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Talking Dirty Pt. 2: Anal

"Gwen turns up the heat with her boyfriend Max"

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Two days after the Night (or, as Max calls it, “the night I sexually blossomed.” Ugh.), Max left town for the week to visit an old friend of his from college all the way over in Chicago. I won’t lie; it sucked. That Night (yes, we gave it a capital N) with him was amazing. It was a whirlwind of pleasure.

And now he was leaving me.

Okay, that sounded really overly dramatic, but you get the point.

So after dropping him off at the airport, I drove back to my apartment. Ever since we started dating, we hadn’t gone more than four days without seeing each other. Now it was going to be a week before I saw him again. Initially, I was sad he was going to be leaving so soon after our explosive Night, but then I decided I would use my time alone wisely. As soon as I got home, I dropped my bag and ran over to my laptop. I sat on the couch and started to read about stuff to do during sex to really turn up the heat. When Max got back, I wanted to give him the greatest night of his life.

I read about a whole bunch of fetish stuff I never even knew existed. I read about how to give the best oral sex. I read more about how to talk dirty. I even read about anal. I know Max joked about it that Night, but I think a part of him was honestly hoping I’d be into it. He’s often made remarks about my ass, and it’s obvious he’s a butt guy. I freaked out then, but the more I thought about it, the more intrigued I got. If dirty talk felt so good because it was taboo, then anal must feel incredible, right?

So on I went, reading articles on Cosmopolitan about anal sex. As I was reading, I got this weird sensation in my stomach. I was definitely turned on, but there was also this clenching sensation. Nerves. A part of me was telling me not to do it. Why shouldn’t you do it, Gwen? Well, take your pick of reasons. It’ll hurt, your butthole will get all stretched out, it’s gross and dirty, it’s a pretty slutty thing to do, oh, and LITERALLY everyone says it hurts.

Turns out, only the hurting part is true. Even then, everyone just says use a shit ton (no pun intended) of lube. Apparently, it’s cleaner than you think and your butthole doesn’t actually stretch out that much. And yeah, maybe it is a little slutty, but slutty in a hot way, right? Besides, it can’t be all that bad. It’s how gay guys do it, and they like it.

That all went to reassuring the part of me that was nervous. The thought about gay guys was, admittedly, a turn on as well. So, to see just exactly what it looked like, I went straight to PornHub.

No, before you ask, I don’t watch porn. Well, at least I don’t watch it a lot. But I’d never actually seen what anal looks like. I’ve had regular and oral sex before. Anal was totally new to me. Why not watch the pros and see how they do it?

Before settling in to watch some lads and lasses get butt fucked, I did my pre-masturbation ritual. Shower, primp, light a candle, pour a glass of wine, and get into bed. I like to treat myself, what can I say?

So there I was, lying in bed with my laptop off to the side. I made sure the volume was low, even though no one was home. It just felt like the right thing to do. I clicked on a video and watched my first ever anal porn video.

It was…many things. Erotic. Uncomfortable. Titillating. Lewd. Confusing.

I told myself that of course it’s different when the porn stars do it. I paused the fourth or fifth video I was watching so I could calm down and think. While I was trying to sort out my feelings, I barely noticed my own hand drifting away from clit and moving slowly down towards my ass. It wasn’t until I had my finger pressed in between my cheeks that it occurred to me what was happening. That part of me with all the nerves came storming out.

What the fuck are you doing!

Fingering my asshole, duh, the aroused part of me countered.

I took a deep breath and moved my finger to my entrance. I pushed ever so gently against it, not yet entering the hole. The pressure felt strange, unique. I thought I knew how my body felt, but now I was discovering a whole new part of me. I was excited. Thrilled, even.

I applied a little more pressure and let out a tiny moan. More pressure, another moan. I took a deep breath and gently put the tip of my finger inside. I gasped at the sensation. The tightness around my finger surprised me. The intrusion of my finger turned me on. My toes curled. I probed further. I shut my eyes, silently screaming. I twisted my finger which prompted a strange sound from deep in my throat.

I kept my finger there for a few more seconds. When I removed it, fearing to go any further, I realized that for that whole time I had been holding my breath. I exhaled harshly and began drawing in large amounts of air. Sweat had formed at the top of my forehead.

But I did it. I had actually fingered my own asshole. It was good.

I had a week to practice before trying it with a penis.


The next few days seemed to last forever. I constantly sent Max flirty texts to keep him thinking about me. We both knew what was going to happen the night he got back.

In preparation, the day before he was supposed to come back, I decided to buy something new for the occasion. I went out and bought new lingerie, the really sexy, lacy kind. I got these really sexy high-waisted panties and matching bra. They were red and matched the color of my hair. It also happened to be Max’s favorite color. He’ll be the first to tell you he has a thing for redheads.

Not that I’m complaining.

When I got home, I decided to send him a little picture. I cleaned up, did my hair and makeup, changed into the lingerie and hopped onto my bed. I took a whole forty-five minutes posing, taking pictures, adjusting myself, taking more pictures, and finally settling on one I liked. It was actually kind of fun, sitting there looking all sexy, knowing that once Max saw the picture he’d be hooked. I decided on a picture where the laptop was to my left, capturing that side of my body so he could see both my face and my butt. My legs were tucked underneath me, and I had raised my ass a little. My hair fell down across my back, one hand running through it. The other hand was resting just underneath my left boob, and my head was turned so I was staring right into the camera, biting gently on my lower lip.

With the picture chosen, I tried to think of a caption. Eventually, I decided on a simple “Miss you baby” with the kissy face emoji. Short and sweet.

I sent the text with the picture and eagerly awaited Max’s response. After a nerve-wracking few minutes, I saw the three little dots pop up, indicating he was texting back. My heart skipped. I was so excited.

“Holy fucking shit,” he texted. “You looking fucking amazing. Is all that for me? It better still be there when I get back,” he finished, adding a winking emoji.

I giggled and replied: “All this and more,” I added with a heart.

“…more….?” Max texted back. “As in…?”

“Just hurry up and come back home to me.”

“Can fucking do.” A pause. “Jesus Christ babe, you look sooooo fucking good.”

“You should get some sleep, tiger. You’re gonna need all the energy you can get for tomorrow night.”

“Gonna be awfully tough sleeping with a hard on.” That made me laugh.

“It’ll help you dream about me,” I replied.

“What the hell do you think I’ve been dreaming about for the last week? Seriously, I keep waking up with early morning wood and it’s all your fault. Plus, there’s a picture of his grandparents right next to the couch and they just stare at me. Super creepy.” Just like him to take something super intimate and sexy and make a joke.

“They better not be getting more action than I do,” I playfully texted back. I was in too much of a good mood to care.

“Oh trust me, no one’s getting any action here. Not about to jack off while getting the death stare from old man Jenkins and big Bertha.” I laughed yet again.

“Isn’t that what bathrooms are for...?”

“Bathroom is off of Cory’s room. Ain’t about to let him listen to the glorious sounds I make as I beat my meat.”

“Omg Max you have such a way with words,” I texted with the laughing emoji.

“Always knew how to impress the ladies,” winky face included.

“Well, lucky for you, you won’t have to wait much longer... less than twenty-four hours.”

“God, I can’t fucking wait to bust a nut on your face,” then, quickly, “Shit, I meant tits. No wait, shit, mouth. No, pussy. Fuck. Your back. Feet? Fuck, I just really wanna have sex with you.” By this point, I was rolling with laughter.

“It’s been barely a week and you already have blue balls?”

“Guys have to cum like at least once every three days, else we go insane. Otherwise that shit gets backed up and we start going crazy.”

“Aww, you poor thing,” I added with the sad emoji.

His response took a while. Then, “Kiss it and make it better?” With the text came a picture of his fully erect penis. It caught me off guard, and normally I would’ve laughed at this sort of thing, but I was totally into it.

“I’ll do more than kiss it,” I replied. Taking a deep breath, I gave him a sneak peek into what could be expected of tomorrow night. “I’ll let you put it anywhere you want.”

More waiting. I knew his head must have been reeling at the possibilities and if I was being serious or not. “Like, ANYWHERE, anywhere?”


“…holy fuck.”

“Night, baby.”

“Yeah, yeah, night Gwen.”

I put my phone down on my nightstand and started to masturbate. Starting with my pussy, I moved one hand to my asshole. I’d been doing it every night. I was able to stretch out my hole just enough for two fingers. I was comfortable with that. I enjoyed that. And I was so horny that I couldn’t wait for Max to get home.


I saw Max coming down the hallway with all of the other passengers. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms, and he dropped his bags to catch me. I passionately kissed him, having missed the way his lips felt against mine. Still in his arms, I whispered “We need to get home, now.”

“As you wish,” he said grinning. He picked his bag up as I reached out for his other hand. I guided him out into the parking lot and into my car. It was already dark out.

As I got into the driver’s seat and put the key in the ignition, Max put his bag in the back and got inside. “How was your--” was all I could say before I was cut off. Max had reached over and grabbed the back of my head, bringing it towards his and began forcing his tongue into my mouth. I met his with mine, and we groped at each other for a bit. Max eventually started to kiss my neck, taking small bites as he did so. I moaned at the sensation.

“God, I missed you,” I said breathlessly.

“I missed you too,” Max said in my ear. “Now let’s get home and see what we’ve been missing.”

I composed myself as I started the engine and began the drive home. We were silent the whole drive, besides my occasional giggling in anticipation. He put his hand on my thigh, right where it met my hip, and kept it there. He turned his body to face mine better and watched me. I turned to him and giggled, about to ask him why he was looking at me, but he just softly shushed me and kept on watching me, hand on thigh. A smirk worked its way onto his face. I giggled some more.

The air between us was thick with desire. Somehow, in the darkness, his gaze felt powerful. Commanding. He could’ve told me to do anything in that moment and I probably would have. I so desperately wanted to get home, to undress, to fuck, to finally be with him again. I wanted to feel the warmth of his body pressed against mine, our bodies connected by his sex in mine. Twice I had to swerve the car to avoid an accident. I was too distracted by the man sitting next to me.

Once I pulled into a parking space, Max grabbed his bag from the back and we dashed up to my apartment. I unlocked the door and hit the light switch, but Max immediately hit again, keeping the place dark. He dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me. He came at me with such force I had to take a few steps back to avoid falling down. He tapped the back of my thighs, and I lifted my legs while lacing my arms behind his neck. He carried me back to the wall, pinning me against it. He continued making out with me while starting to rub his growing member against my crotch.

Eventually, after what I suppose was five or seven minutes, I gently pushed him back and made him release his hold on me. This time, I backed him up, hand on his chest, towards a chair. I was smiling seductively as he fell back into the chair. I started swinging my hips, slowly, while he reclined and blew out a long sigh. I teasingly played with the bottom of my shirt before lifting it over my head and tossing it to the ground. I was wearing the same bra from last night, and it made me boobs look sexy. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever worn a bra that made my boobs look that good in my life. My boobs aren’t big, they’re a little less than a handful, but they’re perky. And this bra pushed them up so perfectly, made them look so round, I couldn’t resist feeling good in it. Max’s eyes absolutely lit up when he saw it on me. He silently cursed. I smiled coyly.

“Like what you see?” I teased.

“They look even better in person,” Max said, not removing his eyes from my breasts.

I turned around, making a little show of it by swinging my hips sensuously and letting my hands run through my hair. Once my butt was facing him, I backed up so it was almost right in his face. I bent over and turned my head to face him. Then, I popped the button on my jeans and undid the zipper.

“Pull ‘em down, big man,” I whispered.

Max did so dutifully. He gripped my jeans on either side and began to yank them down, his patience having worn thin. He was done with the waiting. He was done with foreplay. His eyes said it all; he wanted to fuck me.

I stepped out of my pants as Max brought them to my ankles. He sat back in the chair and admired the front row seat he had to my ass, which was partly covered by the high-waisted panties. My ass is by far my most attractive feature (or so it has been pointed out to me), and the panties only made it look better. They only covered about three-fourths of my ass, but rode up to just below my belly button. The lace on the sides was sparse, and so my pale legs easily showed through.

“You look like a fucking dream,” he sighed. He rested one hand on a cheek, caressing it and occasionally dipping his fingers underneath the hem of my underwear.

I turned my head back around to face away from him. I took a deep breath and, with all of the courage and sexiness I could muster, asked him the question.

“Do you want to fuck me in my ass?”

Max’s hand froze. He was silent. I couldn’t even hear him breathe. My heart was beating so hard in my chest, I could barely think. The nerves came in full force. See? You shouldn’t have asked him! Now he thinks you’re a slut with daddy issues or something, and he’s going to leave you, and you’re going to die al-

I heard the distinct sound of Max’s zipper. I heard him push his own pants down and off. I heard the sound of the chair moving across the floor as he stood up. He grabbed my hips, then the waistband of my panties. He started to pull them down.

“Wait, I didn’t mean right now!” I exclaimed, standing up straight and trying to turn around.

“What?” Max said, a strong dose of impatience injected into the word.

“We need to do other stuff first, and I need lube…” I trailed off, our eyes meeting.

“You have some?”

“Yeah, in my room…”

“Let’s fucking go then,” he said while he swatted my ass a few times, mushing me into my bedroom.

I dashed into my room and jumped on the bed, reaching over to my nightstand. Max yanked his shirt off and followed me onto the bed. I got the lube out and set it on the nightstand, then turned back to Max.

“The fuck? Aren’t we gonna use it?” he asked indignantly.

“I wanna do other stuff first…” I made a move for his cock and wrapped one hand around it. It twitched at my touch, and Max groaned deep in his throat.

“Trust me, it’ll all be alright,” I said seductively, lying on my tummy while Max sat on his knees. I began to lick the tip of his penis. I kissed it too, and then kissed the underside of his penis, all the way down to his balls. On my way back up, I licked his length, and started to lick up and down his shaft. Max looked down at me, chest heaving, while he pushed my hair back behind me.

I took the head into my mouth, licking up the little bit of pre-cum that had accumulated there. I ran one hand slowly up and down his shaft, then removed it as I started to take more of his length in my mouth. I moved slowly down while my tongue lapped happily over his girth. After holding a small amount of him in my mouth, I pulled back and off of it. I put my hand up to my mouth, spit into it, and coated his cock with it.

“Woah, when did you turn into the blowjob queen?” Max teased me.

I gave him the finger as I once again took his shaft into my mouth.

“Oh, blow me,” he said, holding back a grin.

I started to take my mouth off of him again to make a remark, but he put his hands on the back of my head, preventing me from doing so.

“Shhhh, less talk, more suck.”

I returned my attention to his penis, which I began to take in more of. It was true though: I wasn’t really all that great at blowjobs. I always found them messy and the idea of spitting on something and then licking it seriously grossed me out. I give them because I know guys love it, and I was mostly considered “good enough” up until that night. But over the course of the past week, I changed. My sexual appetite grew.

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I was ready and wanting to give him the dirtiest, messiest, most obscene blowjob he had ever received. One straight out of a porno.

I picked up the pace, engulfing more of his pulsing cock. I was more than a couple inches down on him when I had to release him so I could breathe better.

Before Max could make a joke or a sarcastic comment, I enthusiastically returned his cock to my mouth, resuming almost where I left off. I rested my hands on his thighs as I took more and more of him, his tip now tickling my throat. I was lapping him up and down, up and down.

“Oh fuck,” Max exhaled. I could tell he was impressed.

Again I removed my mouth, but this time, I spit directly onto his shaft before taking him right back. As I worked my way down his shaft, I made sure to create a lot of saliva, so that it made his dick shine even in the dark bedroom. I made it most of the way down his length before I started to choke on it. I quickly pulled back, coughed, spit back onto his shaft again, and resumed. By this point, my pace was much faster.

Max started laughing in disbelief. I looked up at him, mouth full of delicious cock.

“Let me take over for a quick sec,” Max said, cupping and gripping my hair into a ponytail in one hand, and placing the other on top of my head. I paused, waiting for what came next. Feeling comfortable with his grip on my head and hair, Max began to thrust harshly into my mouth. He moved quickly, too fast for me react to.

“When I say swallow, swallow hard, got it?” Max said in between thrusts.

In the back of my throat I made a “mhm” sound. Max kept thrusting for a few seconds. I knew what he was going to do. I was nervous, and quickly hoped that I wouldn’t cough him up or gag on him. Then I refocused, pulling my attention to the small amounts of pre-cum that lingered in my mouth. He tasted sweet and salty. I focused on his smell, his musky, sexy smell. I was enjoying it, his taste and smell, as well as his reactions. I could feel my panties start to dampen.

“Now!” Max yelled.

I swallowed as hard as I could. I had to close my eyes as his length powered down the back of my throat. I started gagging immediately. I opened my eyes, which were tearing, and realized my nose was tickling the little hairs just above his penis. Holy shit, I thought, I’m doing it!

Max’s hands were tight on my head and hair, and his cock throbbed in my mouth and throat. Saliva oozed out of the corners of my mouth. Max was looking down at me. For a moment, I looked back at him. Then he released his hold on me and pulled his mighty cock out of my mouth. I gasped for air intensely for a moment, spitting the excess saliva out onto the sheets.

Max fell back onto his butt and was stroking his cock by the time I had managed to regain my composure. I looked over at him and licked my lips, panting.

“I am the fucking queen,” I claimed.

“Yeah you fucking are,” Max laughed in agreement. He had this look of disbelief coupled with pleasure that made my knees weak. He was looking at me that way. I made him feel that. I felt powerful. I felt aroused. I felt like no one could say shit about me or to me ever again. I felt like a champion. I felt like--

“The fucking queen,” I repeated.

The thought was clear on Max’s face. “Yeah, you’re the fucking queen,” he said, bewildered. “That was one of the hottest things I have ever seen.”

I laughed a little. “Ready for part two?”

A look of confusion washed over Max’s face. “Part two…?”

“Don’t tell me you forgot already,” I said as I reached behind me for the lube.

Looking at it, it finally dawned on Max. “Holy shit, how could I forget? Jesus, you must’ve sucked parts of my brain out too.” We both laughed, then sat in silence, catching our respective breaths.

“You uh, you still sure about this?” Max asked, genuinely and kindly. It was such a sudden shift. I was expecting him to make a joke, or say something corny. Not be gentle.

“Yeah, I want this. I want to do this,” I said softly. “Do you?” I added.

“Yes, yeah, but only if you do.”

“I do.”

“Okay then,” Max said as he crawled over to me.

I handed him the bottle. “You probably won’t need too much more for you, but I’ll definitely need some,” I said, pointing at his saliva- and pre-cum-coated penis.

“Yeah, whatever you need.” His kindness and gentleness were disarming. As I spun around on the bed and got into the doggy position, it occurred to me that Max had never really been vulnerable with me. Never in the bedroom, and only twice when we were just talking. It made what we were about to do feel so much more…intimate. I smiled to myself.

Behind me, I could hear Max squirt the bottle. First, he put some on himself, then lightly put some on me. He dabbed the lube all around my hole, then asked if it was enough. I told him to put more on, recalling that basically everyone online said there’s no such thing as too much lube.

After he put a generous amount on me, he capped the bottle and set it down nearby. He cleared his throat and grabbed my hips gently. “You ready?” he asked softly.

“Mhm,” I returned. I was biting down hard on my lip. This was it. The big leagues.

I felt him start to move in towards me, then yelled “Wait!”

Panicking, Max pulled back and released his hands from me. “What!” he asked with concern.

“I just…my safe word’s ‘unicorn,’” I said, a lot less confidently than I wanted to.

“Okay. Of course. Unicorn,” Max said calmly. “You say the word and I’ll stop immediately. You are in control of this, okay?”

His voice was so soft, so considerate, so cozy, I just wanted to embrace him and kiss him and love him forever. What I did was say “Okay,” and nod my head in agreement.

Max slowly returned his hands to my hips and got himself into a comfortable position. Again, he cautiously moved towards me, and as the very tip of his cock touched my ass, I pulled away from him and yelled “Wait!” again.

“What?” Max asked again, not annoyed or impatient, but with the same amount of genuine care as he did before.

“Just…go slow,” I pleaded. “And be gentle,” I added after a few seconds of silence.

Max put his hand on my shoulder. It was warm, and my shoulder fit perfectly into the curvature of his hand. It felt like a blanket.

I turned around to face him and immediately melted. His face, usually drawn up into that silly grin of his, was relaxed and soft. He had a small, inviting smile and his eyes looked at me with a softness and care they never had before. My skin was covered in goosebumps. My mouth went dry. We stayed there, unable to shake the connection we had formed.

Max broke the silence. “Of course I’ll be gentle,” he said, running his other hand through my hair.

I was caught in between emotions. Just seconds ago, I was declaring myself the blowjob queen. It was lusty, physical, sexy. Now it was warm, loving, and that funny butterfly feeling you get in your stomach that you can’t quite explain. I wanted to stay in that moment, caught euphorically between love and lust.

“Are you ready?”

Max’s voice snapped me back to reality. I realized I had closed my eyes and opened them. I looked at him and said, “Yes.”

I turned back around. Max, for the third time, took his position. I was taking deep breaths. I felt the tip of his head poke against the entrance to my hole. I tensed up. It was so much different from my finger. This was something completely foreign, something that wasn’t attached to me. He moved his hands down from my hips and spread my cheeks apart to get a better view. He took one hand away once he had aligned himself and gripped his shaft. Gently, slowly, like I asked, he pushed.

My whole body tensed up. My toes curled. My breath was cut short. My eyes shot wide open. My mouth moved, but produced no sound. My fingers curled and grabbed at the sheets. Max had passed, if ever so slightly, inside of me.

I moaned, loud and long. Max let out a small grunt himself.

“Fuck, that’s tight,” he said, clearly enjoying the sensation. I, meanwhile, was lost in my own sensations. My nerves flared around my hole. It was like my insides were on fire. It hurt, but there was a fascination with the feeling. My whole body reacted to his entry, delighting in this new penetration.

“Just let me rock against you,” I said breathlessly. He maintained his position, unmoving. I slowly rocked back and forth, easing him into me while he stayed firmly in his place. Before I knew it, I had gotten the entirety of his head in my asshole.

“Shit,” I cursed aloud. I could barely breathe. If it felt like my hole was on fire before, it was now engulfed in a blazing inferno. Goosebumps appeared all over me, my senses completely focused on the cock inside of me. Instinctually, my hand went down to my clit and began rubbing it. I rode the strong waves of orgasm, howling into the night.

I kept bobbing back on forth on his cock while my muscles contracted and finally relaxed. Just as I was climaxing, Max gave me a hard smack on my ass.

“You like this dick in your ass, don’t you?” It was more of a statement than a question, really.

“Mmm, yes, I love it,” I moaned back.

Just then, I felt Max’s hands tighten on my hips, and I swear I could almost feel his dick pulsing inside of me. Max abruptly paused, not sure if I was willing to take his load back there as well. Reading his mind, I turned my head back to face him and told him exactly what I wanted.

“I want you to come in my ass.”

The desire in my voice, the need in my voice practically dripping from my mouth, sent him into shock. He orgasmed, right then and there. I felt him buckle behind me, felt his cock’s tiny contractions as he released an obscene amount of his spunk inside of me. He growled, moaned, made strange noises I’d never heard him (or anyone else, for that matter) make before. Finishing, he was panting while half-crying.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he said with each breath. “Ohhh, you fucking ruined me, Gwen. You fucking killed me.”

We both laughed that winded, painful champion’s laugh, like a long distance runner being the first one to cross the finish line.

I slowly rose up and off of him, severing our bodily connection. I crawled into his arms and we collapsed on the pillows. He wrapped one arm around me, the other laying at his side. I moved my hand down to his balls and gently squeezed them and stretched them, emptying the poor sacks of all his cum. I could still feel the warm stickiness of some of it inside me. A small droplet was running out of my asshole, down my hip and onto the sheets.

After almost twenty minutes, Max finally spoke up. “Where did you…?” was all he could manage.

“Shhh,” I said as I put one finger to his lips.

More silence. Sleep came to both of us in a matter of seconds after that.


I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. The blinds were pulled, but the sun was hitting them at just the right angle so that a clear line could be drawn from my eyes to the sun. I quickly shut them and turned over, groaning. As I realized I was not going to fall back asleep, I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

I was sore. It was only a dull ache, but I noticed it all the same. Still waking up, I was confused as to why my butt was sore, and then it all came back to me. I giggled. A small slice of the pleasure and warmth from last night swiftly made a run through my body, and I clung to it as I stretched. I noticed that Max wasn’t in bed, but then the sweet smell of pancakes and bacon came wafting through my bedroom door. I got out of bed and grabbed Max’s shirt from the night before. It came down to just above halfway down my thigh, and looked rather silly on me due to its large size, but I knew it’d be sexy for him to see me in it. I went to the bathroom, fixed my hair a little, and went out to the kitchen to meet Max.

As I crept out of my bedroom and into the main room, the smell of sweet, sweet breakfast food was overwhelming. I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and moaned at the scent. Max, who could see me from the kitchen, turned and looked at me.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said giddily.

“That smells amazing babe,” I said, still standing by my bedroom door.

“Thanks,” he said, turning his attention back to his preparations.

I waited patiently.

He turned his head around to face me, realizing I hadn’t moved. “What?” he said, laughing. I stared at him with a knowing smile. He was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs.

And he looked absolutely stunning in them.

He set his cooking utensils down and turned around completely to face me. I strutted over to the tiny kitchen table and bounced down into a chair. Max leered at me the whole time.

“I’m tempted to say something about how good you look in my shirt,” he said.

“Oh?” I said, acting as innocently as I could.

“And then follow that up with something about how it would look better on the floor,” he continued, flashing that infamous grin of his.

“Ugh! How lecherous! I am a lady, young man,” I teased, pretending to sound like an old British woman.

“Yeah, except ladies don’t do it in the ass,” he teased back.

I straightened up in my chair and scoffed, as if I were offended.

“Come here,” he said quietly.

I leaned in, not quite sure I heard him.

“Come here,” he repeated, still smiling.

I got up slowly and strutted again, this time over to the small kitchen nook where Max was. I cupped his face in my hands and we kissed. It was the soft, after-sex kind of kiss. Relaxed, sensual, full of slow, heavy breathing since we were still recovering from last night. His hands moved down and lifted up the back of my shirt to above my hips, then cupped my ass with his hands. He kneaded and squeezed my cheeks while I ran my hands through his hair. I could feel him growing in his boxer briefs, his hardening pecker tickling my tummy.

Suddenly, he lifted me up and sat me down on the counter. It surprised me so much I screamed a little, then laughed before he started kissing me again. He scooted me forward so that I was just barely able to hold my position on the counter and lifted my shirt up so that he could see my vagina.

“Just remembered I totally forgot to say hello to this pretty kitty last night,” he growled in my ear.

I blushed and giggled, barely noticing the sound of bacon sizzling. Max brought his pointer finger to my mouth and I opened it accordingly. I wrapped my lips and tongue around it, sucking on it intently. He pulled it out with a wet pop! sound and moved it to my other pair of lips. He ran his finger up and down the length of my sex, and I shuddered. I slammed my hands on his shoulder blades as I leaned forward, unable to keep myself from falling off as I lost myself to his touch. He began kissing the side of my neck, moving up all the way up to the top of my ear before moving back down again. He slipped his finger inside of me once he reached the top of my ear the first time, and massaged my inner walls. His touch in my pussy and on my neck were soft, almost mesmerizing. His other hand wrapped around to my spine to keep me in close to him.

I don’t know how long we stayed there for. It felt so good after a night of debauchery to just be treated gently and easily. It was finally ruined by a bad smell.

Max moved his around to face mine and sniffed the air. “Do you smell that?” he asked.

“No, don’t stop, keep going,” I begged him.

“No, seriously, Gwen, do you smell that?”

I rolled my eyes and concentrated on the smell. It smelled like something was burning.

The bacon.

“Aw shit!” Max exclaimed.

He quickly pulled away from me and took the bacon off the stove, turning the overhead fan on to its highest setting. The bacon itself was super burnt and crusty.

“Well, there’s still pancakes if you want ‘em,” he offered.

I crossed my arms, sighed, and got off of the counter. My mood improved as we ate, talking about how much we missed each other, the stuff we did during the week, before finally arriving at last night.

“So, first it was dirty talk and choking, now it’s sloppy blowjobs and anal?” Max recounted.

“Yep!” I said proudly in between bites of pancake.

“Your dad must fucking hate me,” Max joked. I gave him a punch in the shoulder.

“Ow! Hey, I’m not the one who declared herself the blowjob queen,” Max pointed out. I made like I was about to punch him again and he flinched.

“Pussy,” I said with a mouthful of pancake.

“With holes like yours, you can call me whatever you like,” Max said, clearly amused with himself.

“Hey, I like you right now, don’t be an asshole and ruin that,” I said.

“Damn, you only like me right now? I’m hurt,” he said sarcastically.

I just glared at him before turning back to my food.

“Wait, if I’m the asshole, does that mean you’ll fuck me in the ass next?” Max said, moving his hands around as if he were solving a math equation on a board.

“You want me too?” I said, perhaps a little overenthusiastically.

“Sure, but my safe word’s ‘unicorn,’” he said, turning back to me and grinning widely.

“Fuck off,” I said, my cheeks blushing.

“No seriously, I wanna talk about this,” Max teased.

“I don’t.”

“Come on, there’s gotta be a story behind it,” he joked, trying to make eye contact with me. I kept shifting my gaze to avoid his.

“Please Gwen, pretty please? Pleaseee,” Max begged. “It’s just so…unique.”

“You know other girls’ safe words?” I said, trying to corner him.

“Of course not! Well, only the ones my friends tell me that they and their girlfriends use. And don’t change the subject.” He got up and moved his chair along the table to sit next to me.

An idea came to me while he continued begging.

“Okay,” I conceded. “I’ll tell you. But on one condition.”

“Yes! Absolutely! You name it,” Max said, eager for my answer.

I raised my eyebrows, but said nothing.

“Yesss…?” Max waited.

“I get to fuck you in the ass,” I said, giving him a kiss on the tip of his nose.

His smile disappeared and his eyes bulged slightly at the notion. I had successfully stunned him into silence.

I grinned widely. “Chickenshit,” I threw back at him.

The Night over a week ago may have been “the night I sexually blossomed,” but that previous night was the night I held the power. And it was oh so sweet.



Written by Nirvana_plus
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