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Ass Fucking My Wife's Best Friend: Part 2

"My wife gets a turn."

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"Oh, I am sorry."

Fortunately it was my wife Eve, who burst in on us and not Lena's husband the firearms enthusiast. Whatever your personal opinion on gun control, I much prefer a husband to be unarmed should we meet while I am in the act of cuckolding him. A wife is better than an armed husband. A wife that begins by actually apologising when discovering her man buried in the ass of her best friend, well that is something special.

Eve had heard Lena scream followed by a crash as the nightstand was knocked over. The door was unlocked so she ran in And that is how she caught me fucking her best friend in the ass.

"Oh you did it," Eve started, "you actually did it."

Lena nodded. We could hardly deny it: my cock was still buried in her ass.

"Oh wow, I didn't quite expect you to," Eve continued, "I should have called. Oh my God, I'm just babbling. Would you like me to leave you alone?"

"Hell no," Lena retorted. "He's still your guy. He was only lent. I think you've seen him naked before."

This started Eve giggling which set Lena off. I gave Eve a hug and a kiss which became a longer kiss.

"Remember the deal?" Eve started. "Anything you did to her, you do to me."

"How could I forget?" I replied.

"Right now," Eve pushed me back onto the bed, straddled me and started unbuttoning her blouse. "I've been thinking about this all the way up, you have no idea how horny I am right now."

"Looks like I should be the one leaving you two alone," Lena beamed.

"Not so fast, I need to know how many times first," Eve giggled as she pulled her skirt over her head and threw it on the floor. "I don't want to be cheated."

"Twice, once in the front and again in the back when you came in. That's not counting the oral."

"You didn't!" Eve said incredulously. "You did that?"

Lena nodded in confirmation. "We did. He is good at it.."

"That's two orgasms you owe me," Eve prodded me in the ribs. "But I am going to take them both in the front thank you very much."

"That wasn't the deal." Lena interjected. "You get what I got."

"No weaseling out now, you made me a promise, two times," Eve pouted.

I suddenly realized what Lena was driving at. "Ah, I just got it. Lena is saying that in return for me 'doing' her, you agreed to let me 'do' you in the same way."

Eve turned to Lena. "I didn't mean that!" she said petulantly, then as she saw the look on our faces, "no, no, no, you wouldn't."

"It's OK," Lena put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her, "I really want you to try this. I'll help show you how."

It took a lot more persuasion from Lena before Eve finally asked, "Will it hurt?" 

"No, I promise," Lena replied.

Eve looked at me with a resigned expression and removed the lack silk panties that were her last piece of clothing. She folded them carefully, methodically and placed them on top of the heap of clothes she had thrown off earlier.

I laid my wife on her back crosswise on the bed and spread her legs so her friend could get a good view of her. For some reason, maybe because it was her bedroom we were in, nobody seemed to question the idea that Lena would stay.

Like Lena, Eve keeps herself completely shaved. Lena gave a smile of encouragement and lay down next to her friend to hold her hand

I wasn't quite sure what part Lena was going to play at that point. I decided to just focus on Eve. We hugged and kissed. Even though Eve was clearly very aroused, I wanted her to be as relaxed as possible.

Ass fucking is sex for connoisseurs. Ass-fucking is truth. Ass-fucking is trust. A cunt or a prick can lie but an anus cannot. You can groan and shout and arch your back to fake an orgasm but you can't tell your anus to respond. If an anus is tense or nervous it shuts up tight like a fist no matter what the conscious brain is asking it to do. A cunt can take a prick in fear but an anus can only take a prick it trusts without risking painful damage.

Eve is usually an assertive lover. Not content to be passively caressed, she demands attention directing me to her breasts, her nipples, her cunt. She knows what she wants and is not ashamed to ask for it. This time she was like a nervous virgin who knows that this is going to be her first time. A virgin that has consented to be kissed and touched in intimate places before but knows that this time the boundary will be crossed: her legs will be parted and her body penetrated. Where the fingers lead, a penis will follow.

I had made love to Lena quickly, selfishly, not knowing whether she might change her mind at any minute. I wanted to get my cock inside her as soon as possible, to conquer her, to spite her worthless husband.

Now I wanted to take my time, to linger at my wife's lips, her back her breasts. Taking extra long to tease sensations out of her body. Eve's nipples are very sensitive. She often tells me that she thinks she could almost come just from having them sucked. Eve sighed as I worked each nipple in turn with my tongue and teeth.

My tongue travelled further down Eve's body, circling her navel, then running down, down to her shaved pubis to find her slit, carefully wetting and separating the folds of her labia from each other.

Putting my hands under her buttocks, I raised Eve's pussy to my lips like I was drinking from an enormous cup. I could feel the powerful muscles beneath her smooth skin. At last the tip of my tongue grazed her clit and she gasped with pleasure. Eve sighed and moaned as I pushed the tip of my tongue inside her, tasting the juices of her pussy, then felt her body tense as I slowly, deliberately kissed her anus.

Lena had put pillows under Eve's ass and this allowed me to support her in this position and regain full use of my hands. Lena was gently stroking and kissing Eve's shoulder, helping to relax her.

I returned to licking Eve's cunt and clit, feeling her body relax again. Lena pulled my hand away and poured some lube onto my fingers. Eve's pussy was plenty wet enough already but I lubed her up anyway, inside and out, crooking my fingers to work her G-spot, then finger fucking her with three fingers. Eve's cunt was more than ready to take my cock. She arched her back and closed her eyes with each thrust. If I continued much longer she would come.

But I didn't want that, not yet. I wanted to bottle up the tension, build up the pressure as much as possible to create an explosive release.

I slowed the motion with my tongue and moved my hand down from her cunt to her ass, lubricating and pleasuring the whole area while continuing to lick at her clit. This time Eve did not tense up. Lena provided more lube and I pressed the tip of my finger gently against her anus, knocking to be let in.

Eve's breathing slowed with the new sensation. I continued circling and pressing her anus with my fingers as my tongue circled and licked at her clit. Soon she was rocking her body in time to both movements.

Now I was starting to see the convenience of a threesome that was not quite a threesome. Whenever lube, a pillow or anything else might be needed, I merely needed to hold out my hand and it would be there. I held out my hand and Lena applied lube along the whole length of my finger.

Slowly, deliberately, I skewered my finger into Eve's ass drawing a low moan. She was tight, so tight I wondered if I would even be able to fit my cock inside her. I hand to work quickly because Eve was circling her hips, grinding her cunt into my mouth in the way she often does just before my tongue brings her to a climax.

I stopped licking to force her to concentrate on the finger working away inside her ass.

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This brought a gasp followed by more moans as I worked her G-spot from inside her ass.

Eve had become looser but a second finger almost made her come. I resumed working her clit with my tongue: That was enough. Eve's body shook more violently than I had ever known before. I felt her ass clenching round my finger with each wave, then as the pulses began to weaken, twisted my hand inside her ass to reach her G-spot and cause her to reach a new crescendo.

My cock was stiff and ready for her. I pulled her body towards me and felt a hand guiding my prick inside her cunt. It had to be Lena's hand as one of Eve's arm's were wrapped round Lena's neck, hugging her close to her and the other was buried deep between her friend's legs.

Suddenly I realized that I was about to loose control myself. I was fucking my wife while she french kissed and finger fucked her best friend. How cool was that? I felt the fluid squirt and sudden warmth flowing over and through my body. I slumped into Eve's arms as she held me tight.

I had fucked two women and come twice in less than an hour. I was spent, for the time being at least. I rolled onto my back to watch Eve and Lena.

Eve had never shown any interest in women before. She was showing more than just interest now. Lena's legs were parted and my wife working her tongue between while her friend licked my semen from her own cunt.

After catching my breath, I propped myself up with a pillow to enjoy the show but it didn't last very long. After licking each other for a few minutes the girls parted and both declared they were in urgent need of food.

It was Christmas Day and our original plans for dinner had become irrelevant at this point. Eve and I were meant to be two hundred miles south at her aunt's. Lena was meant to join her sister's family. We showered and headed downstairs to drink wine and raid the freezer.

Before we did so, Lena had a present for Eve.

"I was saving this for a special occasion." Lena said, handing Eve a small pink box still covered in shrink wrap.

Inside the box something shiny rested on a velvet cushion. One end was a bulge, an inch and a bit across in the shape of a strawberry. The other end had a handle.

Eve realized the purpose of the device immediately and spread herself so that Lena could insert it. The plug was not small and it took quite a lot lube and persuasion to get it inside Eve's butt.

"It's actually quite comfortable," Eve said, wriggling her hips to test it. Then when she stood up. "Gosh, heavy, I can feel it."

"That's the idea, to remind you we aren't finished yet."

Nobody wanted to get properly dressed but the house was not warm enough to sit still for long undressed. Ever the perfect hostess, Lena had provided us with shower robes.

Lena lit a fire and we sat round the hearth eating the canapes and microwave dim sum she had found. The girls finished most of a bottle of Chablis between them. I drank sparingly: there would be plenty of time to drink later and I prefer red.

The drink was a useful alibi as we made excuses to the friends and family we were abandoning: leak, emergency plumbing, lunch, wine, too drunk to drive. And the handle in Eve's bum was a useful toy to distract her as she made excuses to her aunt.

After we had eaten and drunk out fill, Lena suggested we watch a porn flick to get everyone back in the mood.

I spread Eve's legs to show her shaved pussy. "That's all I need to get me back in the mood."

"This doesn't seem back in the mood yet." Eve stroked my deflated cock.

"Let me help," Lena rejoined.

Soon I was lying on the sheepskin hearthrug while the girls licked and sucked my cock. I couldn't see what was going on but it felt really good. All I could see were the two naked asses bent in front of me.

It really doesn't get any better than that. I had lusted after Lena for years. Now I was watching her just-fucked ass as she gave me a blow-job to prepare me for my wife who she had persuaded to let me ass-fuck her.

The two asses just begged to be touched and squeezed. I ran a hand down both cracks, feeling how wet the two women were. Eve was still wearing the butt-plug. I gave it a slight pull which caused Eve to sigh softly.

Concentrating my attention on Eve, I began to work her clit and pussy with one hand while I worked the butt plug with the other. Lena saw what I was doing and started working lube into Eve's ass.

As Eve got more excited the butt plug was replaced by two and then three of my fingers. Lena knelt on all fours as I finger fucked her ass from behind.

"Do it! Christ! do it!"

I pressed the tip of my cock against her virgin ass. Her first anal, my first time bareback. Eve pushed her hips back, but didn't get very far before she stopped.

"I can't, you are too big."

"You can do it, try."

Eve tried again but didn't get any further.

"Just can't."

Eve was tight, much tighter than anyone I had ever ass-fucked before. It was time to take charge.

I told Eve to lie on her front and draw her knees up to spread herself as wide as possible. I pushed my cock against her hole and began.

The new position worked much better and I was inside her in a few strokes. Eve gave a gasp with each stroke. I reached round to touch her clit and the gasps suddenly became much louder.

I started thrusting, slowly, gently. Eve began rocking her hips back and forth with the rhythm. She pushed her ass up towards me to change the angle.

"Harder!" Eve pushed my hand away from her pussy. I kicked up the pace, fucking her faster and deeper. Fucking her virgin ass like I would fuck a pussy.

"Oh yes, Oh yes," Eve chanted in time to my thrusts. "Come inside me! Come in my ass!"

Much as I wanted to, I was far from ready to come. Perhaps sensing this, Lena began stroking my ass and balls. As I fucked my wife's ass with my cock, Lena fucked my ass with her finger.

I didn't have time to think about or process this new experience: As soon as her finger was fully inside me, she gave it a twist sending my seed pumping into Eve's ass. I rolled over to recover as Lena took over, frigging her friend to a furious orgasm.

As she lay back in her friends arms, Eve said the two words I most wanted to hear right then: "Thank you." 

We cleaned up and walked to a nearby Chinese restaurant, the only restaurant that was likely to be open. I was surprised to find it was full. When we got back we I was too spent to do much more than watch Eve and Lena play together

Life was good: I had fucked my wife and her best friend in the ass and so far we were all still friends. There had been no neighbors, no relatives dropping by on their way home, no unexpected visitors of any kind. Bod was a bastard: he had absented himself from his marriage for years and I had cuckolded him for it. Pussy, ass, revenge, all in one day, just how much better can it get?

Even so there was a nagging doubt, a premonition that there must be some kind of price to pay. I lay awake late into the night, waiting and worrying, watching the woman I loved and her best friend sleeping curled around each other.

Nothing happened.

Lena and Eve both woke with the idea of starting a new game and we began to adapt to the possibility, the idea of being an occasional menage a trios. Eve expressed interest in trying swinging.

When it finally struck, the bombshell was completely unexpected.

Written by ByronLord
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