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An Affair, chapter 2

"I felt her sex Juices wetting me"

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She was back to being her smart business-like self in the morning, her clothing of the day was a black trouser suit, but even the severe cut was unable to hide the curves of her gorgeous little bottom.

"I'll call you when the meeting finishes Thomas," she smiled. "We may need to stay another night if it goes on too long."

"Very good ma'am," I said with just the hint of a smile.

I drove sedately back to the hotel and enjoyed a coffee in the day lounge where Frank found me and asked for a word.

"Of course." I said cheerfully, "What can I do for you?"

"It's just a thought Thomas," he said keeping his voice low. "And strictly between us two here."

"OK, it sounds very mysterious."

"No not really, but obviously I'm a lot older than you and therefore, I hope, a lot wiser too."


"May I suggest that if you're not going to use your bed, you at least make it look as though you used it?"

"Oh fuck," I said quietly. "I forgot about that."

"Just don't give the chambermaids anything to gossip about, word gets around."

"Like I said Frank, oh fuck."

"Well don't worry I've made sure she keeps it to herself, but just bear it in mind in the future."

"I will Frank, I will and thank you."

"My pleasure Thomas and if I may say so, she's a stunning looking lady."

"She's that all right Frank," I agreed.

He went off then to carry on with his duties leaving me to think about what he'd said, but there was no use in worrying about it, he'd given his word it would go no further and that was good enough for me.

I took the car to a car wash and paid to have it cleaned, then I decided to drive out to Loch Lomond which was less than half an hour out of Glasgow. I pulled into a lay by behind a lorry with its back doors open and just took in the fabulous view of the world famous loch. My phone rang then showing Mary's name as the caller, and as I listened to her, the driver of the lorry came round to the back of it and closed the doors leaving me a clear view of the owner's name, it was Hawthorn's Haulage and Storage, Mary’s company.

"Mary," I said urgently and told her where I was. "I'm sitting behind one of your lorries, it's empty, oh and a pickup truck has just pulled away with a wave to your driver, what does all that mean?"

"Get the pick up's number, Thomas."

"I've done better than that sweet lady, I took his picture, complete with the registration number."

"You lovely man," she laughed. "Is our truck still there?"


"Keep him there, park in front of him, do whatever you have to but keep him there."

"Will do."

The driver was enjoying a smoke as he looked out over the loch, he threw his dog end away and was just about to climb back in his cab when I reached him and asked if I might buy a cigarette.

"I thought I had some in the car," I said by way of an excuse,

"Yeah no probs mate," he said and took out his packet, his mobile phone rang then, and he swore as he answered it. He listened, his face going white, then he turned and looked at me like I was filth before handing me his phone silently.

"Hi, boss," I said cheerfully and then listened to my instructions.

"Okay," I said and ended the call.

"Your keys for the phone," I said to him.

"You just gonna leave me here?" he asked, his voice becoming a whine.

"That's what the man said, but the police are on their way, so you shouldn't have too long to wait."

"Bastard," he swore. "I've been with him for over twenty fucking years."

"And stealing for all of them no doubt."

"I'm saying nothing to you, you fucking Judas."

"Not a Judas fella, just another employee, only an honest one."

I got in my car then and sat waiting for the police, surprisingly they were soon there and took him away.

My boss rang as I was about to pull off and congratulated me on my awareness.

"I need you to wait there until tomorrow, we're sending a driver to pick up the keys, I want you to drive him out to where the truck is, then I might need you to stay while they pick the other guy up, Mary may need to identify what he bought off our driver."

"Whatever you say, boss," I said and thought of at least one more night with the delicious Mary.

The lady was smiling as she got into the car.

"Who's a clever boy then?" she laughed.

"I am," I grinned. "Do I get a reward?"

"Oh yes, I've already thought of something."


"Well I was thinking about you before I went into the meeting, so I did something." she delved into her briefcase and pulled out a tiny scrap of lace.

"I took these off," and she handed me her panties.

"He said he wants us to be available to see the police, so we may have to stay here a bit longer."

"That's fine with me Ma'am," I said and held her panties to my nose.

"Beautiful," I smiled as I inhaled their aroma. "Almost as good as the real thing."

"I need to do some shopping when we get back to the hotel." she said, "I want some stockings."


"My pussy hair needs trimming as well, know anyone who'll do it for me?"

"Did I tell you I graduated with a degree in pussy hair trimming?"

"No you must have forgotten to mention it," she laughed. "In that case, would you like the job?"

"I'd love it," I smiled as I pulled up outside a parade of shops and pointed to a clothing shop.

"Come in with me."

"What? I've never been shopping with a girl."

"A girl? Oh wow, I'll bring you again."

I drove into a car park opposite and then walked with her into the shop where we spent almost an hour. She bought a beautiful little white dress, four pairs of stockings, a white lace corset and about a dozen pairs of panties, some hardly more than tiny triangles of lace that would hide nothing.

"Shall we have dinner in the dining room tonight?" she asked as I drove away,

"Anywhere you like." I said, "I'd be proud to be seen anywhere with you."

We thought it best if I got ready in my room, so we parted back at the hotel where I sought out Frank and told him to expect a visit from the police and explained what had happened.

"That was quick thinking Thomas," he laughed. "Your dad would be proud of you."

"There's only one person who I want to impress Frank and it's not my dad."

"Well let's hope it doesn't all end in tears," he said seriously and left me to think about his words.

Up in my room, I had a shower and a shave before dressing in a dark blue suit with a lighter blue shirt, I was eager to impress the lady.

"Oh my," she exclaimed as she opened her door. "You look fantastic."

"And you ma'am are quite easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen before," I smiled, but I meant it, she was stunning. The new dress fitted where it touched, cut just low enough to display a hint of cleavage, it was tight enough to show off her fabulous rear and short enough to draw attention to those beautiful, long legs.

Frank was smitten, that much was obvious as he showed us to our table personally, as was every other male in the dining room but none more so than I.

We both had an aperitif whilst studying the menu and settled on a locally sourced salmon each. She told me her husband had been in touch again and had told her the driver had been carrying wooden garden sheds in kit form, he was going to the factory the following day to talk to their boss, and he hoped to have more news for her afterwards.

"They retail at about four hundred pounds per shed," she told me. "But there seems to be some confusion over exactly how many were in the lorry."

"Here's to confusion," I said as we touched glasses. "Long may it reign."

"So Thomas," she said softly and leaned towards me. "Are you still game to trim my pussy?"

"Oh definitely," I smiled. "But I'll have to rub plenty of shaving lotion in first."

"Naturally." she agreed.

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"And I'll have to do it naked in case the lotion splashes on me."

"Of course, I'd expect nothing else."

"And afterwards I'll have to test it for smoothness."

"Oh yes, I expect it will need a lot of testing."

"It will," I confirmed. "An awful lot."

She called for our check then and signed it adding a generous tip for the waiter, then hooked her arm through mine. In the lift up to the penthouse, she stood behind the attendant and wiggled her backside into my groin feeling my fully erect penis and smiling at me suggestively.

She squealed as I closed the door behind us and grabbed her, but her arms snaked around my neck as she ground herself into me as we kissed hungrily.

"Strip me Thomas." she hissed into my mouth. "Strip me fucking naked."

She wore a matching bra and thong set underneath and moaned softly as I closed my mouth over a lace-clad breast, her nipples felt like bullets in my mouth as I sucked first one then the other, I felt her unzip my trousers, and her hands were warm on my cock.

"Tell me what you're going to do to me," she gasped as I unfastened her bra, but instead of replying I pushed her back against the wall and sank to my knees. The flimsy little triangle of lace over her pussy was already wet. It proved no barrier to my tongue, the wet material was pushed up into her slit as I probed and licked and I heard her low moans of pleasure.

I licked from her clitoris right round to her anus while she pulled at my shirt nearly strangling me in the process. I managed to kick my trousers off and stand up, but she clung to me laughing and wrapped her legs around my waist. Straightening up, I let her own weight lower her down until I felt the warm wetness of her cunt over my cock, I lunged upwards and she squealed, it went straight in without even passing go or collecting two hundred pounds.

"Ooh fuck Thomas." she moaned. "Oh fuck yes."

I felt her sex juices wetting me, trickling down over my balls and I was vaguely aware of her phone ringing.

"Leave it." she hissed. "They'll ring back, just fuck me, Thomas, fuck me hard."

She was grinding herself against me like a belly dancer, but my legs were giving out, we collapsed on the floor just as her phone stopped and we both heard her message service click in.

"Mrs, Hawthorn, please call as soon as possible, this is urgent, repeat, this is very urgent."

"Shit," she muttered and scrambled off me to pick up her phone, punching in a number she blew me a kiss and listened, her face went white, her bottom lip trembled and she dropped the phone. I went over and picked it up saying who I was and told the person I would call back after Mrs. Hawthorn had recovered then clicked it off.

"Mary," I said sharply. "Mary, snap out of it, what's wrong?"

She opened her eyes and reached for me. "He's dead Thomas, he's dead."

We drove back immediately from Glasgow, and I took her straight home to find everyone still there. Her brother in law told her that her husband had left work early complaining of feeling unwell, but hadn't even got as far as his car, he'd collapsed in the car park with a massive heart attack and was confirmed dead at the scene. I phoned home and told my parents I was back but that I would be staying with Mary until I was sure she was okay, she was shaking with shock, so I gave her a large brandy and put her to bed after everyone had gone.

"Stay Thomas please," she asked and of course I agreed.

"I'll sleep on the couch, Mary," I said, but she gripped my arm and shook her head. "No I mean here in my bed, just hold me, darling, please."

Darling? She called me darling! I did stay, and I did hold her all night, in fact, I hardly slept at all, when she cried I soothed her until she drifted off again and finally it was daylight. I got up and made her a coffee, she seemed better, at least she'd stopped crying and insisted on going to the office to check on everything.

We'd both forgotten about the keys for the lorry in Scotland, but fortunately, Frank called and told us he'd given the driver a room and assured us he could stay there until I could send the keys up with another driver. I went down to the garage and saw the transport foreman and asked him if he could spare a driver. He cooperated fully with me surprisingly enough and sent a driver home to pick up a change of clothes before catching a train north.

Mary called a meeting of all department heads and informed them that she intended running the company herself with me as her assistant and asked that everyone cooperated until she decided what was going to happen.

She moved into her late husband's office and had a desk put in for me and somehow we all got through the day without any major calamities. I took her home with me after work for dinner with my family, my parents took to her immediately, mum fussed over her like a mother hen and even agreed with me that I should stay with her until at least after the funeral.

The following day at work, she learned that she'd got the contract she went to Scotland for, which was good news and she along with the transport manager and myself set about allocating lorries and drivers to service it.

"Remember Scotland Thomas," she said that evening after dinner at her house.

"Of course," I smiled wondering what was coming next.

"You promised to trim my pussy for me didn't you?"

"I did yes." I grinned.

"Well, it needs it even more now."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I'm sure, but I think you should know that Henry and I were talking about separation and we would have done it."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Because I'm horny and I don't want you to think I'm a bad woman."

I pulled her down onto my lap and kissed her ear, "But I DO think you're a bad woman." I laughed and stroked the inside of her thighs."A very, very bad woman."

She went upstairs then to fetch a razor while I filled a bowl with hot water and set it on a towel in front of an armchair, then I poured out two large brandies. My jaw dropped when she came back down, she wore a micro housecoat over stockings, and she was holding MY razor.

"My razor?" I laughed as she blushed. "I like the thought of you shaving with it after it's been round my naughty bits."

"I like that thought too," I laughed and kissed her lingeringly.

"I'll kiss the blade before I use it."

"You're a lovely man Thomas." she breathed into my mouth as she unfastened my jeans. "And you've got a lovely cock."

I unfastened her housecoat and stood back to admire her nudity, her breasts stood firm without a bra, her belly was just a very slight bulge, and the mound of her pussy seemed to draw my eyes like a magnet.

"You're stunning Mary," I said softly. "A walking wet dream."

She sat in the armchair and watched as I stripped naked, her eyes hardly leaving my fully erect penis until I made her lie back with her legs wide open, she moaned softly as I lathered her groin and even slipped a finger up inside her delicious little hole.

"I don't think there's any hair up there Thomas," she laughed. "But you'd better make sure." and threw each leg over the arms of the chair.

It took only five or ten minutes to shave her stubble and to rid her lovely little rear hole of any hairs, but by the time I'd finished checking with my mouth, at least half an hour had passed, and she'd enjoyed two orgasms.

"Just one final test." I smiled and eased my cock gently into her wetness.

"Mmm that's nice," she murmured softly and drew my head down to hers.

"Do me slowly Thomas, fuck me with nice, slow strokes."

My cock felt like an iron bar ploughing wet velvet as we moved slowly together in perfect symmetry, our mouths locked together like our groins, our tongues duelling and searching, it was beautiful lovemaking. I realised I was falling in love.

Written by davedax97
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