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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 39


Quote by 1nympholes
It could be BS, or it could be true. Why does our heroine think they do not know about each other Fucking her. I have known more than one girl who was fucking both the Father and Son. If she really has feelings for the son she should know, this will blow up in her face one of these days.

I would be surprised if they do not know both of them are doing you. Have thought it through that they may be just using you? However is it so bad to be used in this manner?

There may not be anything romantic about it at all. It may just be good hot sex.

I was that girl at one time, but there was not doubt that it was only about sex. There were times I was with one in the afternoon and the other at night. I always thought I would do them together. But there is only so much togetherness a family can handle.


Honey, you seem young and not as experienced as you will be in a few years. Be sure you know the score.

Thanks Honey for sharing this
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

I wish I was. I used to be slutty.

BE MY SLUT heart
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

Would give you an Editor's Pick. Puddleduck, you're the best.

I'm sure that was the edited version as well.

(I guess someone is just an attention whore and got her fix?) =d>

Okay Slut
Quote by jennsummer4
some of my friends dads are hot and there moms. I have dreamed and fantasies lol. ok and maybe bend down and let them see down my top. lol

My type of girl heart
Quote by Dani

What a dumb thread.

"Hey everyone. What do you think of this obviously appealing woman that I found when I typed 'hot chick' into Google images?"

Don't get too serious . Have fun. Embrass beauty
Quote by monainohio
you are one lucky girl when your boyfriend is at work just go in the house naked around your boyfriends dad

Yes that's fun and exciting. But how long biggrin
Quote by seeker4
Well that kind of answers the question as how genuine your "problem" in Ask the Girls is. This isn't exactly the kind of post I expect from a woman in emotional turmoil. And I don't rate women on a numeric scale.

Come on man.. Just chill. Have some fun
Quote by puddleduck
I dunno. About a year ago, after you were widowed, you had an affair with a student, apparently much to the embarrassment of your ex-in-laws.

In the period since – unless I'm not following it properly – you've been married, then unmarried again.

Difficult to keep track of things, of course, because you've been busy. You've had sex with five black guys and three women at the same time. You've fucked your boss (sometimes while his girlfriend watches), fucked your roommate, your personal trainer, at least four of your gym students, someone from Lush, and your boyfriend's best friend. Your boyfriend - bless him - has done all that he could to keep it classy by fucking you with a coke can. (This act may have aged him, as he was 24 a few months ago, but now he's 28. It would probably do the same to me, though).

Really, after all that, fucking your father-in-law should be a piece of cake. Keep it up.

Hey. I have been with men and into hardcore stuff for more than 14 years now... I have had many BFs and i have married number of times. Even now i have fuck buddies where i met them from different night clubs. Come on girl. Don't be rude. This is my latest situation. Ok
Quote by TheAngryishLover

You thought it was genuine at the start?

My bullshit meter must be stronger than yours....or I'm a cynical bastard. I'll let the viewers decide

come'on man
Quote by Liz
I thought this was a genuine post when it started but now I can't help thinking you're fucking with us.

It sounds like a plot from a cheap Mexican soap opera.

Not at all. I am sorry if i said something wrong. very sorry !
Quote by Buz
This situation will probably not only destroy your relationship with your boyfriend but will forever destroy his relationship with his father. It could even have violent consequences.

It was a bad idea to begin with and has the great possibility of being much worse.

Yes. true. And i can't still figure out what he thinks about his son internally. Because he is definitely not guilty of banging his son's wife.

He has used my money needs as powerful element here. I am also unknowingly addicted to the luxurious sexual fun he gives. Now i am middle of everything sad
Quote by MostPreciousLittle
What Roy Munson says. =d>

Quote by HeraTeleia

So...just keeping score here. You're working on a master's degree of some sort. You're 31. Yet you think that the only way to "live a luxury life which [sic] showoff class" is to obtain money via marriage or fucking or whatever?

My take: Put on your damn big girl panties, quit wanting what others have and either figure out how to attain that/those thing/things on your own or forgo them entirely, and stop taking advantage of this family--note that I said "family", not "these two men".

If nothing else, men are fickle creatures, and what is going to become of you when you fall pregnant or one or both of your paramours, neither of which have offered to marry you, decide that you're too old or too needy or too whatever?

My father in law is funding my Master degree in fashion designing. His idea was to quit job and finish my masters. I quit job and started masters 6 months ago. From the first day we are fucking on a daily basis. He drops me for the special classes. And if i do like what you said. I have another 1.5 yrs to finish my masters. I don't want to do part-time jobs. Just enjoying the luxury i got here with these men.

Talking about pregnant. My father in law wants to make me pregnant on behalf of his son. He thinks his son is impotent and i also think so, coz we dont have a bay yet after 2 yrs of sex
Quote by Burquette

If there's a rich uncle (and he's single), lose both BF and Dad and go for him. Complication solved!

I will try. hahaha
Quote by Burquette

Open communication is the only way to get what you want. It could turn out well or you could lose both men.

I would talk to the father first. He knows you're having sex with both. He knows his son best. If he agrees and thinks his son will, talk to your BF together. Since you've already been lying, I would tell your BF that it's something you'd LIKE to do and not something you've DONE. Best case scenario, they both love the idea, agree to an open relationship, and you get what you want. Worst case, Dad or BF says no, and you have to accept what you have or choose between them.

I honestly hope you stop sleeping with the father and use your skills to help your BF be a better lover. But, as for getting what you want, I think this is the path to take.

Thanks smile But if i say 'NO' to my father in Law , i will be fired out of the house ASAP. That's the issue.
Quote by MostPreciousLittle
Why not become an escort? I'm not trying to be offensive.

There are high class ones too, I think.

Yes. I have done escorting to pay my tuition fee a long ago. But now more than earning money. I wanna live a luxury life which showoff class. For that i wanna keep both of this men (son and dad) closer to me. If not i am finished. I think i should fuck both of these men in parallel or just fuck them on the same bed.
Quote by seeker4

(Yes, I'm a guy, but I think a male perspective might help here)

I think here lies the real problem. Are you really interested in either man or in the money? Are you unsure of what to do because you're afraid the wrong answer could end both relationships and your meal ticket? Sorry to sound harsh, but as soon as I saw your last sentence, it set off some alarm bells. IOW, you first decision may not be which man, but whether your heart or your pocketbook is what matters. If the latter, then you've already ceded a lot of the power in this situation to the father, who I assume controls the pursestrings and whether your boyfriend gets to inherit the family fortune.

I am probably closer to the father in age and, personally, I think he's being a bit of an ass banging his son's girl. I wouldn't do it to my son in the first place. In short, he's unethical and untrustworthy and a terrible father. To my eye, he is using you and you'll be getting grief from that eventually whether you end it or not. So he's the one I'd ditch but be prepared to kiss the money goodbye if you do. And maybe the son, too, though if he really loves you, he might be willing to stick by you against the family even after this.

Yes. I want money. i can't go back to my old poor life.

How can i convert this complex relationship of mine into a open threesome relationship where i can sleep with both the men and satisfy them. And live the luxury life i want. Any ideas ???
Quote by JustFriends101
I think you have already made up your mind that sex with your BF's father is more important than ur relationship with your BF...You have to be prepared that you are about to ruin a father/son relationship for your greediness. Sex is wonderful, but people's feelings really do need to factor into things and come first. I can't even imagine how this could even be a real issue to have to decide upon. The solution is obvious and the fact that you can't see it, is the real issue.

Yes. I understand the situation darling. But i am very selfish in this situation. I am an orphan and lost my parents in my small ages. Grown up in a charity home.
From the small ages, money was a problem for me. I lived a slut to finish my college. I put so much effort to date this guy, marry him and move into this rich family. This Sexual Affair with my Father In law was unexpected.

But i want this life. This luxury life driving BMW and Lamborghini. Wearing top quality lingerie, watches and Jewellery. I am addicted to it.
I can simply ditch my BF and get into a full time relationship with his father. My BF is 28 , I am 31 and his father is 49. 49 is not a big age for a man. But i don't want to break my BF's heart. Also don't want to oppose my Father in law's actions and go back to the poor life i used to have. NOOO. I CAN'T.

I want a open threesome relationship. Where i satisfy both the men in the house and live a luxury life. biggrin His mom has passed away few yrs ago.
Quote by Oshi
No one can tell you the solution, you need to choose between them or come clean to your bf and decide between the 2 of you how to proceed. I would imagine most men would not like you fucking their Dad while you're still dating them but you can't carry on as it is, it's really unfair on your boyfriend.

Thanks Oshi for the comment. Yes. True. But i think i am more sexually addicted to my BF's Father and my BF doesn't satisfy me at all.

Me and my BF are together for 2 yrs now. We badly wanted a baby and even he cream-pie me all these months. I am not getting pregnant. But my father in law tells me that he can give me a baby. So he wants to fuck me without condom and make me pregnant so that i can have a baby in that family and claim as his son's child. No one is gonna find. He says. I haven't accepted that yet.

I don't want to move out from that family. They are dirty rich and i want money and luxury life.