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When Danielle Plays

"While her husband was away, my sexy neighbour wanted to play."

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"Oooh God, I'm going to cum. Don't stop… pleeease, keep going."

Despite the sound of my heavy breathing and sweat running down my face, hearing our beautiful neighbour's pleas as I pumped my cock along her smooth anal passage while she wantonly held her buttocks apart was music in my ears. So, how did I get to be banging Danielle's sweet little tushy?

Ever since my wife, Andrea, introduced Danielle to me many years ago, I've fantasised about her, but never in my wildest dreams did I expect them to become a reality. I have to give my wife credit — but if she'd been able to envisage the chain of events she'd set in motion, I'm sure Andrea would have kept her drunken trap shut.


"Honey, don't forget we're going to Danielle and Vincent's. He'll be home this weekend and we've arranged to have drinks at their place. I know you don't like going anywhere, but Danielle has been on at me for weeks now and they're our friends. So it's happening."

Like most obedient husbands, I absorbed only a third of what my wife said but nodded in complete agreement. It seemed to please her. "Good, that's settled then. And none of this scruffy casual clothing, Dan. I want you to dress up nice for once."

Looking down at my worn-out jogging shorts and baggy white T-shirt, I had to concede the point — damn.

A few days and a five-minute stroll later, Andrea and I stood on the doorstep, dressed rather smartly, bearing wine and flowers and preparing in our different ways for the oncoming ordeal.

Forgive me for sounding pessimistic, but unlike exuberant Andrea, who loves being surrounded by people, I'm shy, socially inept, and happiest when the world leaves me to my own devices. It really is a wonder that I married at all. I know Andrea sees me as a work in progress, and for the sake of our marriage, I try my best — even if I don't always succeed.

I can be a jovial host or guest in the company of people I know, but it takes me a long time to be comfortable around anyone new. On this occasion, that wasn't the real issue. Put simply: I was afraid I'd make a complete fool of myself in front of Danielle.

It's easier to fancy someone from a distance because a faux pas is not usually noticed. But, when close to the object of one's desire, any mistake is instantly discerned. And, considering my social ineptitude, errors are very likely to happen. Luckily, most people will laugh off any blunders, but if a mistake is wrongly perceived, then the evening can become uncomfortable for everyone. So, I was pretty nervous about that evening's soiree because of my infatuation and not wanting to ruin things.

Why was I so obsessed with our neighbour? In short, what wasn't there to like about her?

Danielle was beautiful, maybe not in a classical way as defined by a fashion expert, but she had it all in my book. She was tall and slim but not skinny like some famous models, and her short blonde hair had a permanent just-out-of-bed look. With a cute giggle and a smile that could warm anybody's heart, Danielle had the forthrightness associated with people from Rotterdam and the dry, wickedly sharp humour that inhabitants of Holland's famous harbour city seem to get through their mother's milk.

With husband Vincent, she owned a transport company and, if needed, Danielle would get behind the steering wheel of a gigantic articulated truck and happily deliver fruit and veg to the supermarkets. Because it's generally considered a man's world, most females who work in it quickly learn to hold their own. As a former trucker, I was more comfortable in her presence as opposed to many of Andrea's sycophantic girlfriends.

Anyway, I digress; back to the front doorstep. 

After the usual greetings, our hosts led the way to the cosy kitchen, where Danielle had prepared snacks. Because the trucker's working hours are irregular, I hadn't seen Vincent for some time, and I couldn't believe how much weight he'd gained. Andrea always said that Vincent was quite vain, almost to the point of narcissism, but as I watched him waddle down the halfway, I guessed he'd stopped looking in the mirror lately. In contrast, Danielle looked fantastic. To be honest, in my opinion, she would look good wearing anything, let alone that evening's modest short summer dress that showed off her long legs and large firm breasts.

We sat chatting, and much to my surprise, something that I'd been dreading evolved into an enjoyable evening. Because it was still warm, we sat on the sundeck to enjoy the lovely summer evening. The conversation was sparkling and witty, and the view, from my perspective, was simply beautiful. Because I wasn't feeling too well, I didn't drink — but that didn't stop the other three, especially Vincent. While the ladies sipped their wine, he downed whiskey like it was ginger ale. Nursing my Coca-Cola, I wondered how long he could keep that up. The answer came at about eleven o'clock. After draining the last remnants of his drink, he stood, calmly wished us a good night, and left.

Unsure if he was joking or not, I asked Danielle if he'd really gone. Smiling, she nodded. "He always does that when he's had too much to drink. It used to annoy me when he left me alone with guests, but I've grown accustomed to it. There's no point in starting an argument, so I just let him get on with it."

I couldn't help smiling at her casual approach to something that probably still irritated her, and I wondered how Andrea would react if I did something similar while we were entertaining. I was mulling over the possible outcomes when my guts, rather noisily, informed me that I needed to go to the loo — and quickly.

I must have eaten something that seriously disagreed with me because I was sitting on the toilet with a severe case of Delhi belly minutes later. If that wasn't enough misery, I anxiously looked at the rapidly diminishing toilet roll and quietly prayed my guts would settle before it ran out. Happily, the trouble didn't last much longer and, literally relieved, I made my way back toward the sundeck.

Walking through the kitchen, I heard the ladies talking and giggling, but I was too far away to make out the actual words. When I reached the patio doors, they abruptly stopped talking, and when I asked if there was anything wrong, they shook their heads a bit too quickly for my liking and then burst out laughing.

I sat and waited for the conversation to resume, but the ladies avoided my gaze. Eventually, Andrea glanced at me but couldn't maintain eye contact and started biting her fingernails, a familiar sign that she'd done something stupid. Danielle stared at the night sky, clearly straining to keep a straight face. However, when she finally looked at me, there was amusement in her eyes and curiosity.


About a week later, I was at home watching the late-night news when my smartphone beeped, indicating a text message. Surprisingly, it was from Danielle.

'Hello stud, a little birdie told me you write stories for women who have urges — sexual urges to be precise. Is this true?'


Apart from my wife, nobody knows about my hobby, and that's fine with me. We live in a little country village filled with small-minded people with big mouths and inflated egos. I'm a foreigner — or import, as they like to call me — so most natives regard me as an oddity anyway, but Andrea grew up here and everybody knows her. That's why she'd always insisted that nobody must know about my writing. Now I'd discovered that she had blabbed.

I replied to Danielle:' Maybe a little birdie should have kept her beak shut. But why do you ask?'

'Just curious. Andrea mentioned you write erotic stories, Vincent is away, and I'm alone at home. I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. May I have the name of the website.'

'Didn't you get the information from Andrea?'

"No. Stop procrastinating; I haven't got all night.'

I sat thinking about all the consequences for a moment or two. Would this come back to bite me in the ass? For no other reason than thinking, 'What harm could it do'?' I decided to send the link. As thanks, I received a big thumbs up and a smiling emoji.

During the following few days, I occasionally wondered what Danielle had done with the link. It's one thing to ask for something, quite another to use it, especially if the link is to an erotic story website. Despite my ego wanting to know if she liked my stories, I decided not to pry and hoped Danielle would keep my literary secret precisely that – a secret.

Then came another text message. 'Hello Dan, thank you for the link, it was very entertaining. By the way, you're a kinky bastard.'

'Thanks for the compliment.'

'Ha, ha. At least you're modest.'

Then Danielle asked questions about my writing: Where do I get my ideas from? Are the stories true or fiction? Am I permanently thinking about sex?

Although I'm basically a private individual, I found myself revealing quite personal details that I wouldn't dream of disclosing in normal circumstances. Mind you, I wasn't the only one. When I asked Danielle if she liked my stories, she admitted using her fingers and vibrator a lot more since she'd started reading them.

That confession fired my imagination. 'You own a vibrator?'

'Duh! Sometimes I need something other than my fingers to make me climax.'

'You like my stories that much?'

'They're so lifelike, Dan, so detailed, that the readers have to ask themselves if this is fact or fiction, especially those with anal sex. When I read them, it usually ends with me sticking my vibrator in my butthole and fingering myself something rotten while imagining I'm the heroine in the story getting well and truly shagged by a big, hard dick.'

Visualising that sent my blood rushing south. Although I assumed Danielle didn't stop until she orgasmed, I wanted to know for sure. Before I had a chance to ask, she answered my unspoken question.

'The images your words conjure in my sordid imagination are so erotic, I end up cumming so hard I have to bite my lip to stop me from screaming, you know, in case the neighbours hear me.'

Now my cock was rock hard. 'Jesus, Danielle, you don't beat around the bush, do you?'

'Why, you getting hard?'

I wasn't going to lie. 'Yes,' I typed and, deciding to fight fire with fire, added, 'Are you wet?'

Her reply was almost immediate. 'Yes.' Then came another unexpected question. 'Are you well endowed like the men in your stories?'

Again, no lies. 'Yes, I'm very well endowed. Why?'

'Hmm. Good to know.'

I tried another tack. 'So, you like anal sex and big dicks?'

'Never had either. Vincent's manhood is about average. As for anal sex, he thinks it's dirty and won't try it. But when I read about your heroines having their back entrances reamed by some well-hung stud, it turns me on something rotten.'

'He doesn't know what he's missing.' Having put into words what I was thinking, I wondered what Danielle's reaction would be. There was a short delay before it arrived.

'Again, good to know.'

I thought it was a cautious response, but I was somewhat relieved. Although I enjoyed flirting with Danielle, who knows where things might have gone. She had featured in too many of my secret fantasies, and the line between fiction and reality was in danger of becoming very vague. Not sure if I was ready to cross that line, I decided to retreat to safer ground.

'I've got a new story ready for submission. Would you like to read it before anybody else does?'

The answer was instant. 'You bet.'

'Okay, I'll send it. Let me know what you think.'



A few days later, Danielle sent: 'Fuck, that was hot. I've read it a few times and I loved it. The only reason I don't keep reading it is that my vibrator needs new batteries. Oh, and by the way, we've got double glazing now so I can stop biting my lip, lol.'

I thanked her for being frank. Knowing Danielle liked the story was a delightful if an unusual seal of approval, and I promptly submitted it to the website. The tale was well-received by many readers, and I wondered if my desire to excite Danielle had helped me rise above my modest writing ability. Whatever, I determined to do even better next time, and I couldn't wait for my next flash of inspiration. Even without realising it, the seed of a new story had been sown.

About a week later, with dozens of ideas tumbling out of my head, the story sort of wrote itself. Okay, there was a lot of editing needed because once I start writing, some of it can be legitimately called gobbledygook. That's primarily due to various sentences being clear as mud, plus lousy spelling and poor grammar. Still, the core of the story was solid.

And, because I included a raunchy anal scene, I couldn't wait to let Danielle read it.

However, even before I'd edited, fate threw a spanner in the works. Andrea was away on business — it happens regularly — and, because the weather gods had decided my grass wasn't green or long enough, it was raining the proverbial cats and dogs. Not that I was unhappy about that. The wet weather gave me the perfect excuse to spend Saturday afternoon working on my story. While I was putting the finishing touches on it, the doorbell rang.

Silently cursing about being disturbed, my mood dramatically changed when I saw Danielle, dressed in tight, tatty jeans and a turtleneck sweater, trying to shelter from the driving rain.

Looking somewhat embarrassed, she asked if Andrea was home. When I said she was in New York, Danielle looked crestfallen. It seems my wife had borrowed some library books from Danielle, and they had to be returned on Monday. I knew the books were in a bedside cabinet and invited Danielle inside while I retrieved them.

She happily accepted my offer and moved towards the dining room while I went upstairs. As I entered our bedroom, I suddenly thought, 'Shit, my laptop's in the dining room and I hadn't switched it off.'

Gathering the books and fervently hoping that Danielle wasn't looking at my computer, I went downstairs. Sure enough, I found my sexy neighbour staring at the screen. Seeing me enter, Danielle immediately jumped up from the dining chair and apologised.

"I'm sorry, Dan but when I saw this was another story, I couldn't help reading a few lines. I hope you don't mind?" The guilty grin and sparkling eyes made it impossible for me to be angry. In fact, knowing what she'd been reading, my cock began to swell.

"That's okay, Danielle," I said, my throat a little dry. "I don't mind, it's just that you've got a jump-start on me. It's not finished but rest assured when I'm finally satisfied with it, you'll be the first person to read it."

I waited for a reaction, but Danielle seemed to be in a trance. Then she spoke. 'No, don't send it, Dan, bring it over this evening. Vincent's in Berlin until Monday so I'm alone this weekend.' The tone of her voice became sultry. "I hope you can come, Dan, I'm in real need of some serious stress relief. Your latest creation will certainly get me in the mood."

Although surprised, I managed to croak, "Sure, no problem," without making a terrible fool of myself. However, to say I was a little anxious is like claiming a Ferrari is a fast car. As I handed over the library books, our eyes met, and before I could look away, she treated me to a saucy wink and sexy smile.

"Thanks for the books, Dan. Don't be late."

That said, she quickly turned and strolled out of the dining room, leaving me open-mouthed and staring at her exquisite tushy as she sauntered down the hallway.


My heart raced as I pressed the bell and impatiently waited for the door to open. It seemed ages before Danielle finally yanked it open — and took my breath away. Gone was the old pair of tatty jeans and turtleneck; in their place was a mid-thigh, low cut and very sophisticated tight red dress. Sheer black stockings adorned her long legs, and bare shoulders indicated she wasn't wearing a bra. That detail had my cock twitching.

"Madam, you look devastating," I said with all the sincerity I felt.

"Thank you, sir," she replied, doing a twirl that raised the hem and my pulse rate. "I haven't worn this for a long time and it's nice to know it still fits." As Danielle completed her move, I admired how the dress clung to her perfect figure, accentuating the gorgeous curves, and I felt my manhood thicken.

Having stopped turning, Danielle's gaze fell to my growing bulge. With a warm smile, she said, "I'm glad you like it, Dan," and then, unexpectedly, softly kissed my lips. Spotting my laptop, her eyes sparkled even brighter, and her smile grew broader before she led me to the living room. And, for the second time that day, I admired her wiggling bum.

Closed curtains, soft lighting, and soothing music had transformed the ordinarily sober decorated room into a chamber for romance. Danielle gestured to the coffee table, adorned with two glasses of wine and waited for my reaction. When I nodded, she came to me and threw her arms around my neck, pressing her lips onto mine. I didn't know her perfume, but it was subtle, musky, and intoxicating.

"You smell gorgeous, Danielle," I said, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her close, wanting her to feel my growing arousal.

"Thank you," she said. "It's my body lotion. I use it after showering when I feel the need to pamper myself."

Thinking how much I wanted to pamper her, I was pleased to hear Danielle moan when I gripped her buttocks. As I ground my pelvis against her, Danielle stared into my eyes. "Don't take this the wrong way, Dan but I'm not looking for an affair," she said softly.

I nodded. "Okay."

"I'm being honest because I don't want you to think I'm leading you on. Even though Vincent hasn't touched me for too long, I'm still happily married." I nodded again, and she continued, "But, knowing you fancy me certainly does my ego some good. And I really need that at the moment. So, when I read your latest story, I decided to take advantage of these unexpected circumstances." And she flashed me her irresistible, mischievous grin. "I'm game if you are."

Waiting for an answer, Danielle watched me intently. For a few seconds, I didn't know what to say. Then inspiration came, although I'm sure she didn't expect this reply: "Are you wearing stockings and suspenders or hold-ups?"

She took a quick breath and grinned." Can't you tell?"

"I think so." Gliding my fingertips over her hips and bum, I felt myself swelling. "But I wanted to be certain."

"Maybe this will help," whispered Danielle pulling up her dress and revealing her stocking tops. Holding my breath, I watched as more of her luscious thighs and sexy suspenders were exposed. Then, after baring another inch of tantalising flesh, Danielle released her grasp on the dress and immediately denied me any more voyeuristic pleasure.

Giggling infectiously, she moved towards me, and we kissed again. "Don't worry, sir, all good things come to those who wait," she said, sliding her hands between us and groping my erection. "Now why don't we make ourselves comfortable, because I want you to read the story to me."

I hadn't anticipated that.

I'd never read any of my stories aloud, preferring to use a text-to-speech programme during editing. But, thirty minutes later, my narrative complete, I looked at Danielle and saw a horny glint in her eyes.

"God, that was good," she said a tad breathlessly. "Fuck, my knickers are soaking wet. It's a good job I'm sitting on my hands, otherwise I might already be masturbating."

Please, don't let me being here stop you.

Looking at Danielle's nipples threatening to burst through the tight dress, I raised my eyebrows at her candid confession.

"Don't you get turned on reading your own stories?" she asked, casually lowering her eyes to view the bulge in my lap.

"Not when they've reached this stage," I said, watching her eyes widen in surprise. "After reading it so many times during editing, it stops being an erotic story, and becomes an exercise in writing." Although that was true, I was aware of the raging erection threatening to burst out of my trousers. "Mind you, I've never read to a woman who was both the inspiration and heroine in the story. That made it exciting this time. And, yes, I'm very turned at the moment. What are going to do about it, Madam?"

Danielle stood and hiked up her dress, revealing even more than earlier. "Why don't you let me show you," she replied, straddling my right leg before taking my hand and placing it between her thighs. A tiny triangle of red silk with off white polka dots disclosed my host's arousal, and tracing the outline of her sex through the saturated garment, I watched Danielle bite her bottom lip.

"Don't stop," she whispered, pulling down the top of her dress to reveal a perfect bosom. She needn't have worried: having come this far, I wasn't going to waste my opportunity. Caressing her clit through the moist material, I watched in surprise and awe when Danielle gently fondled her breasts. She moved her hands in slow circles, occasionally pinching swollen nipples with her elegant fingers.

"God, you're fucking beautiful, Danielle," I said, slipping my fingers inside her panties and pressing them between slippery pussy lips. Warm wetness and a low erotic moan welcomed my intrusion. Feeling this sexy woman pushing against my hand, trapping it between my knee and her sopping wet opening, I wanted to please her even more. So I thrust my fingers deep into her.

"Hmm, this feels good," Danielle sighed, caressing her huge breasts while she rode my hand, "but my vibrator is much better for deep penetration... what a pity the batteries are dead," she gasped. Then her eyes sparkled, and, huskily, she asked, "Can you think of anything I could use instead of my vibrator, Dan?"

Could I?

"What you're looking for, is in my trousers." I nodded at the massive bulge. "Feel free to use it as much as you want."

"Certainly something to think about," she replied casually. Then, after a short pause, nimble fingers made quick work of my belt buckle and flies. Then, tugging at the loose clothing still covering her unclaimed prize, Danielle ordered me to help. I raised my buttocks off the couch, and Danielle swiftly pulled down my trousers and boxers, allowing my erection to spring free. As it quivered there, pointing purposefully towards the ceiling, Danielle's gasp of surprise certainly boosted my ego.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Dan," she cried out as her soft hands gripped my erection and stroked it. "It's huge. I'll have trouble getting that thing in my cunt, never mind my arse."

I'll admit my eyebrows rose, and my heart missed a beat on hearing Danielle doubt her ability to take my size. Seeing my dismay, she leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "Don't worry, Dan, I'm going to give it a damn good try."

After slowly disengaging herself from my fingers, Danielle climbed onto the couch, rested her knees on either side of my hips, and hiked the dress up around her waist. Guiding my erection towards her pussy, Danielle hooked her other hand's fingers into the silken triangle covering her sex and pulled it to one side. Then — something I found hugely sexy — she slapped my engorged helmet against her splayed labia. After teasing her clit for a moment, this wonderful temptress finally placed the glistening dome between her slippery pussy lips.

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I watched Danielle's expression change from pleasure, shock, amazement, and back to utter ecstasy. Each change was accompanied by an impressive symphony of moans and whimpers as she impaled herself on my throbbing erection. Those moments will remain in my memory for a long time.

Danielle wasn't the only one who had something to celebrate. Watching her sweet pink pussy lips stretch around my meat as she slowly sank onto me, I wanted to shout for joy, but I managed to content myself with a heartfelt groan when Danielle, having consumed my whole length, began grinding her soft apex onto my pelvic bone.

"Fuck, you're so big." Her open eyes glistened like diamonds, and she began giggling. "Now I know why Andrea always walks around with a smug smile."

Again chewing on her bottom lip, Danielle slowly rode me, and as she increased the pace, I grasped her hips. "Your cunt feels fucking fantastic," I gasped.

"Finger my clit," she ordered. "I'm so close."

I eased one hand inside the polka dot panties and, after brushing my thumb over her small patch of pubic hair, I sought her swollen pleasure button and tried to rock her world. Guess I succeeded. Moments later, Danielle slammed down onto my lap and came beautifully. Her back arched, and hot cum swamped my rampant tube. She eased the vice-like grip of her silken tunnel while I watched her lose control. Such was the power of her orgasm, I felt her knees trembling against my hips, and I looked up to see Danielle tossing her head back while emitting a low, feral growl. In any other situation, it could have been frightening.

With her orgasm fading, Danielle relaxed, losing the tension in her limbs, and resumed fucking me. This time, there was more urgency to her movements, and I had the impression she was feeling guilty for climaxing so quickly and was now determined to make me ejaculate. Every time she slammed her groin onto me, I felt her pussy gripping me tightly, attempting to milk me.

"Come on, you bastard, I wanna feel you cum inside me."

"I'm close, Danielle, don't stop," I assured her, grabbing hold of her waist.

"Yes, that's it, don't hold back. Give me your thick creamy spunk."

I felt my balls tighten and knew it didn't need much more. Danielle didn't make things any easier. Her relentless assault, combined with a barrage of slutty talk, blew my mind, and in the end, it all came down to one thing. I'm not superhuman and what I was doing — especially who I was doing — proved too much for me.

"Danielle, I'm cumming," I roared, bucking furiously and pulling at her hips as my cock expanded in her depths. "Yesss," I groaned as my seed rose. "Argh, I'm cumming."

Hot spunk splattered Danielle's warm tunnel walls, and an erotic cry rose from her mouth. At the same time, her fingers, like the claws of a predator, dug painfully into my chest. A second powerful ejaculation sent more seed into her sexual core, and I felt Danielle flex her cunt muscles, trying to milk me. I continued pumping into her while Danielle continued riding me, albeit a lot slower now. Soon, our cum cocktail was seeping down my manhood and trickling out of her pussy.

Spent, happily so, all movement ceased. Danielle, moaning almost inaudibly, slumped against me, and we lay listening to our heavy breathing as I felt her heartbeat slowly return to normal. At the same time, this sexy minx occasionally flexed her muscles around my softening cock.

Then she said, "Let's go upstairs and get naked."


On her bed, Danielle knelt between my splayed legs, examining my rampant hard-on like a fascinated student who has discovered something new.

After ravenously ripping clothes off each other, she'd pushed me back and didn't stop until I fell onto the bed. Danielle crawled towards me with a command to make room for her, a lioness stalking her prey. Although seeing her naked body — something I'd dreamed of for ages — was a turn on, watching her reach for my cock while her cherry red lips opened to engulf it was guaranteed to make my erection throb.

"Talk to me, Dan," she said, then licked my cock as if it was a lollipop. "Talk dirty to me like all those men do in your stories. It gets me so hot."

I smiled. Although most of the characters in my tales are quite vocal, I am more of a silent lover. But, all things considered, how could I not try to fulfil her desires? Taking a deep breath and hoping I sounded convincing, I said, "That's it slut, swallow that big fucking cock. Show me how much you love my huge dick."

Incredibly, it seemed to work. Danielle closed her eyes, opened her mouth wider, and my big cock gradually disappeared inside her mouth and down her throat.

"I can taste our cum," Danielle said, coming up for air. "Something I could get used to," she added. I guess I looked surprised because when Danielle smiled, the corners of her lips curled upwards mischievously. I wondered if she was having second thoughts about an affair — or was she just winding me up?

"Here, try some." Danielle leaned to kiss me. Our tongues entwined, and there was a salty zing that wasn't there earlier.

"I'm not sure, Danielle. Why don't you try some more." 

She seemed to like me treating her as my private cum-slut, so I guided her head back to my groin. "Open wide, you cock-sucking whore."

Again, to my surprise, this beautiful, intelligent woman attacked my meat as if it would be her last meal for a very long time. However, instead of stopping to kiss me again, Danielle kept up her oral onslaught, and reaching for her short hair, I eased back and forth, telling her, "Be ready cause I'm gonna fuck all your holes tonight."

Quick as a whippet, Danielle wrapped a thumb and forefinger around the base of my cock while I increased speed, my greasy pole sliding easily between her cherry red lips. For the next minute or so, nothing mattered to either of us except this frenzied fellatio.

Not once did she try to stop me, and the face fucking only ended when I ordered her to suck my balls. She did it with total commitment, and it was while feasting on my nuts that she asked — no, demanded seems more appropriate — when I was going to get round to "shoving that thing up my ass."

"Soon, darling, very soon. First I want to taste your delicious cunt."

"Oh, but I haven't finished sucking your dick," she wailed in mock disappointment.

"No problem, sweetheart, just swing that gorgeous arse over here, and I'll make you scream."

"Jesus, you're so fucking sure of yourself, aren't you?" Danielle said before suffering a fit of giggles. But it didn't stop her swinging those never-ending thighs over my head.

For a second, I stared in awe at the heavenly vision above my face: a beautiful gaping pussy, twitching in anticipation, and above that, a tight arsehole. All this feminine beauty was framed by sexy, black stockings and suspenders, something guaranteed to keep most men hard. Her bare skin glistened in the soft light, and when I felt Danielle's soft lips encompass my helmet again, I pulled her sex toward my mouth.

When my tongue entered her juicy pinkness, Danielle cried out. Determined to show her a good time, I set to my task. Despite having Danielle feasting on my cock, my world consisted of nothing more than the insides of her thighs and the exotic orifices between them. While Danielle's tongue swirled around my manhood, I busily licked her sweet pussy and clit.

Occasionally, I'd tease her a little, lapping my tongue along the crease between her sex and thighs, or nibble on her swollen pleasure button. But Danielle liked it best when I plunged my tongue deep into her pussy.

That was until I played my best card.

Whether Danielle was conscious of it or not, she rolled her hips back and forth while I went down on her, enabling me to not only tease her pussy, it also gave me access to her tight rear entrance. Slowly at first, I trailed the tip of my tongue from her clit, between juicy lips, along the perineum, and then up to her anal crack.

Soft moans were the first clue to how much she liked it, and the second clue arrived when I paid more attention to her anus. Each time I ran my tongue up her crack, I teased the skin around her opening with ever-decreasing circles. Although it lasted only moments, the way Danielle gently pushed onto my face was clear evidence that she enjoyed it. And the coup de grâce was when I eventually forced my tongue past her tight sphincter. That really hit the mark, and judging by her reaction — a scream and her sitting up to reach back and grasp my hair — I assumed Danielle didn't want me to stop.

"Oooh… my God, Dan, that feels so good. Nobody has ever done that to me."

That made me feel like the luckiest man alive. Because I wanted to please her, I kept my tongue where she wanted it, all the while fantasising about sticking my cock where my tongue was. 

"Danielle, get off me."

Having her sit on my face wasn't a hardship, but I wanted to watch Danielle watching my huge cock disappear inside her arse. For that, we needed a new position. Remembering Danielle's earlier request, I resumed my barrage of dirty talk while settling in front of her.

"That's it slut, on your fucking back and spread those legs. I want your gaping cunt to get my prick nice and wet before I stick it up your arse."

I inserted two fingers into Danielle's juicy sex, and the exhilaration on her face made it plain she wanted this just as much as I did. So, in one movement, I withdrew my fingers, tucked my hands under her thighs, and pulled Danielle towards me, only stopping when her buttocks rested on my knees. When I sank my cock deep into her soaking wet cunt, her surprised expression turned to one of pure sexual delight as, moments later, I penetrated her anus with my fingers.

"I'm just getting your arsehole ready for my cock," I explained. Danielle licked her lips and nodded before reaching into her bedside cabinet.

"I bought this today after I left your house." It was a bottle of LoveHoney anal lube, strawberry flavour. "I hoped you wouldn't mind."

Marvelling at Danielle's attention to detail and how she'd manipulated everything to happen the way she intended, I shook my head. Picking up the small plastic container, I studied it before pressing the dispenser. Slippery gel landed on my fingers, and a fruity aroma filled the air. I rubbed the gel over my cock.

"How does it feel, darling, knowing your virgin arse is going to take all of my huge fucking dick. Not just some of it, but the whole fucking thing." Her eyes, and grin, widened. "I'm not going to stop until my cock is buried balls deep inside you."

"I can't wait," Danielle croaked. Although she could barely speak, there was a challenging tone to her voice. However, I hadn't finished teasing her yet, and I lunged forward and watched with satisfaction as my entire erection filled her horny pussy.

"You did that on purpose, you fucking bastard," she whimpered, bucking against me for deep penetration.

I nodded and laughed.

"Yes, I did, you gorgeous slut, and do you know why?" Danielle bit her lip and shook her head. "Because I can," I said and rolled my hips again. The movement elicited another whimper, but my desire to take her arse was now more potent than my resolve to tease her.

I eased my slick manhood out of Danielle's juicy pussy and positioned the shiny head against her rear entrance. As I pushed, my sexy neighbour reached beneath her legs and encircled my throbbing flesh with a forefinger and thumb. I feared she was having second thoughts for a split second, but looking into her eyes, I saw shameless excitement.

"Don't worry, stud, I just want to hold your cock while you enter me."

My God, this woman is fantastic, I thought, but said, "You're a dirty fucking bitch, aren't you?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Danielle flashed a sultry smile, and I felt her tug at my cock. Looking down, I watched her arsehole open to accept my swollen glans. Glancing at her face, closed eyes, and the tight-lipped grimace expressed her tense anticipation.

As I continued pushing gently forward, I heard a sharp intake of breath. Not wanting to spoil Danielle's experience, I told her to take control. After a nano second's delay, she pulled on my manhood. Thanks to the copious lubrication, the rim of my helmet quickly vanished into Danielle's sweet bumhole.


The discomfort I heard almost made me stop, but Danielle tightened her grip on my cock and continued feeding it into her back passage. "Jesus, you're so big," she gasped as more of my shaft slipped inside her.

"Noo, don't stop," she commanded when I hesitated again. Although I was eager to please, I didn't want to hurt her, but Danielle insisted, so I kept pushing. She was a tight fit, but slowly her arse swallowed my thick length.

"Oh my fucking God," she exclaimed when her hand grasping my flesh was momentarily wedged between my pelvis and her buttocks. She immediately released her grip, and I kept going, inserting the last couple of inches. Though it was her first time, I wouldn't stop until I'd buried my whole prick.

Moments later, I told Danielle to open her eyes. "You, madam," I grinned, "are now a real anal slut. I can't get any deeper." Flexing my cock to prove the point, I added, "Even if I tried."

Her eyes sparkled, and the sultry smile she flashed said more than a thousand words. Spreading her arms and clawing at the bedsheet, Danielle placed her feet flat on the bed, grinned devilishly, and said, "I want it hard and fast, you bastard. Show me no mercy."

"Oh, don't worry, slut," I said, savouring the position she was in, "I'm not just going to take your arsehole, I'm going to fuck it so hard, you'll scream my name as you cum."

I slowly withdrew my manhood. Despite Danielle's bold claim, I sensed she was experiencing some discomfort, so I actually took it easy. I ensured my cock didn't slip out with each stroke, and when I couldn't go any deeper, I ground my pelvis against her. That drew a few raw expletives. After a minute or so, my cock slid smoothly up and down her passage, and it was while Danielle was enjoying these long, slow strokes that she spoke so softly that I barely heard.

"What did you say, slut?"


"I'm sorry?"

"I said harder, you bastard. Come on, fuck me harder," Danielle snapped. I saw in her eyes that she meant it.

"I've been waiting to hear you say that." 

Immediately, I lifted her legs into the crooks of my arms and leaned forward. When her knees were almost touching her shoulders, Danielle's bum was at a convenient angle for me to thrust harder.

"How do you like this, my anal bitch?" I demanded, slamming my cock into her.

"More," came the croaked reply.

I yanked my cock entirely out of my slutty neighbour's bum and slapped it against her puffy cunt lips before ramming it back into her arsehole. There was no resistance, her body welcoming my intrusion with ease.

"Fuck me, Dan, fuck me hard and make me cum."

I wasted no time driving my cock deep into her, again and again, my balls slapping against her backside. With each mighty plunge, Danielle cried "yesss", and her fingers clawed at the bedsheets while her hips rose to meet mine. I didn't want to spoil Danielle's first anal experience by being too rough — however, I'd definitely underestimated my sexy playmate.

Without a flinch, she took everything I gave and demanded even more than I could deliver – for the moment. So, with sweat dripping from my nose and the sound of my heavy breathing ringing in my ears, I withdrew my flesh from her back passage. Moving up the bed, I ordered Danielle to "Suck this, bitch," while holding my throbbing cock above her red lips. "And when it's all nice and sloppy, get on your hands and knees."

"What if I get on all fours first?" Danielle responded, grabbing hold of my throbbing erection and kissing it while scrambling into the required position. Without the slightest hesitation, the sexy anal slut greedily opened her mouth and pulled at my cock. Succulent lips hungrily engulfed my thick shaft, and — not a guy to waste an opportunity — I thrust forward and didn't stop until Danielle had her nose in my pubic hair.

"You do realise, Madam," I said, "that I'm going to pound your arse until you beg for mercy."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she quickly replied, holding my cock at the root and licking her lips hungrily. "That's why we're here, stud. I just wonder if you can keep up with me."

I know a challenge when I hear it, and Danielle's was a perfect textbook example, albeit sarcastic.

"I'll show you, bitch. Turn around and stick your arse in the air – and make sure it stays there."

Danielle not only complied but cheekily challenged me, wiggling her peachy bum. Grabbing the gel, I liberally coated my erection and Danielle's back entrance before I stood and placed my engorged helmet precisely where we both wanted it.

When my cock entered her arsehole, Hearing Danielle's moan was almost as good as the hissed "yesss," she yelled when I'd buried most of my length. But the repeated cries of "Oh God," when my balls slapped against the back of her thighs, was the biggest turn-on I'd experienced for a long time. Like an athlete waiting for the starter's pistol, Danielle's moaning was my signal.

And, make no mistake, we were in a race.

This was a position I'd long fantasised about: me standing over Danielle's perfect peachy bum with my hard cock buried deep inside her snug back passage while she wantonly held her buttocks apart for my enjoyment. It was, without doubt, one of the most erotic sights I'd seen in a long time. Hearing Danielle's moan each time I thrust into her, there was no denying how much she wanted this. She wasn't alone.

Hammering my cock into her, trying to make her cum first while holding back the contents of my balls, wasn't easy. Danielle did everything in her power to make me cum. I felt her arse tighten around my invading flesh, trying to coax the sperm from my balls, while at the same time, she filled the air with a non-stop tirade of sexy, coarse demands. It was all intended to make me boil over.

"Come on you fucker, make me cum."

"You fucking, gorgeous bitch, I'll show you."

"Yesss, that's it, fill my arse with your thick creamy spunk."

"I'm gonna make you cum so bad, you delicious, anal slut."

And so on and so on.

While we traded barbs and insults like the pirates of olden days, we pushed each other to the physical edge, not letting up in our efforts to bring the other to a mind-blowing climax. Luckily for my self-esteem, Danielle came first, mind you; it was a close thing.

Although I'd continually jack-hammered my cock into her arse, Danielle didn't falter. She stayed in the kneeling position because it allowed the deep penetration she so wantonly desired. Pushing and wiggling her backside against me, Danielle was far from a passive recipient until, with a drawn-out cry, she abruptly stopped moving.

"Oooh God, I'm going to cum. Don't stop… pleeease don't stop."

I carried on pounding her arse, and she tensed her muscles around my throbbing erection. On the verge of climaxing, I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep going. The increased sensations her back passage asserted on my engorged flesh made it difficult for me to maintain self-control.

"Yes, yesss, I'm cumming," she suddenly yelled.

Needing to hold something to stabilise herself, Danielle let go of her buttocks and gripped the sheets in front of her face, scrunching them tightly while an orgasm raged through her body.

"Oh God… no, no, don't stop," Danielle begged when she felt me flounder.

I wasn't running out of energy — I was about to shoot my seed. "I'm cumming," I roared and thrust my cock deep inside my neighbour. "Take that you dirty fucking anal slut."

"Oh yes, yes… give it to me, you bastard."

As she spoke, Danielle pushed back, grinding her bum against my pelvis while her hole tightened around my expanding dome. It was all too much, and with another roar, I shot my load.

"Yes, fill my arse with cum," Danielle screamed, bucking her hips and swallowing my pulsating cock as deep as it could go. I jolted again as if an electric charge passed through me, and a second expulsion sent more spunk flying.

"That's it, Dan, give me everything you've got, empty those balls for me."

"Arrgh." I spasmed again, a third and last salvo of spunk splattering against Danielle's insides, and I had no more to give. Exhausted by the exertions needed to satisfy the beautiful woman beneath me, I collapsed sideways onto the bed, pulling Danielle with me as the last drops of semen oozed from my cock.

With me still inside her, we spooned, quietly catching our breath. As I gently fondled Danielle's breasts, her backside gripped my spent manhood, giggling as she felt it soften.

"Danielle —"

"Don't say anything, Dan. That was perfect. Just hold me, I want to stay like this for a while."

I did as she wanted. Although sleep hadn't been on my mind, listening to her steady breathing, feeling her warm body next to mine, was so relaxing I drifted off.


I woke with Danielle sucking my morning wood. That was the starting point of a Sunday morning session that ended with us cumming simultaneously, her shaking uncontrollably beneath me while I pumped her belly full with hot creamy spunk.

That was six weeks ago. For me, it was a fantasy come true, and the memories will stay with me for a long time. Following the conditions Danielle set before we started our weekend of debauchery, I avoided contact with her, mostly because I wasn't sure I could keep my hands to myself. Having shared such a fantastic night, I didn't want her to reject me if I tried something.

I never told Andrea what happened because — well, there's no point in looking for trouble. My wife considers my cock as her property and hers alone. If she ever caught me dipping my wick where I shouldn't, then she'd remove it from my person… with a blunt knife.

However, Andrea mentioned something today that could throw a massive spanner in the works.

Danielle is pregnant.

She and Vincent intend to keep it quiet until they've had all the tests, but Danielle couldn't help telling Andrea. If things turn out well, they'll be the proud parents of a beautiful baby. I'm happy for them, really happy for them, but there's a niggling worry in the back of my mind.

Remembering Danielle's comment about Vincent hardly touching her anymore, I hope she's got her numbers right. The last thing anybody wants to see at the birth is evidence of her infidelity. 

And how would anyone know, I hear you ask?

That's easy... Like Andrea, Vincent and Danielle are what I like to call "Sweet white meat." On the other hand, my website pseudonym is Big Ebony Dan.


Written by AndreaDetroit
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