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Quote by seeker4

If you're being told you're doing it wrong, you are probably doing it right.

Thanks Seeker. Love your comment too. That last sentence makes me smile.
Quote by Verbal
I think your politics are formed by a much wider world view, and your job as a writer (or artist of any kind) is to present your world view as accurately and fully as possible. The goal is to take the reader to another place - the world as you see it.

Obviously that involves politics, but also much more. To reduce it to politics alone over-simplifies it. I don't discuss politics AT ALL in my stories, but I'm guessing you could figure out my general political leanings from my writing.

Good thread topic - I am looking forward what others will say.

I love the way you put that, it does go beyond politics. So well said.
Quote by MsDirtyLittleSecret
This is a hard one because I can't decide whether I whole agree with the statement or not.

Keep in mind that your personal politics may or may not be an issue in the political arena itself (involving politicians and such). It could be considered your personal idea of what's right or wrong. Like say with Hemingway or Margret Atwood.
Considering the current political climate and with ethical dilemmas constantly challenging us as individuals, I was wondering how you as a writer feel about the following quote.

To be an artist and to be political is the same thing.
-Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei #WritersLife #AmWriting

Personally I don't write intentionally with an agenda. But with the emotionality of my characters and the "why"of it, I do at times tackle relevant issues that can be an indication of my personal politics. The fact that I always include racial diversity in my writing is an example. Not all writers of color do. I've been criticized for including interracial relationships. Or, I've been told that removing either would help me have more of a mainstream audience. So I agree with the quote.

Note: Please answer the question presented; this is not a forum to debate your actual political views.
Quote by GGGina
I lost my Mom to cancer when I was sixteen. I powered through Hs, then college, then grad school, not looking up very often. Only within the part 18 months have I awoken to see more of the world.

My heart goes out to you. My mother is enduring chemo treatments right now. She's a 2x survivor and now the cancer is back again, a different type in a different place (which is supposed to be encourageing). It's hard and I'm a mess, but I know it's nothing compared to how I would be if we lose this battle. My dad also has inoperable prostate cancer. He's already out lived the doctor's predictions. That's pretty much why I haven't been around a lot.
It took me a really long time to find a red that I was comfortable with. I like more subtle shades and I do a lot of ombré looks for my lips because they are so full. My red of choice is MAC's Matte DIVA. I sill put a little SATIN in the center of my bottom lip though.
When I catch him looking at me and my mind is on something totally different.
The fact that I'm wearing a sexy panty and bra set under even the most casual of outfits--or none.
Being freshly waxed.
My favorite outfits and nice shoes.
Working out and dancing.
When he leads me into a room or through a crowd with his hand on the small of my back or we are holding hands.
I dreamed of being a ballerina when I was little. I was quite good, but I was blessed with the introduction of boobs and curves before the rest of the girls, and the teacher was rather cruel. I quit. It's the last time I ever let someone get away with bullying me.
I actually enjoy the beauty of the cock, giving him enjoyment is an extra plus.