Must have a talented pussy ???
When balls bang ass is best ??????
Probably have several to be burnt to a crisp when time comes !!
Have you had any success in getting a medical / dental fee reduced ??
Wondering about viagra vs. cialis ... any appreciable difference in results??
Ladies ... feel free to comment if your SO has had experience with both meds ... especially cialis.
I suspect that Vanessa can be good and evil when she needs to be ... otherwise she is good to go.!!
Does your SO use viagra ?? Other than hopefully making an erection possible, does it affect his ability to have an ejaculation like prior to ED ?? I’m 76 years old and had prostate surgery about a year and Half ago. It’s a rare thing for me now to get enough to “shake hands” with!! How do you stimulate him if it’s even necessary??
Thanks for your time and comments. Guys please feel free to comment here also. Rick
Not exactly a movie, but finished watching first 15 seasons of NCIS on Netflix.
Best I can answer is chiggers about my cock and balls sac. Fortunately I seem to be immune to poison Ivy and poison oak.
HYE had: a ball busting orgasm that left you unconscious for a time ?? When was last time you experienced such??
How about a Date ride in that big truck?? I would say drinks, but it would have to be tea or coffee or anything nonalcoholic.
Disgusted with myself ... Im not physically able to do much repair work on my equipment that I could easily do just a year ago. Im also disapointed that I have such problems getting around. A cane is my constant companion now.
Getting old is not for sissies !!
Simplicity is truly a good friend not only on computer but also in person. I know cause we had coffee and pie together one time.
Would it be OK to add a SMOOCH to a hug, etairay ??
Beffer's first job was as a VERY PRIVATE Secretary for a local Male Sex Advisor. She often ran the practice clinics in a show and tell lesson.
That’s really me on the left ... and I’m now 76 a day after Beffers birthday ???