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"Daniella's dark descent into her stepson's world of pain and pleasure."

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Competition Entry: Unleashed

Tracing shadows on the ceiling as James lay on top of her, Daniella was barely conscious of his slim cock ineffectively winding its way back and forth through her pussy. Her mind drifted instead to the smell of leather and whiskey, to muscles rippling under inked skin and to the percussive force of heavy, silver-buckled, boots…

“Ah, ah, aaaahhh, oh, ahhh, mmmh.”

She felt James' semen moisten her pussy like a dripping tap badly in need of a plumber. He lingered inside her, kissing her chin and neck for several seconds before rolling off her and sighing loudly. She took a deep breath and let a few seconds discreetly pass.

“James, how long is Carl going to be here?”

Instantly defensive and still short of breath, he replied, “C'mon, give the kid a break. It's only been...ah... three weeks. It'll only be for a few weeks more, a couple of months at most. He's had to move all the way from Perth and he's still cut up over the breakup. The band thought it would be a good idea to have a change of scene too, I guess. Besides, we have plenty of room.”

“Those bandmates of his creep me out.”

“Oh, c'mon they're just young lads. We were young once.”

She laughed, “Speak for yourself. I'm only thirty-eight, remember?”

“All I'm saying is, relax, he's going to be no trouble.”

She said nothing and rolled over. On the nightstand, she noticed a booklet from one of Carl's CDs. His father had obviously been reading it. She picked it up and leafed through it,

Hexentanz, huh?”

“Yeah, it's German for 'the witches' dance'. It was my idea. Oh, and that reminds me, I've got to tell Ursula to bring a few extra violin strings before her lesson on Thursday.”

Glancing at the dead carnations in the vase by the TV, Daniella casually remarked, “It's remarkable how well she plays, isn't it, for a cripple, I mean?”

“Now c'mon, Dani, you could try to be a little more sensitive. She has MS. I wouldn't exactly call her a cripple.”

Daniella ignored him and continued leafing through the CD booklet. A few pages from the back, she paused on the striking image of a tall, slim girl with long, dark hair. A beautiful girl, dressed in what she took to be typical heavy-metal gear.

What a look, it's almost a disguise, she thought.

She was startled then as her husband rested his head on her shoulder, pressing his stubble into her skin. Noticing the picture, he said,

“Oh, that's Lucy, nice girl. I really hope he gets over her soon. Oh, and I'm taking the Ferrari in for a service on Monday. Now, who's first in the shower?”


On a Saturday night, two weeks later, Daniella arrived at the Enigma Bar around eight. James was away fishing for the weekend so she was spared the trouble of making up some excuse for going out on her own.

She was of average height, slim and athletic, with wavy, dark brown hair that reached halfway down her back. With dark, narrow brows above green almond-shaped eyes, she was often asked if she had East-Asian ancestry by people who didn't know her well. Those who did know her well said nothing. These same people knew that she rarely smiled and when she did, it was only to dazzle the onlooker with her perfect white teeth. Her face was lean and sharp-featured, somewhat predatory perhaps, certainly enigmatic, glacial and beautiful.

She wore black lipstick, dark eye makeup, and a pair of slim-cut black jeans. A plain black t-shirt accentuated her firm, apple-sized breasts. Two strings of black Czech crystal beads completed the look.

The line progressed quickly and soon she showed her ticket to a burly, red-bearded guy at the door who scanned it with his phone.

“Show us your wrist, love.”


“So I can stamp it, darling.”

She did so timidly, then stared at the word 'ENIGMA' in purple ink on her skin and wondered whether it would wash off easily.

As the gig got underway, she bought herself a beer and tried hard to relax and blend in with the crowd. Finally, at around 11.30 pm, three of the members of Hexentanz arrived on stage together. She then saw Carl emerge from behind a curtain at the back. He carried his silver bass guitar and was dressed in tight jeans and a black band tee shirt. In the muted violet light from the overhead array, he looked magnificent; broad-shouldered, slim-hipped and eyes aflame, his blonde hair a lion's mane. Subconsciously, she lifted the beer bottle to her mouth and left it there, wrapping her lips and tongue around it and applying pressure.

Hexentanz began by playing a mainly instrumental piece in which Carl, as the bass player, featured prominently. The song lasted about five minutes, after which the vocalist, whose name she believed was Jeff, greeted the crowd.

“We're Hexentanz from Western Australia! How the fuck ya' doin' Adelaide!?”

The crowd responded with cheers, howls and applause, while Daniella whooped and raised her arm in a tight fist.

After that, Hexentanz's set lasted for another eight or nine songs and with the end of each song, her desire and anxious expectation grew. Of course, her eyes were fixed on Carl the whole time, and despite herself, she found his performance very impressive. It was hardly what he was playing; it was much more how he played that impressed her. He moved with a commanding and easy confidence, playing with great bravura, passion and what she assumed was natural talent. It quite dazzled her and more than wowed the audience of largely female fans.

A girl immediately in front of her then turned to her companion and said, “Fuck, he's hot !”

“Who?” asked her companion.

“The bass player...”

“Mmmm, fuck yeah.”

Both girls giggled as Daniella found perspiration rapidly beading on her brow.

She took another swig of beer and threw caution to the wind. She put her arms around both girls' shoulders and squeezed her face in between their heads. They turned to look at her but were hardly surprised when she said, “Mmmm, yeah, I'd fucking love to get into his jeans. How do we get to meet the band? I'm from out of town. Help me out here, girls.”

The first girl laughed. “Wouldn't we all like a piece of that babe! Go see Oskar over there, he'll...ah...fix you up... with a pass.”

She pointed to the burly guy who had stamped her wrist at the door. Extricating herself from between the two girls, she strode towards where Oskar stood with his beefy arms crossed. As soon as he saw her, his eyes widened and he bent down to hear her.

“You wanna get into The Crypt, did you say? How the fuck do you know about that?”

Taken aback by this response, she struggled to conjure up her long-dormant seductive side.

“Oh please Oskar, be a darling. I came from Loxton for this gig.”

“Oh, is that right! A real country girl, huh? Well, I can get you in all right, just come with me.”

He led her to a door at the very back of the room, produced a huge bunch of keys and opened it. Once inside, Daniella saw a short corridor and a woman in black who sat behind what looked like a large reception desk with a set of double doors beyond it. He unlocked a drawer in the wall from which he produced a lanyard with a slim black card hanging from it.

“This will get you in. See Cheryl over there for the... um...Ts & Cs.”

Cheryl motioned Daniella to approach. She scanned the pass and to Daniella's relief, it beeped with a positive tone.

Coldly she said, “You're not one of our regulars, so there are a few things I have to tell you, OK?”

Daniella nodded and croaked, “OK.”

“If I let you in here, you will be fucked. OK?”

Daniella looked at her in astonishment.


“Anyone in that room has the right to fuck you; to fuck your ass, your cunt and your mouth, to double penetrate you and to cum in your ass, your mouth or your cunt. Do you understand?”

What the hell have I got myself into here? What sort of world does Carl inhabit?

But before she could formulate any answers to these thoughts, the girl asked her again, with more insistence, “Do you understand?'


“You may also be bound, cuffed, collared, leashed, spanked, whipped and slapped. Is that clear?”


Daniella took as deep a breath as her lungs could handle.

“But hey, don't worry, they'll probably go easy on you since you're a newbie. Have fun.”

All Daniella could do was nod rapidly as the girl pressed a button by her seat and the doors opened silently.

“Oh, and drinks are free.”

Beyond the door, at the end of a short corridor, was a much larger space furnished tastefully with low sofas and benches and tables upon which were a variety of drinks. A profusion of plump cushions lent the room an oriental feel.

Fighting awkwardness and more than a little trepidation, she approached one of the drinks tables. She proceeded to mix herself a gin and tonic and turned her attention to the room. To her right, she was met by the sight of several women all wearing black collars and chain leashes sitting calmly and quietly on cushions and looking on.

Further along the wall, an even more curious sight awaited her. It was an elaborate harness of black leather with straps, cuffs and chains. It was attached to the ceiling with several slim cables that disappeared into holes, suggesting a sophisticated hidden mechanism. Daniella looked at it for several minutes, trying to figure out how it worked. She finished her drink and was about to put the glass down when the main door opened and the band entered, along with several men and a larger number of girls.

Carl passed by. He wore a black leather, tasselled vest over his otherwise naked torso with his long blonde hair tousled from wind-milling. Her pussy tingled and, for the first time, she felt a deep hunger in the pit of her gut. He didn't see her, although she stood only a few paces away.

She turned discreetly to see where he was going and noticed a young man standing by her shoulder. He smiled and held up a broad leather collar attached to a heavy silver chain leash.

“Lift your hair.”

Daniella hid her surprise and complied. The man quickly strapped the collar around her neck and then clipped the chain to the ring at the front of it. He ran his eyes over her body and said, “Come with me.”

With that, he gripped the chain and led her to a door in the far corner of the room.

This was a well-lit 'cloakroom'. He led her inside and shut the door. She looked at him with concern in her eyes until he said.

“Locker 36. Strip down to your panties and bra.”

She started to strip as he unlocked the locker for her.

“Phone, purse, everything goes in there.”

Once she was ready, she looked at him half-hopefully.

“Now, get on your hands and knees.”

Finally, she spoke. “Excuse me?” she whispered.

“Get on your hands and knees like a bitch.”

Slowly she complied and the guy smiled. “Good, now come on, and behave.”

He led her out into the room and Daniella soon realised that she was headed for the group of women waiting by the wall. Her 'guide' sat her down at the edge of the group and she noticed that, without exception, they were younger than her and all very attractive.

An older man now approached, dressed in black robes and wearing a mask. The mask was unsettling to look at, tight-fitting, with slits for eyes. It reminded Daniella of what a medieval executioner might have worn.

“This is The Slave Master,” said her guide, “Obey him!”

With that, the young man strode away. The Slave Master looked at the gathered girls for a few seconds and then, in a gruff voice, said, “You, you, new girl.”

He took Daniella's leash and, along with her two companions, led them on their hands and knees to the central area. The sight that greeted Daniella there was surprising and confronting. The Slave Master made them sit a few meters away from where a line of rectangular, padded seats had been arranged end to end. Close together on each one lay a naked man on his back. Between each of the men's legs knelt a woman who was administering a blow-job.

Daniella had never imagined anything like it and stared at the row of glistening cocks disappearing over and over again into the eager mouths of the girls. Moans and sighs mixed oddly yet harmoniously with the dark, relentless bass of the background music. Daniella took all this in slowly, only realising gradually that she would soon be participating.

A minute later, one of the men griped the head of the girl, blowing him and holding it down. He thrust his hips roughly several times into her mouth and threw his head back. He came with a string of loud blasphemies that made several of his companion's grin.

The girl swallowed every drop that he shot into her mouth and after kissing and fondling for a few minutes, the pair left. The vacant space on The Bench was quickly filled by the guy who had originally collared Daniella. He was naked now, muscular, with tattoos of winged horses. She felt something hard running up her leg and realised that it was The Slave Master's riding crop. It stopped between her shoulders and she heard his sly, gruff whisper,

“You're up.”

He pushed her forward and she found herself kneeling between the legs of an almost total stranger. Her new lover eagerly took hold of her leash and she gripped his already hardening cock. All around her, she heard the sounds of lust and passion. She took Winged Horse's cock in her mouth, feeling it rapidly harden between her lips. She had not sucked such a youthful cock since late high school and the look on his face as she got down to the task was eager, to say the least.

The girl to her right now moaned loudly as her lover shot what Daniella imagined was several mouthfuls of cum deep into her throat. Before the couple moved off the bench, the man thrust several times into his companion's throat, then took her leash and led her away. He was replaced by Carl.

Daniella struggled to divert her gaze but his body was only a few centimetres away from where she was now licking and sucking Winged Horse who had begun to thrust his ample cock deeper and deeper into her throat. He was vocal too, uttering harsh whispers,

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Fuck, yes bitch, milk that cock like a good whore. I want you to drain my balls before I'll let your hot little ass go, do you know that, you fucking, sweet little slut?”

Daniella found such language totally novel, shocking and, although she hated to admit it to herself, surprisingly arousing. But with the object of her lust and desire so close, she was determined to prove that she could become a part of his world, even for just enough time to fuck him.

Winged Horse now slid his cock out of her mouth and pushed her back onto her knees.

“Panties and bra, off, now!”

She stood up and unclipped her bra. Letting it fall, she slid out of her panties and only then noticed that several of the other women had mounted their lovers and were riding their glistening, curving cocks. Winged-Horse pulled her leash, “On ya' back.”

She got on her back and finally glanced at Carl. He was the epitome of a young stallion; naked and poised, wearing only a faint smile and his tasselled leather vest. He met her eyes briefly, smiled, then shut them tightly as his lover proceeded to deep-throat him with her hand firmly pumping the base of his cock.

“Spread your cunt,” Winged Horse ordered harshly.

She did so with both hands and he proceeded to lick her labia, spitting several times into her slit. Once he was satisfied that she was wet enough, he made her swap places. She then climbed on top of him and eased her pussy down around his thick cock. She noticed Carl watching her again and looked at him with hooded, lust-filled eyes. But not for long, as she felt Winged Horse pull her leash down. He stared at her sternly and she returned her attention to riding his cock. It was a cock that she found easy to enjoy. It filled and penetrated her much better than her husband's ever had.

She began to buck up and down on Winged Horse's cock and after a while, she could tell that her technique was affecting him. He rubbed her hips and gripped her ass-cheeks, spreading them until she felt cool air caress her ass-hole and pussy. Then he settled down with his eyes shut to enjoy the sweet sensation of having her riding him.

Daniella took this opportunity to glance around her. Several other women looked at her, some smiled and she began to feel something of a sense of kinship with them for the first time. She looked sideways again at Carl, who glanced back with that same faint smile playing on his hips. She looked at him fully with eyes aflame, wanting to say, Am I beautiful Carl? Don't you find me desirable? Wouldn't you love to fuck me? I've wanted you ever since the moment I first laid eyes on you.

But he lay there; his body tantalisingly out of reach. His mind and his thoughts were unknown to her.

Now she returned her attentions to Winged Horse, who gripped her hips hard and thrust into her with greater and greater force. She looked at him and saw the mounting pleasure in his eyes, so she rode him harder and faster, feeling his thick cock tense and his balls tighten. He came; blowing a quick succession of ropes deep into her. She surprised herself by bending down to kiss his lips and was relieved when he didn't protest.

After catching his breath, he eased her off his cock and it lay across his abdomen, glistening with her juices and still hard. Daniella regarded it with approval. The Slave Master now came forward and took her leash. He led her to a well-laden drinks table by the wall.

“You did well, new girl. Now have a drink but don't go too far away. Oh, and your answer to me must always be 'Yes, Master.”

She was relieved and answered eagerly just as the first drops of come started to drip down her inner thigh.

“Yes, Master.”

“Good, little slut. Now relax. I have further delights for you later...”

"Yes, Master."

He departed and a girl standing next to her offered her a box of wipes, then pointed down to the drinks.

“Mine's a Gin & Tonic. Same?”

“Yes, please,” she whispered.

Daniella cleaned herself up and began to unwind. She then took her drink and tentatively began a tour of the room. Almost everywhere she looked, she saw kissing, licking, sucking and fucking. At one point, a girl was cuffed facing the wall as a man sat on the floor below her, licking her pussy. Another man, meanwhile, fucked her ass as she moaned deeply and swung her hips back and forth between the two.

Next, she stood and watched a beautiful brunette whose thighs and calves were bound below her knees with thick, black cords. She lay on cushions while one man fucked her pussy and another man teased her mouth with his cock. Daniella watched fascinated, as the girl's tongue snaked out over and over again, attempting to get a taste of the sizable organ hovering over her lips.

A few feet further on, Jeff, the band's vocalist, sat back watching two blondes with riding crops as they beat another who was cuffed to a silver ring on the wall. The 'victim' wore nothing but a pair of fishnet stockings and periodically gasped, “Harder, fuck, I need it harder! " Jeff watched with evident glee while a petite brunette licked the side of his balls, with his hard cock resting against her cheek.

At the centre of the room, an orgy of anal sex was in full swing. Daniella saw women bound and cuffed or wearing harnesses that their lovers gripped as they fucked them from behind or shared them with other men who face-fucked them; sliding their cocks deep into throats that barely gagged, to then emerge, glistening with strings of saliva hanging from them.

Moans, sighs and all manner of profanities filled the room, combining with the dim lighting, the incense, and the heavy background music to create a heady atmosphere. Daniella found all that she saw deeply arousing, despite her best efforts to convince herself otherwise. She often caught glimpses of The Slave Master too, in his executioner's mask, riding crop in hand, periodically disciplining an ass here or a thigh there but more often directing girls and coupling them with eager males that had recently rejoined the revels.

That creepy bastard runs the whole she-bang, she thought.

By the big harness, she finally noticed Carl and sat herself down discreetly to watch him. He lay between two girls, a tall, athletic blonde and an Asian brunette with long silky black hair. He kissed the brunette while the blonde pumped his already hard cock. Daniella felt the thorn of jealousy gently prick her side as the blonde directed her friend to mount Carl's cock. It slid deep into her pussy with ease and the girl proceeded to ride Carl's organ with gusto. Carl slapped her tight buttocks as she did so, encouraging her to ride him harder and harder. By the time Daniella looked away, the petite brunette's buttocks were distinctly ruddy.

She shut her eyes and imagined herself in that girl's place; riding Carl's cock with her hands running through her hair and the entire room watching…

“Pick her up.”

Suddenly, she was on her feet, gripped between two tall, muscular guys. Behind them stood The Slave Master who ordered one of them to raise Daniella onto his shoulder. This, the man did with ease and Daniella suddenly found her naked ass resting on his shoulder. With the other man holding her leash, they took her towards the harness array. The Slave Master followed close behind and Daniella looked hard at his mask, struggling in vain to see human eyes behind it. Once at the foot of the device, The Slave Master spoke again, “Strap her in well.”

The men needed no further instructions; they were well-versed in their task. Daniella soon found her arms cuffed to her sides and her thighs braced at a sixty-degree angle. Her torso was bound in a corset-like affair of fine, soft leather that left her breasts exposed and pushed up. Several slim wire cables were attached to the back of the corset and she felt these tighten now as the men strapped her into it. Finally, a mask and neck brace were slipped over her head, which left her able to see and to breathe but restricted her peripheral vision. Her ass and her pussy were, of course, fully exposed.

Once the crowd of revellers noticed that the machine was to be used, they congregated at the cushioned area just in front of it. Daniella held her breath and began to tremble as her audience gathered. She looked down at a sea of faces; some smiling, most staring. In amongst those faces, she saw Carl, who gently nodded to her, then twined his arm around the waist of the tall blonde she had seen him with a few moments before.

“Raise her,” ordered The Slave Master.

Daniella immediately felt gears and pulleys engage and she was lifted off her feet. The Slave Master stood at eye-level to her pussy and she saw him brandishing a long riding crop. He turned to the audience and held it aloft. Immediately, the crowd erupted with a chorus of,

Beat her, beat her, beat her, beat her!”

The Slave Master let this chant continue for a few minutes, then held his hand up for silence. In the same gruff voice, he said, “Let's see what our newest initiate has to say, shall we? Well, bitch what are we to do with you?”

Daniella hesitated, then she looked down at Carl, but he only stared back at her impassively. The decision was hers alone.

“Beat me.”

“What was that!?”

“Beat me, Master!

She looked again at Carl and now found him grinning broadly. An instant later, several quick, sharp cracks rained down on each of her buttocks, followed by the cheers of the crowd. She winced and gritted her teeth but the encouraging sound of those watching unexpectedly lessened the pain. A few seconds later, more blows hit the backs of her thighs and she then felt the Slave Master's hands spreading her buttocks to beat each one rapidly for several seconds. The crowd went wild with appreciative shouts and even applause. A signal from the Slave Master to somebody behind her and the harness was lowered so that Daniella's toes just touched the ground. The Slave Master then spoke,

“Our initiate has graduated from Street-Trash to Pain-Slut. Is she ready for the next grade?

Fuck yeah!” roared the crowd.

“The next grade is Fuck-Meat. Do you opt for Fuck-Meat single or... Double Fuck-Meat?”

Once again, the onlookers unanimously chanted, “Double Fuck-Meat!” over and over until silenced by The Slave Master.

“What say you Pain-Slut?”

This time Daniella looked across at Carl fiercely and shouted,

Double Fuck-Meat, Master!”

He continued holding his hand up for silence as a fast, bass-heavy thrash-metal track began to play. It filled the room as he signalled to the two men who had installed Daniella in the harness. She looked into the eyes of the first as he gripped her hips. Next, she felt strong fingers applying something cool and viscous to her asshole and she suddenly realised what Double Fuck-Meat implied. Her ass had not been fucked in years and she tensed as the fingers slid into her hole, lubricating it deeply and thoroughly.

Once this was done, she shut her eyes tightly until she felt a sizable cock-head slip past her anal ring. She relaxed it immediately as a further pair of hands gripped her sides. Now the handsome man before her grinned as he too eased his steel-hard cock into her cunt. The sounds of the watchers were drowned out by the music and her two lovers settled down to the task of double-penetrating her. She felt utterly helpless, and she tried to imagine Carl watching this spectacle and possibly imagining himself as one of the twin giants now fucking her.

Pleasure soon banished coherent thought along with any sense of shame or doubt. Even the residual ache from her recent beating somehow added piquancy to the delicious cocktail of sensation that she was now experiencing in her pussy and her newly re-awakened ass. Thrust after hard thrust brought her waves of tingling pleasure. The men took turns pulling the harness towards them and fucking her vigorously for a few seconds; sending Daniella spiralling closer and closer towards ecstasy.

She moaned and sighed as the cock in her cunt tensed and flexed. It was a far thicker cock than any she had previously experienced and soon its owner held her hard up against his body while the man behind her pushed her forward with his cock still deep in her ass.

Thirty seconds of pressure on her clit and she came in a flash of white light that eclipsed the very moment of universal creation. She cried out, losing herself totally for several long moments until the soothing sensation of semen flooding both her ass and cunt simultaneously brought her back to some semblance of sanity. Her body drooped as the afterglow of orgasm continued to ripple through her. At some point, both cocks withdrew and she was left hanging to recover her senses.


Much later, someone extracted her from the harness, and she rested on the luxurious cushions. That she was nude, she now took for granted and looked around her to see couples and small groups drinking, talking, kissing, licking, sucking and fucking. Some were being spanked while others played 'CNC games' – a mixed group holding a girl down while one or more men fucked her. Daniella sighed deeply and eventually got up and wandered out of a door onto a broad balcony.

She was joined on the balcony by Carl, who still had his arm around his tall, slim blonde. Daniella gazed out at the gathering dawn for a moment, then turned to look at Carl; her eyes full of barely veiled frustration. He nodded sideways towards his companion.

“Daniella, this is Angelique.”

She glanced coldly at Angelique while the girl smiled back good-naturedly, then Daniella turned to Carl, and with a mixture of venom and pleading, she said, “Hmm, you seemed to have fucked every little slut here tonight. Isn't it about time you had a real woman and fucked me?”

Carl casually shrugged his shoulders. “I don't know. I'll have to ask The Slave Master about that. He runs the place. He's the boss.”

At that moment, The Slave Master, who had been walking up behind Daniella, appeared at her side. Surprised, she stepped back as he removed his mask.

“Hello, Dani.”


Written by Piquet
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