Whipped! (And happy as hell about it)
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Nice to know so many women carry around measuring devices. Though the ridiculousness of this all did lead me to find a post for WTF.
Maybe a few times a week, but love doing it for my girl more than anything!
I have written poems expressly to and about one individual, and she is the only one who has carte blanch to use me in her stories which she has done. I think the recurring theme is and should be to get their permission. Some members are very well known by either their real name or a certain feature (yes my girl that is a reference to you) that people know who your writing about, and let's face it the implications can be both positive and negative.
Dark blue on the edges that turn almost gray in the middle. Or light blue I guess.
Swig of Mountain Dew. Or would it be the plastic bottle?
Lately I have very much so been interested in having my girl bite my shoulders while in the throws of passion! and have expressed that desire to her. The combination of her passion and desire manifesting itself is a huge turn on. But that is just me, and just her biting me.nfATZqu3ZPYAPvyy
NFL First Round Playoffs
Yesterday, 2:35 PM
Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana
Kansas City
44 - 45
1 2 3 4 Total
Chiefs 10 21 10 3 44
Colts 7 3 21 14 45
I'd love to shop for lingerie with my gal. Hell the way I look at it, is I love her and being with her, if she wants to shop for ping pong paddles (that is a whole different thread ;) ) I am there, but that is me.
As for the other parts of the thread I agree with many of the posts above and ultimately it is what is inside the wrapping that counts not the wrapping paper.
Tend to prefer Coke, but a big bottle of Mountain Dew (Pepsi Product) is the more common one.