I leaned backwards, reached into the toolbox on the kitchen table, and pulled out the light chain I had prepared the previous evening. Leaning forward, caressing her neck with my lips, I clasped the one cuff (carefully attached to the chain via silver solder the previous night) around her right wrist. She was surprised, but too surprise to react. I looped the chain around the mixer (through the gap between the two water inlets and the wall) and took firm hold of her left wrist. She tried to pull away, but I was prepared and stronger.
Thus she found herself, cuffed to the mixer, but with enough slack to rest her arms on the sink top, and legs spread by the spreader bar, feet about two foot away from the sink cabinet. This forcing her to bend at the hips, with her upper body parallel to the cabinet top – giving me access to all her parts.
With my rapidly full-erecting penis still in her love channel, I started massaging her back to get her more relaxed (she knew something was afoot, but I think was not quite sure what I had in store for her). Moving my massaging ever downwards, I started concentrating on her lower back and buttocks. Keeping the massage going with the left hand, I reached for the tube of KY in the toolbox, unscrewed it with my teeth, and dropped a dollop just above her butt hole in the crack. She jerked as if to stand up (which was impossible of course), body tensing up, butt hole tightening into a star. She started protesting, but that I interrupted with a hard slap on the right buttock.
Leaving my hand to caress the reddening slap area, I leaned forward, whispering “My dear, I am going to explore that hole weather you like it or not. You know I know what is best for you, don’t you?” She nodded, but her body remained tense.
Leaning back I started drawing semi-circles around her butt hole with my right thumb, fingers resting on her hips at the start of the crack. Running my thumb trough the warming KY I started about an inch away from the butt hole, running the flat of my thumb softly in semi-circles, first the left side, then the right side, all the time working my way closer to the little star – which was staring to de-contract into a more rounded hole.
The first time I touched the hole, her buttock muscles twitched and the hole contracted into a star again. This I expected. I now used the flat of my right thumb to stroke the butt hole, well lubricated thumb stroking softly, coaching the hole into relaxing, but with slightly increasing pressure.
By the time the hole had relaxed to such an extend that I could fit the width of my thumb into the first layer of the opening, I decided it was time to move on. I took the hollow anal dildo (the type made of silicone and intended for use with a bullet vibrator) from the toolbox and started introducing it to the “rimming” of the hole - lubricating the tip and first inch or so in the process.
The dildo was ideal, about 0.5 inch (12 mm) in diameter at the tip, widening to about an inch (25mm) at the end. It was only about 4 inches (100mm) long, with a wide rim at the end and hollow at its core. This device I had modified slightly the previous night – drilling it full of 2 mm holes, all round the circumference in the first inch after the tip (for all those copy cats out there, drilling from the outside inwards so as not to leave any rough edges).
With the little hole relaxing and expanding, I started inserting the dildo (well lubricated as I knew I had only one chance at this and would not want her to have a bad experience – the first time is what will swing her to be more accommodating in future), slowly with light touch, not forcing, but trying to get it past the spincher with soft pressure and a back and forth twisting motion.
Thus she found herself, cuffed to the mixer, but with enough slack to rest her arms on the sink top, and legs spread by the spreader bar, feet about two foot away from the sink cabinet. This forcing her to bend at the hips, with her upper body parallel to the cabinet top – giving me access to all her parts.
With my rapidly full-erecting penis still in her love channel, I started massaging her back to get her more relaxed (she knew something was afoot, but I think was not quite sure what I had in store for her). Moving my massaging ever downwards, I started concentrating on her lower back and buttocks. Keeping the massage going with the left hand, I reached for the tube of KY in the toolbox, unscrewed it with my teeth, and dropped a dollop just above her butt hole in the crack. She jerked as if to stand up (which was impossible of course), body tensing up, butt hole tightening into a star. She started protesting, but that I interrupted with a hard slap on the right buttock.
Leaving my hand to caress the reddening slap area, I leaned forward, whispering “My dear, I am going to explore that hole weather you like it or not. You know I know what is best for you, don’t you?” She nodded, but her body remained tense.
Leaning back I started drawing semi-circles around her butt hole with my right thumb, fingers resting on her hips at the start of the crack. Running my thumb trough the warming KY I started about an inch away from the butt hole, running the flat of my thumb softly in semi-circles, first the left side, then the right side, all the time working my way closer to the little star – which was staring to de-contract into a more rounded hole.
The first time I touched the hole, her buttock muscles twitched and the hole contracted into a star again. This I expected. I now used the flat of my right thumb to stroke the butt hole, well lubricated thumb stroking softly, coaching the hole into relaxing, but with slightly increasing pressure.
By the time the hole had relaxed to such an extend that I could fit the width of my thumb into the first layer of the opening, I decided it was time to move on. I took the hollow anal dildo (the type made of silicone and intended for use with a bullet vibrator) from the toolbox and started introducing it to the “rimming” of the hole - lubricating the tip and first inch or so in the process.
The dildo was ideal, about 0.5 inch (12 mm) in diameter at the tip, widening to about an inch (25mm) at the end. It was only about 4 inches (100mm) long, with a wide rim at the end and hollow at its core. This device I had modified slightly the previous night – drilling it full of 2 mm holes, all round the circumference in the first inch after the tip (for all those copy cats out there, drilling from the outside inwards so as not to leave any rough edges).
With the little hole relaxing and expanding, I started inserting the dildo (well lubricated as I knew I had only one chance at this and would not want her to have a bad experience – the first time is what will swing her to be more accommodating in future), slowly with light touch, not forcing, but trying to get it past the spincher with soft pressure and a back and forth twisting motion.

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It slipped through rather quickly, the spincher pinching the soft silicone about an inch above the tip. The subject of my affection (the one who dared protest) gave a sharp inhale as the dildo slipped past the spincher, her breathing became more rapid – I would swear was slightly aroused by my efforts (Quite anal this girl, just as I had expected after noticing her sensitivity to finger play in this area)
So far so good, but now I had to make sure that we got the anal channel lubricated before I could start stretching it. I dropped a generous dollop of KY down the hollow core (which got blocked by the spincher) and using my index finger started pushing it down the core to the perforated tip. I got another sharp inhale as my finger passed the spincher, stretching it, wiggling its way in.
I started fingering her anal channel through the silicone sleeve, moving the sleeve slightly deeper, smearing some KY on the tight wall, and then pulling the sleeve back. In and out, with a wiggling finger. By the time (and it took a good 5 or 6 minutes) I got the dildo fully embedded she was helping the process along by literally “sucking” the sleeve in as I started pushing inwards.
Here she was, the most beautiful girl in the world, bending over her sink, fully spread, with my hard penis in her vagina and my finger (sleeved within a silicone dildo buried deep within her arse) – what a sight, I had difficulty controlling the urge to cum.
Pulling finger from the sleeve, I leaned forward, caressing her neck (which was flushed, like when she builds a climax in a more conventional way) and said “Now was that so bad?” “No”, she purred, “you always know what I need”. “Time for the next step”, I said. “Oh yes” she whispered in a husky voice.
I withdrew my hard, very hard, penis from her pussy and rolled a condom down it. Ensuring a very tight fit at the tip, the semen pouch giving my penis a very pointed shape. I removed the silicone dildo very slowly and placed my penis at her butt hole, lubricating the tip in the excess KY in that area.
I applied slight pressure, the pointed tip entering, but the head experiencing some resistance. I was patient, my penis diameter is 1.75 inches (40 - 45 mm), where the dildo was but 1 inch. Lots of lube, slight pressure and a willing partner, and the head slipped through (making her gasp) I used the same patient insertion approach, lubricate the shaft, push 5 mm in, and withdrew until the head stretched her anus ring outwards, then more lube and pushing a little further. By the time I had all my 5 inches in, she was flushed and panting.
Now for the coup de grace. I reached into my box of tools, found the finger vibe, attached it to my left middle finger and switched it on at medium speed. Leaning forward, my body covering hers, I started to slowly pump my penis in and out of her tight, very tight anal channel, whilst my left hand reached below her stomach, middle finger stroking her pussy lips and clit.
Within second she came, like never before, I removed the finger vibe from her pussy-parts, but her buttocks kept twitching, stomach muscles convulsing and knees buckling. Her anal channel literally sucked my penis into an eruption. The sucking continued for what felt like minutes (in my super sensitive state).
When the convulsions eventually stopped, I withdrew. Removed the spent condom and unfastened her hands and feet. Yet she remained in the spreaded position, totally exhausted and unable to move. I picked her up and carried her to a couch. She clung to me, tears rolling down her cheeks whispering “What would my life be without you?”
So far so good, but now I had to make sure that we got the anal channel lubricated before I could start stretching it. I dropped a generous dollop of KY down the hollow core (which got blocked by the spincher) and using my index finger started pushing it down the core to the perforated tip. I got another sharp inhale as my finger passed the spincher, stretching it, wiggling its way in.
I started fingering her anal channel through the silicone sleeve, moving the sleeve slightly deeper, smearing some KY on the tight wall, and then pulling the sleeve back. In and out, with a wiggling finger. By the time (and it took a good 5 or 6 minutes) I got the dildo fully embedded she was helping the process along by literally “sucking” the sleeve in as I started pushing inwards.
Here she was, the most beautiful girl in the world, bending over her sink, fully spread, with my hard penis in her vagina and my finger (sleeved within a silicone dildo buried deep within her arse) – what a sight, I had difficulty controlling the urge to cum.
Pulling finger from the sleeve, I leaned forward, caressing her neck (which was flushed, like when she builds a climax in a more conventional way) and said “Now was that so bad?” “No”, she purred, “you always know what I need”. “Time for the next step”, I said. “Oh yes” she whispered in a husky voice.
I withdrew my hard, very hard, penis from her pussy and rolled a condom down it. Ensuring a very tight fit at the tip, the semen pouch giving my penis a very pointed shape. I removed the silicone dildo very slowly and placed my penis at her butt hole, lubricating the tip in the excess KY in that area.
I applied slight pressure, the pointed tip entering, but the head experiencing some resistance. I was patient, my penis diameter is 1.75 inches (40 - 45 mm), where the dildo was but 1 inch. Lots of lube, slight pressure and a willing partner, and the head slipped through (making her gasp) I used the same patient insertion approach, lubricate the shaft, push 5 mm in, and withdrew until the head stretched her anus ring outwards, then more lube and pushing a little further. By the time I had all my 5 inches in, she was flushed and panting.
Now for the coup de grace. I reached into my box of tools, found the finger vibe, attached it to my left middle finger and switched it on at medium speed. Leaning forward, my body covering hers, I started to slowly pump my penis in and out of her tight, very tight anal channel, whilst my left hand reached below her stomach, middle finger stroking her pussy lips and clit.
Within second she came, like never before, I removed the finger vibe from her pussy-parts, but her buttocks kept twitching, stomach muscles convulsing and knees buckling. Her anal channel literally sucked my penis into an eruption. The sucking continued for what felt like minutes (in my super sensitive state).
When the convulsions eventually stopped, I withdrew. Removed the spent condom and unfastened her hands and feet. Yet she remained in the spreaded position, totally exhausted and unable to move. I picked her up and carried her to a couch. She clung to me, tears rolling down her cheeks whispering “What would my life be without you?”