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Say something unsettlingly creepy about the poster above

Actually, I think there's a whole section of the forum devoted to that
Quote by Simmerdownchick
This thread has gotten us nowhere. If I could, I'd shut it down. I started this thread because big mouthed insensitive comments keep getting made by the same people over and over. Do you honestly think I'm going to list them all here? Yes, Felix is most definitely someone I was talking about. Everyone knows it. I had stopped posting when Liz and Coco got involved. I had blocked Felix and Kiera, but I was bated back in. Eleven posts had been made before I responded to comments aimed in my direction. Eleven. I was baited and not very nicely either. Just delete the thread already. I get its inflammatory. That wasn't my intention, I just was trying to see what the silent majority thought. So punish me, and leave them be. Just please close this thread. I won't be responsible for anymore hostility spewing from anyone else's keyboard. And just to be clear. I respect the mods. The ones that decided to pop in, well...I still appreciate their dedication and helping out. I know it's not paid labor. There are a lot of mods. The last thing I wanted to do was offend them. It's not s job most would want and they keep this site going. Did o delete one? Yes but I realized they were redundant.
That's all I'm gonna say.

Please delete this thread.

I've waited 14 for you to reconsider your assertion that I threatened you. You take my advice as a threat but at the same time you say that those who think you're referring to people as fools as twisting your words. You can see how some people might struggle with your argument.

You think there's a silent majority that agrees with you. There isn't. Your friends don't make a majority. The silent majority don't give a shit either way. Trust me, your experience here will be a lot better here if you take a leaf out of their book.

If you can't bear to take note of anything I say, I strongly suggest you take note of the advice of others on this thread. Deleting this thread will throw a lot of good advice away.
Quote by Simmerdownchick

Don't hold back, I haven't noticed the others holding back too much. At least Rachel showed some class and made valid points. I don't know if you realize this, but I blocked him and Kiera hours ago. It seems odd to me that mods are the few that can't let it go.

By the way, this is a very VALID question. An inconvenient truth that, for some reason, those that could do something choose not too. So, whether I post this shit or not, someone else will. It just makes you look like fools.

Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship. Both make me question your character..

You really need to be careful when you start making psychological evaluations online. Taking Wikipedia outlines of personality disorders and shaping the bits you see as relevant, is something that could easily bite you in the ass.

You say "trolls" (your interpretation of what that means, at least) lack empathy. My experience couldn't be further from that. Real trolls know exactly how to piss individuals off, exactly which buttons need pressing. When I annoy someone on here, it really is no accident. If someone's opinion is laughable - i'll mock it, anything less gives it validity, and that's the last thing I want to bring across.

You say trolls suffer from a social disorder but ask yourself, who has the more apparent psychological problem? The troll or a person who can't stand people disagreeing with them. A person who also creates conspiracy theories to explain why things happen
Quote by Liz

Perhaps it's not that the requests are not being delivered, but what you are sending that puts people off accepting. Did you consider that?

But look at his profile...

I very much enjoy small tits and young cunt and ass

Who could resist this silver-tongued lothario?
Quote by Leonora
I don't know much about this place so help me if I'm wrong here ..Somebody sent me a FR and I accepted it now the person is showing on my FR list but at the same time I can still see that person's FR message in its respective section as "unread" message and still with the option to "accept". I've tried it many times and it's still the same.

So is this how this is supposed to be or is it some sort of bug?

Have you actually opened the message? Click on the subject link "X has requested to be your friend", the message will open up and will be seen as read.

The fix would be for the system to mark the message as read once either the accept or decline options are pressed. The old system used to have the requests deleted once they were accepted.
Why is this in the Think Tank? Surely something this lightweight belongs in The Pub
Quote by JessiLuv23

This is not fake. My best friend actually died. She requested before she died that I come on here and tell her friends and loved ones.

Her account was still here on 3rd May. She deleted her account, had her accident, died, and then you set up your account. All in the space of a day. And you found a pic to put up because that's important when you're bearing bad news.

I'm not questioning the events, just putting them all down so everyone knows what happened.
Quote by Simmerdownchick

For those of you that are so certain that this is a hoax....if it is then ignore it. Because there is always the possibility that it is the truth and the lack of compassion here is not cool. I can't believe this this thread has deteriorated like this. You doubt the character of the poster? I doubt your's as well

Did you not read the post from his friend saying it was a hoax? Trust me, I was quite willing to let it pass, until I saw the multiple accounts and what Brenda had been up to.

Would you actually prefer it if he was telling the truth?
Quote by Magical_felix
After Son of Cthulhu 2's own friend told him it was a hoax, and then Son of Cthulhu 2 deleting his account when it all became clear to him and embarrassment set in... I would feel like a total moron if I had rushed into this thread to offer condolences. Stupid - so stupid.

Let's hope he doesn't have an accident. Shit like that happens when you delete an account. I read it somewhere.
Quote by Guest
i aint Brenda. i have no idea who she is but those profiles are not me and i resent the accusation
See you again soon, Brenda
Quote by Son_of_Cthulhu2
i would like to know why. but only in my message box.

Sorry, Brenda, that won't be happening any time soon.

You've had at least four accounts in past two months, probably because someone keeps blocking you. Now someone has faked their own death. Do you see a pattern emerging?
Quote by Son_of_Cthulhu2
this topic has gone long enough. all i asked was something so simple and instead it turned into an ugly chaotic thing. to those who were civil, i thank you. to the rest of you, do not contact me or try to add me. you will be ignored. thank you all and have a good day.

So shall I not reply to your DM asking me why I delved?
There's two ways of looking at this thread. Whichever way you choose to look at it, those who look at it the other way will treat you with derision.

If you are of Shylass's opinion, you won't like what I'm going to say, so stop reading this and skip to the next post.

When I first read it, I thought: poor guy, he's been dumped and fed a horrible lie. Did I have any proof? Could I have cried foul at the admins - of course not, it was a gut reaction, the sort of thing you get when you spend far too long in online communities.

Sadly, when this sort of thing happens my curiosity gets the better of me. Questions start to bug me. Like, why would someone called sxilezbo14 be in a relationship with a guy? Why is a grieving girl coming on to lush and starting friendships and relationships. So I did some delving...

Sxilezbo14 obviously had a thing for 38 year olds from Tennessee who like rock , she was previously "Married" to someone on here called loneladywolf1977. That account is now deleted, well sort of...

Obviously, "Brenda" here hasn't been as forthcoming with the nature of his/her relationship with sxilezbo14.

Then there's the witness, JessiLuv23. I have no idea what the story is here but her activity since setting up the account doesn't look like someone who watched her good friend die just days ago.

I'm sorry, I'm not going to play along with this macabre charade. There are people here who have suffered genuine loss, and to play on those feelings is sickeningly low. Manipulating people's emotions in private is despicable enough but to do it on a public forum. I sincerely hope you get the help you so obviously need.

One helpful mod changed my spelling of the above word to the american spelling in one of my stories - I was disproportionately annoyed by it.
That would be what's known as a derivative work.

Derivative works aren't allowed as they infringe copyright. Don't let that stop you writing it though; EL James began by writing a story based on the characters from Twilight and look what happened when she changed the names.

Celebrity Stories

We do not accept celebrity stories, or those containing famous people. The same is true of fan fiction and derivative works.
Why not reveal the identity of PJS and YMA - that might get you a few more UK followers
Quote by sprite

when i first started here, if i found an outstanding writer, i'd check out there favs to see what they thought was good - got introduced to a lot of great stories that way, that i might not have come across otherwise. think it's a great tool, especially for new members and beginning writers.

I agree, it is an excellent tool, vital for the social aspect of the site and should always be visible.

I find it disappointing that some very respected authors have turned off timeline alerts of when they comment on a story. For a new author, getting a positive comment from an author with lots of friends is an invaluable boost.
Is it a problem: yes

Should we be worried: not greatly, unless you're an idiot who uses the same password for everything.

Most developers can think back to a time when they built something with plain text passwords - we've all done it. We all know you shouldn't as well. Back in 2006 when this place was being put together there were still plenty of people going around saying that plaintext was fine - especially when security isn't seen to be a major issue, as with most non-commercial (too begin with at least) start-up websites. And there are plenty of offenders

With over 300,000 email addresses of people with at least some interest in adult entertainment, the lush user database is fast becoming something that would be attractive to hackers so it does need to be tightened. Storing well-salted hashed passwords just means that you have one less thing to apologise for if your database ever gets hacked.

The flip side is that hashing doesn't even save you these days - look at the Ashleymadison - once the data was out there 11 million hashed passwords were cracked within days Article

While admins have a responsibility to keep our data secure, at the end of the day we should never rely on them. Our passwords are our responsibility. Never use the same one for different log ins.
Quote by clum

If only our site had a way to see which stories had been read by the most people.

Or better yet, a quick list of recent stories that have been rated most highly by the general readership of Lush. We could call it "Story Picks" and put it right on the front page for all to see.

We could even have another list of the highest rated authors. "Top Authors", maybe?

I think having those things would satisfy most of the requests around this topic...

Whatever metrics you use, someone is going to be pissed off. Base it on popularity and people will say you're appealing to lowest common denominator, base it on an opaque reward system and people will accuse you of favouritism. You can't win. Interestingly only three of the twenty most viewed stories last month were deemed good enough for a recommendation.
Quote by Liz

You're not really grasping the core concept. Recommended Reads are like those little handwritten labels on the shelves in bookshops. 'Staff member: Andy, recommends this book...'

There are absolutely some authors on this site that would recruit their fan club to ensure a constant stream of awards. Do you not think so? Bookshops don't let you walk in off the street with a group of your friends and start slapping labels all over the place. The RR was created so that moderators (staff) could say, 'this is pretty good, people should give this a read'.

Apologies to all in advance for the continued derailment of topic but...

Your idea of the core concept doesn't match what it is. This isn't one of those little signs in Waterstone's about how "Andy" really enjoyed this book because blah blah blah; all an RR is is one anonymous tick. The more moderators you can get to read your story the more likely one of them is going to RR it.

Walk into any bookshop and you'll see a big display of books presented solely because customers bought them rather than whether they're any good or not - the top 20 titles.

Your bookshop analogy strikes me as a bit sad. No people can't just walk into a bookshop and start slapping labels on books, nor can they write comments on them, or give them a mark out of five. Nor can they put books they've written on the shelves. That's the great thing about Lush because here you can - or at least that's how it should work.

Disclosure: both my RRs were from people of my friends list. My last RR was actually given a 4 by the approving mod - she said her finger slipped
Quote by DNick
unless I missed it, there should be a way to make script bold and increase the size of it. I've got cataracts which makes it hard to read the stories. I am sure that I am not the only subscriber with vision problems.

Hold down the Ctrl key and scroll your mouse wheel* - hey presto, bigger font size

*no mouse wheel? Just tap '=' while holding down the Ctrl key
Quote by Metilda

And please don't give me the pathetic dictionary definition as if that covers all the bases of what erotica fiction IS overall in its most broad and respectable sense. If you only read erotica that's meant to get you off then you're not looking at erotica as the intense and powerful literary concept that it truly is.

So now the dictionary's wrong too. Looks like I'm in good company.

Nabokov always denied his work was erotic. Feel free to correct him too.
Quote by Metilda

To me, erotica's sole purpose isn't to titillate and turn on - a mere stroke story to get someone off with. To me, erotica's greater purpose is to explore humanity and life through sex and sexuality often using frank and explicit means.

This is the point where your opinion and mine diverge. You can write about , you can write about whatever you like but as soon as you slap the "erotica" tag on it, it's there for sexual gratification. You may like to think there's a higher purpose to it and you're more than welcome to that opinion - I on the other hand see it as written porn.

Putting explicit sexual material into a story does not make it erotica.

relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
Quote by kiera

Stop talking out your bum.

Nicola..Nicola...SJ said you're a bloke...Are mods allowed to say anything bad about you??

SJ won't admit about me because he knows given a 3rd bowling match I would have won.

But Nicola IS a boy's name...

Quote by Buz
There are great stories, Editors Picks and Recommended Reads, with lower scores, yet some very average at best stories with perfect 5's. You surely can't always judge a story quality by the score alone when looking for stories to read. There are readers that will vote down stories just because they are in categories they don't like or for other juvenile reasons. And then there are many stories that are grossly over scored. Get to know the reputation of the authors and find out which ones consistently deliver quality.

Any system, including the Recommended Read system, that is based on the opinion of an anonymous individual will, rightly or wrongly, arouse suspicion unless there is full transparency. Of course, if you had full transparency, the amount of drama would probably increase tenfold. I've always advocated that the RR system should show who recommended a story - then I can judge whether or not that recommendation is worthwhile - but I can also see that system could lead to even more accusations of crony-ism.

Maybe though there is a way of turning the scoring system around to put a bit of responsibility on the reader. If stories have a calculated average vote - why not readers? If UserX's profile shows she's rated 76 stories at an average of 3.65 then maybe getting a four off her isn't so bad as getting the same from UserY who has rated 34 stories at an average of 4.96.
Quote by Magical_felix

It's so bad. When it comes to the voting system. It's most definitly one of the worst ideas ever. Maybe the worst.

Actually, I think you'll find this one is the worst...

Quote by adagio_sabadicus

I would suggest that only writers of 10 or more be eligible to score.
Quote by Magical_felix

I would be totally fine with that. From here on out to add a .5 to the scores. It's just a better system.

I'm just saying that you will most certainly get whining about unfairness. People saying the older stories have higher scores because of the old system. With a system like you're suggesting I would give out way more 4.5s than 5s. Just like I give out way more 9s than 10s on

I believe this has been discussed in the past as well as a thumb up thumb down system. If I remember right many authors whined about what I pointed out above.

How about just giving a percentage score?

How many stories would get 100%?
Quote by MonsoonMicky

Yes, at last, someone who can see it for what it is. The scoring is superficial. People are not using the voting system for what it's intended for.

I'll do a little more research, but as far as I tell, at least 95% of votes on all stories are a 5. Why is that?

And I can't believe that people are debating whether or not non-writers give lower scores. How can people debate such a thing when only a mere 5% of scores given are less than 5. I'm confused; I don't understand what's going on here.

To be fair the scoring is never going to display an even distribution of scores - it's not like reviewing something you bought on amazon or rating an app you downloaded - if you don't like a story invariably readers will skip it and move on to the next one. You have to question the motivation of anyone who stuck with a story just score it a two when there are so many other stories around they could be enjoying.

As other have mentioned, the scoring system is a long way from perfect - that's why many people seem to treat it as a Like button.