“No I don’t,” she said and then giggled.

Jess walked over and tickled her sister around the waist making Lisa scream and roll backward onto the sofa. Jess may be been five years younger, but she was just as strong and leaned over and continued to tickle.

“Okay, Okay, as long as I can unlock him,” Lisa squealed.

Jessica let her up, but Lisa just sat there as both sisters considered their next move.

“Jess, why don’t you come in here with me?” Tom asked, taking advantage of the break in the cat fight.

The girls looked at each other for a moment, Lisa whispered something into Jess’s ear and they both giggled.


Lisa removed the keys from the front pocket of her jeans and Jess pointed to the one that would unlock the cage. Lisa pushed it into the large gold padlock and lifted up the heavy cage lid.

“He won’t want you dressed like that,” Lisa said, “you’ll have to strip.”

Jess seemed only too happy to follow her sister’s instructions and was soon standing in only white panties.

Even with the cage unlocked, Tom was still immobilised by the mitts and the cuffs that connected his hands and feet to the bars of the cage. Careful not to stand on him, Jessica stepped inside the cage with one foot either side of his head.

“Get down,” Lisa ordered as she started to lower the heavy barred lid.

Jessica crouched down on to all fours to allow Lisa to fully close the lid, only to realise that she and Tom were now head to toe with her butt just above his face.

“Lift the lid, Lisa I need to turn around.”

It was too late. Lisa had already locked the cage and was laughing.

“Can’t you turn around inside?”


Jess was right, their two bodies filled the entire cage with Tom on his back with his knees drawn up and Jess completing the ‘69’ position above him with her head between his muscular legs. Lisa was laughing as Tom and Jess tried not to smother each other.

“Okay, that was a great idea of yours,Tom,” Jess said sarcastically, “Lisa, get this thing open!”

Lisa was again kneeling close to the cage, with her squeaky leather boots close enough for Tom to smell. Tom peered out from beneath Jess’s butt to see Lisa's smiling eyes and wide smiling lips.

“Now that is sexy,” the older sister observed, “it looks as though I’ve well and truly sorted this lovers’ tiff.”

Tom was already kissing his way around Jess’s underwear and had arrived at the damp patch at the front. His tongue was now inside Jess’s body, which in turn was trembling inside the confines of the locked cage.

“I’m jealous,” Lisa whispered quietly into Tom’s ear, “can you also reach me from in there?”

Tom turned his head to look through the heavy bars at Lisa’s legs that were now wide apart with the denim pulled tight across her crotch.

Then his attention was directed back inside the cage as he felt his cock slide inside something warm. He felt Jess’s lips tighten around him and his body convulsed inside the confines of the small cage.

He looked back at Lisa and saw that she was still kneeling with her legs apart, but now she’d pulled her jeans down to her knees to expose her slim figure and tiny pink thong. Fortunately, Jess’s head was pinned between Tom’s thighs and unable to see what her sister was doing.

After first putting her finger to her lips to tell him to be quiet, Lisa reached inside her underwear and pulled out two wet fingers which she reached through the bars and into Tom’s mouth. At that moment, both Tom and Jess climaxed, leaving their sweaty bodies relaxed and breathing heavily.

Lisa dropped the keys inside the front of her underwear and then stood, pulled up her jeans and buttoned them tightly around her waist. Neither Tom nor Jessica had the energy to say anything as Lisa clipped out of the room.

Lisa returned to the lounge, sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs. She felt the power of someone who was in complete control. Jess and Tom were her prisoners and totally at her mercy. She’d never had a prisoner before. Her younger sister and boyfriend were desperately craning their heads to watch her every movement, their eyes searching for the smallest sign of what she might do and therefore what their fate would be.

Their bodies were completely intertwined inside the small heavy cage; they had to be to fit into such a small space. Tom was lying on his back on the bottom of the cage with his knees drawn up and Jess’s butt resting down on the side of his head. The combined effect of Jess’s butt and the cuffs that locked his hands and feet to the bars was to render him completely immobile.

Jess’s position was just as tight. When Lisa had closed the lid of the cage, Jess had been forced down on to her boyfriend. She was now pinned to him with no possible way to extract her head from between Tom’s thighs. At least her hands and feet were unchained and she was just able to reach one hand up through the bars to the big gold padlock that locked the cage.

“Whenever you’re ready Lisa,” Jess panted as she rattled the lock.

“I’m not ready,” her sister replied from the sofa.

Jess was just about to start yet another argument with her older sister when Tom started kissing her again between her legs. Unable to move, Jess had no way to stop Tom’s advances, so she tried to ignore the fact that Tom’s lips were inside her and to continue the discussion with Lisa.

Lisa just sat there and watched the look in her sister’s eyes with amusement. At first they were determined, but then she looked distracted and had to refocus. She was distracted again and her mouth opened and she quietly moaned. Jess’s eyes were still looking at Lisa, but were no longer focused on anything. A smile came across Jess’s lips and she closed her eyes and moaned again. She started to thrust her hips as much as the small cage would allow and cry out in pleasure.

Lisa walked over and sat down on the cage above her euphoric sister. One of the cage bars ran right beneath her, pushing the denim up between Lisa’s butt cheeks. It felt nice, but evidently not as nice as the feeling of Tom’s tongue.

Lisa looked down at her sister who was still shaking with sexual excitement. “You wanted to say something to me?”

“Yes, what, no...” the response from the brunette in the cage below was unintelligible.

“Well, now I know how to win any argument with my feisty little sister,” Lisa smiled as she left the room and listened to their conversation from the hallway.

“When’s your sister going to unlock the cage?” Tom mumbled into Jess’s underwear.

“If you’d stop jacking me off then I could ask her!” Jess snapped and then tried, but failed to fart into Tom face.

“She’s your sister,” Tom continued.

“Yeah, but amazingly she doesn’t lock me in a cage with a sex crazed guy very often.”

“Me, sex crazed?”

Yes, Jess could feel the pressure inside her and so used her feet and butt to clamp down on Tom’s head. Perfect, he was in place and facing right into her. She held him firmly and farted.


Tom struggled, but the combination of restraints held his nose firmly in the danger zone. Jess had everything locked down, including his cock that was once again held firmly in her mouth.

The smell was now dissipating, but Lisa could still smell it as she walked back in. She stretched her arms out wide and put her hands on her hips, giving a lovely stretch of her back.

“Small cages are such a test for any relationship, aren’t they?” she joked.

Jess was now consumed with a mix of anger and arousal. “Lisa, the padlock!”

“No, I’m keeping you locked up for another twenty four hours at least.”

“Lisa!” they both begged in unison as Lisa sat down on the sofa as if she had all the time in the world.

Lisa indulged her newly found sadistic side for another ten minutes before slowly unlocking the cage and lifting the heavy lid. Jess immediately climbed out and ran off to her bedroom, while Tom remained helplessly cuffed at the bottom of the cage.

“Can you unlock these cuffs as well?” Tom asked, his body aching even more as he watched Lisa stretch her lithe yoga body, the large bunch of keys jangling in her hand.

Lisa closed the lounge door and played with her long blond hair between her fingers as she walked back towards the cage. The sly smile on her face made Tom feel even more vulnerable, especially as she was focusing on his naked erect cock. Lisa’s boots squeaked as she stepped inside the cage and used the toe of her boot to play with his manhood. She then crouched down over Tom’s naked body and with Tom’s hands still firmly chained up, she ran her fingers around Tom’s lips.

“These really have an effect on my sister,” she observed as she pushed her fingers inside.

Lisa stretched her grey, knitted top down over her shoulders to reveal her cleavage held in place by a red bra. Tom looked up at her clear blue eyes and swallowed on his dry throat.

“You’d better hope Jess doesn’t find out, or you might be the one locked in here.”

“I might like that,” Lisa smiled as she pulled her fingers out of his mouth, stood up and stepped out of the cage. She then slowly freed Tom from the handcuffs and foot cuffs and watched, without helping, as he struggled painfully out of the cage.

“Can you undo these mitts?”

“Yes, of course, I have the keys.”

“Okay, will you?”


Lisa tingled with excitement as Tom pushed her back against the wall and held her there with one mitt either side of her body. He was a tall athletic guy. She looked up at his eyes and then down to his tensed biceps and erect cock. "Oh fuck," she breathed as Jess opened the lounge door and Tom quickly stepped back.

Lisa had then left and Tom had agreed to take Jessica out for lunch in return for her freeing him from the mitts.

That evening, Tom had taken the red eye flight to the US for work. He had returned early on Saturday morning, arriving back at the flat just as Jessica woke up. She came out of her bedroom wearing a short, black nightdress and with her unbrushed hair covering half of her face. She wore smudged eye shadow on barely open eyes.

“Hi,” she smiled as she fidgeted nervously in her doorway, “come look at this.”

Tom followed her into her darkened room filled with a combination of perfume and her scent. The curtains were still drawn and clothes were strewn around the floor, but in the middle of the room Tom could see a new heavy steel stool.

The base of the stool comprised a shiny metal disc, above which a single steel leg rose up to support the seat. The leather seat was round and had a small backrest. The only unusual feature was a section cut out of the front of the seat, like someone had taken a bite out of it.

“I’ve lots of work to do this weekend,” Jess said as she caressed her new stool, “perhaps you can be with me and inspire me.”

“By being part of your furniture?”

Jess nodded and a big grin crossed her sleepy face. She then showered and dressed in a short blue floral summer dress which reached down revealingly between her breasts. She put her hair up in pigtails which only emphasised the look of pure innocence. She leaned forward a little and gave him her best sexy pout.

The effort really wasn’t necessary as Tom would have happy have let the cute brunette lock him up in anything, while wearing anything. He stripped down to his black boxers and sat down on the base of the stool with his arms and legs wrapped around the steel leg that supported the seat. He wasn’t surprised to find that his neck fitted perfectly into the part of the seat that had been cut out and he sat there looking towards the backrest, with his chin resting on the black leather seat.

“My head will be between your legs.” Tom smiled, faking surprise.

“Oh, really?”

“Also, what if I get bored and leave?” Tom teased.

Just looking at Tom’s muscular body wrapped around the stool was turning Jessica on. With the steel leg now hidden, it looks as if his strong body was actually supporting her seat, maybe in her next design it would. She quickly collected everything she’d need to secure him before he realised quite how cruel this position would be and change his mind.

She first used her ‘D’ shaped bike lock to secure Tom’s neck to the single steel leg. Tom soon realised that this stopped him from pulling his neck back out of the hole in the seat and because the hole in the seat was too narrow for his head to fit down through, this meant that his head could not be separated from the leather seat.

The bike lock alone was enough to connect him permanently to the stool, but Jess continued. With Tom’s arms wrapped around the stool’s steel leg and back around his body as far as he could reach, Jess padlocked a chain around one wrist and then passed the chain around his back and locked the other end to Tom’s other wrist.

Her third and final design feature was a length of chain that she padlocked around his waist then wrapped around the stool’s steel leg and then wrapped around his ankles where she used another padlock to secure his feet together. Now his waist, his ankles and the leg of the stool were all joined together.

Tom’s body was now helplessly wrapped around the stool’s leg with his entire body underneath the seat. The only part of him that wasn’t under the seat was his head that poked through the seat cushion.

“It’s beautiful.” Jess exclaimed as she grabbed her phone and took a picture of her ‘steel, leather and sexy guy’ sculpture.

“’It’s beautiful?” Tom questioned, conscious that he was part of the sculpture.

“Try and escape.” Jess asked as she took a movie as she walked around.

Tom sat there helplessly as Jessica dragged him over to her desk and eased herself onto the stool. She pulled up her dress so she could see his bodyless head now resting between her thighs, his nose only a couple of inches from her white cotton underwear. Tom looked up at the girl with the pigtail hair, whose eyes were now focused on a book on the desk in front of her.

“What you reading?”

“Shh!” Jessica pulled her dress back down over Tom’s head and tucked it in under her thighs to hold it in place, “One more word and I’ll gag you!”

‘Jessica Law’ could be uber strict.

There was very little that Tom could do other than to try and kiss her thighs, she’d pretty much taken away his ability to do anything else. His body was completely chained up and unable to move. She’d sealed his head inside her dress so he had very little to see other than her thighs and panties that sat frustratingly out of reach in front of him. Her thighs were pushed up against his ears so he couldn’t hear anything. Taste and smell were also limited to the subtle scent of Jess’s body. She had effectively removed all of his senses.

“OK, for the next hour you will focus only on my pussy,” Jess eased herself forward on the stool so that her panties pushed against his face and pulled her brief underwear to one side, “I want your undivided worship and attention.”

Tom now had a focus. He could immediately smell and taste her wet vagina and kissed it lightly. He used his tongue and watched up close the small physiological changes as her body became aroused. He knew that it would take him much less than an hour to bring her to the limit at which point she would no doubt unchain him and they would make love.

As predicted, only ten minutes later Jess was rocking forward on the stool and crying out in ecstasy. Everything inside her dress was wet, but at least Tom would soon be freed from the hot and humid cell. But when Jess could take no more, she just slid back on the seat until she was out of his reach and pushed her panties back into place. She continued her work leaving Tom still helpless beneath her.

Fuck, the stool was so well designed that the ‘sitter’ could chose whether it was a place of worship or simply a place of imprisonment. And Jess had decided that Tom would once again be back in the place of imprisonment.

“Jess, let’s make out.” he asked hopefully.

“Right I’m going to gag you.”


Jess enjoyed a little panic in his voice and couldn’t help but smile. She pulled her dress even further over his head and tucked it in tightly around her thighs and continued to work.

Jess was interrupted by a text from her sister who wanted to ‘make sure she was Okay’. Jess knew this was Lisa’s code for ‘I want to see what you and your twisted guy are doing’. Jess was still thinking about how to answer the text when the doorbell rang and she reluctantly slid off the stool to answer it.

Tom had no desire for others to see him moonlighting as Jess’s ‘stool sculpture’, but there was no way he could move even when Jess wasn’t sitting on top. At least he now had fresh air and he breathed it in as he waited.

Jess returned to the room with Lisa, who was again dressed in blue jeans with a fitted white woollen top and her blonde hair was up in a ponytail. She smiled with surprise as she saw the ‘man stool’. 

“OMG, is this where you’ve been working,” Lisa exclaimed, “it’s beautiful.”

‘It is’? To these girls, Tom had evidently become an object. At least he was a ‘beautiful’ object.

“Can I try?” Lisa asked.

Jess eyes her sister suspiciously. “Only if you keep your jeans on.”

Undeterred by the restriction imposed by her sister, Lisa knelt down to inspect the sculpture, using it as opportunity to run her hands over the muscles of Tom’s semi-naked body. She could see that her touch made Tom feel vulnerable, but that appealed to her and she ran her hand down towards his boxers as she followed the expression in his eyes.

Lisa eased herself up over his head and took her place on the seat. Tom’s bodyless head looked even cuter between her legs. His brown eyes looked up at her, almost pleadingly. She slid forward and closed her denim covered legs around his head, so close that she could feel the warmth of his face against her. Lisa didn’t have a guy at the moment and was desperate for the touch of a man.

“That’s enough,” Jess said, “I’ve got to go out anyway.”

Lisa reluctantly climbed off, her arousal cut short, but then she had a better idea. “I’ll stay and look after Tom.” she said with her best big puppy dog eyes.

 “Sure, if I can padlock your jeans.”

“What,” Lisa exclaimed, not sure whether to laugh or hit or sister, “how twisted are you?”

 “The stool is my property and I make the rules.”

Jess thought she’d got one over on her older sister, until Lisa finally replied, “Sure, lock me up.”

Tom had been watching the siblings squabble and was amused by how he’d been reduced to an object which apparently belonged to Jessica. “Don’t I have a say in this?” he asked.

Jessica stopped and looked over, seemingly surprised that her stool had spoken. “No honey, you’re just my property,” she kissed him on the lips, “but you are my favourite thing.”

Tom rolled his eyes and continued to watch the action. Jessica had an open padlock in her hand and was holding it for her sister to see. After some debate, Jess bent down and fiddled with the padlock on the front of her sister’s jeans and eventually stood back up, key in hand.

Lisa seemed happy enough with the arrangement and even blew Jess a kiss as she left. The cool blonde had been intrigued by how her little sister had kept an uber sexy guy in a cage and now she had him chained provocatively to a stool, in a position that could only have been designed for one purpose.

Lisa ran her fingers through Tom’s dark hair as she walked around the stool.

“I guess you kissed her down there?” Lisa touched her own clit.

Tom loved it when women had control of him and this effect was amplified with Lisa with her tight body and seductive face.

“Yeah, you want me to show you?” he offered.

His words immediately increased the heat inside her. “Really?”

She looked at the padlock that Jessica had secured to the button on her jeans. She tried to undo it, but the lock was too big to fit through the button hole. Lisa looked down at her tight blue jeans that enclosed her slim waist so perfectly. ‘Perfectly’ may have been the word in the shop, but now they fitted a little too well. She seized the waistband and pulled down, but it was a physical impossibility to get those jeans over her hips without unbuttoning them. The only way would be to cut herself out of the jeans, but they were her favourite jeans, plus then Jessica would know.

“Don’t suppose Jess gave you the key?” Lisa asked Tom.

Tom laughed and rattled the high security locks that completely immobilise his body and gave her a look that said ‘you must be joking’.

Lisa smiled, this was fun, but getting head from Tom would be even better. She was wearing her sexy black silk underwear, which she could feel between her legs, but which were now, unfortunately ‘locked’ inside her jeans. The silk was now taunting her, sliding over her butt as she wriggled and fought with the locked garment.

“Unzip your jeans,” Tom purred, “and take a seat on me.”

Lisa smiled and slid her butt over his head and on to the stool. The zipper didn’t open far, but it was enough for Tom to get his mouth and nose inside. His lips touched her warm scented underwear and he breathed in for a few moments.

“You smell beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

He worked his way around the silk barrier and his lips rested on her clit. He felt a shudder run through her body, and for a moment it looked as though the two of them might crash to the floor. He focused on a mental image of Lisa’s face and imagined what her expression would be now based on her sexy cries of pleasure. He worked his way down to her vagina and was soon deep inside.

He could see down into the crotch of her underwear, a very dark confined space, especially now Lisa was padlocked inside her own jeans. Anything that slipped inside there would be trapped forever.

Lisa was almost spent and so he pulled out, kissing the lips of her vagina as he passed. Lisa slid back on the stool, zipped herself up and was smiling inanely. Tom rested with his head against one of her thighs as he too caught his breath.

They chatted and joked together until Jessica returned. At which point Jess kicked her sister off the stool and sent her home. The minute the front door had closed, Jess slid back into her rightful place on the stool. The white panties were back in place of Lisa’s black underwear, but otherwise things were the same for Tom, chained to the stool with a high sex drive woman treating him as nothing more than a human dildo. 

Jessica had once again cocooned him inside her dress and had ordered him to kiss each of her thighs a thousand times. He had only reached seven hundred times when Jess finally slid off the stool, making sure to rub herself as much as she could against his face as her butt passed.

“Ready to make love?” she purred as she arched her back.

She danced around the room looking for her keys and then unlocked Tom’s hands, feet and waist. Only his neck was still attached to the stool.

Jess leant on the stool, her butt pushing up against Tom’s face, “Oops, did you see where I put the bike lock key?”

“If you stand up I can help you look.”

Jess stood up and Tom climbed to his feet with his neck still trapped in the hole in the seat. Jess was laughing almost uncontrollably as she took his hand and led him over to her bed. Tom lay on his back with the stool on top of him, the seat and backrest covering his head. Jess was now too turned on to wait and pushed the base of the stool to one side so she could remove his boxers and lower herself down on to his cock.

She sat astride him and pushed down to get him deep inside her. Fuck, that was nice. She looked for his sexy smile, but his head was hidden by the seat. Tom was unable to smell anything other than the leather seat that had taken the sister’s weight for most of the day, but that hardly seemed to matter as he thrust up into her until he climaxed. He couldn’t see Jess, but her cries let him know that she had also arrived.

Jess rolled off Tom’s narrow waist and lay down so that she could see him beneath the leather seat. “Ready to work?” she asked.

Tom carried the stool with him to the bathroom and then returned and placed it by Jessica’s desk. Jess didn’t seem interested in looking for the lost key, her only interest was getting Tom re-chained as quickly as possible. She relocked his hands, his waist and his feet until he was again part of her property. She removed her underwear and slipped back over his head and onto the stool. She pulled her dress tight over his head and slid forward so that her bare pussy nestled up against his mouth.

The light was starting to fade outside and Jess had to flick on her desk lamp. She’d made good progress and for once had been able to concentrate on her work. She hadn’t spoken to Tom in over two hours, but yet he continued to worship her. He was now slow and gentle, with a kiss followed a few moments later by the feel of his lips in her vagina. Then he would pause and his lips would reappear on her inner thighs, ticking her as they brushed against her smooth skin. Jess could feel goose bumps come and go on her body.

Outside it was cold and starting to rain and only a dim light could be seen behind Jess’s curtains. But inside, Jess had just slid even further forward and closed her thighs even more tightly. Tom remained helplessly chained up, his eyes closed, his mind focused only on pleasuring his woman. He had no idea how long she’d keep him there or whether she’d ever let him go.

Written by AndreaJordan
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