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The Office Affair

"Kim seemed vulnerable, so I was very determined to get behind her."

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I met Kim at the office where I work a few years ago.  She was very attractive and was always dressed to kill. I used to love to look forward to what she would be wearing the next day.  She was very petite and had a little smoking body. I would occasionally pass her in the hall and we hardly ever made eye contact. I was so out of her league.

Sometimes she would wear slacks with a jacket and other times a very short skirt.  And by “short skirt”, I mean borderline office appropriate. Of course I didn’t mind checking her out when she looked like a little slut, but she sure was hot and she knew it.

She always wore high heels of some kind, whether they were stilettos or knee-high boots.

I really didn’t know what she did because everyone in the office there did different things.  I noticed people going into her office, so I assumed she was some kind of a counselor.

One day, I ran into her in the kitchen.  I had a horrible headache and definitely wasn’t looking my best.

She said hi, and I said hi back.  She must have noticed that I was a little out of it and asked if I was feeling alright.

I told her I had a nasty headache, which seemed odd because I never get headaches.

She said she had some Tylenol in her office that I was welcome to if I needed some.

I told her that I’d stop by in a bit if that was OK with her.

She said yes and said to be there by 1:00 because she had a client.

I watched her grab her coffee and walk away.  I was just totally mesmerized by her ass and her walk.

All I could think about was what it would be like to have a tangle with that?

I hadn’t seen Kim much over the Holidays and then I finally ran into her.

I said, “Hey there, how are you doing?”

She hesitated, then started speaking quietly and started to look a little teary-eyed.

She proceeded to tell me that she found out she had some illness and started to break down in tears, and then just grabbed on to me with a huge hug.

I really didn’t know what to do other than hold on to her and try to comfort her.

After she let go of me, she told me that she didn’t know how she was going to take care of her kids.  I figured she was married, but later noticed she wasn’t wearing any wedding ring or band.

I didn’t know her all that well and was shocked that she confided something like that to me.

After that, if I’d see her in her office alone, I’d stop and say hi.

I was always looking for a way to create small talk.

Another day when we passed in the hall, she said hi to me and reached out and touched my arm.

I looked her up on the internet trying to find some information out about her.

It said on social media that she was married, so I thought it was odd she wasn’t wearing a ring.

Was she divorced, or going through a divorce?

That kind of made sense now, because she was concerned about the welfare of her kids.

We continued to say hi to each other, and I’d occasionally stop in her office and try to chat for a little while.

Yesterday I saw her walking out of her office heading somewhere, and just as she passed me, she turned and said hi, and I returned the greeting.

Then she told me that she’d be right back, turned around and kept walking.

What did that mean? Did it mean she wanted to talk?  Was it a hint that she wanted me to hang around?

I took it as a “stay around so I can flirt with you” hint.

I decided not to miss any opportunities talking to her.  I was really starting to enjoy our conversations and fantasizing about her sexually. She was a very good-looking lady.

My mind was playing games with me, thinking that she’d actually want something to do with me besides having someone to talk to.

After she came back, we talked for about fifteen minutes.  She got a call and held up a finger, as if telling me not to leave, she’d just be a minute or two.

When she got off the phone, she told me her client was going to be a little late.  Poor me.

We talked more about her condition and some things I had gone through.

When her client arrived, I said, “It was really nice talking to you.  Sorry if I talk too much.”

“Oh, not at all!  I really enjoy talking with you.”

As she got up to greet her client, she gave me a hug, and I headed for my office.

After that day, I made a conscious effort to try and run into her every day.

I started jotting down the days and times she had meetings and after a couple weeks, I had a pretty good idea of her work schedule.

My trips passed her office became more frequent, and I noticed that when she didn’t have anyone in her office, her door seemed to opened further.  This allowed me to see more of her as I passed.

One Friday, I knew she was in because her door was open.  I would try to sneak in a peak as I walked by.  I was going to my office to take a call.  As I passed by, she said “Hey there!”

I stopped, backed up and said, “Hey there, I have to take a quick call, can I stop right back?”


After my call, I stopped back and started my usual small talk, never knowing what to say.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“It’s going OK. The medication is helping me to cope with the pain.  How about you?”

“I’m doing OK, but not great.  I found out my knee might need replaced, so I’m dealing with that.  It’s seems like something new every day as you get older.”

She was wearing another one of her short skirts with heals.  I noticed her re-situate herself in her chair as she changed the crossing of her legs.

Her right leg now crossing over her left exposed almost all of her thigh. I couldn’t see any panties, so she must have been wearing a thong.

As she was talking, I knew she saw me checking her out. She had to know she was showing me a lot and she wasn’t trying to hide it.

Her phone rang, and she turned to her left to answer it.  As she was talking, her right foot started swaying, catching my eyes.

I could only imagine what it would be like to kiss and lick those legs all the way up to her ass.

“My client’s here. I’ll be here for a few more hours.  Stop by later if you want.”

As I turned to leave, I realized I had gotten a little hard and was hoping it wasn’t showing.

I looked at my watch to check the time, thinking her sessions were probably an hour long.

About an hour later, I cruised by and noticed her office door was open on my way to the rest room.

On my way back, I stopped as it looked like she was packing up.

“Leaving early?”

“Ye, my 4:00 cancelled.  By the way, thanks for talking with me.  I enjoy our talks.”

“I really do too!”

As she got up, she stepped towards me and gave me a hug.  I wrapped my arms around her and held her pretty tight with my right hand just below her belt line on her upper ass cheek.

I noticed the small couch behind us where her clients sat, and thought that maybe someday we’d be fucking on it.

I heard her sigh softly, and I gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Our hug collapsed and as we broke, she gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

“Well, I have to leave.  Will I see you tomorrow?”

“Ye, I’ll be here.”

I went to my office and could not get what just happened off my mind.

I knew now that she wanted more than our little talks.

The evening came and went and morning finally came.

I got into the office early as usual and heard Kim get into her office around 9:45am.

I grabbed my coffee cup and headed for the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

“Good morning,” I said as I passed by.

“Good morning, are you getting coffee?”


“Wait up, I’ll go with you.”

I waited out in the hallway for her and as she came out, I don’t know how I kept my jaw from hitting the floor.

She had on a maroon skirt, a white blouse and matching maroon jacket and high heels to pump her up a few inches.  It looked like she hit the tanning booth too.

We headed to the coffee machine and I tried not to stare at her.

I motioned for her to go first.

While we were standing there I said, “I don’t normally say things like this, but you look absolutely stunning!”

“Well, thank you!  That’s very nice.  I wondered if you’d notice.”

“Ah, you’re joking, right? I always notice you.”

“You do?”

“Yes, you’re a very attractive lady and I’m sure everyone notices you.”

“Well, I don’t know about that.”

“I do.  Even the women comment about how good you look.”

“Awe, you’re so sweet. Well, you’re a very attractive man.”

I kind of coughed a little coffee up…

“Well, I don’t know about that. I’m getting old.  You can tell by the grey in my facial hair.”

“Salt and pepper is very sexy.  I bet you have a lot of women hit on you, especially with that wedding ring on.”

“Ha, right.  I never had women hit on me, let alone now.”

“Women find married men like you very attractive.”

“I don’t believe that for a minute.  Why would you say that?”

“Because older men know how to…let’s just say they’re more experienced.”

“How do you know that?”

“Well, I am a counselor and I meet with many couples.”

“Perhaps.  Well, we’re both married, so I guess we have something in common.”

“Yes, you’re right.  I have to get going with my appointments.  Let’s finish this conversation later.  I’m done at six.”

 Wow, apparently she wanted me to hang out for her to get done.

I knew things were moving in the right direction, and I had to be careful because people knew we were both married.  This wasn’t going to be easy.

Six o’clock finally came, and I was wrapping things up.

I heard a light knock on the door, and it was Kim.

“Hey good looking!”

“I was just seeing if you were still here.”

“I am, and was just getting ready to stop over.  Did you think I’d sneak out or something?”

“You never know…”

“Rest assured, if you tell me to stop over, I’ll be there.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Why do you talk to me?”

“I just enjoy it.”

“Really, you just enjoy it?”

“Well, I do, and I already told you other things.  It just seems weird we’ve both been in here for a while and have never spoken until recently.  Why do you talk to me?”

“Because you’re sweet, and I’m very attracted to you!”

“Wow! Those meds must be affecting your vision!”

She closed the door a little to the hall and walked over to the chair I was sitting in.

“My vision is fine.  Do you remember our conversation earlier about older married men?”


“I didn’t finish the reason.”

“And, that is…”

“They like passionate sex.  They don’t just like quick, get off sex.  Am I right?”

“Are you talking about generally or about me?”

“I know generally, so you.”

“You’re right.”

“So, why don’t you tell me the real reason you like talking to me.”

“Do I get to ask you a question then, and get a real answer?”

“Of course.  All my answers are real.”

“Well, my marriage is boring, and the sex is almost non-existent.  So talking to you makes me feel good about myself, like someone actually gives a shit about me.”

“Now the same question for you, as you could talk to any guy in this place.  Why me?”

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“Actually, my marriage has been breaking down for a while.  We’re probably going to get divorced someday, but right now it’s just a way of life mainly because of the kids.  He’s very boring in bed and is probably fucking someone else.  I’ve actually had my eye on you for a while, and since you were married, I never flirted with you.”

“Well, that’s surely unexpected.  I don’t know how to respond to that.”

“Respond however you want.”

As we looked at each other without speaking for about a minute, I finally got the nerve to speak.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Can you just turn around and stand right there for like one minute?”

Without saying a word, Kim turned away and stood there with her hands at her sides.

I checked out her body up and down.  Her ass, literally a foot away from my face.  I could see the muscle tone in her legs.

As I felt my cock harden, I told her to turn around.

“Did I pass inspection?”

“Yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to be like that.”

“Well, I’m glad you liked what you saw.  Any other requests, I’m going to have to get going?”

“Ah, no.”

“Really, none?  I’m disappointed.  I’m sure you can think of something before I make my request!”

I remained silent, thinking my next request might be too offensive.

Then she leaned into my ear and whispered, “Would you like to see me bend over and grab my ankles?”

“Of course I would, if you want to.”

With that, she turned around and did it.  The only thing between my mouth and her ass was one foot of air, a skirt, and a pair of panties.  I was getting so hard.  I don’t think I’ve been that hard in years.

A long minute went by and she got up and turned around.

“Now it’s time for my request.”

“OK, that seems fair.”

“Now close your eyes and don’t open them.”


I felt her hand on my legs and she spread them apart a little.

Then she put her hand on my crotch.  I was so embarrassed that I was hard.

She just left it there as if she didn’t want it to go down.

“Now I’m going to ask some things and you have to promise to answer them truthfully.”


“Do you like my ass?”


“Did you want to grab my ass?”


“Do you want to fuck my ass?”


“Don’t open your eyes!”

“I won’t.”

Kim kissed me gently on the lips and said, “Tonight, I want you to think of your last three answers.”

She told me to count to thirty, then open my eyes.

I did as she asked, and when I opened my eyes, she was gone.

That night, all I could do was think about what transpired that day.

It just seemed like a dream.  Did Kim really ask me if I wanted to fuck her ass?

How did she know I was really into that before we did anything other than a kiss on the cheek?

Things between us seemed to be moving rather quickly and I knew it wouldn’t be long before we were in the land of no return.

It was Friday afternoon, and I hadn’t seen Kim all day. Finally, I thought I heard her getting into her office around 3:45pm.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.

“Hi, I just thought I’d say hello.  I have a 4:00, so can you stop over after 5:00?”

“OK, I’ll stop over.  Is everything OK?”

“It could be better.”

She left, and all I could do was wonder what was going on.

Five o’clock came.  I heard her saying goodbye to her client, so I wondered over a few minutes later.

“Hi, is everything OK, are you feeling alright?”

“I feel fine.  I’m so tired of my home life.  My husband seems so distant, and I know he doesn’t want me.”

“Well, I’m not sure why he doesn’t.  You’re so beautiful and sexy.”

“I’ve tried everything.  I’ve tried to spice it up every way I know how, and he’s non-responsive.”

“I’m so sorry.”

I went to her and gave her a big hug.  We just held each-other for a few minutes.

Then she said, “I’m done trying with him and I’m so glad you’re around me.  You make me feel alive.”

As we held each other, I was trying to digest everything that was happening.

I felt that she was opening up to me and that she wanted me to make some move on her.

My mind was running away with fantasies and I pulled slightly away from her as I felt my cock start to harden.

I thought to myself, “How embarrassing to get a hard-on while she’s in this state.”

She probably knew what was happening, as she dropped her hug and took a little step back.

Then out of nowhere she said, “If you don’t kiss me right now, you’re in big fucking trouble!”

I couldn’t believe what just came out of her mouth, and I didn’t need any other clues.

I closed her office door behind me and stepped back in and kissed her, ever so gently on the lips.

Kim closed her eyes, and we continued to kiss and started to make out heavily.

I couldn’t believe what was happening and my cock once again started to harden.

I knew she could feel it, and there was nothing I could do but get harder.

Then she dropped her right hand onto my crotch and started feeling me.

It was really starting to hurt being trapped in my pants.

I cupped my hands under her ass cheeks.  They were so firm.  Then I grabbed them firmly and spread them apart.

I wanted to get a finger close to her ass and play with her hole.

Then she whispered, “I want your cock so bad.  Right now.  Can I?”

I didn’t really respond, other than taking a few swipes at her ass crack with my right hand.

Then I lead her right hand to my zipper.

While she started working on getting my pants down, I circled my right index finger around her glistening lips until I eventually pushed into her mouth so she could suck on it.

It was so hot watching her suck on my finger as she grabbed my cock and started jacking me.

I then took that finger back behind her, and started fondling her asshole with it.

She moaned a little as I teased, pushing the tip of it in.

Then as she went to nibble on my left ear she whispered, “Don’t start anything you can’t finish!”

Kim then lowered herself and took my entire cock into her mouth.

I thought I was going to cum instantly and she had to know it.

I told her to go easy with me because I was way out of practice.

She said, “Don’t worry, I’m enjoying this and I want you to relax.  Please don’t hold back.”

Then she was a little gentler.  She licked and kissed my head, then once again took all of me.

Then she placed gentle kisses all over every inch of my cock and balls.

She gave adequate time for sucking each of my balls before getting back to taking my cock back into her mouth.

I was amazed as I watched her take my entire cock into her mouth.

Then I grabbed her hair and pulled it back on each side away from her face.

I could now watch her cheek muscles as she sucked and now I started to fuck her mouth a little.

Kim seemed to be enjoying this and I could now feel my balls start to tighten.

I told her that I was going to cum soon.

When she was all the way down on me, I pulled her head towards me and just held it there.

Her tempo did not slow even knowing I was close.

Right before I was going to cum, I told her again in case she wanted to release me.

She just clamped down on me like a vice and I held her gently to me as I exploded into her mouth and down her throat.

She didn’t even flinch.

My load seemed to be enormous, and I just kept pumping and emptying into her mouth.  I’ve never had a woman keep me in their mouth that long while cumming.

Finally, I withdrew and helped her up.

We leaned into each other and started making out passionately.

When our kissing stopped, she said, “I’ve never had someone make out with me with a mouthful of their cum.”

“I’ve never done that before, but always wanted to.”

“It’s such a turn on to me when a guy takes his own cum.  My husband won’t do it.  Remember what I said earlier?”


“About not finishing something you’ve started?”


“Well, he won’t fuck my ass either.”

“You’re kidding me right?”

“Nope.  We tried it once.  He didn’t like it, and he’s never tried it again.”

“That’s strange, most guys really get off on that.”

“Do you—be honest?”

“Well, actually I love it.”



“Can I ask you something?”

“Well, of course.”

“Would you fuck my ass right now?”


“Well everyone’s pretty much gone, I think we can try and be quiet, don’t you?”

“We can try, are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m positive.”

Kim had a little office lamp, so I turned it on and turned off the ceiling light.

As I led her to her couch, I’m thinking to myself, “I’m going to fuck her in the ass on the couch her patients sit on.  How bizarre is that?”

I turned Kim to face the couch as I stood behind her.

I got on my knees and pulled her little skirt and panties down to her ankles.

She had these little ankle-high boots on.  I thought that they should stay on.

As I starting kissing and licking the back of her right leg, I gently lifted it off the ground sliding her skirt and panties off of her, then did the same with the left until she was free of them.

I pushed Kim forward up on to the couch so she was kneeling on it.

I couldn’t wait another second before I spread her ass cheeks and kissed her right on her asshole.

I could hear her moaning softly as I kissed and licked in and around here asshole for about ten minutes.

Then I started to probe her ass with my tongue, in the hopes of getting it as wet as I could.

Her pussy was sopping wet from all of the anticipation, and the dripping of my saliva.

I was concerned that this might not go well because we didn’t have the appropriate lube.

I stood and took my hand to her mouth as I leaned over her.

She knew what I wanted, and she provided a nice load of saliva for me.

With that, I took my index finger and worked in in gently.

After I got her comfortable, I did a second.

I didn’t know if I could get in a third, but I felt I needed to if I was going to get my cock in her.

I asked her, “Are you OK, do you want me to stop?”

“Please fuck me!”

“I’ll try, but we don’t have any lube, so tell me to stop if it hurts,”

I did as best I could with my fingers to make this possible.

She was dead set on continuing.

My cock was rock hard, and I rubbed it against her ass and pussy to get it as wet as I could.

Then I applied more of my own saliva to my cock and placed it at the opening of her glorious ass.

I gently pushed in, and she pushed back.  It took a few tries, but my head finally popped in.

I just held position so she could adjust.

I knew I’d explode again if I went in too fast.

Little by little, we worked together and got most of my cock in her.

We took our time.  We both wanted to enjoy this.

She then started gyrating, and I knew that this was a signal to start fucking her ass.

I went slow, but I was able to go pretty deep with her.

I leaned on top of her and wrapped my arms tightly around her.

Then I whispered, “Are you OK?”

“Mmm hmm, don’t stop.  Cum in my ass.  When you’re going to cum, go in as deep as you can, push into me and hold it there.”

I did as she wished and blew my load up her ass.

I continued to hold on to her for a while until my softening dick fell out of her ass.

Kim eventually stood facing me and gave me a great juicy kiss.

Then she said, "I hope that this isn’t a one-off!"

I said, “I hope not; you’re so fucking hot!”

“Good. Can I ask you something?”


“On the spicy scale, if this was a five, how spicy do you go?”

“I’d say a ten. What about you?”


Written by Jackson007
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