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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 48


Nasty anxiety and periodic depression, which comes and goes and is probably linked.
Quote by black1
Personally I find women sexier just wearing a bit of something than being totally naked

Completely agree. The balance between concealing and revealing is pretty much the essence of erotic.
I wouldn't have one myself. Don't usually find them attractive on other people either, especially not when they're covered in them, but that's just me.
Quote by clum
I find it very interesting that this was posted in Ask The Guys. That's the problem, isn't it? We (unconsciously) let men decide what the measure of a woman is.

In fact, the transition from girl to woman should have fuck all to do with us and everything to do with that person's own experiences and personal development. Instead, too many girls think that they become a woman when a man deems them to be so, or tells them that they are.

Patriarchal bullshit, is what it is.

So don't 'Ask The Guys' what the difference between a girl and a woman is. We don't decide that. Our opinion is irrelevant.

I know the question was innocent enough, but it's indicative of a bigger problem and it would be remiss of me to sit by and let this thread fill up with arbitrary judgements that unwittingly undermine the self-esteem and self-determination of a fuck load of women.

I do agree with this.
It depends, obviously, but generally unpierced. Pierced doesn't repulse me or anything, though.
My first time in a strip club, on a stag night, was one of the most ridiculously hot experiences of my life. Watching girls dance on stage does nothing for me, but a one on one lap dance with a girl with a little charisma and confidence was surprisingly intimate and insanely erotic.
Islay single malt, ideally a Lagavulin 16 year old, neat.

I drink wine and beer, but only to be polite. I don't like either enough to care what it is, though I do prefer red wines.
It really depends, but all else being equal her tits or tummy. I voted tits ?
I'm not really into convincing people into sex acts they're not comfortable with. Or anal. So no, lol.
Rain lashing against a window pane, the chirp of crickets and the crunch of snow underfoot.
Completely depends, though a very particular type of elfin face and delicate bone structure is needed to pull off shorter hair, in my opinion.
More attractive. Act or not, the airhead thing has never done anything for me (nor has the damsel in distress, for that matter), whereas strong, intelligent females, such as Amy in the West Wing, for example, drive me wild.