1. People who don't even bother to read your profile and send you a request (to be friends or chat)
2. People who ask you to prove the person in your AV is you by asking you to take another pic with their username on a piece of paper. (Yes. I'm not making it up)
3. People in general (LOL)
P.D: Doms who think being one gives them a free ticket to treat everybody like sh**. (Don't make me give usernames)
I personally don't like those kind of profiles. As I always answer to their requests "If I wanted to see a pic of a dick o more ... there are tons of pics on the net. I don't want to see yours."
Quote by JohnC I had a similar question when I first joined. I didn't know which direction I should go, or wanted to go. So I made a thread about it. I think you might like to take a read... HERE YOU GO!
Thank you.
Is there a way to search for topics? If not .. I need one.