I am so fucking sick and tired of it snowing and blowing when I have shit I need to do.
Who wants to slip and slide through a fucking parking lot with a cart load of groceries. I am in Canada, with our weather you think these dumbasses would put fucking snow tires on these carts. Nope. Not to mention your bags get soaked, you track it into your house, then have to spend the rest of the day cleaning. GRR. I am so sick of winter.
Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts.
Seeing that it is snowing outside, Inside.
Hot Shower or Warm Bath
Never had the chance, but I flirt with store clerks to get them to show me where shit is lol
What is your favorite perfume/cologne ?
Has a box of G.I. Joe heads under her bed.
I am back to claim the spot!
Pepsi or Coke.
If you say Coke, your wrong lol
Does me and someone else count? If so Yes.
What's the largest amount of people you have slept with at one time?
uphere is now up there, and not the sexiest.
These are all great answers. Hopefully it also sheds some light on how a simple thank you can make a difference!
I usually just do a quick thank you. They are over-worked and under paid lol