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Another Zander Audition

"MIchelle becomes a Zander intern."

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Spencer was the official photographer for the Zander Corporation, a secretive organization made up of business professionals. The group’s purpose was to use their power and influence to assist upwardly mobile individuals toward career success. The reason the group remained secret was due to their operating procedures. Ninety-nine percent of their ‘internships’ were awarded to women. They were all especially beautiful young women who were required to have a three hour interview with each of the Directors.

Spencer had been hired by the corporation five years back after he retired from the CIA. In addition to his job with Zander, Spencer had also been given a management job with a large firm in the city. It was, so to speak, his cover that allowed him to receive an exceptional salary with very few responsibilities other than filming the candidates for internships. While with the CIA, he had worked in what was fondly called the ‘dirty works department,’ and was a wizard with cameras.

As he reclined on his couch in front of his 60” 4K flat screen television, Spencer sipped on a beer and his mind drifted back to the past weekend spent with one of the past Zander interns. After reviewing her audition film, he had remembered his encounter with her back in his studio several months before. Thinking about the things they had done in her new apartment, Spencer decided the time she had spent with the secret corporate directors had given her a new perspective on sex. She had been more than willing to do anything, and everything Spencer had suggested. She had become quite vocal and multi-orgasmic.

He was just remembering how he had bent the ex-intern over her kitchen counter and was liberally applying olive oil to her pink pucker when his cell phone chimed. Picking it up, he saw the call was from Phyllis Zander, the official secretary of Zander. He quickly muted the sound from the TV and answered the call, “My sweet Phyllis. Why would you be calling a cantankerous old bachelor on a Sunday afternoon?”

“You are not cantankerous,” the woman said flatly. “I wish I were calling to ask you to show me around your studio, but alas, I am not.”

“A studio tour? What a lovely idea,” Spencer replied in a soft, sexy voice.

Getting right to business, Phyllis announced, “I’ve had a call from Jonathan Zander. He has discovered a young woman he would like to have enrolled in our program. He says she’s beautiful and talented but needs some help moving her career along.”

“Why do I get the feeling you don’t believe him?” Spencer asked.

“Oh my,” Phyllis replied. “I’m sorry if my disbelief showed in my voice. But you guessed correctly. I’d be willing to bet a month’s salary Jonathan has been playing footsie with the young lady and needs to find a way to get her out of town.”

“Would he do such a thing?” Spencer asked showing false shock in his voice.

“I have no doubt about it,” she seemed to spit out, “But I’m not paid to give such things any thought. My job is to get the ball rolling and keep it going until the contract period ends.”

Spencer smiled. “You do an excellent job, Phyllis. Tell me what you have in mind for me.”

“You are always such a breath of fresh air, Spencer,” the woman said. “Someday I’m going to get a tour of your studio.”

“Consider the invitation extended,” he said honestly. “Any time you feel the need, just give me a call. But keep in mind my studio sessions run three hours.”

There were several seconds of silence before Phyllis spoke again. “I’ve set up a lunch meeting between you and the woman so you can get acquainted with her before she gets naked for you. I thought you might like to talk with her first.”

“I appreciate it, Phyllis,” he told her. “And you are exactly correct. I try to get the best out of our women as they are filmed. But it can be a little tricky if I’ve only spent five minutes with them before telling them to take their clothes off.”

Phyllis was thinking how sweet it would be to have Spencer tell her to get naked but tried to keep her mind on the current topic. “The reason I’m calling you now is I’ve reserved a table for you at the Town Point Club tomorrow at 1:00. Can you make it?”

“Even without looking I know I have nothing on my calendar tomorrow,” he answered. “I try to keep my Monday’s uncluttered. So, 1:00 is perfect.”

“Good,” she replied. “I’ll call the woman and make arrangements with her before I call you back.”

An hour later Phyllis called again. “We have a plan,” she said without preamble. “Miss Santos will meet you at 1:00. I’ve told her she should only say she is there to meet Mr. Spencer. You should have an hour to get acquainted.”

“What’s her first name?” Spencer asked.

“Michelle,” Phyllis answered. “She has no discernable accent I could identify, but you can work all of that out as you always do.”

“I have enough for a good start,” Spencer told his old friend. “As long as I know her name I’ll get to the rest of it in due course.”

“I’ve already spoken with the restaurant and arranged for the meal to be billed to the company. You’ll only need to sign the check.”

Spencer chuckled. “Then you won’t mind if I order a bottle of wine?”

“Order two,” Phyllis answered. “The determination that this project is a go is entirely yours. The woman has been recommended by one of the Directors, but that doesn’t mean we are required to do it. If you decide she isn’t up to our standards, you’ll only need to say the word. You’ve proven to us in the past you have a unique skill for selecting the best people for the program.”

“I’ll take care of it Phyllis and be back in touch with you later in the afternoon.”

“Thank you, Spencer,” the woman replied. “As always, I’ll look forward to speaking with you.”

“You are always so polite and articulate,” Spencer told her with a laugh. “Why do I have the feeling you are a hell raiser when the lights go out?”

There was a pause before she responded. “Perhaps someday we’ll have to discuss the topic. Perhaps it will be one of those two bottle days.”

The woman disconnected the call leaving Spencer laughing.

The next day shortly before 1:00 Spencer arrived at the Town Point Club. Identifying himself, he told the receptionist, “I’ll be conducting an interview while we eat lunch. I’d like for the service to be minimal and the table to be located where we are least likely to be disturbed. My guest will request to join Mr. Spencer.”

He had been seated only ten minutes and was looking over the wine menu when he saw her walking toward him. Michelle Santos was perhaps 5’ 5” tall. He guessed she would weigh about 110 pounds. The way she walked screamed for men to look and her and desire her. With a name like Santos, he was not expecting such a fair skinned woman. Her hair was black and hung over her shoulders. She was wearing a business suit which fit her lovely body perfectly. Her skirt was slightly above her knees and showcased her legs, encased in sheer black stockings.

Standing to greet her, Spencer mumbled under his breath, “I love my job.”

Reaching the table, the woman flashed her white teeth in a smile saying, “Mr. Spencer?”

Taking her hand, he merely held it and responded, “Lose the Mr. I just go by Spencer. May I assume you are Michelle Santos?”

“I hope you’ll call me Michelle,” she replied, continuing to give him her big smile.

“Please,” he motioned. “Have a seat.” He watched her as she sat and placed her purse on a chair beside her. His mind was ticking away, running his initial analysis of his first impressions. Once he was seated, Spencer looked at Michelle saying, “I was going to order some wine. Will you join me?”

“I’d love to,” she answered. “I don’t usually drink alcohol at lunch, but seeing as this is an informal interview, I think it’s appropriate.”

Almost immediately a waiter came to the table. Spencer ordered a bottle of wine and returned his view to Miss Santos. “Did Phyllis give you any information on me when you talked with her yesterday?”

“She only said that you would be my first contact with Zander and you would guide me through the process. She didn’t tell me what was involved in the ‘process,’ but assured me you were a very nice man and thoroughly knowledgeable about the company.”

“Then let’s begin at the beginning,” Spencer said with a warm smile. “You are applying for what we generally refer to as an internship with Zander. If you are accepted, you will meet with the different Directors over a period of three months. At the end of your internship, assuming that you complete the program and are approved, you will receive some form of career assistance from the group. Have I described what you expected?”

“I believe that you were being very politically correct and polite. You’ve avoided saying that I will probably spend a fair amount of my internship naked,” Michelle said with a friendly smile. “Is that correct?”

Spencer chuckled. “That would probably be correct. Since you are here may I assume you have no problem with the requirements?”

“Let me be very straightforward, Spencer,” the young woman said softly. “My understanding is that if approved I would spend some time with each of the Directors having sex. In return for my sexual favors, this group will assist me in some way to advance my career.” She took a sip from the water glass on the table. “I am a woman that truly loves sex in all its shapes and configurations. If doing something I enjoy with a variety of men and females can help me move another step up the ladder, count me in.”

Spencer decided that he liked Michelle Santos and not just because she was beautiful and sexy. He liked the way she comported herself and the self-assurance she exhibited.

The waiter arrived and poured wine for both of them. Holding his glass out to Michelle, he offered a toast, “To a mutually beneficial internship.”

After they had ordered lunch, Michelle asked, “So how does it work? How do I make contact with the corporation’s Directors?”

“That is all arranged by Phyllis,” Spence told her. “After seeing your audition film, the Directors will contact Phyllis to make an appointment to meet with you. By doing it that way, you don’t have to be concerned with dozens of phone calls and having to maintain a calendar. Phyllis will be your point of contact. She will make your appointments, keep track of your schedule and keep you informed.”

“And you?” Michelle asked.

“My job is to make your audition video, edit it and get it into the Directors’ hands.”

“So,” Michelle asked, “You will be filming me?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“Where?” was her next question.

“In my studio,” he answered. “I have a studio in my condo.”

“How long will it take?” she asked.

“I always allow three hours,” he told her. “It doesn’t mean that we’ll be filming for three hours, but it will take that amount of time to get everything done and allow you some time to catch your breath.”

Michelle took a sip of wine and studied Spencer for a minute. “Will there be anyone else around while you are filming?”

“Nope,” he answered quickly. “Just me. I have my studio set up with five different cameras plus two handheld cameras that I also use. They are all synced together so that I can easily see the same action from five different angles. That makes editing pretty easy.”

She listened carefully before asking, “Will you and I be having sex?”

“Yes,” was his immediate answer. “Typically, I will conduct a bit of an interview with you facing the cameras. At some point, I’ll direct you to undress and give the camera a close look at your body. Generally, I’ll ask the person to masturbate for the camera before we move to ‘two person’ sex.”

“I’m not going to be coy,” Michelle said with a grin. “I think I’m going to enjoy having you as a sex partner.”

“I’ll do my best to keep you entertained,” he told her with his lopsided smile.

As they ate their lunch, Spencer asked Michelle what kind of work she did. “I’m in sales,” she answered.

“For the past year, I’ve been working with a local company selling sophisticated computer equipment used by many of the companies headquartered downtown. I moved to that job from a smaller company doing essentially the same thing. This job pays better and has a larger established clientele.”

“Do you enjoy the work?” he asked.

“Not really,” she responded. “I was hired for my body, not my brain. I’m not saying that I’m opposed to having men take long looks at my figure before they agree to hear a sales pitch, but I would enjoy being taken a little more seriously.”

“Was it through your sales job that you met Jonathan?"

“Right,” she answered. “Jonathan’s company was getting ready to invest in a new computer system, and I had a chance to discuss my products with him.” Suddenly she looked up at Spencer realizing that he had trapped her. “Fuck,” she whispered.

“Exactly,” he said with a smile. “How long have you been fucking Jonathan?”

Michelle sat down her knife and fork beside her plate. “About three months,” she answered. “Is this going to disqualify me from the program?”

“I don’t see why it should,” he answered. “But I would suggest that you not mention it to anyone you might meet with Zander.” Spencer took another bite before asking, “Is he any good?”

Michelle smiled at Spencer and answered, “He’s not the best I’ve ever had, but he certainly isn’t the worst.”

Spencer finished his meal and looked across the table at Michelle. “Are you free Wednesday night to make the audition tape?”

“You bet,” she answered with a bright smile. “I’m anxious to get this started.”

“Yeah, me too,” he told her as he handed over a piece of paper. “This gives directions to my condo. I’d like for you to be there no later than 7:30. You’ll have some papers to sign, and we’ll have a drink and discuss it before we move to the studio.”

Glancing down at the paper, Michelle looked up and asked, “What should I wear?”

“Something sexy, but not whorish,” he told her. “Keep in mind that you’ll be trying to seduce about twenty well-bred men with your film. I think it’s a good idea for you to wear some sexy lingerie that you can remove slowly. It would be a good idea to bring a favorite toy or two. I’ll have some available if you don’t have any.”

Looking into his eyes, Michelle crossed and uncrossed her legs, giving him a quick glimpse of her inner thighs and the tops of her stockings. In her smart move, she answered two questions for Spencer. Michelle was not wearing panties, and her pussy was shaved. “I’m getting excited thinking about it,” she whispered. “Thank you for your time and for lunch.” Michelle stood and extended her hand to Spencer. “I’ll see you again soon.”

Spencer shook her hand without standing. As he watched her walk away, he thought, “And I’m looking forward to seeing you minus the clothes. I’ll bet you set my sheets on fire.

Shortly before 7:30 on Wednesday evening, Spencer opened his front door to let Michelle inside. As she walked in, he studied her from behind. She was wearing a tight fitting black skirt and a flaming red silk blouse. The heels she was wearing made her look taller than when they had first met. His eyes caressed her rounded ass as she walked ahead of him into his living room.

“You have a lovely place,” Michelle said as she looked around the room. “It feels very masculine.”

“I live here alone,” he replied, “So, I guess it should feel manly. I bought this place five years ago because I liked the layout. It only needed a little modification to be perfect for my needs.” As he talked, Spencer led Michelle to his granite bar top looking into his kitchen. He pointed to a bar stool and watched as she sat, once again showing her inner thighs.

“This was originally a four bedroom home,” he told her as he removed a bottle of wine from his built in wine cooler. “I turned the master bedroom into my studio and made a new master bedroom upstairs by combining two other rooms.”

As he spoke, Spencer opened the bottle and poured two glasses, handed one to her and picked up his own. Holding his glass toward her, he said, “Here’s to success.”

“Indeed,” she answered and took a sip of her wine while her eyes stayed glued to Spencer. Setting her glass down, Michelle picked up a stack of papers on the counter top. “Are these for me?”

“They are,” he answered. “That is your contract with the Zander Corporation. I’d like for you to read it and I’ll answer any questions you have.”

“Couldn’t we just make the film first?” she asked, and he could see the fire in her eyes. He was sure of one thing. Michelle Santos was anxious to get naked. He didn’t need to touch it to know that her bald pussy was already dripping wet.

Spencer gave her his ‘sexy’ smile. “You just sit there and read the contract. It’s clear and points out the things that you will be required to do and what the corporation will do for you. Once you’ve read it, we’ll sign it and move on to the next step.”

Michelle sipped her wine and read the contract. Five minutes later she looked up at Spencer saying, “This is very straight forward and not filled with lawyer mumbo-jumbo. I’m ready to sign it.”

Handing her a pen, he told her, “You sign right here, and I’ll witness it.”

Once they had both signed it, Michelle asked, “Can we start the film now?”

“Let’s talk just a minute,” he said as he moved to her side and put his arm around her. “My job is to make and edit your audition film. It’s essential to your success that it be good. You want the directors to see it and be so turned on that they’ll want to meet you at once. By that, I mean that you must be thinking that people are watching.”

“That’s kinda kinky,” she laughed.

“Since I haven’t been with you, I don’t know what kind of noises you make while you’re having sex,” he explained. “It’s important that you express yourself clearly so that the Directors can hear you. Moans and groans are good, but saying something now and then makes it even better. In other words, play to the camera.”

“I don’t think that will be difficult,” she said with a coy smile.

Spencer picked up the bottle and refilled their glasses. “Let’s go back to my studio, and I’ll explain how everything works.”

“I understand how sex works,” she said as she slid off of the barstool.

As they walked toward his studio, Spencer let his hand rest on her ass. “I’m certain you know how sex works. I want you to understand where the cameras are and how they work.”

Michelle liked the feeling of his hand on her butt. There was no doubt in her mind that Spencer was a man that knew what to do to make a girl happy.

Spencer led her into what first appeared to be a large bedroom, but as she looked around, Michelle could see that the large bed was simply a prop.

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He pointed out the cameras placed around the room. She could see that he had every angle of the bed covered.

“In addition to those cameras, I also have two hand-held cameras that I’ll use for close ups. If you’re good, I may even let you hold one toward your face to catch your look during orgasm,” he explained.

Just hearing him say the word orgasm made her excited. “When does that happen?” she asked.

“Not right away,” he chuckled. “First we’ll do a little interview with your clothes on. I’ll be behind the cameras asking questions. You have to remember that you’ll be speaking directly to each of the directors. After we’ve talked a bit, I’ll ask you to undress. You’ll want to do that slowly.”

“Are you always going to be behind the camera?”

“Once you are naked and I’ve filmed you masturbating, I’ll join you on the bed,” he answered.

Michelle reached up and touched his chin. “Then we are going to fuck?”

“Oh yes,” he said softly. “We are most certainly going to fuck. The cameras will be on you, and you’ll want to make certain that the Directors can see how much you enjoy fucking.” Spencer patted her bottom and pointed toward the bathroom. “Go in there and touch up your makeup. You don’t need a lot of makeup because there will be close ups of your face. Put a little gloss on your lips. You need to look kissable.”

While Spencer made his final settings on the cameras, Michelle made certain her makeup was perfect. She pulled up her skirt to make certain that her thigh-high stockings were in place and checked to see if the wet spot in her panties was visible.

When she came back into the studio, Spencer pointed to a spot at the end of the bed. “You look sensational,” he said. “Now, I need for you to stand right there and let me check the lighting.”

She watched him work on his cameras for a few minutes before he stood and pointed toward a large flat screen TV. “Watch there,” he said. Suddenly her face filled the screen. “That’s what I getting from this camera,” he said pointing to the camera in front of him. Then he pressed a button on a control panel, and she could see herself from five different cameras. “Now you get an idea of the angles I get.”

“That’s really amazing,” she said as she looked at herself on the large monitor. She watched him pick up a smaller hand-held camera.

“Are you ready?” he asked. When she nodded, he said, “We’ll begin.”

As she stood at the end of the bed, she watched Spencer put a headset on with a microphone near his mouth. He took out a pad of paper, looked up at her and smiled.

“Directors of Zander,” he began. “I have the pleasure to introduce Michelle Santos, the newest recruit to our internship program. As you can see, Michelle is a beautiful woman who is interested in reaching her career goals.” Again he looked at Michelle and smiled. “We’re happy to have you join us, Michelle. Please tell the Directors of Zander something about yourself.”

Michelle looked into the camera in front of Spencer and smiled brightly. “Hi,” she said as if she were speaking directly to one of the Directors. “I’m Michelle Santos. I’m 27 years old and currently employed in the area of computer equipment sales. I graduated from Tech with a degree in Business Administration when I was 21 and have been working in sales since then. I’m a native of the city but have no desire to stay here forever. I am single and have never been married.”

She watched Spencer smile and nod. He asked, “How could a woman of your beauty avoid getting married. There must be men chasing your all over town.”

Michelle laughed. “Thank you, but I’m just career centered. It’s not that I don’t like men. It’s just that I stay focused on my job and keep men more for entertainment.”

“Have you ever entertained yourself with women?” he asked.

“My first sexual experiences were with ladies. Well, girls at the time. I knew that I wasn’t a lesbian, but I got my first bits of sexual knowledge from my girlfriends.”

“Do you have any sexual connections with women still?”

“Occasionally,” she answered honestly.

“Would you turn around for us, please, so that the Directors can get a good look at you?” Spencer asked.

Remembering his earlier advice, Michelle turned slowly, making certain they got a good look at her ass.

Once she had completed her circle, Spencer said, “Now I’d like for you to take off your blouse and skirt so that we can see what treasures you’ve covered up.”

Michelle giggled a little at Spencer’s reference to her ‘treasures.’ However, keeping in mind what he had told her, she looked into the camera and slowly removed her blouse and skirt, dropping them onto the floor at her feet. She stood in front of the camera wearing only matching red panties, bra and her thigh high sheer black stockings. Without being told she again turned in a circle so that the viewers could get a good look at her well-formed ass.

When she had completed the circle, Spencer could clearly see that her nipples were hard and pushing against the lacy fabric of her bra. Her stockings showed off her well-toned legs. The black band at the top of her stockings seemed to act like an arrow pointing to the tiny silken panties that covered her sex. The sparkle in her eyes made him sense what was about to happen would be extremely hot.

“You have a beautiful body,” Spencer told her. “I’d like to know about your sexual experience. Have you had many lovers?”

Thinking quickly she answered, “I don’t think that you could call them ‘many.’” Michelle could only hope that her ability to tell lies was working properly as she remembered the night during her freshman year in college when she and her roommate took on twelve guys. It was the night that had changed her mind about the glory of sexual arousal and the joy of mastering men with the gash between her legs.

“How many lovers have you had?” he asked.

“Maybe ten or twelve,” she answered, still thinking of that night. In fact, the actual number would be closer to fifty, but she saw no reason to divulge that information.

“You’ve already told me that you enjoy sex,” Spencer said. “How often do you have sex?”

“How often do I have some kind of sex or how often do I have sex with a partner?” she asked.

Spencer laughed. “I’ll be more specific. How often do you masturbate?”

“At least once a day,” she replied.

“Do you use your fingers or toys?”

“Both,” she answered. “It rather depends on where I am and what I’m doing.”

“What is your favorite toy?”

“I have a pink Rabbit vibrator that is kinda like my best friend,” she answered with a bright smile. “It does all kinds of things besides just vibrate.”

“Have you masturbated today?” he asked.

Michelle seemed to blush just slightly. “Yes,” she told him. “Actually, I’ve done it twice today. I was excited about coming here to make this video.”

“Please take your bra off,” he directed.

Michelle unhooked it from the back and let it drop to her feet. As Spencer had suspected, her nipples looked like little stones. Her breasts were full, round and all natural.

“Lovely,” Spencer told her. “Your nipples appear to be very hard. Are you excited now?”

“Yes,” she answered softly. “I’m very excited.”

“Are your panties wet?”

“Very wet,” she almost whispered.

“Put your hand inside your panties and make certain,” he instructed her.

Michelle saw his smile as she slowly pushed her hand inside her panties. He could see her fingers pressing against the silky red fabric as they moved down between her legs. He watched as her eyes closed when her fingers found their destination.

“Umm yes,” she whispered. “Extremely wet.”

“Did you bring your Rabbit with you today?”

Opening her eyes, but not moving her hand, she answered, “Yes, I did.”

“Then I think that you should show us how you use it,” Spencer replied.

Michelle smiled and slowly pulled off her panties, letting the camera see her bald pussy for the first time.

“It looks like you’re built for speed,” Spencer commented.

Rubbing her hand over her mound, she replied, “I like it this way. I like the way it feels.” What she didn’t admit was that she had a girlfriend that refused to go down on her until she cut off her bush. That was all the convincing she needed to keep it shaved.

Michelle climbed onto the bed with her pink Rabbit in her hand. “What position do you want me in?” she asked as she knelt on the crisp sheets.

“How do you like to do it?”

“Sometimes I like to start in this position,” she said as she spread her legs apart.

She turned the Rabbit on, and Spencer could see the end twisting and moving. He watched her rub it between her legs until he could see it shining with her juices. Almost holding his breath, Spencer watched her begin to push the moving tube inside her pussy. He could hear the vibrator’s motor running as the toy disappeared inside her.

As he stood behind the cameras watching Michelle play with her toy, Spencer was thrilled. He had no doubt each of the Directors of Zander would have their hard cocks in hand as they watched the video to this point. “Let’s see if we can’t sweeten this a bit,” he said to himself.

When Michelle opened her eyes, she saw Spencer making hand motions indicating that she should lie on her back and continue. She rolled on her back, took the vibe in her hand and began to pull it in and out as Spencer zoomed the camera in on her.

Moving to the side of the bed, Spencer was still wearing his microphone. Doing his best to stay out of the picture, he leaned toward her and asked, “Does that feel good, Michelle?”

“You’d better believe it,” she groaned. “It isn’t as good as a real hard cock, but my little pink Rabbit always makes me feel good.”

Moving her to the edge of the bed, Spencer stood back and began to undress. Michelle watched him as she continued to fuck herself with the toy. When he was naked, she became more excited and fucked herself harder and faster. Just looking at his growing cock filled her with desire. He stood beside the bed, pushed his cock toward her face and told her, “I think you should have something to suck on while you play with that sweet pussy.”

Michelle almost jumped at his thick, stiff cock, swallowing half of it at once. She groaned around it as he pushed it deeper into her mouth. She continued to slide the Rabbit through her needy sex and took his cock in one of her hands. Looking up at his face she seemed to gasp “This is beautiful,” before trying to swallow it again.

As Michelle continued to use her Rabbit and suck his thick cock, Spencer was checking the views shown from the different cameras on his large monitor. There were two separate views that he knew would be spectacular run side by side on the DVD he would make. He smiled thinking of the reactions from the Directors.

He felt her orgasm right through his cock in her mouth. The muscles in her legs trembled as she moaned around his cock. “Oh fuck,” she groaned as she lay back on the bed, the vibrator still inside her with the motor running.

“Was that good?” he asked.

“It was fantastic,” she said as she panted.

Spencer moved away, picked up one of his hand-held cameras and pulled her to the end of the bed. He spread her legs, pointed the camera at her vibrator filled pussy. Pulling the vibrator out of her, he said, “What you need now is to be filled with cock,” and immediately thrust himself inside her creamy wetness.

“Oh Spencer,” she cried out, “You’re so fucking big!”

“That’s what you like, isn’t it?” he growled as he began to thrust and withdraw.

“Fuck yes,” she groaned as she began to twist her nipples. “Give me that big cock!”

Rechecking the monitor, Spencer could see that one camera was showing her face as it changed from a smile to a look of extreme pleasure. The other camera was showing a close up of his cock plunging into her pussy over and over again.

He continued what he was doing for a few more strokes before he pulled out and flipped her over on her stomach. After making certain that she was in the right position for the cameras, he straddled her hips, pushing his cock back inside her dripping pussy only this time to enter her from a different angle. Leaning forward, he placed the camera on the bed pointed toward her face, grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head up in front of the lens.

“Oh fuck,” she cried out again. “You’re so deep! It’s so fucking good!”

Checking his monitor, Spencer could see the look of pleasure on her face as it contorted in enjoyment while his cock found her depths. “Do you like being my whore?” he said to her as he pulled her hair again.

“Yes!” she cried. “Oh fuck, yes!”

Spencer almost laughed thinking of how excited the Directors would be when they watched this part of the film. Each of them would want to do the same thing. It generally wasn’t Spencer’s goal to expose the Zander women’s kinky side, but he understood that Michelle was a woman that wanted the extremes and he planned to show the Directors what they were going to get from her.

Climbing off of the bed again, Spencer pulled Michelle up on her hands and knees. He slapped her ass with an open palm making a loud cracking sound and leaving a red handprint on her soft white ass cheek. “Head down and ass up!” he commanded.

“I need more,” he heard her say and hoped his microphones picked up her voice.

Rechecking his camera angles, he stood behind her and spread her legs apart so that the camera could see her dripping wet pussy. In one forceful move, he buried his cock inside her and heard her cry out once again from the pleasure he was giving her. As he pounded her, Michelle continued to make noises of pleasure. Spencer knew her sounds were being recorded and would excite the Directors.

He stepped away from her, giving the cameras a perfect look at her spread open. “Finger your pussy and let me see it,” he directed her. Spencer knew that the Directors would enjoy watching what she was doing and he had a moment to rest. As he watched her pushing two fingers inside her opening and moaning loudly, he had another idea.

Reaching back to a table set up behind the cameras, Spencer found a bottle of lube and coated his thumb with it. He stepped back into the camera view, stuffing his cock into her once again. “You love that cock, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she answered. “I love it. Give me more!”

He gave her two more short strokes before he pressed his lubricated thumb against her puckered opening and began to rub it in a circular motion.

Michelle lifted her head and tried to look back over her shoulder. Before she could say anything, Spencer pushed his thumb into her ass to the first knuckle. He could feel her anal and vaginal muscles tighten at once and sensed that ass play was something she enjoyed but hadn’t mentioned to him. He planned to find out.

He pushed his thumb into her ass up to the second knuckle and began to move in and out at the same time his cock was moving in and out of her pussy. He watched as her head dropped down on the pillow again and she let out a long, low moan.

Spenser had wanted to find a naughty woman for the Directors. While he had discovered some gorgeous and talented women, he had yet to uncover one that was a bit kinky. Listening to the sounds she was making, he decided that he had discovered a gold mine.

Stepping out of the camera view for a moment, Spencer stepped back behind Michelle holding up a glass butt plug. He pressed it against her ass and slowly pushed and twisted until it was fully inside her. When once again he pushed his cock into her vagina, the woman began to howl.

“God damn,” she cried out. “You’ve filled all of me. Fuck, it’s so good.”

As he pounded his cock into her, he could feel her muscles twitching, and her breath was coming in pants. He slapped her ass hard again, “You like it in your ass, don’t you Michelle?”

“Yes,” she growled back at him. “It’s so fucking good!”

Normally, Spencer would not have done what he decided to do but wanted to know if he had sized up this woman properly. He pulled the butt plug out of her ass, and she screamed at him to put it back.

“I have a better idea,” he said loudly enough for only her to hear. He pressed the head of his thick cock against her still stretched open sphincter and pushed in. Her ass was still lubricated enough and open enough to take what he was offering.

As he slid it home, Michelle began to talk to him. “Damn you, Spencer,” she growled. “Give me that big dick. Push it in my ass and fuck me! Fuck me hard, you bastard. Fuck me!”

He slapped her ass again.

“Yes, damn you. Spank me harder! Make me cum!” she yelled at him.

He felt her entire body tighten up before it released like a tight spring. Her body felt like she had an electric current running through it as every part of her shook in orgasmic delight. While she shook, Spencer finally unleashed his own orgasm and sprayed shot after shot of creamy hot cum into her rectum. When he finished, she fell like a limp rag onto the sheets, sweating and gasping for breath.

Spencer stepped away from the camera lens once more and picked up his headset with the microphone. He caught his breath before speaking. “Directors, I give you Michelle Santos. A lovely and intelligent young woman that needs your assistance to move her career forward. I think you can see that she has great talent and is willing to work hard to get what she wants. She will be ready to accept your personal interview by the weekend. Please call Phyllis to make your reservations with Zander’s newest intern.”

He turned off the sound and picked up his hand-held camera. The lens closed in on Michelle’s ass that was still slightly raised off of the bed. A steady stream of white liquid was seeping out of her and rolling down to coat the opening of her pussy. Spencer moved the camera to show her face. Her makeup had run a little, but there was a smile on her face. He held the camera steady, and Michelle laughed. “That was so fucking good,” she whispered and closed her eyes.

Spencer turned the cameras off before he switched off the lights on his set. He sat down on the bed beside Michelle, leaned over and asked, “How you doin’?”

“Can we go again?” she asked as she flashed him a big smile. “You sure know how to show a girl a good time.”

“You just rest a while,” he said as he stroked her hair. “I need to edit your film and get it ready for distribution. I’ll need about an hour. You just stay here and take a little nap. If you’re still horny when I’m finished with the DVD, we’ll see what we can find some way to satisfy your needs.”

A little over an hour later, Spencer had her DVD done to his satisfaction. He put the original into another piece of equipment to make copies that he could send out. Once the machine began running, he went to check on Michelle. When he sat on the bed, she opened her eyes.

“I’ve been around a bit, mister,” she said softly. “I’ve had my share of fun, but no one has ever fucked me like you did. No one.”

“Should I take that as a compliment?” he asked.

“You should,” she smiled. “Did the film look good?”

“I’ve never made one better,” he told her with a warm smile. “But I hope that you are a big fan of anal sex because every one of the Directors is going to want your ass after they watch that film. If I were you, I’d carry a tube of lube around all the time for the next three months.”

Michelle laughed. “If it helps my career, I’ll enjoy every bit of it.” She reached her hand out and touched his face. “But from now on, my ass belongs to you.”

“What a lovely thought,” he whispered to her. His hand ran over the curve of her butt, up the inside of her thigh and came to rest covering her well used and still wet sex. Two fingers slipped inside and instantly found her g-spot. When her eyes flashed open, he said, “Now I think I’ll take a second helping with the cameras off.”


Written by JefferyB
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