Noah and I huddled together in the tiny church office, frowning at the copier.
"It's not jammed," he murmured after checking the paper trays. "I have no idea why it's not working. We'll need to have a service tech come out and look at it." Glancing over at me, he smiled and added, "Don't worry, Pauline. I'll find something else to keep you busy."
I was home from college for winter break, and when Mom volunteered me to help out at the church, I didn't complain. If anything, I welcomed the opportunity to make myself useful in the hopes that it would ease my guilt.
And why did I feel guilty? you might ask. Because I'd been quite sinful during the fall semester. At nineteen, I was still a virgin, yet I'd had a lot of fun doing everything but.
On that Wednesday afternoon, Noah and I were the only ones at the church. I'd been prepared to make copies of pamphlets and spend the next hour neatly folding them, but with the copier malfunction, that plan was off the table.
Noah's job required him to work all different hours, and he had the day off. Though he was married, he spent most of his free time at the church, going above and beyond his duties as one of the trustees. He was devoutly religious, like most every other member of the congregation. I guessed he was around forty, a little younger than my parents, and as I now furtively studied his features, I realized I found him attractive. Bookish and soft-spoken, he reminded me of my Religious Studies professor, whom I'd often fantasized about while masturbating.
I wanted to talk to Noah about a private matter before he had a chance to assign another menial task to me that day. Working up my nerve, I said, "Noah, when you were my age—"
"You mean, back in the Dark Ages?" he chimed in.
"Haha. You're not that old. But did you ever have trouble... keeping yourself pure?"
His playful smile faded, and I feared he was displeased by my question. Then I realized he was simply giving it a lot of thought.
"If you mean to ask, did I struggle with temptation and controlling my lust? Sure. That's natural, Pauline."
"But..." I looked down at my baggy sweater, which hid my figure. My shoulder-length brown hair fell forward to shield my face. "I've given in to temptation. Several times."
Noah grew quiet again, and in the ensuing silence, I felt my cheeks flush. Despite the cold December air outside, the office was almost stuffy.
"So, you went all the way with someone?" he finally asked.
Snapping my head up, I blurted, "No! I'm still a virgin. But I did a lot of other things."
As he pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose, I couldn't help but notice he had really nice hands. His dark hair had grown a little long since I'd seen him over fall break; I figured he would soon swing by the barbershop for a trim.
"What kinds of things did you do?" His voice was calm and even, devoid of judgment.
For some reason, I felt a wild urge to confess my sins. "Well, I let two guys go down on me, but neither could make me come. And I gave another guy a blowjob. He begged me to swallow, so I did, and—"
Noah's sharp intake of breath made me stop abruptly. Mom had always chastised me for my habit of oversharing.
"Did you care for any of those guys?" he asked.
I made a show of studying my cuticles. "Um, not really? I mean, they're nice and all, but I don't want to, like, be in a relationship with any of them."
Noah stepped closer. I tried to back up in order to give him more space, but in the confines of that office, I found myself pinned against the copier. His hazel eyes, usually bright and full of warmth, appeared almost calculating now.
"You shouldn't offer your body to someone who won't treasure that gift," he said softly.
"I know," I whispered, again flooded with the shame that had plagued me for much of the semester.
I was surprised when Noah extended a hand and gently grasped my chin. When our eyes met, he actually smiled. "I know I would treasure such a gift from you."
As I beamed up at him, I felt a familiar, needy throb begin between my thighs.
"I realize it's difficult for a beautiful young woman like you to stay pure," he went on. "But there's another way you can be intimate, and experience pleasure, with the right person."
I leaned toward him, hanging on his every word. "What is it? I need to know, because I don't think I have the strength to stay a virgin much longer, Noah."
He brought his lips to my ear. "Have you ever tried anal sex?"
"No!" I recoiled from the suggestion. "Never. That seems like it would be dirty, and painful."
"It doesn't have to be." Noah didn't seem at all fazed by my response. "You might find you enjoy it." He was so close to me that I could feel the warmth emanating from him. "Of course, you'd need to choose someone you care about, and who cares about you." His hand traveled to my cheek. Instantly, I nestled against his palm. "I care about you, Pauline. I just want what's best for you. And I hope you care for me."
"I do," I assured him, sounding a little out of breath.
He smiled, clearly pleased. "Well, if you promise to keep it a secret, we can give it a try."
My eyes fluttered closed, and behind my lids, I saw all sorts of erotic visions. So easily, I imagined spreading myself open for Noah and welcoming him inside me. Though he'd just made his proposal to introduce me to anal sex, I already ached for his touch. And for his cock.
Before I could lose my nerve, I said, "I want to try. I trust you."
"What a sweet girl you are." He planted a tender kiss on my forehead. "And you're a good girl, Pauline. You don't need to feel guilty any longer."
That was what I desperately needed to hear. Throwing my arms around him, I pressed my face against his chest. The thanks that fell from my lips was muffled by his shirt, but I knew he understood.
In the minutes that followed, when Noah told me he would drive to his house just a few minutes away in order to retrieve what we needed, my excitement only grew. My body was practically humming with anticipation.
Waiting for him to return, I left the office and drifted toward the sanctuary, where I sat down in a pew. With my hands clasped in my lap, I stared up at the beautiful stained-glass image of Christ, his arms held out as if to embrace me.
I was still sitting there when Noah spoke from behind me. "There you are."
I quickly stood and stepped into the aisle. As he closed the distance between us, I noticed he carried a folded blanket and a small pillow. "I'm a little nervous," I revealed, "but excited, too."
"I promise we'll take it slow, and we won't do anything you're not comfortable with." He dipped his head to give me another kiss, but this one was on my mouth.
Startled, I retreated a few feet from him. "We can't do that here!" Glancing over my shoulder at the stained-glass window, I added, "God is watching."
Noah merely flashed an amused smile. "Isn't He always?"
He had a point. Still, I was glad when he guided me to a small room off the sanctuary. The choir members used it to put on their robes before the Sunday morning service began; another door on the opposite side of the room led directly onto the choir area. The room had only one tiny window, which was high up the wall, close to the ceiling. From where I stood, I could see the overcast sky outside.
Noah closed the door behind us, then spread out the blanket on the floor. He placed the pillow near the top of it. Already, I was taking off my shoes, and he quickly did the same.
Afterward, he removed his glasses and set them on a nearby chair. I realized he looked different without them, maybe even a little vulnerable. Turning toward me, he held open his arms, just like Christ did in the stained-glass window, and said, "Come here."
I needed to take only one step before I was in Noah's embrace. Again, he kissed me, and this time, I didn't pull away. No, I surrendered completely to his sensual mouth, and his tongue seeking out mine. He slid his hands over my body, along the small of my back and down to my buttocks. I wore a pair of slacks, a little too light for the cold weather, so when Noah pressed me against him, I could easily feel his erection.
"Is this okay?" he whispered while kissing my neck.
"Yes," I whispered back. It was way more than okay, and I made that clear by placing my hand between his thighs in order to stroke him through his pants.
"I'm the luckiest man in the world, getting to be with you right now." Noah eased my sweater upward, revealing the plain white bra beneath.
I let out a breathy moan as he teased my nipples through the fabric. Yet I wasn't expecting him to lift my sweater higher. "Should we get completely undressed?" I asked, suddenly nervous. "What if someone shows up here?"
"The parking lot is right on the other side of this wall," Noah reminded me. "We'll hear anyone driving on that gravel."
Horniness overrode my lingering unease, and I allowed him to take off my sweater. He then set about lowering the straps of my bra. In moments, my small breasts were on display, their nipples a vivid pink.
It felt so good, the way he caressed those peaks. And when he wrapped his lips around the left one, I held him fast, eager for all the pleasure he could give me. He didn't seem in any hurry, though it was already mid-afternoon. Instead, he spent plenty of time suckling my breasts. All the while, I grew dripping wet; I knew I'd soaked the crotch of my panties.
Finally, he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again. "You're a good girl, saving your virginity until your wedding night," he said, "but you're giving a different kind of virginity to me today."
I nodded to let him know I understood. "I want you to be the first to..." A hot blush spread across my cheeks while I struggled for the right words.
His smile grew playful as he gave my butt a squeeze. "You want me to be the first to take your gorgeous ass?"
It gave me a wicked thrill to hear him talk that way, and when he slipped a hand into the front of my pants, I released a needy whimper.
"Oh, sweetheart," Noah groaned, "you're so wet, so ready."
His own need got the better of him then, for he wasted no time stripping me out of my pants and underwear. I had no shame standing naked in that room, with the pale winter light illuminating my skin. After all, Noah and I cared for each other, and I was eager to share my body with him.
He sank to his knees before me, his stare riveted to my sex. I was shaved completely smooth, and he leaned forward to slide his tongue along my outer lips. The sensation made me gasp. This was another kind of sex, wasn't it? "Should we be doing this?" I asked in a high-pitched voice.
Noah looked up at me. "You said those other guys couldn't make you come." His smile grew sly as he added, "I at least want to try."
And oh, I wanted him to! Gazing downward, I watched him spread my outer labia with his fingers. The cool air drifted against my inner folds, but that wasn't the reason I shivered. Noah used a fingertip to ease my hood a little farther back from my clit. Then he caressed that bud with the tip of his tongue.
"Ooh," I sighed. Was it the longing in my voice that made him lick me more fervently? Soon, I had my fingers buried in his hair, and my breaths were coming faster. With my back against the wall, I thrust my hips toward him. I was certain I felt an orgasm building deep within my core, yet every time I thought it would rise to the surface, Noah moved his mouth lower. He sucked my inner labia and even swept his tongue over my entrance.

It all served to destroy any remaining inhibition I might have had. "Please, Noah, I need to come!" I begged.
He moaned in response, then alternated between massaging and licking my clit. My flesh was so incredibly sensitive beneath his fingers and his tongue. No one else had ever gotten me this close, not even after half an hour of oral.
And then Noah applied a gentle suction to my clit, his tongue working fast while his lips formed a seal around my pearl. I made a sound like a sob just before the climax overwhelmed me. He held me while I shuddered, his mouth showing no mercy. I felt like I was adrift on a warm wave, surging higher and higher.
I thought it might never end. I actually prayed it wouldn't. But my orgasm eventually receded, leaving me flushed and wanting more. "You're incredible!" I told Noah.
Grinning at my praise, he drew me down onto the floor with him. I let him ease me onto the blanket. While resting my head on the pillow, I watched him get undressed. His body was hairy, much more so than the guys I'd fooled around with at college. I found I liked those dark curls covering his skin.
I propped myself up on my arms, eager for my first glimpse of his erection. My eyes widened as I tried to guess its length. Maybe eight inches? It wasn't very thick, but wow, it was the longest I'd ever seen!
He caught me studying it. While languidly stroking, he asked, "You like that, baby?"
"It's big," I blurted out.
"But the hole you're offering me can take every inch."
Again, I blushed and averted my eyes. I was both shocked and aroused by Noah's dirty talk.
He reached into his pants pocket and withdrew a small bottle of lube. "We'll definitely need this," he said. "Not just yet, though. Turn over and lift your bottom in the air for me."
I didn't hesitate to obey. When he spread my buttocks apart, my pulse started racing. I felt his warm breath waft over my skin as he spoke. "What a pretty little rosebud!"
He began rubbing that circle of flesh with his fingertip. At first, I was terribly self-conscious, and it was difficult for me to relax. I was glad I'd taken a shower shortly before heading over to the church earlier that day.
But I soon found I enjoyed the way Noah touched me. Faint moans fell from my lips, and my eyelids grew heavy.
"Feels nice, doesn't it?" he murmured.
"Mmm, it does!" I readily agreed.
The quiet of the room, and my exquisite pleasure, sent me into a kind of lust-filled daze. Each time Noah massaged my puckered hole, it was as if he stoked a strengthening current of arousal within me. I had to smile in astonishment that I'd never discovered on my own how sensitive this part of my body was!
It was then that I felt Noah's warm tongue sweep over my flesh. I couldn't help but squeal in surprise. "Noah, what are you doing?"
"Getting you nice and relaxed." He gave my hole another lick. "Doesn't that feel good?"
It felt far more than just good; it felt incredible! "Yeah," I replied in a breathy voice, "I love feeling you lick me there."
As he caressed my thighs and squeezed my buttocks, I nestled into his touch. He laughed at the way I angled my butt farther in his direction. "Good girl. Just let me take care of you."
He returned to licking and kissing my hole. Slowly, that entrance relaxed beneath his tongue and lips, opening a bit more. It felt as though all the tension was seeping from my body.
"I'm going to put some lube on my finger and slide it inside you, okay?" Noah said.
"Yes," I replied, making the word sound like a plea.
Listening to his quiet movements, I kept my butt lifted and ready for his exploration. By this point, I was completely trusting. When he placed a slick fingertip against my tight flesh, I released a throaty sound, full of eagerness.
Slowly, gently, Noah eased his finger inside me. It wasn't at all uncomfortable, and when he began caressing my inner walls, I was stunned at how enjoyable the sensation was.
"How does that feel?" he asked quietly.
"Ooh, it feels really good!"
He planted a tender kiss on my left buttock. "Are you ready for another finger?"
"Yes," I immediately responded.
The pressure of both fingers was more intense, but I still didn't experience any pain. He inched deeper, working more lube inside me. I could hear the faint squelching sound his fingers made while penetrating my hole. In moments, I discovered I loved the way those two digits felt thrusting in and out.
Noah was breathing faster now. "I need to stretch you a bit, okay, sweetheart?"
Though I wasn't exactly sure what he meant, I quickly agreed. His fingers remained gentle, even as he spread them farther apart within me. The discomfort was a fleeting sensation that soon subsided. While I felt a rush of relief that I could easily withstand it, I knew Noah's cock would be much larger, and much harder.
"You're doing great," he said. "Do you want to keep going?"
I let him ease me over onto my back. Retrieving the pillow, he placed it beneath me, just above my hips, where it served to elevate my butt a little. I watched as he applied more lube to my opening, and to his cockhead as well. Looking up at me, he offered a sweet smile, so full of affection that I wanted to kiss him.
But Noah was the one to lean forward and press his lips to mine. "I'm going to be so careful with you, darling," he whispered.
When he sat back up, resting on his knees, I lifted my legs high in the air and then reached to spread my buttocks farther apart. He looked both surprised and pleased at my readiness to be taken. "You sure you've never done this before?" he teased.
Through a giggle, I said, "I'm sure, but you've certainly made me eager to give it a try!"
At first, the pressure of Noah's swollen tip at my opening was faint, only mildly uncomfortable. But that pressure grew more insistent, intensifying into pain as he worked his cockhead inside me. I tensed involuntarily, and he immediately stopped.
"Bear down," he said, "like you're trying to push me out."
It seemed counterintuitive to do that, but once I followed his request, he was actually able to get his tip all the way inside my ass. My eyes widened at the sensation. He felt huge!
"Take a deep breath." Noah's voice sounded a bit strained. When our eyes locked, I instantly recognized the blatant desire in his stare.
It wasn't long until I'd relaxed enough for him to continue. Inch by inch, he claimed my virgin ass. Though the pain lingered, it never became unbearable; instead, it faded to a dull throb.
"How are you doing?" Noah asked.
"I'm good," I assured him. I was grateful for the way he often checked in with me.
With another glide of his hips, he was all the way inside. I moaned, feeling a heady surge of both pleasure and relief. Gazing up at Noah, I saw that his eyes were closed, and he was nearly motionless. "Are you okay?" I whispered, suddenly worried he wasn't enjoying this.
Noah opened his eyes and gave me a wide smile. "I'm fantastic, Pauline! Just taking a second to fully enjoy what you've given me."
I took my lower lip between my teeth, trying to hide my delighted grin. It made me ridiculously happy to know I could make him feel so good.
Noah grasped my ankles, holding my legs aloft. When he started gently moving inside me, my moans grew louder. It was amazing, how rapidly the pain morphed into ecstasy. His fingers had evoked such pleasure while deep in my ass, but they couldn't compare to his rock-hard cock!
"Oh, my God!" I wailed. "Yes, yes, more!" Though I knew I sounded like a dirty slut, begging this man to fuck me, it was like I couldn't control myself.
Noah drove himself inside me, finally bottoming out. Then he withdrew and gave another powerful thrust. Fondling my nipples, I delighted in his grunts and sighs, and in the way he looked down to watch my ass take every inch of his dick.
"I fucking love being inside you!" As he spoke, his expression contorted from the force of his lust. His hips pumped faster, and I welcomed the twinge of pain, for it was interwoven with an indescribable bliss. My fingers sought out my clitoris, prompting Noah to urge, "That's my girl, rub your clit!"
Though that swollen nub was still tender, I relentlessly massaged it. In moments, my legs began shaking in Noah's grip.
"Come for me!" he begged. "Come while my dick is deep inside your ass!"
I let out a helpless wail, giving myself over to the abject pleasure of our fucking, and my furious masturbating. My orgasm was accompanied by several fierce spasms, which made my muscles tighten around Noah's cock. I whimpered at the ensuing pain, but it quickly ebbed, leaving me to revel in a series of aftershocks.
Noah sucked in a sharp breath through gritted teeth. "My God, you came hard, didn't you?"
My shuddering gave all the answer he needed. Still reeling from my orgasm, I vaguely noticed that Noah's thrusts had lost some of their rhythm; they'd also grown shallower. Now, little more than his tip was pumping away inside me. But that was obviously enough to push him over the edge. A guttural noise emerged from low in his throat, and his fingers tightened around my ankles.
Then he came with a roar. I stared up at him, fascinated by the wild intensity in his eyes. His pleasure was so absolute that I trembled in the face of it.
Even after Noah withdrew, he kept my legs lifted and spread wide. Eagerly, he watched as his semen began to ooze from my stretched hole. The sight clearly thrilled him, for I noticed the tremor that coursed through his body. I never would have imagined he'd find that so arousing!
"A perfect creampie," he told me with a wink.
Instead of evoking embarrassment, his filthy words made my virgin pussy throb. Wearing a dreamy smile, I let him wipe me clean with the edge of the blanket. When he was finished, I started to sit up, but he took me in his arms and drew me back down onto the floor.
We shared a deep kiss. His tongue, which had explored all my intimate places, now claimed my mouth once again. "How do you feel?" he whispered.
"Wonderful," I said. "A little sore, but even that's kind of satisfying. If that makes sense."
He laughed low and soft. "It does, baby. I'm so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did."
We lay in silence for a few more minutes. Soon, I knew, we'd have to get dressed and leave. Quietly, I said his name.
"Mmm-hmm?" He sounded drowsy, close to sleep.
"Do you think the man I end up marrying will want to do what we just did?"
Noah opened his eyes, appearing thoughtful. "Maybe, if you ask him to try it. But if he's not interested, you can always come to me." Again, that playful smile. "It'll be our secret."
I couldn't suppress a giggle. "One hole for my husband, and one for you." Gazing up at Noah, my laughter slowly faded, only to be replaced by a twinge of concern. "And you won't think less of me?"
Cradling my cheek in his palm, Noah whispered, "How could I ever think less of an angel?"