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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 28
United States


Recently I happen to visit my girlfriend's mom. I spent full Sunday there and realized that although modern life seems to have overtaken the family traditions in many areas, there are still many families that practice the custom of a Sunday Family Meal. It was real fun, grand parents to grand children were gathered. I really liked this diminishing tradition.

In my home, the tradition of placing a candle in the window is still practiced. It is a tradition practiced throughout the year. It symbolizes the warmth and security of the family and signals loyalty to family members who are not present in the home.

So tell us about your family traditions, even if you don't practice them now smile
Tell us about your ambitions, what is the next big thing you want to accomplish?

Ok, me first smile

I've an ambition to gather all my childhood friends at one place :)
Long calls to my schoolmates who seems to have spread all over the country
Hey Samantha I'm so glad you've joined Lush. And after having a look at your profile I've realized that you're a creative woman and creativity flourishes here. You'll like the style of Lush and get addicted to its taste. Welcome to the heart of online erotic literature smile
Oral is just like salt & pepper and sauce & salad in every meal smile
I think love is more than a chemical reaction in a human bodysmile

Do you have bite, cut or burn marks over your body?
OMG such a scary question... ok, may be smell...

What do you miss most presently... it may be a person or thing smile
Quote by Brookell

Friendly, certainly . . . amorous, I would like to think so . . . but exploitable? You know I have this bridge in my hometown I would really like to get off my hands, care to talk? :-)

Where are your three words? smile
Not now, gf would kill me but earlier I've used spoons, pastry brushes, scrubbing gloves...

Have you ever come across a very close and well known person (friend, relative in real life) at Lush?
I am gaining weight... and most people are liking it!
I don't know, I don't have that issue.
Plus, its usually the same people in the chat rooms. Rare that you see any new users.

Let's see if that's something lush can change on if not then its ok.

Yeah, okay smile
You don't know users you've added?

Generally I know, but sometimes friends get mixed with non-friends in the chat panelsmile