The next few days were uneventful. I'd get in to work, give Mr. Decker his first blowjob of the day and go about doing my work until he called me in again. I'd suck him off several times a day, always taking him all the way down and always swallowing his hot, salty cream. His praise thrilled me and made my pussy drip.
At the end of the day he'd drive his cock into my wet, needy cunt, finally giving me relief. Today he'd surprised me, yanking out my plug and admiring my gape before fucking me hard and fast in my ass. I'd come to enjoy the feeling of being full, and thanks to my plug had no trouble taking a thick cock in my ass. In fact, I almost preferred it—a good ass-fucking virtually guaranteed that I'd have a screaming, squirting orgasm by the end of it.
As I cleaned up and got dressed, Mr. Decker cleared his throat. "Karen, you've proven yourself to be a remarkably fast learner and a good, obedient slut. I think you're ready for more. Tomorrow, several important clients will be here from New York. I'd like to bring them here and show them a good time—or rather, have you show them a good time. As alway, make sure you are clean, shaved and well-rested. Wear your plug—they'll enjoy seeing your wide-open asshole." He packed up his briefcase briskly, not even bothering to glance my way or ask what I thought of his plans. And why would he? I was committed to being the best whore I could be. It wasn't my place to ask questions—just to suck, fuck and follow orders. I smiled as he tweaked my nipple on his way out, murmuring, "Good girl."
That night I was so excited, I could hardly sleep. I looked forward to serving Mr. Decker in whatever capacity he required.
I dressed carefully the next morning, as always sans bra and panties. I wore a pretty black lace garter and stockings under my short black skirt, and a very sheer white silk blouse with a black cardigan. I knew the other women in the office talked about me and the clothes I wore, but I didn't care. Making Mr. Decker proud and following his commands was my only concern, not what the uptight office gossips thought.
I arrived early, practically bouncing with anticipation. To my surprise, Mr. Decker called me in almost immediately.
"You look lovely, as usual. Our guests will be here soon, and I'd like to get you ready for them." I waited, unsure of what he meant.
"You'll need to get out of those clothes. Keep the stockings." I stripped, conscious of his eyes on me the whole time. When I stood, naked but for the garter and stockings, he grabbed my nipples and gave them a harsh twist.
At the end of the day he'd drive his cock into my wet, needy cunt, finally giving me relief. Today he'd surprised me, yanking out my plug and admiring my gape before fucking me hard and fast in my ass. I'd come to enjoy the feeling of being full, and thanks to my plug had no trouble taking a thick cock in my ass. In fact, I almost preferred it—a good ass-fucking virtually guaranteed that I'd have a screaming, squirting orgasm by the end of it.
As I cleaned up and got dressed, Mr. Decker cleared his throat. "Karen, you've proven yourself to be a remarkably fast learner and a good, obedient slut. I think you're ready for more. Tomorrow, several important clients will be here from New York. I'd like to bring them here and show them a good time—or rather, have you show them a good time. As alway, make sure you are clean, shaved and well-rested. Wear your plug—they'll enjoy seeing your wide-open asshole." He packed up his briefcase briskly, not even bothering to glance my way or ask what I thought of his plans. And why would he? I was committed to being the best whore I could be. It wasn't my place to ask questions—just to suck, fuck and follow orders. I smiled as he tweaked my nipple on his way out, murmuring, "Good girl."
That night I was so excited, I could hardly sleep. I looked forward to serving Mr. Decker in whatever capacity he required.
I dressed carefully the next morning, as always sans bra and panties. I wore a pretty black lace garter and stockings under my short black skirt, and a very sheer white silk blouse with a black cardigan. I knew the other women in the office talked about me and the clothes I wore, but I didn't care. Making Mr. Decker proud and following his commands was my only concern, not what the uptight office gossips thought.
I arrived early, practically bouncing with anticipation. To my surprise, Mr. Decker called me in almost immediately.
"You look lovely, as usual. Our guests will be here soon, and I'd like to get you ready for them." I waited, unsure of what he meant.
"You'll need to get out of those clothes. Keep the stockings." I stripped, conscious of his eyes on me the whole time. When I stood, naked but for the garter and stockings, he grabbed my nipples and gave them a harsh twist.

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From his pocket he produced a pair of jeweled nipple clamps, which he affixed to my sore nipples, then indicated that I should bend over.
I felt my plug being removed. He shoved two fingers into me, fucking me briefly, before saying, "Excellent progress. You should be able to handle today just fine." I felt lube being squirted into me, then a new, slightly larger plug was pushed in. I squirmed, both horny and slightly uncomfortable.
"On your knees, hands behind your back, head down. When our guests arrive, I want you to make me proud, Karen. Do as you're asked, without hesitation, and there will be a reward for you." He cupped my chin. "I know you're ready for this."
I stared into his eyes, wanting to believe him but still a little nervous. I knew that this was a turning point; if I could do whatever was asked of me today, I could do anything. I nodded, and he released my chin. I returned to my submissive posture just as a knock sounded.
I remained still as Mr. Decker answered the door. Several loud, jovial voices reached my ears, and I caught bits and pieces of what was said.
"–really outdid yourself with this one–"
"Very nice."
"I can't wait to get in that tight ass—"
My pussy was dripping at the thought of the trials I'd be put through today. Just then my inner musings were interrupted by the sound of Mr. Decker's voice telling me to "Rise!"
I stood, and was surrounded by five strange men, all eagerly poking and prodding. Fingers swiped through my cunt, my tits were squeezed and even bitten, and a stray finger even made its way into my ass. Throughout it all I stood as still as possible, the look of pride on my boss's face all the reward I needed.
"Gentlemen, this is my personal assistant, the lovely and obedient Karen."There was laughter at my title. "She is all ours for the day. Just a few rules. Please, no marks are to be left. Spanking is acceptable; slapping, hitting or anything that will leave a mark is not. Since you have all been tested, condoms are not required, so enjoy her hot, juicy cunt and tight little ass bare. Lastly, Karen is one of my most prized possessions; she requires food, water and bathroom breaks, so please be attentive to those needs. She will not abuse the privilege."
Hearing myself referred to as a possession made me unbearably aroused, and I shifted, trying to rub my thighs together for relief. Seeing me, Mr. Decker laughed.
"This horny slut is more than ready. Have at her, gentlemen."
I felt my plug being removed. He shoved two fingers into me, fucking me briefly, before saying, "Excellent progress. You should be able to handle today just fine." I felt lube being squirted into me, then a new, slightly larger plug was pushed in. I squirmed, both horny and slightly uncomfortable.
"On your knees, hands behind your back, head down. When our guests arrive, I want you to make me proud, Karen. Do as you're asked, without hesitation, and there will be a reward for you." He cupped my chin. "I know you're ready for this."
I stared into his eyes, wanting to believe him but still a little nervous. I knew that this was a turning point; if I could do whatever was asked of me today, I could do anything. I nodded, and he released my chin. I returned to my submissive posture just as a knock sounded.
I remained still as Mr. Decker answered the door. Several loud, jovial voices reached my ears, and I caught bits and pieces of what was said.
"–really outdid yourself with this one–"
"Very nice."
"I can't wait to get in that tight ass—"
My pussy was dripping at the thought of the trials I'd be put through today. Just then my inner musings were interrupted by the sound of Mr. Decker's voice telling me to "Rise!"
I stood, and was surrounded by five strange men, all eagerly poking and prodding. Fingers swiped through my cunt, my tits were squeezed and even bitten, and a stray finger even made its way into my ass. Throughout it all I stood as still as possible, the look of pride on my boss's face all the reward I needed.
"Gentlemen, this is my personal assistant, the lovely and obedient Karen."There was laughter at my title. "She is all ours for the day. Just a few rules. Please, no marks are to be left. Spanking is acceptable; slapping, hitting or anything that will leave a mark is not. Since you have all been tested, condoms are not required, so enjoy her hot, juicy cunt and tight little ass bare. Lastly, Karen is one of my most prized possessions; she requires food, water and bathroom breaks, so please be attentive to those needs. She will not abuse the privilege."
Hearing myself referred to as a possession made me unbearably aroused, and I shifted, trying to rub my thighs together for relief. Seeing me, Mr. Decker laughed.
"This horny slut is more than ready. Have at her, gentlemen."