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Over 90 days ago
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Quote by FindMyHeart2Night
Hard to pick just one....

Curse you, FindMyHeart2Night! I was going to put that!!!!!!
Quote by adele

Wouldn't that be three favorite things?

LOL! My personal 3 favorite things (and no, I didn't spell out 3...) I'm drinking merlot, so yeah....
shit....shit...what the fuck!? Why is it so hard? FUCK! I'm just so fucking disappointed. So now what? Wait, or start over....this is so completely fucked up!
Quote by scorpiopassion67
@Simmerdownchick, I love this picture. Did you take it? Or someone you know?

I found it online. I wish I had, but I knew an orchid resembled the female anatomy, beautifully, so it was quite intentional that I used it.
Quote by Raza
So in your opinion, what elements of a story make it "crap"?

Sorry, wasn't saying categories I don't want to write in, personally, are crap. Everyone has their own thing and I fully understand that. I don't judge. What I meant was, with all of the categories, there are some who may rush through them. As writers, we appreciate a well put together story. Good sentence structure, etc.
Quote by Raza

Nobody asked you to say it.

wow, that was rude. with only 54 posts, you're not really making a great impession here. We are a community. Don't start out like a bully, you'll get a bad reputation really fast.
Quote by Raza
Furthermore, I can't believe some people call it the "I-word" category. That is remarkably childish. Honestly, grow up. That's the sort of thing people do when they're about 12 years old.

Nicola: Ignore the children. If you need someone to help verify the stories, give me a shout. I'm more than capable, and happy to help. I could do maybe 4-5 per week.

It really isn't coming from being childish. Those of use that were victims of it during childhood can't really face even saying the word.
Quote by RejectReality

Doubt it. There aren't going to be that many people trying for the Omnium badge, and that's really the only reason to go crazy for new categories. Maybe people had a few ideas or WIPs that didn't fit well with the existing categories, but that shouldn't be overwhelming.

The glut is likely to come from I.F. stories getting re-upped.

I may eventually get to Omninum. I was working my way there, starting to post some shorts tailored to the categories I hadn't hit, and then got blasted with 11 more LOL

Horror may be easy, because I already have a couple I haven't posted, but I have to look at what's already been approved and see just how "horror" the category is. These are dark stories that I assumed wouldn't pass muster in Supernatural. Have to see if Horror has a little more edge.

True, and you know it kinda 'sucks' because I started a vampire story not long ago, but deleted it....damn!
Something that kinda concerns me is there are so many categories, some writers will submit crap every other day, worse than we've seen before. It may overwhelm the mods and take longer for stories to post.
Quote by adele

I am still hoping nicola will make it an optional, and I can get the badge without it

I understand. I think I just jumped the gun, because I really wanted to get it out of the way as painlessly as possible. I got heat over it, but that's not what really upset me. I actually had a sick feeling in my stomach for days. You know that feeling you get when you wake up after a bad dream? That's how it felt, so I changed it to and put it in a completely different category.
You've worked SO HARD to get that badge, I hope you can. Good luck
Quote by 69Kisses96

That sounds like a lesbian story title.

Lol! 'Mustache Rider' just doesn't quite have the same ring to it...
Quote by adele
LOL, This ^^^^^. I have 7 stories to go, though 1 is done and 1 is in progress. But I am really torn between going for the badge and my feelings about the I F genre.

Don't do it. I honestly felt like something inside of me died. It's not worth the ugliness. I understand the site needs it, and I'm fine with it being here. I don't want LUSH to suffer or god forbid, have to close up. It will get read and written by PLENTY of people. You don't have to be one.
Quote by nicola
Having given this matter consideration, I don't really want to have more than one badge with the word, "Omnium" in it.

How about, on top of the existing Ominium badge (translation from Latin, meaning "All") we add a badge for authors published in 80%+ of our categories? That way, you can leave out any categories you don't wish to write in.

There are 51 categories at present.

If we introduce a new badge, what should we call it?

"Naughty 40" - published in 40+ categories.

"Eager Beaver"



Any suggestions?

Oh, hands down, 'Eager Beaver'
I just changed my IF story back to the original story, with a slight change. Now it's BDSM. The Omnium badge is not worth it and out of reach. I feel cleansed.
Quote by DarkSide
I've just noticed that everyone that had the omnium badge has now lost it - the badge stats are empty!

What a shame - I struggled for ages to get that. I know, I'm only 12 more categories away but there's one category that will stop me now.

Never mind - I had it and I'm grateful for that. Just wish I took a picture of it - lol.

I've pretty much given up the idea of getting one. But, I have faith that Nicola will come up with something to recognize the variety of categories someone has.
Quote by LikeToWrite
I feel sorry for Nicola because she has found herself in a terrible situation. A couple of years or so ago, she made what she felt was a sound decision at that time to drop what was a very popular story category. Because of that decision, she faced tremendous resistance from some members, some of whom threatened to leave Lushstories. For what she thought was good business, and perhaps personal reasons, she stood her ground. Not having a magical crystal ball, she couldn’t see into the future, a future that unfortunately proved that her decision wasn’t as good as it seemed at that time. Now, faced with the hard financial facts of reality, she has had to admit she was wrong and reverse herself.

You’re probably like me and every other member, you come in every day, read and answer any email, perhaps spend some time in a chat room or forum visiting with friends, then read and comment on a story or two. Maybe at that time, you have a story ready for submission so you send it in, then leave and go back to your daily life, never giving much or any thought to what it takes to keep a wonderful site like this up and running. For us, it’s all fun and games with no thought or worries about how to pay the bills. It’s probably safe to say that none of us even considered the idea that the website might be experiencing financial difficulties. Nicola does not have that luxury, because she is facing having to make one of two choices, either somehow pay the bills or shut the place down. There are no other options. I certainly do not want to see this place shut down.

Thanks for writing this, you just put into words exactly how I've been feeling about this situation. The thought of losing LUSH, the friends I've made, and the acceptance I've found here, saddens me, greatly. We are a community. Communities work together to make their town a happy place to live. I love it here.

Nicola has built something very special, and we all benefit from it. There are over a quarter of a million members, do we have to read every story? No. Are there already 'unsavory types' here? I'd love to say 'of course not' but the reality is, yes; of course there are.

We all come here for different reasons. I for one, am willing to give back and do what I can to help 'keep the lights on.' Since we’re talking about keeping this site up, why not click that Paypal link and give $1.00 or quid or euro? Yes, people paid for memberships, but a lot of good it’s gonna do if LUSH is gone. Then maybe she can do away with the I.F. catagory.

I would prefer this topic (and some others, as Honeydipped mentioned), not be a requirement for the Omnium badge.