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Straight Male, 62
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Was chatting to a friend and the term 'LOL' came up. She was saying how it annoys her because it's used to death. So it got me thinking about why people revert to using these 'hip and trendy' abbreviations, rather than relying on conventional words to express themselves. When texting first became popular people used lol and other abbreviations because the couldn't be bothered to spend time typing on what is, lets face, a sad excuse for a keyboard on the mobile phone. When I text I use abbreviations to save time, because I hate texting.

But when you have a proper qwerty keyboard it seems strange that people still use abbreviations. I think a lot of people use it to demonstrate that they are still in touch with modern trends. I also have friends who have found that lol is used instead of that wonderfully ironic phrase "I don't want to upset you but..." When one of my friends told a man that she was offended by his text he replied "r u going off me lol".

I sometimes think about inventing my own ones just to wind up smug people who use lol to death. I would have a graduated scale that works like this.

mms - made me smile
gal - giggled a little
footsaral - fell off of the seat and rolled around laughing

You could also have ones to communicate displeasure or boredom?

stiyu - So tedious I'm yawning uncontrollably
soidyaaf - so offended I'm deleting you as a friend
waw - what a wanker!

So how about it guys. Lets have some suggestions for some new abbreviations. If we come up with some good ones we could start using them and, who knows, given time they may become part of text speak worldwide.

ttfn (Oh that's "Ta Ta For Now" actually used in U.K. in the seventies)

What can I say. Life is strange and sometimes things are just meant to happen. I think that you need to look at life like this. Life is a series of events. Each event, and decision you make involves what is known as 'opportunity costs' and 'opportunity benefits'. For example splitting up involves the feelings of loss because of the love that you had and the happiness you would had gained by being together. The opportunity benefits are that you are able to make new relationships which may, in time, prove to be better than what you had. But remember that it easy to forget that there were two people involved in your situation. Yes it may be tempting to gloat if her decisions have resulted in her being in a worse situation than yourself, and feel anger when her situation improves, but you need to move on and treat her with respect no matter how badly she has treated you. I know so many women (my friends) who have gone through really nasty break ups and it would have been better for both parties if they had just dealt with it like mature adults, rather than squabbling children. My ex left me for another man two years back. We talked for days about the reasons why and agreed that it was time for us to move on. We are still friends now. She has settled down with her new man and is truly happy (and I'm pleased for her). I myself had the freedom to enjoy my single life and have had some wonderful times that would never had happened if we had stayed together.
I wish you good luck and happiness.
If the mood is right and there is passion, looks count for nothing. But I don't believe in using the term ugly to describe any woman.
If you like stuff like this check out Tim Vine on you tube. He is the master of puns.

I went to a fancy dress ball dressed as an oven. My friend, who was also dressed as an oven, said "I thought you were coming as a tropical bird?" I said "No. I said I would come as a cooker too!" (cockatoo).
Apologies for the error in the last post. Mean't to say that it doesn't just refer to sex. Will have to sack my typist. lol
The word slut, as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, is "a slovenly or promiscuous woman". So it does just refer to sex, although now it appears to be the case. I sometimes refer to myself as a slut, even though I'm a man, but I don't find it offensive.
I know you are asking the 'gals' but I thought this might help. Some men. like myself, take quite a while to cum. Sometimes it can take an hour, probably because I'm so focused on making my partner (whoever that may be) orgasm. Usually they finish me off once they have been fully satisfied. But if they are not into oral sex and five minutes into a hand job their arms are aching I think it can spoil the moment. So I'm quite happy to put my orgasm to one side. Sex should be a pleasureable experience and doesn't have to continue until the man has cum. So don't worry about it. As long as both parties are happy with the situation then it's cool.
As someone who uses online dating in the u.k. I can honestly say that it is a good way to meet new people. Nowadays, with busy lives and a distinct lack of places to meet (have to admit that I'm over 40) it is a lot easier to develop new friendships and relationships online than through traditional means.

There are a lot of pitfalls though. Online dating relies on honesty and many people are less than honest. I myself have been 'approached' by attractive ladies (if the photo is genuine) who have expressed interest in meeting me, but the grammar and tone of their messages, and their insistance on conversing by email has alarm bells ringing straight away. It's usually eastern european women looking for a way out of an improverished life in their own country. And there are many 'players' who use the sites for sex rather than developing a relationship. Once they've had it they move on, leaving a trail of devastation. It is an emotional minefield and many people on the site get so many knockbacks and bad experiences that they end up feeling worthless. And believe me I've been through it all.

So why am I still using them? Well it's like the lottery (don't know if there is a national lottery in your country but there is in the u.k.). You know that the chances of winning are so slim its very unlikely to happen. But you keep doing it because there is always the chance that you may win. I feel constantly annoyed about the fact that the sites make a fortune out of lonely people, many of whom are also in financial difficulty, having come through messy divorces and struggling to make ends meet alone, but without it I would not have had some of the most wonderful moments in my life and made friendships that have become important to me.
I've read all the previous entries on this and I don't have anything profound or earthshattering to say that will enlighten anyone. I know that every woman I know always has some issues with women they know and refer to them as bitches and give examples of their bitchiness, which I suppose makes them a bitch too. Does that mean that, in writing about this and my experiences, I'm a bitch too? Or is it to do with the tone of what is being said? If a woman talks about anotherer woman surely they are only a bitch if it is designed to denegrate or score points?
Just read what I wrote and had an 'oh shit that came out wrong' moment. I should explain that it was their partners who made them feel totally worthless, not me!
I agree with Kandikiss 51. At the moment I'm being the 'good friend' two several women who's ex's have been totally awful (even sawing toilet roll holders in half - yes you heard right!) and have done a fantastic job in making them feel totally worthless. Wish I knew the answer but I think you need to do something major to demonstrate to yourself that you have moved on from the relationship. Choose something that could never do while you were in the relationship and do it. For me it was to learn how to dance argentine tango. I hope that is helpful.
Hmm. Well I can't see a problem with it myself. If two people are up for sex (and lets face it given the nature of this site it wouldn't be surprising) then why not? With all the bad stuff going on in the world, and the fact that we are only here once (although some believe different, but I don't want to take the chance and find out I was wrong), we need to grab all the fun we can, while we can.i4JesBS4V3oPVQet
Nice one. How about this:

A man walks into the confession box and sits down. The priest asks him why he has come to confessional. The man begins to tell his tale. "I'm 70 years old and last night was my birthday. I hired 3 prostitutes, all in their twenties, for the evening. I spent three hours fucking them senseless and came four times!" The priest is shocked. "I can't believe that a good catholic man of your age would do such a thing."Oh I'm not catholic" said the man, I'm an atheist." "So why are you telling me?" asked the Priest. "I'm 70 years old and I've just fucked three gorgeous young women. I'm telling everybody !"
Thanks for the compliment. Just read your profile and have to say great that, as a shy guy, you are making the effort to overcome it. Good luck Virgil.

If you get a chance read my latest offering, Soft Target. A friend of mine was complaining that men never seem to fancy her so I said I would make her sound hot. What do you think?
Thank you for flagging her up. Just watched 8 minutes of pure heaven. I need to find a woman like Camille.
Perfume on a womans body
Bacon sandwiches
Fresh coffee
A forest in the early morning
Clean bed linen

So if I ever meet a woman wearing intoxicating perfume, in a forest, take her home, make love to her in a clean bed, and have fresh coffe and bacon sandwiches afterwards then I'm in perfume heaven.
I would hope that when I find another partner that she is so irresistible, and the sex is so hot, that I won't want anyone else.
A fellow rugby fan. Good luck to the All Blacks in September (although I'll be rooting for England to make it to three finals in a row).
I'm a spontaneous type of person so I just enjoy everything that comes my way and get pleasure whatever happens.
I have to admit that I do prefer a pussy with some hair (surely it's the reason the term 'pussy' is used, along with 'beaver', 'bush' and many others). I find it aesthetically pleasing. The nicest ones have neatly trimmed hair that stops just above the clitoris (so no hair in teeth incidents).
I only found out that some women like gentle nibbles this year. I also found out that I too enjoy having my nipples nibbled. And I have bitten and been bitten elsewhere although she tended to bite a bit too hard and I ended up with a few tender spots. But I always check first that she likes to be bitten.
Nice one Whysoserious. And you have enlightened me too. I've always wondered what part of America is the butt of particular types of jokes. We in the U.K. have a similar situation. For example we have lots of jokes about people from the county of Essex. A bit unfortunate as I was born there myself. The jokes focus on there lack of intelligence and sexual promiscuity. For example:

Q: What's the difference between an Essex girl and a washing machine?
A: A washing machine doesn't follow you around for weeks after you've dumped your load in it.

Q: What's the difference between an Essex girl and an Essex boy?
A: An Essex girl has a higher sperm count.

Q: Why do Essex Girls wear knickers?
A: To keep their ankles warm

Q: How does an Essex girl turn the light off after sex?
A: She closes the car door

How about this? Buy a small, wall mounted cupboard (like the ones you get in bathrooms/restrooms) and fix it to the wall by your top bunk. You can say that you want somewhere to keep your reading books and magazines somewhere handy when you want to read in bed and don't want to wake your brother up.
Hi Jingle. Have to say I prefer poetry to maths every time.

With the maths there can be misunderstandings and, of course, people can use numbers to their advantage. Which would you prefer? 152mm or 6 inches of cock? In Britain, for example, when some people talk about the temperature in the summer we use fahrenheit to emphasise it "It was 77 degrees yesterday". But in the winter the same people use celcius "Its minus 3!" to emphaisze how cold it is.
Better to MUGS than SMUG. Ian Dury (Singer, poet, and all round diamond geezer, sadly missed).
I get the feeling that the ambulance was a bit of a waste of time. I'm sticking to my gas guzzling tank.