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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155


Tough call...have to be a fucking good steak to beat lobster.

TPBM has gone 24hrs without wearing underwear
Definitely over-rated...hasnt been a good one since 1999 --> 2000 (Prince's song has never be played since)

Keith Richards or Mick Jagger?
dead..they would be a lot more tolerable if their voices dropped a few octaves

Existentialism or Structuralism (seeing as we are in a philosophical mood)?
Love all that's a yes

TPBM can tell the difference between margarine and butter
The youngest of four

TPBM has been Comfortably Numb (taking the Pink Floyd thing a bit further)
Nope...just the one..a little baby living spruce

TPBM has a "thing" for Santa
Granted...but bases are loaded, and the next batter is at 0.15

I wish I was Superman