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Service With a Smile

"My new career brings personal service to a whole new level"

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I glanced into the mirror as I finished getting ready for my voyage into entrepreneurship. The face looking back at me exuded charm and confidence. The inner man did not match the exterior, but it was just a case of nerves, I told myself.

I'm just over thirty years old, tall and built like a tight end. My body is toned, thanks to Uncle Sam and untold hours in the gym. My shoulders are broad, and my torso is tapered down to a waist which actually does show a six pack of abs. Narrow hips, long well-muscled legs, and long feet complete the package.

I'd been blessed with a handsome face. I'm not vain about it, as I'd done nothing to deserve it, just like the mole on my groin. It was heredity, simply a fact of life. While not being stuck on myself, I didn't turn down any of the benefits that came from being handsome. I did alright with the ladies.

My green eyes looked back at me from under thick dark eyebrows. A high forehead ended at a thick brush of wiry dark hair, cut short and brushed back. It stays short because my occupation was one involving a warm, sometimes very hot working environment. I am a chef by trade.

I've always been a foodie. I love to eat, to experience the sensuality of a fine meal. Even a grilled cheese sandwich can be a carnal delight if it's done right.

I started cooking around the time I became a teenager. Simple things to start, of course, but by the time I got out of high school I could lay down a pretty impressive meal, having the courses come off the stove at the proper time and in the correct sequence. I looked at it as a military campaign, making the preparations, doing the planning, culminating in the actual preparation of the food, complete with a proper presentation.

After graduating high school I spent my time doing short order cooking, first at one of the chain breakfast joints.This was a cakewalk for me, the only difference being there was an unending stream of orders to complete. Also, there was unceasing prep work, especially for the next shift cook who needed to have things ready so he could hit the ground running, spatula in hand. It was fun, I learned a few things, and I made enough money to run around and party a little. All in all, not an unpleasant first year following school, but I was also aware it was doing little to advance myself toward a more fulfilling future.

I joined the military about a year following graduation. Nothing exciting was happening in my life. I was dating, but they were casual affairs, nothing serious. It was amazing how many of the girls I knew from high school, the ones who weren't very friendly or who were too far up the social ladder to notice me, suddenly found me interesting. While these relationships were short-lived, they did involve a lot of sex. It took me a while to figure out that girls talk, and I had become an item on the grapevine. Like the old Bob Segar lyric says "I used her, she used me, and neither one cared."

Ok, so I have a big cock, and I was learning how to use it. Everyone thinks if you're hung that's all it takes. That, my friend, is total and complete bullshit. Anyone can be a fucker, but it takes study and dedication to become a lover. You can buy any jerkwad a set of wrenches, but it takes a lot of time and experience, along with dedication and a willingness to learn, to become a mechanic.

I'd learned a lot about female physiology, what and where the parts are and their function. I knew where the infamous G-spot was, when and how to stimulate it. The clitoris and its role in pleasure creation was part of my study. You'd be amazed at how many guys don't know where these structures are, what they do. Some guys think that if they stick it in and pop up and down the woman will automatically go insane with pleasure. Some guys don't give their partner oral stimulation either. In my not so humble opinion, these are the guys who don't get laid, the ones spending the weekends at the bar waiting for some chick to get drunk enough to say yes. If the woman in question is lucky enough they'll have been too drunk to remember the encounter.

I'd joined the military as I said. The Navy was my choice, as I figured I'd get to see the world as the advertisements promised. What I got to see was the inside of a ship's galley, which was alright. I'd been introduced to the world of institutional cooking, where the goal was to feed a crowd as quickly and efficiently as possible while making the food as appetizing as possible. That is not an easy accomplishment, but my fellow cooks and I managed to do some amazing things with the tools at hand. A well-fed sailor is a happy sailor. But he'll still bitch, given half an opportunity.

At our ports of call, it was all hands overboard. I did get to see the world as well as sample the delights of a number of foreign cities. I enjoyed the local cuisine and the cultures, including the local ladies. Many of these were very friendly and compliant when it came to sex. I always delighted in the endless variety of women, from the frosty blondes of Scandinavia to the dusky beauties of Spain and Portugal, to the lovely black women of the African continent.

After ten years in the Navy I'd seen about as much of our planet as I wanted to, so I mustered out and returned to my home city. While I had been secure in my niche in the Navy the civilian economy had fallen into recession, and employment was difficult. I looked for work as a cook in the federal government, but the few available positions available required I relocate, which was not on my 'to do list'.

I decided to go all in, use my G.I. Bill benefits and attend a culinary school. That was a great experience, learning a lot about food chemistry and the finer arts of preparation and presentation.

One of my fellow attendees was a younger woman named Gloria. She was a petite little firecracker of a redhead and she provided all the entertainment I could ever ask for. I think the term is insatiable, I'm pretty sure that her picture is in the dictionary alongside that word. I'll never forget her tiny breasts with her little hard nipples and what she looked like when she was on top of me, riding me like a rented horse.

When we completed our courses we parted ways, realizing that what we'd both enjoyed was more recreational than romantic. That's how things go, how the cookie crumbles. I'd learned though that if the cookies crumble, they probably needed more egg in the batter.

Employment prospects were still poor. The better motels were staffed and the people who had gigs as their executive chefs were holding on to their jobs. I didn't want to go back to being a hash slinger, maybe it was a matter of pride, as much as a matter of economics. Which slinging hash was a good job for a kid out of high school, it didn't make the grade for someone with my training, experience, and ambition.

I went out on a limb and took out an ad in an executive magazine. I offered a very personal dining experience to the busy executive, one which had me come to their suite and preparing a meal fresh on site. I knew that even in the worst of times, the upper echelon finds a way to live well. My plan was to offer a pampering and sensory experience while charging an exorbitant fee. It only costs a little more to go first class, right?

I had my website up and running, complete with displays of my offerings. My photo also was featured prominently, along with my fee schedule. Now, all I could do was wait. The line was in the water, the bait was on the hook, all I needed was a fish to come along and take my offering.

I was thrilled to receive my first booking two weeks later. My client was a forty-something lady executive in town to oversee the reorganization of a branch of her company. She'd be arriving late on Saturday evening and wanted my services for the following afternoon. Her name was Alexa Chambers.

I got busy assembling my wares, knowing the facility at which she was staying included a kitchenette. I could do a lot of the prep work in the morning, leaving the main course to cook on site.

I'd given a number of menu options on my website, basing my offerings on seafood, beef, pork, poultry, or vegetarian. I'd also included that other offerings were available on request, though I hoped most would stick to the tried and true basics. Ms. Chambers, bless her soul, had selected seafood for her cuisine choice. This would be fun for me and delicious for her.

I went to market, getting crab and salmon as the basis of my meal, along with some fine tender young asparagus, salad greens, cherry tomatoes, yeast rolls, and dark chocolate, as well as a number of minor ingredients.

I also selected the wine to accompany the meal, a fine California white as well as a bottle of Asti Spumante to pair with the dessert course.

I went home and started by preparing the stuffing for ‘crab rangoon’, a nice little appetizer. I'd stuff the wonton wrappers tomorrow just before going to my appointment. Ditto the dessert course, a dark chocolate mousse, which I'd make now, pour into a brandy snifter so it could set. I'd whip heavy cream for the topping on site, as well as shave more dark chocolate slivers on top to crown the offering.

The main course was to be salmon almondine, a dish with differing textures to tease the palate. I also planned to pair that with sauteed asparagus. All in all, a tasty and healthy dinner was in the offing.

Having done all I could do, I packed my cart with all the utensils I'd need. In my experience, when a facility said they had an equipped kitchen, that meant a bottle opener and a wine corkscrew. They must have known the guests would be dining out and only needed a way to open their alcoholic libation of choice. Heaven forbid, they actually have a decent set of knives available. So, I packed pans, whisks, tongs, and everything else I'd need. Tomorrow I'd get everything into my SUV and set sail on this adventure.

My arrival was scheduled for 4 PM, and I was punctual. I knew that everyone hates to be kept waiting, and executives more so than most. I had on my chef's whites, jacket, and trousers over my well polished black slippers. Attention to detail wins the battle, that's my motto.

Ms. Alexa Chambers opened the door to me and greeted me in a businesslike manner. She was not aloof, nor was she excessively friendly. If she was forty, she didn't look it, being very trim and well groomed, with not a trace of wrinkles about her blue eyes or her mouth. She was about five feet six inches tall with ash blonde hair, which was pulled back into a French braid. She presented a very attractive and poised picture.

She welcomed me in and showed me the kitchen area. I smiled and told her it was adequate for my needs. She then told me she had just arrived herself, her flight of the previous night having been canceled, and would like to have a shower before dinner if there was time for it. I assured her that the timing should be fine, wished her an enjoyable shower, and set to work.

Quickly I chopped Romaine lettuce, washed it along with the cherry tomatoes, cut fresh cucumber slices for salad as I preheated the oven to bake the ‘crab rangoon’. I arranged the ingredients for the Caesar dressing she had requested and quickly assembled them into a creamy dressing which I popped into the fridge to chill. I put the wine into a bucket of ice to cool a bit, but not too much, as it needed to be awake for her enjoyment.

I could hear the shower as I worked and saw that she hadn't closed the bathroom door but left it well ajar. I heard the shower cut off and knew she'd be out in a few minutes.

Into the oven went the crab wontons, along with the yeast rolls. I set to work on the salmon, skinning it, rinsing it, then patting it dry. I prepared the dredge for the salmon, using almond meal, adding chopped parsley, lemon zest, salt and white pepper for this step. I lightly beat an egg, dredged the salmon fillet in the beaten egg, then dredged it in my almond meal mixture. I let the fillet rest a minute for the coating to adhere well. While waiting I took a heavy pan and melted butter to a sizzle, then added the fish.

As this was starting, I pulled the delicately browned  ‘crab rangoon’ from the oven. A few minutes later the rolls came out, also browned perfection. I left the oven on, knowing I'd need it again in a short while. Things were going fantastically well if I do say so myself. I put another skillet on, melted butter and started the asparagus.

A voice from behind me said, "That smells delicious!"

I turned and was surprised at the change in Alexa Chambers. Gone was the business attire and instead she was robed in a long plum colored kimono tied with a black sash. On her feet, and I shit you not, were fuzzy slippers. When she saw me noticing them she laughed and said her feet were always cold. I laughed right along with her.

"I hope you won't mind but I'll just stand here and watch you work. I love the sight of a man in the kitchen."

I agreed that would be just fine and kept at my task. I flipped the salmon as well as the asparagus and started to toast a handful of almond slivers.

"I'll pour us both some wine if that's alright," she said. "And you can call me Alexa. I don't bite, at least when I'm off work I don't."

I heard the cork pop and she set a glass of pale golden liquid on the counter within easy reach. I turned enough to smile my thanks and she tilted her glass toward me in a silent salute.

I plated the crab wontons and told her that if she wished she could start.

"Great. I'm starved and it's been a long trip. I need some nourishment and this looks just divine."

I took the plate to the table and used a set of mini tongs to serve her, setting them aside for her use to refill if she desired. I'd prepared ten, figuring even the healthiest appetite would be satiated with that amount.

I returned to the kitchen, assembled the salad and put the croutons I'd made earlier in the oven to crisp a bit. I got out the freshly made Caesar dressing and took it, the salad, and crunchy croutons to her table and presented them with a smile.

Her smile said thank you and she attacked it with gusto. She'd polished off five crab rangoon, so she wasn't a big eater. I hoped that was the case, as I'd be crushed if she hated my crab rangoon.

After a few minutes, I plated the salmon, sprinkled the top with the toasted almond slivers, added a lemon slice. On the plate, beside the salmon, I laid a bed of greens and stacked the asparagus spears on this verdant bed. I was cutting it close and the salmon was well crusted, just short of being overdone. I let the fish rest a few minutes as she worked on her salad.

As I presented the main course to her she sat back and stretched like a cat. I took that as a sign of contentment.

She took a bite of the flaky salmon and exclaimed, "Oh my God, THIS is so perfect! I've never had better in my life, and this is one of my favorite dishes!" I couldn't help but smile like the Cheshire cat.

I returned to my galley and got out the chocolate mousse. While she ate, it'd have a chance to warm a little as I whipped the cream for the topping. I had the cream in a vessel whipping away when I felt a pair of hands lightly rest themselves on my hips.

"When you do that, it makes your butt shake in the absolutely most provocative way."

"Then I'd better continue doing it, don't you agree?"

"I certainly do."

I felt her hands move, saw then lace themselves across my stomach, felt her warm and firm body press itself against me.

I was a little nonplussed, to put it mildly.

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She'd done nothing to hint toward having a physical attraction toward me, and I certainly hadn't done anything flirtatious. So, this turn of events came as a bolt out of the blue.

"I'm not sure dessert will be ready if we keep doing this," I demurred.

"I have faith in your abilities. You're not even multitasking. You're doing one thing, and I'm doing one thing. What could be simpler than that?" She leaned even closer to my back and I could distinctly feel her firm breasts pressing against my white jacket.

The cream was ready, having stiffened into soft peaks. That wasn't the only thing that had begun to stiffen. My cock had started to awake and its peak was definitely not soft.

"Um, I'm really flattered by this. I'm a little surprised, though. If it's alright with you, can we maybe explore things further after dessert?"

She giggled like a schoolgirl and said "I'm sorry, I'm being a bad girl. It's your fault, wiggling your sexy butt like that. What else is a girl supposed to do when presented with such a sight?"

I smiled but had no reply. I'd love to be like one of the guys in the movies, have a snappy comeback for every situation, but the writing staff had apparently gone on strike. The proverbial cat had my tongue.

Alexa peeled herself from my back, watched as I added sugar to the whipped cream and put an indulgent dollop on the top of the mousse. I shaved a piece of dark chocolate onto the top and presented it to her. I popped the cork on the Asti and held it out to her.

She took it to the sofa, sat down and patted the cushion beside her for me to come sit with her. I grabbed the bottle of Asti and followed her. She took a spoonful and closed her eyes in bliss. Opening her blue orbs she got another spoonful and offered it to me. I took it, and I have to say it was pretty decadent. That's how the dessert course went, her feeding herself and then me until it was all gone. We both sipped the Asti, which was a good choice with the mousse.

When she'd licked the last bit of deliciousness from her lips, she leaned in and gave me a kiss. She was delicious, both from our dessert and in her own right. I returned her kiss with a growing enthusiasm. Her tongue came out to play, finding my own, and they began a teasing dance of their own. She wickedly sucked my tongue into her mouth, held it between her teeth, then released it.

Alexa stood and stepped between my knees, then sat on one of my legs, wrapping her arms around my neck as she kissed me again. My arms automatically encircled her, my hands began caressing her back and shoulders. What I could feel under the silky kimono was warm, firm, and very sexy.

Alexa stopped kissing me and pulled slightly away, looking into my eyes.

"I hope you won't think badly of me, but I'd like it very much if we could fuck."

For a reply, I brushed her breasts with my hands through her robe. She moaned softly, took my hand, arose and led me toward the master bedroom suite. She turned to me again and undid the sash of her kimono, allowing it to open and give me a view of her.

She wore no panties, and her mound was as smooth as a newborn. Her lips were full and luscious nestled in the valley between her shapely thighs. Her belly was flat, with just a tiny pooch below her navel, something I'd always found to be extremely feminine and sexy. Her breasts were rounded, perhaps on the border between a B and C cup, not large enough to be vulgar but certainly large enough to be interesting.

Her skin was very pale, showing she spent her time at the desk instead of by a pool sunning herself. She had also not been to a tanning bed, as there were no tan lines to be found. All that could be found was a sprinkling of small freckles across her chest, which I found enticing.

Her hands moved, unbuttoning my white jacket and slipping it from my shoulders. I'd worn a dark green Tee underneath and she peeled it off as well. She deftly managed my belt and snap, then the zipper. She pushed my pants downward, then knelt to remove my shoes and socks, finishing by removing my pants.

Her hand rested on my bulge through my briefs, getting an idea of my size. She leaned in and kissed it through the material, then hooked her fingers into my briefs and tugged then down. I stepped free of them, stood there before her in my birthday suit.

My hands moved to her shoulders, pushed the kimono off of them, it pooled on the floor around her form. She looked lovely, like some pale wood nymph kneeling by her pool. I, as always, was filled with awe at the sheer artistry of the female form.

Her hand found me again and it cradled my ball sack. I adjusted to give her total freedom, and she started to caress my balls, tease them with her fingernails, squeeze them gently. She leaned close and took the head of my cock between her lips, teased the opening with the tip of her tongue, very slowly and voluptuously. My hands were resting on her shoulders as she did this, my head was thrown back with my eyes closed. I was savoring every sensation, every move she made.

I felt her tongue as she licked down my shaft to my groin. I was very hard by now, responding to her attention. She licked back up the other side while still teasing my balls. Her pink tongue came out and lapped at the glans of my cock with slow languorous strokes. She started to flick her tongue rapidly on the rim of the glans, intensely stimulating me.

She looked up, her eyes locking with mine as she said "I want it dirty. Be as nasty as you want to be."

I rewarded her by taking my cock and slapping her across the face with it. I took it in my hand and struck her on the cheeks, her closed eyes, her slightly parted lips. I pushed the head against her lips and she opened to me. I grasped her head between my hands and rammed my cock down her throat. As I pulled it out she gasped for air. I shoved it in again, all the way to the root.

I took her hands, pulled her to her feet. I pushed her back on the bed and got between her legs, forcing them apart. She never protested, never resisted me. I put the head of my cock to her bare pussy and slid it into her, almost all the way. She was already drenched and my cock glided easily within her. I withdrew half way then slammed myself fully into her. I started fucking her savagely, taking her legs and holding them high in the air as I ravaged her silky cunt.

After a few minutes of this, I needed to change the pace or I'd pop like a wine cork. I took my cock out of her and got off the bed. I walked beside it to her face. I grabbed her hair, pulled her to my cock and rubbed it all over her face. "How do you like my cock now, all slick from your dripping cunt? Does it smell good? Do you want to taste your cunt on it?"

For a reply she stuck her tongue out, trying to lick her juices from my cock. I wouldn't let her have any. Instead, I shoved her face away, went back to the foot of the bed.

"On your knees!" No please, no thank you, just that harsh command from me.

The sight was fantastic, I must say. Her sleek thighs atop which her round tight ass sat was beautiful. Her tiny puckered starfish was on full display, clenched tight but totally exposed. She looked vulnerable and hot as hell.

I put my cock into her pussy again and rode her as hard as I could, my hands around her hips yanking her onto my impaling cock. I took my right hand and slapped her ass hard, and she squealed like a frightened kitten. I slapped the other cheek and she mewed again. The sound as I'd slapped her tight little ass was like a pistol shot. I didn't hold back; my hand print was clearly visible where I'd given her a whack.

I jerked my cock out of her abruptly and put my silky cock head to her starfish and pushed steadily. I didn't want to hurt her but if she wanted hard and nasty, so be it. She was very tight but managed to relax a little and my cock head started to disappear into her brown eye. I could almost hear an audible plop when it gained entry. I kept pushing, slowly but firmly, and watched as her tight ass gobbled every bit of my hard cock. When I was in all the way I felt my balls tap the back of her thighs. I grasped her hips again and started fucking her ass, long slow strokes, almost coming out then going back in until my balls bumped her sexy thighs. In my mind's eye, I imagined my cock head bumping her tonsils when I bottomed out in her creamy ass.

I reached around to stroke her clit but found her hand already busy. She was rubbing her pleasure button furiously, and her breath was coming in short rapid pants. That made me even harder, if that was possible, her taking charge of her own orgasm. I knew she was close and kept stroking her ass as she brought herself over the finish line. Her ass was spasming around my cock, clenching and relaxing rapidly to her orgasm.

As she came down from the heights I withdrew my cock from her ass. I lay on my back beside her trembling body and said "Clean my cock, it's been in your ass. Do a good job, too."

She obediently started licking the whole length and for good measure lapped at my balls. It felt fantastic, her tongue like hot wet velvet as she lapped at my balls. She sucked each one into her mouth, where her tongue gave it a ride in the whirlpool, as she swirled her tongue around it. Her enthusiasm was impressive. She had me as clean as a whistle in short order.

I took a pillowcase off a pillow and tied her wrists behind her back then. I took the other pillow and folded it into a wedge which I had her lie across, putting her ass high into the air.

I mounted her from the rear and let all restraint go. I slammed her as hard as I could and hammered her cunt with my cock. My hands were holding her so she couldn't escape. Her wrists were tied behind her, her pretty face turned to the side on the coverlet, her eyes were closed, her mouth hung open in an almost mindless absorption in how I was fucking her.

Again, I pulled my cock from her drenched pussy and slipped it into her hungry ass. I could see how I stretched her, knew she was feeling intense sensations from my swollen meat.

It wasn't long until my orgasm slammed into me, an extremely intense one. As my dick jetted warm sticky white streams deep inside her, I stopped stroking so she could feel my cock throbbing within her. She thanked me by clenching her ass hard around it, helping to milk every last drop out of it.

As I finished cumming in her, I withdrew and replaced my cock in her ass with two fingers in her cunt. I started sawing them in and out roughly, our combined juices making it a smooth journey. I added a third finger and she was very full. She was still on her knees laying across the pillow wedge, pushing her ass back hard against my hand wanting more and more. I found her clit with my thumb and started massaging it.

In just a few minutes she had another titanic orgasm, her thighs quaking and barely holding her ass in the air. I leaned in and started licking her starfish, pushing my tongue in as far as I could. It tasted musky and delicious. I lapped at it as she had another orgasm, her third of the afternoon.

When she finally stopped quaking and moaning, I withdrew my fingers from her pinkness. She collapsed onto her belly, rolled over and gave me the biggest grin I'd seen in a long while.

I crept up beside her, kissed her deeply, knowing she could taste her sweet ass on my kiss. She was greedy for it, her tongue exploring for every bit she could get.

She turned away from me and pushed her warm body close to mine making us into spoons. I put my hand on her waist and we both drifted off to sleep.

In about fifteen minutes I awakened, took a finger and traced from her shoulder down to her elbow. She moaned gently and snuggled her ass even closer to my crotch. My cock lay in the warm channel of her ass crease. I traced my finger down her ribs, along the line of her shapely hip. She stirred and took my hand, kissed my fingers.

"Is this a good time to ask you a few questions?"

She replied, "Ummm, I suppose so."

"This is the customer service survey," I laughed softly. "Were you satisfied with the service provided?" My other hand found her ass, caressed it.

"Oh, this customer is VERY satisfied," she moaned softly in emphasis.

"Question number two, then. Would you recommend our service to your friends or associates?"

"Definitely, I would. I will! I have a friend, another lady exec who I'm sure would find your services most fulfilling!" Her free hand found my slumbering cock and squeezed it firmly.

"And the third question is, did you find our service to be a good value for the cost?"

She started laughing then and I asked why. "This is going on my expense report, so everything will be reimbursed fully!"

I joined her laughter and said, "Then I suppose you'll be more than happy to tip your waitstaff?"

"Oh, I will." She went off into a small fit of giggles at that.

"Last question then. Do you think you will be using our service in the future?"

"I absolutely will. I'll be leaving this city at the end of the week, but I'll be returning next month. I look forward to booking another wonderful experience."

She turned toward me then and winked at me, went into another fit of soft laughter.

We kissed a bit and fondled one another, but were too exhausted for any real exertion. I pulled at her nipples and they hardened wonderfully. I pinched them firmly, pulled at them. Her gasps told me she liked what I was doing. I leaned in and started to suckle her nipple, flicking my tongue around her puffy aureole.

My hand found her pussy yet again and I took my middle finger and started to massage her clit slowly, circling around it as I enjoyed her nipple. Her hips rose a little to meet my hand, telling me to continue.

Her orgasm this time was much gentler than the previous had been, more of a warm summer rain than the rushing torrent of a waterfall. As she came, she pushed my hand between her thighs and clamped it there, pushing her wet cunt roughly against it. Her breaths came quickly through her opened mouth, her eyes squeezed shut. I kissed her again, lightly and sensuously.

Finally, I arose and started getting dressed again. It was a quick chore to gather my wares and be ready to head back home.

I kissed her goodbye as she opened the door for me. As I went out the door, she put a folded bill in my breast pocket. I looked at it after I got the SUV loaded and had my butt planted in the seat. Smiling back at me was one of my favorite people, the late, great Benjamin Franklin.

I returned home, got my wares inside and hit the shower. Somewhat refreshed, I cleaned my goods for my next engagement. I checked my e-mail and the second item was a thank you from Alexa. The first item was a new booking for an engagement on Tuesday afternoon.

"I love my new career!" My shout bounced off the walls and was swallowed by the soft whirring of the air conditioning.







Written by Taggerdoo
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