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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Sydney


Depending on my mood either the Tardis (there was a Doctor Who movie) or the Death Star. Actually, both. I should be able to fit the Death Star inside the Tardis.
The best thing about this thread is not the suggestions in it (which are great) but that every time I see it in the forum list I automatically sit upright, without even thinking about it.
Just spent a fruitless half hour listening to an excerpt of Vivaldi's four seasons for 20mins. Seemed to be about a minute long excerpt over and over. Eventually they succeeded in getting me off the line. Out of summer I think, though how any of it relates to seasons is beyond me.
No, I prefer my women to be brandishing knives and wearing 'I love Lorena Bobbitt' t-shirts.
I mean, are you mad!

But if they ask, "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" Make sure you answer gun, put your hand in your pocket, make it look cocked (pun intended) and back out of the room slowly.

PS. Prompted me to look up what's happened to the Bobbitts. Seems she's dated a bunch of guys, though I expect the knives in the house are blunt, if they even have a kitchen. And more inexplicably it improved his sex life despite being a serial abuser, and was even in two pornos - great names - John Wayne Bobbitt Uncut, and Frankinpenis.
Grilled fish spiced with what tastes like lemon pepper and a lovely fresh greek salad from the local fish shop.
There is no best pie, so many different pies, savoury and sweet, that it depends on what you feel like. and I reckon homemade beats bought most of the time.

- I love seeing steak and Guinness on a pub menu.
- saucy chicken pie, can be done a bunch of ways
- Red curry beef.
- A beef curry pie from a local pie shop that was like a cross between a pie and a somosa - mince and potato and peas -vwas because he sold up sad.
- thai chicken curry.
- I made one recently from left over cajun crusted rib eye roast with heaps of vegies, was delicious.
- Harvest bake with just vegies and white sauce.
- I could go on

- top of the list is the mulberry pie my neighbours mum would make after we'd scoured another neighbours trees for mulberries, love having a slice stained all over crimson from the mulberries.
- Rhubarb and apple is great, but best as a crumble.
- Good old apple pie but you've got to zest it up, and add dried fruit or maybe add something like orange blossom water.
- Once again, I could go on and on and on.

I think I've put on a kilo from just typing this.
Does chocolate count?

Plain, good quality chocolate would be my choice. Mid strength cocoa. Cheap chocolate needs to be dark, but good stuff I prefer towards the milk end of the spectrum.
Unlikely to split but if it were to happen...
Marriage isn't very important to me so the question is would I partner again, probably, and would marriage be important to that partner, who knows.
Whilst my head may be doing its best to remove down under hair I think its a little extreme and don't quite understand why you want all Australians to remove all their hair.
Energy in energy out is the mantra and it is to an extent, but unfortunately that's against a backdrop of people with very different genetic makeups, medical conditions and environmental factors. So it is much harder for some people.

When eating smaller portions is good of course and change the balance in favour of more vegies and less carbs. Consider eating stir fries with no rice at all for example) using something like bean sprouts to bulk it out if you want. I tried the 5-2 diet (it isn't meant just to lose weight but also feel better and to let your body repair itself more effectively). It's the only time I've measured energy in a meal (on the diet days you are allowed some food). I used 100g rice and the rest vegies and a bit of flavour(terikali or the like, garlic, ginger) and had trouble eating the dinner it was so large. Vegies go a long long way for the same energy.

Look at expending energy wherever you can. Walk to someone rather than send an email at work, walk up the stairs, walk ride to work, whatever works, walk to shops rather than drive, work in the garden in a way that burns more energy. Can you stand at work more? Studies are now showing that sitting a day is very bad for you regardless of the weight loss. But whatever works for your situation.

And do some form of exercise, whatever works really. I find anything is good. Simply doing exercise tends to make you want to be more healthy in your eating habits. Having said that, I love swimming, makes my body feel much better, core strength, more balanced, irons out the kinks, but find it doesn't reduce fat as much as, say, push biking. Weights is meant to be good but I hate doing it. One thing to note. You tend to look flabbier when you start back exercising because you have more solid muscle underneath soft fat making it more obvious.

And a new one that is emerging that is very important is your gut flora. Antibiotics, processed foods, less diverse food groups generally deleteriously impact gut flora.
As I understand probiotics can help but a lot more work is needed before products can be developed to utilise the preliminary research. So eat wider foods groups, more raw foods and only take antibiotics if you clearly have to (fortunately they are less liberally prescribed these days - well they are here (Oz)).
In this moment where we check out the latest development in dildo technology and after death sex let's take a moment to go back in time to reflect on early developments in dildo technology...

28,000 years ago. Do you think she tried it. She has a glazed look, or maybe that's the focus.

Not sure really but the planes seem awfully attracted to the place. Once at the airport though there're all sorts of ways to get out of the there.

In London itself, I'd be looking at the art galleries and museums. I did like Westminster abbey (not on the list). If you're going to waste good architecture on churches, and let's face it, that's where most of it goes, then make it gothic in style I reckon. There was also something almost spiritual about walking over Newtons tomb, as ironic as that may sound, not to mention Robert Hooke and Darwin amongst others. Weird because I normally find burial sites as somewhat , well, dead and don't value symbols normally.
Nope. I find it a bit creepy. Even if I'm old enough to be her dad, I'm not, unless there was some accident some time back I'm unaware of in which case, get your fucking clothes back on.
Quote by Shannon3K
Pulp Fiction remade with The Muppets (Miss Piggy as Mia, Kermit as Butch, Fozzie Bear as Vincent Vega, Gonzo as Jules)

Then please let me introduce you to one of Peter Jacksons earliest (and in my sick sense of humour, best) movies...
"Moving forward." A pointless filler by pollies and business 'leaders' commenting on the future. Utterly rampant now.

"It's common sense". Read, I haven't the brain power or couldn't be bothered to work out the actually reason.

there'd me many more
I would question why someone would continue to masturbate while falling and be quietly chuffed that I was strong enough to catch such a heavy weight (no offence).

Then I would place him back on the ground, averting my eyes and say please continue without me, wishing that instead I had caught one of the gorgeous masturbating lush women inexplicably raining down around me. Cue song... it's raining masturbating lushies hallelujah it's raining ... hmmm might have to redefine the term cum shower now.
In my experience women are much better.

No man can ever get me hard to have sex.

On the other hand, women seem to do it easily. So, I've had sex with over 30 women, and with one man - me. The sex is always good, some better than others of course, but always good. Let's assume for the sake of the argument that I'm absolutely fantastic at sex, that's still around 30 to 1 in the favour of women - from my somewhat skewed sample.

To do a true scientific analysis though I guess we'd need to do some double blind (fold) studies.
It's the only way I've slept since about 18. Hate sleeping in clothes - they get twisted around me. The only exceptions - bunking in with a bunch of people - in which case I'll wear boxers - and if I'm just a little cold - and I'll put socks on - the sexiest look
Quote by miketabcdefg
Definately the lounge room/kitchen flaw.

And in seeing at the top of this page that I have posted the same response before - I must answer this seriously... my memory is my biggest flaw - lol. Though poor organisational skills, procrastination, indecisiveness, poor self discipline all come a close second.
Walnuts and mushrooms are a good mix. I make a Nut Wellington that has walnuts and mushrooms as it's 'meat' (I hate calling things a meat substitute but that's often to get across what the ingredients are doing in the dish). Tastes great.

But with this recipe I might ditch the chicken stock depending who I'm making it for (read vegetarians) and change the tasty to parmeson or romana or similar (and add some more vegies but I do that with every recipe though sometimes put them on the side.)
The kitchen/dining/lounge room flaw is definitely the biggest flaw I have. That and not taking things seriously enough... probably due to running away from confronting any problems.
The early morning calling of birds. Lorikeets and sulphur crested cockatoos screeching away, magpies carolling, wattle birds chirping to their mate, a whip bird down in the bush somewhere, I can see a superb blue wren with his mates/kids feeding but their constant chatter to each other is drowned out by the rest and the kookaburras have now finished laughing out their territory. There would be others I can't identify - a most pleasant cacophony. And just then a crimson rosella, its bell like call.
The early morning calling of birds. Lorikeets and sulphur crested cockatoos screeching away, magpies carolling, wattle birds chirping to their mate, a whip bird down in the bush somewhere, I can see a superb blue wren with his mates/kids feeding but their constant chatter to each other is drowned out by the rest and the kookaburras have now finished laughing out their territory. There would be others I can't identify - a most pleasant cacophony. And just then a crimson rosella, its bell like call.
Not at all. If there was only one true love then, statistically, with 7 Billion people on the planet, almost no one would find them. And if it was that unlikely, then following a normal distribution, half the people would have no true love available and half would have one of more. Love grows from imperfect beginnings, and it is in understanding those imperfections in an open way that can lead to the strongest bonds of all.

But Tim Minchin said it much better...
"If I didn't have you"
Angel Heart.

Fantastic movie with a great twist and a great sex scene between Lisa Bonet and Mickey Rourke. Unfortunately her other gig at the time was on the saccharine Bill Cosby Show which didn't take it well and kicked her out.