I'm thinking more in terms of their weddings. Harry and Megan had the way more fun wedding ceremony, in terms of who said and did what at the ceremony. Plus Harry and Megan promised each other to "worship thee with my body," a very hot mental image indeed, picturing both of them worshipping their spouse with their bodies. for hours on end.
Megan got the way sexier of the two husbands, and I would love to be in a threesome with them. And Megan is American and more liberal.
So yeah, Megan all the way.
My story is a little different. I was already in sexual relationships with my girlfriend and with her boyfriend when I met my husband. I told him that he had to accept these existing relationships if he was going to be my boyfriend (and now he's my husband). We sweetened the pot for my husband: he also gets to regularly fuck my girlfriend as well as fucking me. All 4 of us are very happy with this arrangement. We gals each get to enjoy two cocks and a pussy, and the guys get two pussies each. It is not just all sex, there is also a lot of love and trust and respect between the 4 of us.
I don't think of it so much as me shared between two men, as our two men shared between me and my girlfriend.
I have a husband and a girlfriend who also has a husband. I have partnered up with all 3 on the same day, many times.
There are two who I think about from time to time, one M, one F, they've both been very sweet to me here.
To avoid bitchy mood, must be fucked at least twice daily. LOL
I'm bi. I've been with my gf for 9 years. I've been with my man 3 years. i love them both very much. And yes, i love watching them pleasure each other.
My gf has been with her man for 5 years and she like to watch her husband and me together, too.
There is no jealousy, because we all love each other.
I think they call it polyamorous? I just call it a foursome.
Me and my husband Ted
Me and my gf Tina
Tina and her husband Rod
Me and Rod
Tina and Ted and Rod
Me and Ted and Rod
all 4 of us (two couples side by side - not necessarily fucking our own spouses)
Ted and Rod aren't homophobic, they just aren't interested in being together like that. Although they do seem to like watching each other's cocks fuck Tina and me.
Ted is black. The other 3 of us are white. We all have a VERY high sex drive!
We don't have any other partners outside of the 4 of us.
It's fun to watch each other, and to listen to each other's panting and moaning.
I think my favorite part of this swapping is when i can watch Tina's face light up as my husband slowly slides into her. I love her and I'm happy that my sharing my husband with her makes her so happy.
I can and i do, but it easier if I have already come from oral, and then i have another orgasm on his cock.
I like to keep mine shaved but I love that my girlfriend has a bush.
Done a bunch of FFM, some FFMM, and a few FMM.
Most of the 13 men i've been naked with were in the 5 to 8 inch range when hard, generally about 3 to 4' or so when soft. I found a man who is 9" hard and i measured him soft at 6". It's not the only reason, but it was definitely a factor in my deciding to marry him. Call it a fringe benefit of being his wife. Since his points up toward his navel when he stands or lies on his back, I don't think it drops into the toilet. Although I've never checked that.
I do know about cold and shrinkage. But even shrunk, he is as big as some others were when hard. So I don't mind. ;) Still pretty to look at. even at its shrunkenest. I wouldn't want it in me when it's frozen cold, though.
Interesting question. Interesting answers, too.
Love is intelligently planning your future - together. Being able to trust each other completely. A knowing glance and smile as you work together to prepare a meal. Making love at every sunrise and again at every sunset and awakening in each others arms every morning. Looking at each other and feeling an irresistible urge to kiss - an urge neither of you ever wants to resist anyway. It is calling each other at work just to hear your partner's voice because you miss them. It is hearing a song or seeing an item of clothing and knowing whether your partner would enjoy it. It is deriving pleasure, in pleasuring your partner, and knowing that your partner feels the same way toward you.
If America isn't offended by "let's storm the US capital and kidnap and kill members of Congress and spread feces on the walls and urinate on the floor," why should we care if an erotic story on an opt-in web site offends someone? How about some perspective here, folks.