I had to say goodbye to my last partner to say hello to getting my ass fucked.
Yes, that phrase unfortunately describes the worst thing one person can do to another. ("They fucked us ... in the ass!") I get it metaphorically. However, I wasn't getting it literally and that was the real problem.
How do you even phrase that request without looking like a huge, perverted freak? Only "wrong" people want that. I never wanted to be so wrong in my life.
My next partner was ... well, playful. Not joking to mask insecurities, but seriously invested in having a good time and giving that good time to others. They had the most wonderful smiling eyes.
I would usually put something in my ass when I played with myself. I just like the way it felt, having something "up there." Needless to say, butt plugs and sex toys for the booty were a revelation.
When I made out with Smiling Eyes, I felt imbued with extra sensation. Their lips and tongue always seemed to discover something novel in me sexually.
One day, while wearing my shorty shorts (not an accident), Smiling Eyes let loose with, "You have a beautiful behind."
Door officially opened.
I teased right back with, "Well what are you going to do about it?"
Smiling Eyes beckoned me with the come hither finger. I rushed right over to their embrace. We kissed deeply and immediately those lovely hands were on my ass, squeezing it, stroking it, reveling in its feel and weight in their hands. They got those shorts off as if by magic. Then next was the massage oil, warm and wet over my haunches, in my crack, caressed into my muscles and my dirty little heart.
"Face down, ass up, baby," Smiling Eyes commanded. I nearly busted out with a full-throated cackle, but managed what I thought was a seductive giggle. Way to read my mind.
Once I assumed the position, they were all lovely fingers, delightful light scratches, impudent smacks, and playful kisses, all for my deliciously presented posterior.
Then their finger slightly rimmed the outer edges of my asshole.
"OOOOOOOOOOH," I moaned. Smiling Eyes low, throaty laughter let me know they knew they were on to something.
"Time out, honey" I said.
Smiling Eyes asked, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I, just ... well ... um ... nightstand, middle drawer," I pleaded.
Smiling Eyes flashed that devilish little grin I was starting to love and set off on my sexy treasure hunt. They returned with my goody bag of butt plugs, vibrators, and sex toys.
"Well what can I assume you want done with these?" Smiling Eyes challenged.
"Choose something and fuck my ass with it," I said candidly.
Smiling Eyes chose the implement and spanked my ass with it. Pleasure shot through my body and made my skin electric. Their teasing, kneading fingers worked wonders. Spank, rub, kiss, fondle, smooch, slap ... over and over again.
Then their fingers pried my cheeks apart. I sucked in my breath and held it. In it went, ever so slowly, gentle strokes, in and out.
When they hit that spot, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I shouted, "Fuck my ass hard!"
And Smiling Eyes found the rhythm. Spanking my ass, hitting my spot, stroking my ass, hitting my spot, squeezing my ass, hitting my spot. I was all delightful squeals and shouts. "Yes! Fuck! Shit! Damn! Oh ... my ... goodness."
Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me, drowning me with delight, so much so that I lost the power of speech. I was all snarls and barks and yelps, like a happily wounded animal.
When I bend over and present my ass in the air this way, I feel the furthest thing from degraded. I'm oddly proud of myself. I feel like a sexual banner that reads, "Pleasure right here! Spank and fuck for further instructions."
I can imagine what I looked like for Smiling Eyes: a quivering, shaking, teasing, sexual delight for eyes, hands and loins. Each devastatingly timed slap from them resulted in a raunchy jiggle from me. They swatted my left butt cheek; I twerked in circles to the right. They reached over and pulled on my nipples; I bounced my ass off their hips. They kissed the small of my back; I turned my head to make eye contact and grinned. They fondled me from ass to thighs to feet; I wiggled my toes in response. I called their name, demanded they be nasty then nice, and begged them to get rough then be gentle. I shed tears of bliss, whispered unchaste secrets, reached for ecstasy, and reveled in my utter surrender.
And finally, when it was all over and I could feel Smiling Eyes sweaty weight collapsed on top of me, breathing their sweet breath in my hair, feeling their fingers play with the back of my neck and ears, they said ...
"My turn."