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Mom And The Football Coach, Chapter 2

"Coach Johnson asks Debra out on a date, then makes his play for her "end zone!""

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"Debra, can I be frank for a moment? You told me a bit about what you and Craig have been through lately... your divorce and about your father, Craig's grandfather, passing away. I'm sorry for your loss and for all that you and he have been through.

"It's not easy for anyone but especially not for a young man trying to find his place in the world. And I'm sure you have done your best to help him along the way–as you said it's been you and him for a while now.

"But if I am to be his coach and do it properly, I need to know more about him, at home as well as at school. Homelife has a big effect on school and school determines their football status. My kids have to keep their grades up if they want to play, that's the price of playing. So you see, it's all related.

"Debra, I have an idea. It seems a shame to waste such a lovely outfit and you did go to far too much trouble for just a meeting with a high school football coach. Would you like to go to dinner with me?

"I haven't eaten yet and I was going to just grab something from the burger joint on the way home. But if you'd like, we could go to dinner and talk more about Craig and how we can help him," he said.

"You want to go out... with me?"

Jim smiled. "Well you are the only other one here, aren't you?"

"Yes," she looked at him and smiled shyly. "I'll go to dinner with you." She couldn't believe it–she hadn't felt this nervous even when Tom asked her to marry him!

"Good. We can take my car if you like. I do have to stop by my place for a minute and change clothes–I can't have you looking so pretty while I am dressed like a bum! I have a reputation to keep up!"

You could be wearing a trash bag and look good to me! she thought, but smiled and agreed. "That's fine."

So they went out to his car, an immaculate '69 Camaro SS convertible in candy apple red with two wide white stripes running parallel down the length of the car from the front bumper, over the hood, starting again at the trunk and going down the back to the rear bumper.

"Oh, Jim! This is a beautiful car!"

"Yeah, it's my baby. Some people think I might be trying to relive my youth–like it's a sign I'm having a mid-life crisis or something. But the truth is, I always wanted a car like this and when I was a kid, these kinds of cars were out of my league.

"So now that I am older and have the means, I treated myself and got this one. It wasn't in nearly this nice of shape when I got it–it has been a project car for a couple of years to get it to this point, but I did it."

"You certainly did. And I'll bet all the boys at school are just green with envy!"

"Well some of the motorheads take notice, I guess."

"And the ladies? I'm sure that a hot car like this brings them in like moths to a porch light!"

"Actually, I don't have a lot of time for dating. Between being a gym teacher and a football coach, I don't get a chance to hit the clubs and bars to find anyone that interests me."

"Oh? So there's no one... special in your life then?"

"You do know you need a license to fish in this state, right?" he chuckled.

"Oh-my-god was it that obvious?" Debra said, hiding her face in her hands.

He put his hand on her thigh innocently. "It's all right, Debra. Thank you for the interest, though. And no, there's no one special in my life. Although if the right girl came along, I wouldn't turn her away either!"

Debra wasn't completely sure how to take his comment, but she filed it away in her head all the same. Perhaps he was hinting that he wanted to get to know her as more than just one of his player's mothers. Maybe he wanted to let her know he was interested in her too.

Debra wasn't much for the singles bar scene either, although she had gone clubbing a few times with no results to speak of. Oh, she would get hit on, but never by anyone she wanted to take home. And she hadn't even done that in some time. 

After stopping at his apartment so he could change into something more fitting with her outfit, the pair drove to The Courtyard, an upscale steakhouse and grille. She had only been there once for an office Christmas party, but he had been there a few times. It had very good food, but it also wasn't cheap.

"Oh my, Jim! This is a nice place, but isn't it..."

"Expensive? Yeah, it is a little highbrow, but after seeing what greeted me at the door tonight, I have some making up to do!" He smiled and opened the car door for her, extending his hand to help her stand.

Oh, honey! You don't even know it yet but you made up for it already several times over! She thought.

"Oh my, what a gentleman!" 


"Hmm... just sometimes, Jim?"

Just then the waiter appeared ready to take their order. "I don't know too much about ordering steaks. What do you recommend, Jim?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, completely."

"All right then. We will take two sixteen-ounce rib-eye steaks, baked potatoes with the works, and two salads. We would like two glasses of your house Cabernet Sauvignon to go with that."

"Very good, sir. I shall place this order right away!" The waiter said then turned on his heels and was off.

"That was very impressive, Jim. You must know your way around a restaurant!"

"Well, I put myself through college as a waiter. I picked up a few things along the way on how and what to order."

"Hmm... a handsome man who knows how to cook and is a gentleman. You are certainly racking up the points tonight, Jim!"

"Well, that's good. Maybe someday I'll be able to cash them in!"

"That may just be possible. Hate to see good points go to waste you know!"

Their conversation continued as they waited for their dinner to arrive with the sexual innuendos and overtones getting hotter and steamier as they talked. It was as if each was trying to outdo the other and get just a little closer to the line they dared not cross.

"Please excuse me for a moment, Jim. I'll be right back," Debra said suddenly. She got up to go to the restroom and Jim rose as well. She smiled at the gallant move and then headed off to the ladies' room.

As soon as she rounded the corner and was out of his sight she leaned up against the wall, grateful her legs had held out long enough for her to get here. 

Oh my God! She thought, He's driving me crazy! Debra fanned herself as best she could with her hand trying to cool the fire that raged within her.

The conversation with its sexual playfulness coupled with his rugged good looks and charm was a devastating combination for her and she could feel her lust boiling up. Her pussy was leaking and she could feel her panties getting soaked.

In her rattled state, she decided to take off her saturated panties. She slipped them off and tucked them away in her purse to toss into the laundry when she got home later and could think straight.

She had hoped that somehow the cool room air would help quench the fire that burned there but actually, it had the exact reverse effect–the cool air only made her realize that her newly shaved and dripping pussy needed attention! It sent messages to her brain that only heightened her arousal and her need for something to help with her desperate hunger.

But she wasn't going to get that hunger satisfied in the ladies room of the restaurant, so after she had cooled down a bit and composed herself, she returned to the table and to Jim.

"Everything okay, Debra?" He asked.

"Oh yes... everything is just fine."

"Good, I'm glad. I always worry about these first dates. I never know how I'm doing until I've gotten to know the girl better!"

Oh, baby, you don't have anything to worry about! You are doing just fine! She thought as she smiled at him. "Well you can put your mind at ease, I'm having a lovely time."

Their dinner arrived and they ate the wonderful meal. Their steaks were done to perfection and everything was delicious.

"Oh, Jim, this dinner is fabulous! It beats my having to cook up whatever I could find in the fridge–and no dishes to wash afterward!"

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't looking forward to soup and a sandwich much either! And, of course, the meal is only one part of it–the best part is the dinner company!"

"Aww, thank you, Jim. I must admit, this isn't what I expected to be doing for dinner either! I have to tell you when I was waiting for you to come over tonight I was so nervous and afraid. I must have gone over all that I wanted to say a dozen times. And then you showed up and all of it went out of my head almost immediately and I was left giddy as a schoolgirl!" She said, blushing

"Well if it's any consolation, you kinda took the wind out of my sails too, young lady! I came over to talk to a mother about her son playing football. Instead, this beautiful Latina knockout answers the door, claiming to be the mother I was supposed to talk to.

"Which, incidentally, I still can't believe–looking at you sitting there, it's hard to believe you could have a sixteen-year-old son! Either you had him when you were just a kid yourself, or you have discovered the Fountain of Youth that Ponce de León was looking for!" he said.

"Oh, you are a charmer, aren't you! Seriously though, I had Craig when I was twenty years old. Which is kind of surprising, if you knew my past. You see, I wasn't exactly... um... virtuous and wholesome in college. I was quite the party girl and getting through college without an extra mouth to feed was a feat in itself!

"It was in college where I met Tom, my ex-husband. We were at yet another of the endless dorm parties. A friend introduced us and we hit it off. The next thing you know we were dating, then we decided to be "exclusive" and then he proposed–all in the space of a year or so.

"We got married as soon as we were out of college–they would have kicked us out of our dorms if we had gotten married while in school–and Craig came along shortly after."

"I see. Can I ask... what happened between the two of you? What was the cause of your divorce?"

"I don't really think there was one specific reason for our divorce. I mean it wasn't either of us cheating or neglecting the other or anything. We just kind of grew apart and neither of us was happy anymore. I don't know, it just didn't seem like such a good idea as it once was to be married.

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"Tom began spending more time at work and, honestly, I was glad he did. We hardly ever talked anymore except when it came to paying bills. He had his friends and his world and I had mine. We parted as friends, I guess, although we didn't stay in touch. But it wasn't a bitter, angry divorce. It was just a parting of ways."

"Yes, that seems to be a common thread these days. I am not judging you, Debra, but a lot of people anymore get married when things are hot and heavy but when they cool a bit and settle into a normal pattern it isn't as exciting as they thought it would be.

"I have had a lot of kids over the years who have been through their parent's divorces. Most of them adapt and move on, but a few of them bear the scars of the fighting and bitter feelings for their whole life. I'm glad your divorce was amicable but I wonder if Craig doesn't harbor some feelings of his own about it. 

"Divorce is never about just a man and a wife who don't love each other anymore–there are always others affected. Friends, families, children, parents–there are innocent people who get caught up in it as well. 'Collateral damage' if you will. And I wonder if Craig isn't a casualty of your divorce. Oh, he probably won't grow up to be a serial killer, but he has to have some feelings about his mother and father splitting up.

"Sixteen years old is a tough age for anyone and not having a father–or mother–to talk to about what's going on in your life makes it all the harder. I'm sure you are a wonderful mother, Debra, but you aren't a father. Craig can't talk to you about 'guy stuff' and things that he might be going through."

"Yes, I suppose, but Tom lives in another state–last I heard he lived in Seattle now but that's been some time ago. What can I do about that?"

"Well, that's where I come in, Debra. Like I said when I first came over tonight, I am more than just the guy who keeps the football team organized and makes sure they get to the games on time. I want to be part of these boys' lives. I am a friend, a counselor, a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen. For some, I am a father figure, and for others, I am their therapist and their best friend."

"That does sound good, Jim. I know that Craig was very close to Coach Walker and he helped him a lot during the days around the divorce and even afterward."

Jim and Debra finished their dinner and got ready to leave. Jim took care of the check and then they headed for the car. Once they left the parking lot Jim turned and started for her house.

"Jim, I had a wonderful time tonight, a nicer time than I can remember having for some time. Thank you for dinner."

"You are more than welcome Debra. Thank you for agreeing to go to dinner with me."

"Jim, I hope you don't think I'm some sort of slut, but it's just that times like this don't come along too often for me. If you don't have anything planned, would you... umm... I mean if you want to..."

"What is it, Debra? What are you asking?"

"Would you stay the night... with me?" she blurted out, then looked down at her hands in her lap.

Jim quickly pulled the car over into a nearby empty parking lot. He stopped and Debra looked over at him. "Jim, what..?"

"Debra I would be more than happy to stay with you tonight. I was kind of hoping you would ask as a matter of fact." He took her hand as he turned in his seat to face her better. 

"Debra, I have had a great time tonight too. You are wonderful company and I seem to be able to talk to you easier than any other woman I have ever met.

"You are a beautiful, fascinating, and thoroughly enchanting woman and I would very much like to get to know you better. Whatever happens with Craig aside, I would like to get to know his mother a lot better. I am hoping to put Craig on the team, but either way, I want you on my team!"

"Oh, Jim... I want that too. I-I don't know what to say..." she said, breathless now.

"Well, for starters, where are we going?"

"Your place or mine, I don't care... as long as you're there, Jim."

"Okay then, since you've already seen my place, let's go back to yours. You will feel more comfortable there in your own home and I will get a chance to see where you live."

"All right, but don't expect a lot... remember I'm just a working mom with a teenage son!"

They drove over to where Debra and Craig lived in the Cotswold neighborhood of Charlotte. She directed him to the apartment building she lived in.

"I'm on the second floor. The elevator works but it's slow–unless I have a bunch of groceries, it's just easier to walk up the stairs!" She showed him where the designated parking was for visitors and he pulled in as close to her entrance as he could.

"The building has three front entrances–one at each end and one in the middle. There are two rear entrances into the fenced-in area in the back as well. It's a secure building, you need an access code to get in. But that's kind of a nice feature with things being the way they are these days!"

"I know what you mean, Debra. I keep a Louisville Slugger behind the door of my apartment just in case. But no one would want to break into my place–all they'd get for their efforts is a small ten-year-old TV and my wallet–neither of which would be worth a heck of a lot! There aren't too many rich high school gym teachers out there!"

They walked up to the middle door and he turned his back while she punched in the five-digit access code. When the door clicked open they went inside and up the stairs to her apartment.

"Here we are, this is my apartment–number 220. I like it because it's right here close to the staircase... I don't have far to walk once I'm upstairs." 

She dug her keys out of her purse and unlocked the door. Before she opened the door, though, she turned to look at Jim and gave him a small weak smile.

"Come on in. Would you like something to..." She never got to finish her sentence. As soon as the door closed behind them, he spun her back to the wall and pressed her up against it.

He stepped forward into a crushing kiss, holding her firmly against the wall with his body. His leg slipped between hers and he held her arms up over her head as he kissed her hard and deep with everything he had. It was a risky move, considering that they only met a few hours ago, but he wanted her and he was pretty sure she wanted him too.

He couldn't have been more right and she let him know as she moaned her need for him into his mouth. He pressed himself to her showing her he had needs as well and she gasped when she felt how big that need had gotten!

"What about Craig? What if he, uhh..."

"Shhh... Craig is a big boy. I'm sure he will figure it out. Kids today are smarter than we give them credit at times. Right now, I want to take care of his mother!"

He pressed her up against the wall again and leaned into her, feeling her hard stiff nipples poking him in the chest and making him even harder. He quieted any further protests by kissing her softly on the lips, thrusting his wet tongue past her parted lips, and seeking hers.

Debra began sucking on his tongue, leaving little doubt what was on her mind. He let her arms down, wrapping his around her to place his strong hands on her ass. He pulled her harder into him, rubbing his hard thick bulge against her and teasing her with what he was about to give her. 

Debra was nearly out of her mind with lust. Without thinking her hands moved down to his crotch and she began rubbing his hardness. Her pulse was racing with her breathing coming in short pants like an overheated dog. 

Jim moved his kisses from her hungry mouth to her neck, which only made it possible for her to moan louder.

"Oh God, Jim..."

Jim smiled to himself. She was hot to be sure, but he wanted to throw a little more gasoline on her fire. He suddenly stepped back a half-step and spun her around to face the wall with her hands up on the wall almost like a police officer searching a suspect, but a little closer to the wall. 

"Don't move." he breathed in her ear. Debra bit her lip, not sure how much more teasing she could take.

He stepped up behind her, nestling the bulge between her asscheeks so she could feel him again. His hands then went slowly up her sides from her hips up to her armpits then moved around to her breasts.

He cupped the ample mounds and toyed with the hard points that capped them. Debra hadn't worn a bra because of the deep V neckline and now it was obvious as her nipples strained to poke holes in the material. 

He could feel her shudder as she struggled against the forces building up inside her. Her legs trembled, almost unable to bear her weight anymore, and had it not been for her stance and her hands on the wall, she very nearly might have fallen. Jim knew that she was suffering... it had been a long time for both of them and her dire need was quickly consuming her.

His hands left her heaving breasts and began migrating south. Debra didn't know whether to be relieved that he had changed his tactics or fearful of his next move. She couldn't take much more - the smoldering fire that she had at the restaurant was now a full-fledged inferno!

His hands moved down over her hips and down her thighs as far as he could reach. Then just as Debra had feared, they began moving back up her thighs!

From some tiny corner of her mind that could still function, a thought occurred to her. Oh God, he's going to find out I'm not wearing panties! Just as soon as the thought formed she heard him.

"What is this? Why my dear, you aren't wearing any panties! I thought I smelled your delicious aroma. You were waiting to surprise me! You ARE a naughty little slut aren't you Ms. Lopez!"

That was it. Something inside Debra snapped and she lost any willpower that remained. She spun around and threw her arms around his neck. Sobbing inconsolably, she pleaded with him. 

"Please, Jim! Oh God, please, I need you so badly... it's been so long... please, please take me to bed... fuck me, Jim, please fuck me right now! I-I can't take it anymore! Pleeease!"

Jim hadn't come over that evening to make her life harder and more stressful. On the contrary, he was there to try to help the besieged woman. So it would hardly be fitting if he kept teasing and pestering her with what she so desperately needed. After all, he was not a demon! 


Written by Master_Jonathan
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