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5 hours ago
Straight Male, 74
0 miles · England


Masturbation both on own and with friends, following which, fingering my wife to be
Always on the left , doesn't matter where homes or hotels and normally I have the longest walk to the loo?
It's not like main porn sites it is more an erotic site, there is some porn on it, but no way is it a 100% porn site
Cheating and ( brothers/ sisters or cousins, not father/ daughters) are turn one for me, will read others but these always come first
Yes, used to have a great chat relationship with a girl in NZ but messed it up, really miss it.nowday do it on a one off basis.
Olivia Newton John when she was in grease and I was a teenager, leather trousers still get me going ?
North west Kent, just inside "Boris land"! But still claim its Kent....
In most cases no, but a small discreet tattoo can be good. It's all over ones I can't stand
Quote by roymunson101
I have used an Escort quite a few times in my life.


Not the best car in the world, but will do in a pinch.

Good one lol
Not had it done but reckon if the right girl did it I would be up for it.