I am wishing I could go there
One writes naughty porn
the other, sensual verse..
Both are very hot
Do you have a foot fetish?
Up and down and round and round?
Wild thing ... the troggs
Haven't you ever had it in a cheesecake?
Bed is my favourite place
...saber , that he had stolen ...
I'm looking at it now , and I can't see any....do you want a look?
Will you .... Hazel o Connor
Unfortunately I don't like tequila ?
...the water was actually vodka...
Run to you ...Bryan Adams
Did you put the pipe in a box?
Pussy walk ... the stooges
As opposed to an imperfect parallelepiped?
Nights in white satin .. the moody blues
Not just someone, but yes.
Who knew we could talk so much about boxes?