Masturbation both on own and with friends, following which, fingering my wife to be
Always on the left , doesn't matter where homes or hotels and normally I have the longest walk to the loo?
Great thread my teachers never looked like this?
It's not like main porn sites it is more an erotic site, there is some porn on it, but no way is it a 100% porn site
Just once but not a face shot, she returned the favour!
I do love girls in specs but nothing else on
Check to see if my wife was around and if not kiss back
Cheating and ( brothers/ sisters or cousins, not father/ daughters) are turn one for me, will read others but these always come first
With her, then have a steamy sex session with her
Cottage pie, all homemade
Have done, then moved offices and not so easy now
Depends on the couple and if I fancied her
Olivia Newton John when she was in grease and I was a teenager, leather trousers still get me going ?
North west Kent, just inside "Boris land"! But still claim its Kent....
In most cases no, but a small discreet tattoo can be good. It's all over ones I can't stand
As my first time was with a virgin no I'm not opposed.
Not had it done but reckon if the right girl did it I would be up for it.
whenever the mood takes me
My wife chatting to her friend so came on here for fun!
My wife chatting to her friend so came on here for fun!
Depends on my mood and what I'm doing
Yes Yes WOW.............................