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Increasing Desire: Chapter 5 – Subconscious Needs

"A middle-aged couple continues sex lessons and is surprised to learn about their subconscious needs"

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Libido Speaks

It was only a few days after our last visit when I turned to my husband, Richard, and said, “Oh my God, honey. I am so horny. I want to make an appointment with Ivan and Kim for another BDSM session, and soon.”

Richard confessed that he too could not stop thinking about our recent adventures. He encouraged me to contact them.

I called, and I could almost hear the smile in Ivan’s voice.

“I’m glad you rang us, Janice,” he said. “We were wondering whether you and Richard were satisfied with the outcome of our last session. You were introduced to some elements of BDSM that were new and perhaps a stretch for each of you.”

“Oh yes,” I responded. “Richard and I talked over what happened and found that we both enjoyed and had positive feelings about the things we did with you and Kim. We seem to learn more exciting techniques on each visit with you.”

“Wonderful,” Ivan expounded. “Kim and I hope that we are providing you with some insights and methods that will enhance your sex lives. I am glad that both of you are enjoying our efforts and are still excited and willing to experience new things. That said, if it is alright with you, we have decided to introduce both of you to some sex toys in this next session. Just remember that we are very much hands-on in our training. And, we also stress punishment before reward.”

“Thanks, Ivan. We are very familiar with your philosophy by now. We will see you tomorrow evening,” I said with a slight shudder of at the thought of using sex toys in front of other people.

Starting the Session

When we arrived for our lesson, Ivan and Kim lead us into the room that contained the desk and two straight-backed chairs. The items displayed on the desk included a stack of Velcro restraint straps, two bamboo sticks, and a variety of sex toys. I was intrigued. Richard seemed surprised because I had not told him about Ivan’s comment about the toys.

Kim sent us to our corners and had us strip. I felt a rush of adrenalin as I undressed and prepared to submit to who knows what. That rush, which I had learned from past sessions, would last the entire evening. The thrill and excitement of undressing and getting sexually aroused in the company of others is definitely a big part of the draw of BDSM for my husband and me.

Once we were undressed, Kim led us back to the desk at the center of the room and removed her clothes as well. Ivan wore a lab coat that was buttoned up in the front. “I’m happy to see that you have both decided to shave,” Kim said. “That will make our lessons much more enjoyable for all of us.”

“In today’s session,” Ivan started, “we are going to continue to show the two of you to some light bondage techniques, and to the use of some items that are referred to as ‘sex toys’. But, as you know, we believe that providing a little punishment before proceeding to the more pleasurable portions of the session results in an enhanced experience. So, Richard and Janice, please lean over the desk so that Kim and I can use the bamboo rods on your backsides.”

We did as we were asked, and each endured ten strikes that left our asses with stinging red welts. My neck and chest began to flush with the early signs of intense arousal. And, Richard’s cock became semi-erect.

The Cock-Ring

Ivan turned to Ricard with a circular plastic ring in his hand. The ring was about two inches in diameter. He grasped the ring with the thumb and fingers of both hands and stretched it out a bit – showing us that it was somewhat elastic, but not too stretchy.

“Richard,” Ivan instructed, “this is a cock-ring. It is used to surround your cock and balls right at their base. It is sized to be tight enough to restrict blood flow out of your penis, but not too tight to stop it all together. It will help you stay hard for an extended period, and also keep you from coming too quickly. Let me show you how to put it in place.”

I watched as Ivan reached out taking my husband’s balls in one hand while holding the ring in the other. He gently dropped each testicle through the ring and then slid the upper part over Richard’s soft, semi-erect cock. My husband’s cock was still pliable enough to slide through easily. Then Ivan pushed the ring right to the base and drew all of the pliable skin of Richard’s scrotum through the ring. In the end, the ring was pressed tight against Richard’s abdomen and perineum. His cock and balls were drawn up tight and held out together, slightly away from his body.

“How does that feel, Richard?” Ivan asked as he continued to hold and lightly fondle Richard’s surrounded package.

My husband replied, “Okay, not too tight.”

“Good, that is the way it should feel,” Ivan said. “Go ahead and feel it for yourself. But don’t be fooled, the ring will seem much tighter when you become fully erect.”

I was amazed. My husband did not flinch when Ivan handled his privates to put the cock-ring in place and wank him a bit. I think that showed a great deal of trust on his part. He also seemed to enjoy the feel of his now confined genitals.

I’m Bound

Suddenly, naked Kim appeared at my side and said, “It’s time to get you ready for the session as well.” She had me sit in one of the chairs. She brought four of the Velcroed tie straps and fastened each of my wrists to a side of the chair-back. Then she tied each of my ankles to a front leg of the chair. She had me test the strength of my restraints, and I found that I could not move any of my limbs or rise from the chair.

Then Kim brought a length of thin nylon rope. She quickly used it to weave a halter that surrounded, lifted, and squeezed my breasts. She was well practiced at rope work and had me bound up in no time. When she finished, my breath was coming in ragged gasps and I could feel my tits starting to swell. ‘Lord, what have I got myself into,’ I thought.

Richard and Ivan watched Kim tie me up. I smiled at them to let them know I was okay with the process so far. Then Ivan had my husband bend forward over the desk. Ivan reached for the Velcro straps but then thought better of it. Instead of tying him down, Ivan asked Richard to place his forearms on the near side of the desk, leaving him bent at the waist, supported by his arms on the desk, this head and shoulders slightly away from the desk. My chair was perpendicular to the end of the desk on which Richard was leaning. His legs were spread wide and I could clearly see his cock-ring bound parts. He was still less than erect.

Ivan picked up a bamboo rod again. He inserted between my bent over husband’s legs and raised it until it touched his balls. Then he lowered the tip of the rod about six inches and brought it up hard. My husband’s moan let us know that it hurt.

Kim Reveals the Plan

Kim leaned over my shoulder as we watched. She put her lips near my left ear and whispered, “Your reward for today is to have a front-row seat while Ivan fucks your husband. I don’t know if you are aware of it, but Ivan is bisexual. After you called to make tonight’s appointment he told me that he wants to take Richard’s virgin ass this session. Ivan is really good at seducing men. He will take his time to bring your husband along, and before he is through, Richard will be begging Ivan to take him – to fuck his ass.”

I was aghast. I could not believe that Ivan would do that to Richard. I sucked in my breath, but before I could speak Kim whispered again. “You just watch. You are going to enjoy it more than you can imagine. But, if you try to speak or warn Richard of what is coming, I will gag you and beat your tits raw with my bamboo rod.”

I didn’t know what to do. While I was wrestling with my dilemma, Kim squeezed my bare shoulder. Then she slipped her hand down my chest, over binding ropes, and gave my already swollen breast a hard squeeze. Richard did not hear what she said, but he did see what she did to me. ‘So much for the kinder, gentler side of BDSM,’ I thought.

The TENS Unit

With Richard watching her, Kim walked over to him and Ivan. “I think Richard has had enough punishment for today,” she said to both of them. “Let’s reward him for his good behavior so far.”

Ivan nodded his assent and Kim proceed to the pile of sex toys. She selected a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator or TENS unit. This one was already hooked up to a stainless-steel probe that was about half an inch in diameter and it sported a smooth hemispherical leading end. She turned on the power switch and adjusted the duration and length between electrical pulses before she handed it to Ivan.

She stood at my husband’s shoulder as he was bent over and leaning forward over the desk. He could not help but look at her naked form as she explained that, as a part of his reward today, she and Ivan were going to stimulate his prostate. He was going to find it very enjoyable, and his cock and balls would feel great swelling against the restraint of the cock-ring that he was already wearing.

Then she reached down and gently fondled Richard’s lengthening cock. She looked him in the eye and asked sweetly, “Richard, you have been open to new experiences with us over the past few weeks. And, I know that you have enjoyed the results. Tonight, we would like to introduce you to sensations in an erogenous zone that most men ignore. It’s something new for you to try. We will stop at any point if you ask us to. Do you think you would like to try anal stimulation, Richard?”

My husband was dumbstruck. He was reluctant and mumbled something to that effect.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Kim cooed as she continued to stroke his privates. “I’ll be right here with you, and your wife will be watching us.”

My husband turned his head and looked at me, perhaps hoping that I would rescue him. But I had already been put on notice. So, I just smiled and nodded my approval. What else could I do?

“Alright then,” Kim continued. “We are going to start with some slow easy steps. Ivan is going to apply some lubricant to your anus so the thin anal probe of the TENS unit will slip right in and contact your prostate with no pain at all. Meanwhile, I am going to hop on the desk and sit between your arms to give you something to focus on – a distraction if you will.”

Kim did as she said. She used the other chair as a step-stool and climbed onto the desk and sat down, legs parted, right in front of my husband’s face. Richard’s gaze was fixed on her open nether lips.

While he was distracted, Ivan applied a generous portion of lube to my husband’s anus. Richard squirmed a little when he felt Ivan’s finger work the cool lube into the outer folds. “Better move forward a bit, Kim,” Ivan ordered. “I think Richard needs to be incentivized.”

Kim skootched her ass forward until her legs dangled off the desk on either side of my husband’s head. Her cunt touched Richard’s face. Then she leaned back and rotated her hips upward, providing my husband direct access to her pussy. It was obvious what she wanted him to do. I heard Richard make an audible gulp, and then he tentatively extended his tongue to explore it. I saw him lap upward until he touched her clit. Kim smiled at me as she reached out to grasp my husband’s head and drew it to her.

Ivan continued to make use of the distraction as he lubed the probe, checked that the power was off, and brought it up into contact with my husband’s anus. Richard wriggled uncomfortably. Ivan placed a hand on Richard’s bare back. “Easy now,” Ivan said as if he were gentling a pony. “The probe is thinner than a doctor’s finger when he does a prostate exam. It will feel a bit cool at first, but it won’t hurt at all, and you will be pleasantly surprised when it warms up and we begin the stimulation.”

Richard just grunted as Ivan slipped the probe in several inches. He couldn’t move away, nor could he say anything because his mouth was full and snuggled up tight to Kim’s cunt.

Seducing My Husband

I was beside myself as I watched my husband being assaulted. And I was surprised that he did not protest as Ivan proceeded. In fact, Richard seemed to be enjoying it so far. I was concerned for him, but then I recalled what my husband had said to me after our last session: "If Ivan did start to have actual intercourse with you during one of our sessions, and it was obvious that you were enjoying it, I would have no objection. Nor would I think less of you for doing it. In fact, I would want to watch, learn, and, if possible, find a way to participate."

Given that, I could only sit, bound up in my chair, and watch. What they were doing was extremely erotic and I felt my arousal increasing. I wanted to touch myself, but could not because of my restraints.

Ivan switched on the TENS unit power. Short, sharp pulses began to stimulate my husband’s prostate. He started to make ‘ummm, uuummm’ sounds. I saw his cock twitch and begin to expand.

Ivan took his time. He let my husband get used to having a small cylindrical object in his ass. Ivan moved the probe around slowly at a shallow depth, letting Richard’s reactions guide his exploration to the most effective point of prostate stimulation. Then he withdrew a-ways and reinserted to touch that spot again and again.

Richard really began to hum, and his erection grew. His ball sack became plump and spherical. I knew he was enjoying some very new sensations.

Ivan slowly moved the probe in and out with one hand while he reached between my husband’s legs with the other. “Let’s see how you’re doing with the cock-ring,” he said as he knowingly massaged Richard’s balls and stroked his hardening cock. “Good, you seem to be adjusting well as you become fully erect. Remember that the ring will make it easier for you to resist coming. If you can hold back, it will be so much better when you do get off later. Will you hold off coming? Will you try to do that for me, Richard?”

My husband was becoming more aroused and quickly nodded his assent as Ivan continued to stroke his cock and fondle his tight ball sack.

“Good. I am going to stroke the probe in and out faster to increase your arousal,” Ivan said as he proceeded using the shaft of the TENS units in a simulated fucking motion.

As my husband began to relax and get into the rhythm of the stimulation, Ivan continued to speak. “I am going to remove the probe now and use my fingers to check your prostate, Richard. However, before I put my finger in, I want you to know that I am getting a hard on and my pants are holding it back. I’ll keep my lab coat on, but I am going to remove my pants now to let it loose. Is that okay with you, Richard?”

Again, my husband nodded his approval. I couldn’t believe that Richard was so compliant. Maybe he didn’t realize what Ivan intended. But I was in no position to change the obvious course of events unfolding before my eyes.

Kim got up from the desktop and came to my side.

Ivan stepped to Richard’s shoulder and placed the TENS unit and its probe back on the desk. I watched as Ivan removed his pants, briefly allowing fully erect, shaved package come into view. Richard turned his head to watch what Ivan was doing. My husband was at eye level with Ivan’s cock once his pants were off. A cock that had been in mine and Richard’s mouth last session. My husband did not seem concerned as Ivan nonchalantly reached under his lab coat, exposed and stroked his erection a few times right in front of his face as if to straighten it out after its confinement.

“Does the sight of my erection frighten you, Richard?” Ivan asked. After my husband shook his head ‘No’, Ivan continued. “Shall I unbutton my lab coat so you can see it all?”

Richard slowly nodded, ‘Yes’.

Ivan unbuttoned his coat as my husband and I watched. When his erect penis was fully exposed, Richard literally stared at it. Then he looked past it to me. He had a question in his eyes.

“Go ahead, Richard, touch it and suck it.” I said. “You know you want to!”

Ivan glanced my way and gave me a big smile. Then he stepped up to Richard’s shoulder and held his cock out. My husband turned slightly and reached out to take Ivan’s erect penis in his hand. Ivan removed his own hand and Richard took his time caressing, stroking, and exploring Ivan’s impressive cock and balls. I am sure it was the first time he had been allowed to intimately touch another man. Soon he moved his face forward and glanced up at Ivan’s face seeking permission.

“That’s it, Richard. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Just close your eyes and take it in. It’s something you would expect your wife to do for you. See what it feels like for her. And, do not worry about me. I’m good with it. My dick doesn’t discriminate by gender. In my experience, a blowjob by a woman or by a man feels just the same. And, God knows, we men always enjoy getting a blowjob from our women. Don’t we, Richard?”

I had to smile as I listened to Ivan coach and coax my husband. What he was saying was so true.

“Remember how good it felt to submit to me last week? Ivan asked rhetorically. “Well, it’s okay to revisit those feelings anytime you are afraid or feel the need to have me in your mouth. Just let me know. I understand, and so does your wife.”

I could see that Ivan’s patter, talking directly about sex and the sexes, was affecting my husband. His neck and chest were changing to a crimson hue.

Ivan noticed too. He reached around my Richard’s head with both hands and cradled it as he eased his cock deep into my husband’s mouth. There he remained still and allowed Richard to suck and explore to his heart’s content. Ivan removed his right hand from my husband’s head and used it to gently massage his neck and back. Then he stepped back and removed the lab coat entirely before reinserting his cock between my husband’s wanting lips and commenced a gentle face fucking while holding his head in place.

When Ivan felt it was time, he removed his cock from Richard’s mouth and placed his arms back on the desk. Both men were completely naked. My husband was fully aroused and quivering. To me, Ivan’s erect penis seemed harder, thicker, and longer than I remembered from our previous lesson. He was obviously extremely excited by the thought of what was to come.

Ivan continued to stand at my husband’s shoulder and spoke to him in a soft and gentle tone, assuring him that it was okay to be aroused. “I know you are feeling new sensations and that you are not sure how to react. Trust me and just be open to the experience.”

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Ivan continued massaging Richard’s neck and back while he reassured my husband that all was well and that he could let himself go.

As he slowly moved to Richard’s backside, Ivan let his hand trail along my husband’s back and down to his ass, steadying the object of his desire. Ivan’s cock slid against Richard’s butt cheek when he straddled Richard’s left leg while moving to a position between my husband’s spread legs.

Ivan moved forward until his erect cock nestled into my husband’s ass crack. He then reached forward to rub my husband’s shoulders. He massaged Richard’s neck and back for several more minutes before he moved his hands down to hold his hips while his cock stayed in contact with my husband’s crack. The slow hand rub had the desired effect, and Richard let out a sigh as he slumped forward resting his chest on the desktop. His arms not capable of holding him up off of it. At this point, I am certain that my husband knew what was coming, but he could not resist the needs of a more dominant male.

“Relax, Richard. You’re doing great. I’m just going to use my fingers to see how your prostate is responding to the stimulation,” Ivan said as he shifted to keep his hot cock in contact with Richard’s warm ass cheek.

As Ivan spoke, he reached forward beneath Richard with his right hand to once again to fondle his now throbbing cock and swollen balls. Ivan jacked my husband’s cock in a slow rhythm and occasionally squeezed his swollen balls back against the confining cock-ring.

“Richard, I really like the feel of your shaved cock and balls surrounded by the cock-ring”, Ivan said softly. “Have you ever been touched like this by a man before?”

My husband’s breathing was becoming labored, but he managed a strangled ‘No’.

“Not too bad, is it?”


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Kim's arm was around me. She was stroking my side. "I love this," she whispered in my ear. "Your husband is reluctant, but Ivan is overcoming his resistance. Watch… and enjoy..." Her hand went to my crotch and caressed it, touching my thighs, right between my legs.

Ivan continued to slowly masturbate my husband. “It’s okay if you like it. Your wife is here. She knows that it is just sex. You are simply responding to the stimulation of your genitals. It doesn’t matter whether a man or woman is doing it. She wants you to explore your feelings and enjoy the opportunity to learn things you can use together at home. Isn’t that right, Janice?”

Richard turned his head in my direction again. When he saw how I was engaged with Kim, he seemed to relax and respond to Ivan’s continued pleasuring motions.

I am sure that my husband did not think he wanted what he sensed was coming, but he was so aroused that he could no longer deny his need, and he didn’t object as Ivan proceeded with his seduction.

When he felt that Ricard was ready, Ivan ceased his masculine hand job and slowly brought his hand back and up to my husband’s anus.

“Okay Richard, here we go. Just like at the doctor’s office,” Ivan said as he lubricated and fingers of his right hand. “This will be familiar to you if you have ever had a doctor do it. As you know, you will feel a bit of a rush, a thrill, when the finger first pushes through the tight ring of your sphincter. There is often a bit of an ‘Uuumph!’ moment. These forbidden feelings are usually subconsciously suppressed in the doctor’s presence. But, here you are among friends, and you can allow yourself to relax and actually enjoy the experience for the first time.”

Ivan suddenly inserted his large middle finger to its full length. I heard my husband give an audible ‘Uuumph!’ Ivan let him adjust and then felt for my husband’s prostate. Once he located it, he moved his finger in and out in a slow rhythm as he palpitated the gland. Ivan also reached around Richard’s left leg with his left hand to continue stroke his fully swollen cock and balls.

I could not help looking as Ivan continued to finger fuck my husband under the pretext of giving him an anal prostate massage. His other hand relentlessly fondled Richard’s cock-ring restrained balls.

Kim's hands were all over me. "You're going to see him get it for the first time," she whispered. "Your Richard, fucked by a man." Her fingers edged their way into my vagina. "And you like it, don't you?"

I was allowing her fingers inside me! "Yes," I whispered, skootching down and rotating my hips upward to expose my vagina and anus.

"Watch. Watch and learn," she said, as I spread my knees and thighs to give her complete access.

Richard Begs

"I think you can easily take another finger, Richard. Shall we try it?" asked Ivan. He shifted his hand. I watched as my husband pushed back in positive response. Ivan withdrew his middle finger until the top joint was visible and pressed his index finger close up beneath it and began to nose his way back in. Richard held his breath and gripped the far side of the desk as he was stretched. When the knuckles were just inside, Ivan twisted his fingers back and forth, stretching him evenly in all directions while his left hand toyed mercilessly with Richard’s penis. My husband was beside himself now, low noises coming from the back of his throat. Just when it seemed that he might start to come from this thrilling new sensation, Ivan withdrew his fingers and let Richard calm down.

"Good. Now three is the magic number," said Ivan, as he inserted three fingers of his right hand and continued pumping and stretching my husband’s asshole for several minutes while he continued to fondle and slowly jack his cock with his left hand.

"OK, now relax,” Ivan said as he moved directly behind my husband and caressed his hips. Shifting, he made Richard move up so his upper body was fully supported by the desk. He then pulled himself forward until his groin flattened Richard’s ass cheeks. My husband moaned and gripped the far side of the desk as he felt Ivan position himself.

"Now Richard, you know it is perfectly natural for a man to explore the feelings and sensations associated with any erogenous zone – even his anus. The arousal from ass-play is strong. And, it is not gay or homosexual. All men, and women, can experience and enjoy this form of sexual arousal. I know I do. And I think you will too.”

Ivan continued to caress and stimulate Richard’s genitals and anus for some time. I admired his restraint and attention to foreplay. Eventually he asked, “Do you think you are ready for me?” My husband gave a visible shudder, but he didn’t respond.

“You do want this, Richard, don't you?" said Ivan as he lovingly held my husband’s hip with one hand while stroking his own fully erect cock against the crack of his ass. "Don't you?"

"Yes,” was my husband’s barely audible response.

"And you never even thought of it before?" asked Ivan

"No,” my husband responded with a note of surprised self-awareness.

Ivan had his red, rampant, fully erect cock in hand. He stepped forward until it came in contact with my husband’s well-lubricated ass crack. Ivan slipped his cock up and down Richard’s crack, effectively dry humping him – letting him get the feel of a hot cock sliding over and around his waiting anal opening.

Ivan placed the pointy tip of his extremely stretched cock right at the now gaping hole. “Tell me what you want, Richard,” Ivan commanded. But there was no response. Ivan started easing his cock head in and out with short sharp movements of his hips, stopping just short of actual penetration.

“Ask for it, or I can’t give it to you. You and Janice will have to go home unsatisfied.” Ivan told him.

After a moment, Richard said, “Please.”

“Please, what?” Ivan asked.

“Fuck me.”

Ivan slapped Richard’s ass. Hard. “If you want my cock, you are going to have to do a better job of begging for it!” he said.

“Please! Please! Fuck me, Ivan! Fuck my ass! I really need it now!” Richard begged earnestly.

I was amazed that Ivan not only made my husband submit to being fucked, he also humiliated him into begging for it in the process.


Ivan grasped my husband’s hips and began to press the head of his cock against Richard’s opening. Kim was behind me, her head next to mine, her lips at my ear. "Oo, look at that," she said. As I watched, Ivan pressed in. "Fucked!" whispered Kim and she slipped a finger inside me. In fact, it was two: one in front and one in back. I was beside myself. She leaned against me, pressing me against the restraints. Ivan had pushed the head of his cock into my husband. He waited and let Richard get used to the stretching. Kim’s fingers started moving as I watched. "You want to be there, don't you?" whispered Kim. "To watch up close? Or to have Ivan fuck you like that. That's what you want, isn't it, Janice? You want Ivan's cock up this pretty little ass of yours?"

That was it. I was coming. I struggled to avoid making noise.

“Aaah! So tight,” Ivan complimented my husband as he sipped the head of his cock through the rubber ring of my husband’s well-lubricated sphincter for the first time. Richard moaned, but did not seem to be in any pain.

I couldn’t stop watching. I slipped to the side and Kim continued to hold me against the restraints with her body, her fingers still doing their thing. "Please stop!" I whispered, afraid I would make noise and we'd be discovered. She didn't.

When my orgasm subsided, I felt Kim releasing me from my bonds – ripping the Velcro straps loose. Then she stood me up and pushed me over the desk right next to Richard. Ivan still had him bent over the desk and was letting him get used to the feel of a cock in his ass. I reached over and held my husband’s hand, letting him know that I was with him. I felt the motion transmitted from Ivan’s anal entries. Ivan was deliberately moving his cock in and out of my husband’s asshole. Then he pressed his cock in slowly till it was completely inside again. I felt Richard squirm as he took the full length. Then Ivan eased it out and stepped back. He caressed my husband’s ass cheeks for a while, then stepped forward and mounted him again. Richard shuttered.

“It’s okay, honey,” I assured my husband. “It’s just sex. Let yourself go. Let it happen. Enjoy making memories we can share in our bedroom at home.”

Ivan stepped back a second time and removed his cock again. Richard whimpered with want. Ivan separated my husband’s ass cheeks and fingered him.  Again, Richard whimpered until Ivan stepped forward and took him for the third time, demonstrating his dominance. By now Ivan had broken my husband in and he was mounting him with ease. This time he pushed in all the way and held that position while he reached forward and fondled Richard’s small man-boobs which were accentuated by his bent over position. It was obvious that Ivan enjoyed treating Richard like a girl and feeling him up while fucking him. It was added sensation for each of them.

My husband was beside himself. Ivan began to thrust in earnest. The force of each stroke bottoming out was transmitted from his ass to his body and up through his arm. I looked at my husband’s face. I could see that he was on the verge of coming, but trying his best to hold back as he was instructed to do.

“Richard,” Ivan said in a stern tone. “I want you to use your hand to grip your cock. If you feel like you might be starting to come, I want you to squeeze it real hard to stop your coming before it starts. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Richard replied with growing excitement in his voice. I noticed that he was showing all the signs of intense arousal, and now he was enjoying touching himself.

Ivan pulled Richard to a near upright position with his cock still buried to the hilt. “Janice,” he said. “Sit down on the floor and slide between our legs. Pull yourself up so you sit facing Richard with the desk at your back. Then watch and enjoy the action.”

I did as I was told. It was a tight fit. I ended up at eye level with my husband’s tightly confined scrotum. His cock extended up above his balls. Below, I could see Ivan’s cock entering and leaving Richard’s ass. My husband’s anus grasped Ivan’s cock as it moved relentlessly in and out.

“Ooh, honey. Your dick is so hard. And, your balls are so tight,” I said. “Take your hand away so I can touch you.” I stroked his cock and balls up close in front of my face. I could feel the pre-come flowing from the tip down and around the head. I pulled his cock down and let it push back up between my lips. The cock ring held his balls forward so his cock, although very hard, did not extend as far as it normally would. This was a perfect arrangement. I got to taste and feel his sexually agitated cock in my mouth without fear that it might push into my throat. I relaxed and let the thrusting motions caused by Ivan’s fucking move my husband’s cock in my mouth.

While orally enjoying my husband’s cock, I reached out between his legs, behind his tightly bunched scrotum, to find and touch Ivan’s cock and free-swinging balls. I gently squeezed them and then let my fingers wrap around his slick, constantly moving shaft. In response, Ivan pulled his hot, hard cock out of Richard and let me feel it. I wrapped my fingers around its slickness and Ivan playfully fucked my closed hand. I was beside myself. Ivan recognized me and acknowledged my participation while having anal sex with my husband. I was thrilled and let him know it by actively pumping his cock while he humped my fist.

Eventually, Ivan pushed forward, indicating that he wanted to reenter my husband. I released my grip on his shaft, guided it to its target, and then cupped Ivan’s balls in the palm of my hand as he mounted Richard for the final event.

It was such a rush to be engaged with the two men in my life while they were having anal sex together for the first time. It was wonderful to touch and enjoy two men without the concern of choosing one over the other.

I sensed that Ivan was ready to consummate his union with my husband. He stopped holding Richard up and let him bend back over the desk for support. I had to release my husband’s cock from my mouth and move my head to the side.

Ivan wrapped his arms around Richard’s waist and pulled him back until his cock was fully inserted in my husband. Then Ivan used his legs and bent knees to rapidly hunch his rampant cock forward and back in the short strokes that would bring him to orgasm and ejaculation. Richard was beside himself – moaning and mumbling. Then I heard him cry out, “God help me, I love this! Please don’t stop now!”

Ivan thrust hard… Released… Thrust hard again… Then held fast.

“It’s okay, honey. Ivan is ready. You can let go and come now,” I said to my husband.

“Come now!” I shouted to both of them. Come as long and hard as you can!”

Richard could hold back no longer. I felt his anal ring begin to spasm and milk Ivan’s exploding cock. Ivan started to shout and shoot his hot semen deep in my husband. I reached around and pulled Ivan’s hips forward, holding his exploding cock firmly into my husband’s ass. I then reached between his legs and felt the base of his shaft pulse and his balls contract as he began to ejaculate. My husband began to sound like a moose in heat as his own glands contracted and worked to force out the copious semen he had produced during extended foreplay through the restriction caused by the cock ring. Richard spurted, sprayed, and splattered his hot load all over my face, chest, and tits. Ivan pumped his hot ejaculate deep into my husband’s ass. It was a glorious climax for both of my men.

The Drive Home

During the trip home, we sat close together. I was wistful. I hugged my husband’s arm and watched the world go by. After a while, I asked tentatively what he thought about continuing appointments with Ivan and Kim. Richard was hesitant. He said that he didn’t think he could look Ivan in the eye after the way he had let him fuck him tonight. We fell silent for a bit and laid my head on his shoulder and then asked,

“Why do you feel that way, Richard? It was just sex. Ivan didn’t force you. He let you explore what it feels like to be aroused and fucked by a man for the first time, and you enjoyed it. You were so excited.”

“I know,” Richard acknowledged. “It’s just that men are conditioned not to let that happen.”

“Sweetie, thousands of women lose their virginity to a man every day, and most have mixed feelings just like you do. They enjoy the sex, but they are nagged by the feeling that they should not have let him go that far.”

“I know, but I am not a young girl,” he responded

“But, I watched Ivan show you his cock. He even asked you if it frightened you and you said ‘No’. Then you sucked him while he petted your neck and back. He moved to your bent over backside, felt you up, masturbated you, fingered and stretched your asshole for quite some time. Then he asked you if you wanted it, and you said ‘Yes’. He even made you beg him to do it. When you did beg, he eased his cock into your asshole. He let you adjust to its size, and then fucked you gently. I don’t think I once heard you say that it hurt. When I joined you at the desk you were breathing hard, whimpering, and about to lose it. Then Ivan mounted you repeatedly to break you in properly while I held your hand. And you willingly accepted his approach each time.”

“Ivan pulled you upright with his cock in place and had me sit between your legs with my back to the desk. I have never seen you so hard. I couldn’t resist sucking you while you were engaged in your first anal sex with a man. And, I was thrilled to touch you and feel Ivan’s cock shaft and balls during his approach to orgasm and ejaculation inside of you. When you came, he came too. You absolutely exploded all over my face and tits.”

“Given all that you did, and how much you enjoyed it, I can’t see how you can feel bad about it at this point,” I concluded.

“I know, I know,” Richard responded, “It’s just that I don’t feel right about it, somehow.”

We fell silent again and laid my head on Richard’s shoulder and then said quietly,
“What would you say to me making an appointment to see Ivan alone next time?”

“Why,” he asked.

I was blunt – no longer afraid to tell Richard about the sex I wanted. “I want Ivan to fuck me in the ass the way he did you. He is a master at foreplay and arousal. Both he and Kim have touched me there at just the right moments causing unbelievable orgasms. So, I am dying to see what he can do for me there with his cock.”

“But, I also need him to take his time to get me ready, fuck me, and bring me to the point of begging him to take my ass. And, I don’t think you should be there to watch while he has his way with me.”

“I am going to give myself over completely to the sensations of my last first-time experience,” I continued. “And I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable about it.”

“Tell you what. If you let me do this, when I get home I’ll give you all the details and a hand job. And, once I recover from Ivan, I am going to want you to fuck me in the ass too.”

“And,” I promised, “I won’t see Ivan again without you… Unless you ask me to!”

Written by GatorRhythms
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