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12 hours ago
Lesbian Female
0 miles · Kansas


None of your business. smile She knows she makes me happy smile
He said he doesn't drink, there won't be a date or the other so...I guess I'll buy my own drink.
A soft kiss on the back of my neck.
A little touch on my hand with soft fingers.
The scent of coconut.
A tight squeeze of my butt.
The phrase "I made coffee". That's more of a "I'll love you madly after I finish a cup" thing than an instant turn-on though.
A cute butt in tight jeans. (sorry guys, I don't mean you.)
Great hair.
A contagious smile.
A few more that are no one's business smile

It doesn't take a lot sometimes to turn me on but its the person behind the gesture that makes the difference.
I'd have a comfortably large villa on a private island in the Aegean Sea. I'd travel a bit, see the things I haven't and would like too.
Quote by vanessa26
Just finished watching " The Crow' for the millionth millionth time

It can't rain all the time..
I watched the new Tarzan tonight. It was surprisingly good.
Vivien makes a good point. It has a lot to do with "who" and less to do with "how". Vivien, Beth, Amelia or Mandy are perfect examples of that smile
Beth got in my way! Not that my post doesn't apply to her too though! lol
Fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck.....I think you get the idea ;)